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  • Join Kids Heart Family!

  • Oh no! What's happening?

  • Is there a monster?

  • Tia! Tia! Help!

  • Tofu! Take cover!

  • Lie down under the bed!

  • It's an earthquake!

  • What was that?

  • I feel so terrified, Tia!

  • Come on, let's get up!

  • It was an earthquake!

  • Oh Tofu!

  • Don't cry! Come here!

  • Tia! What is an earthquake?

  • I thought the world was ending!

  • Oh Tofu! Come!

  • Sleep in my room for tonight.

  • I'll tell you what an earthquake is and how we can protect ourselves when such calamity occurs.

  • Okay! So let's start by knowing how an earthquake occurs.

  • When the tectonic plates of the earth move, when the tectonic plates of the earth suddenly collide into each other that's what causes an earthquake.

  • What are tectac...

  • ummm...

  • The tectonic plates!

  • So basically, tectonic plates are like puzzle pieces that together make up the surface of the earth.

  • These plates move constantly but you can't feel it.

  • The place of the origin of the earthquakes is called the hypocentre and the place where they occur on the earth's surface is called the epicentre.

  • Oh! I see!

  • The shaking movement that we just felt was a tremor.

  • Sometimes these tremors can be very strong and sometimes the tremors are barely noticeable.

  • The strength of the tremors is measured in the Richter scale the highest ever recorded being 9.6.

  • Oh my God! Really?

  • Yes! Earthquakes can severely damage everything around us and even our lives are at an alarming risk.

  • But Tia, how can we protect ourselves when everything around us is falling apart?

  • That's a good question Tofu.

  • We can always try the drop, cover and hold method.

  • If you are in bed, covering your head with a pillow can protect you during minor earthquakes.

  • I just covered my head but that was because I was scared.

  • Oh Tofu!

  • And you can take shelter under sturdy surfaces like we just did under the bed.

  • Just drop down wherever you are, crawl and find an overhead shelter and wait under the cover until the tremors stop.

  • That's a smart idea Tia!

  • Drop, cover and hold!

  • But what if we are outside our homes?

  • If you are outside your home, try staying away from buildings trees and electricity poles.

  • Try to find wide open spaces to protect yourself when buildings collapse.

  • But what if we are inside a building?

  • If you are inside a building, do not use the elevator to go down.

  • Always take the stairs.

  • Stay away from windows as shattered glass can seriously harm you.

  • And what if we are in a vehicle?

  • If you are in a vehicle, try finding an open spot.

  • Turn down the vehicle, pull the parking brakes immediately and stay inside.

  • Avoid parking near utility poles, overhead wires and under overpasses.

  • And you can also turn on the radio for emergency broadcasts.

  • Oh! Now I know everything.

  • I can protect myself from an earthquake.

  • Yes, you do, smart boy!

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