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This is volume 3 of the human test the test to see if you are a human.
please make a mark what your pencil if something applies to you
have you ever stared at your phone and smiled like an idiot while texting with
have you ever subsequently texted that person the phrase i'm staring at the
phone smiling like an idiot. Have you ever marveled at how someone you thought
was ordinary could suddenly become so beautiful.
have you ever texted a random sequence of him emoji just to get someone's
have you ever realized after sending that those in the emoji could be
construed as strange sexual innuendo and tried to cover your tracks with more
random emoji. Have you ever wish that you and your lover could speak in person as
well as you text with each other. Have you ever agonized over the
intended meaning of the winky face in a text
had you ever intended to text with the period as a sign of aggression
have you ever continued to hold someone's hand despite it getting sweaty
and gross because you just didn't want to let go. Have you ever marveled at how
to human shapes could fit together perfectly and so many different
have you ever been in chanted by someone sent has sent you would probably not
love if it came from you. Have you ever position the image of yourself close to
your computer's camera so that you could watch yourself in a video chat while
appearing to look at the other person have you ever said that you planned a
surprise for an anniversary that you actually forgot about
have you ever gotten angry because you were text orphaned
have you ever become dismayed and lonely when your partner seemed to act so
differently around other people
have you ever become terrified when your partner tells you that they like a book
or a movie that you find in the idiotic
have you ever had a moment of feeling extremely connected to someone ruined
because you realize that the intensity of that connection was temporary
have you ever laughed the first time that your partner got really mad at you
because they look so weird. Have you ever felt swimmingly lost because you sensed
something was not quite right in your relationship even though when you asked
your partner they said everything is fine
have you ever felt a mixture of anger in relief when they finally told you that
everything is not fine. Have you ever thought that working on an issue between
you was futile because it is supposed to just happen naturally or it should be
easier than this. Have you ever felt that maybe in the long run not that much just
happens naturally have you ever felt strangely closer to someone after you
talked about the possibility of breaking up have you ever not broken up with
someone because you thought they couldn't handle it
have you ever realize that you were actually worried that it was you really
couldn't handle it
has your phone ever ran out of juice in the middle of an argument and that's
what it felt like your phone was breaking up with both of you
have you ever been crushed by that little checkmark and "seen at" text on a Facebook
message that you sent hoping for a reply
have you ever woken up blissfully and suddenly been flooded by the awful
remembrance that someone had left you
h ave you ever just walked in walked because your body couldn't be still with
the pain of a recent breakup
have you ever lost the ability to imagine a future without a person that
was no longer in your life
have you ever look back on that event put this sad smile of autumn
and the realization that futures will happen regardless
this concludes volume three of the human test
if you answered yes to ten or more of these you are a human if not more tests
are needed