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  • Perhaps I can explain better through interpretive dance.

  • I want to be Jim's sidekick again!

  • I want to be Jim's sidekick again!

  • Cycrow's Behavioral Control Center!

  • Quick, your tape player!

  • You're not going to get custard on it again, are you?

  • I'll solve this problem with my four hyper-intelligent brains.

  • I'm hungry!

  • I'm cold!

  • I'm itchy!

  • Where are the girls?

  • So we're being electromagnetically repelled!

  • Huh?

  • Huh?

  • Huh?

  • Girls?

  • Luckily, I have a secret entrance hidden in this restroom stall.

  • Uh, Jim, I think it's this stall.

  • Eww.

  • Have a look!

  • Gods!

  • What does it say on the battery?

  • Like I said, gods!

  • How do your teeth go, boss?

  • Does this answer your question?

  • I'm proud to live in a country where anyone, regardless of species, can buy a college degree.

  • Next morning, Jim awakes with a frozen yogurt hangover.

  • Oh, can't remember a thing after that twelfth triple fudge swirl.

  • You know what's the worst thing about prison?

  • No dental floss.

  • And of course, flossing.

  • Quick, little buddy!

  • With me!

  • With me!

  • I beg your pardon?

  • I mean, use me like a whip!

  • Right!

  • Typical stockbrokers!

  • Sell!

  • Buy!

  • Sell!

  • Buy!

  • Sell!

  • Buy!

  • Mom!

  • Accident!

  • Hospital!

  • Sorry!

  • Buy!

  • Buy!

  • Guess I'll have to do it the messy way.

  • Okay, leather boys!

  • Let's ramble!

  • Wait!

  • I had one of those sudden inspirations I so often get just when we seem doomed!

  • I am not wearing the dress this time!

  • No, no, no, no, no!

  • This time it's a good idea!

  • I shall fulfill my destiny and bring an era of perfect harmony to the universe.

  • Check it out, Peter!

  • All because of my butt!

  • Woo-hoo!

  • A dream sequence!

  • Get a ruby!

  • Bring on that dancing girl!

  • Blow out the candles in accordance with ancient earthling tradition!

  • Hey, is a girl gonna pop out?

  • This suit really chafes my wings!

  • But this butterfly thing should wear off soon.

  • Oh, I hope not, Jim!

  • For the first time in my life, I feel pretty!

  • Well, I could.

  • But the suit's power comes from the battery of the gods, and I only had one!

  • I tried to get another, and the gods turned me into a bread maker!

  • You're not a bread maker!

  • Oh, yeah?

  • Check it out!

  • Hey!

  • Actually, it's kind of handy.

  • If I twist the monkey's tail, I can make pumpernickel.

  • Mmm, mmm!

  • Smells as fresh and clean as a country road.

  • Obviously, you've never been in the country.

  • Does the term horse apples mean anything to you?

  • Nope!

  • You cannot say this word in a cartoon!

  • Why, why?

  • Uh, uh, I can't say.

  • I'm glad Peter got to be part of the ceremony.

  • Someone will pay for this.

  • Oh, yes.

  • Someone will pay.

  • Politicians.

  • Always making promises they can't keep.

  • You've got to get out of here, Jim!

  • Watch the pumps.

  • Foul distemper swiftly sets to flight.

  • Oh, that was beautiful.

  • My delicate pastry of joy!

  • And my evil twin!

  • Talking mushy talk!

  • Hey, you don't own me, worm boy!

Perhaps I can explain better through interpretive dance.

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