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  • Today we're taking Luka Doncic and Jason Tatum and swapping their NBA careers, which means that Luka will be taking his talents to Boston to play for the Celtics, while Tatum's heading out West to play for the Dallas Mavericks, which will now give us the chance to replay their NBA careers to this point to see who's truly the better player and who's going to be the next face of the league.

  • So with all that being said, their journey's starting all the way back in the 2018 season where Luka will be joining a stacked Celtics roster that's ready to contend for a title, as he'll be sharing the floor with Kyrie Irving to form a deadly one-two punch.

  • But maybe most importantly would be his one-year head start over Tatum, who's going to enter the league next year as he still has to play one season overseas for Luka's old Real Madrid club.

  • So to focus back on the NBA, we would see the Celtics dominate, storming to the second seed off the strength of Luka's 19 points and 7 assists per game, as well as the veteran Kyrie who's averaging 26 points and 6 assists of his own.

  • So when you combine that with the other players on the squad, it would be no surprise that in the postseason, the Celtics would make it to the Eastern Conference Finals, where both Luka and Kyrie will run into one of the toughest obstacles that they'll ever face.

  • That being LeBron James, who'd take not one, not two, not three, but four games to end Luka and Kyrie's promising season with a sweep.

  • Is anybody really surprised, honestly?

  • With that being said though, while it's not really an ideal finish to Luka's rookie year, he still has plenty of time to bounce back and win a championship.

  • However, he's not the only young star with that goal, as Jason Tatum would be making his long-awaited entrance into the NBA, immediately taking the league by storm with his scoring ability, as well as becoming the bridge to a new era for the Mavs, as he's now joining the team during the final season of the legendary Dirk Nowitzki's career.

  • But we have a competition to track, and the 2019 season would be totally different for each of these guys.

  • As with the Celtics roster being among the best in the league, they'd storm past Philly, Washington, and the real-life champion Raptors to make it all the way to the finals for a showdown with the Steph and Kevin Durant Warriors.

  • While on the other hand, Tatum's first playoff run would be short-lived, as he'd run into the Pelicans featuring Anthony Davis, who would send him home in the first round.

  • So while eventually he will contend for a title, it's not going to be today.

  • But if we shift our focus back to Luka in the finals, he's not ending off the season as a champion either.

  • You have to remember who he's up against.

  • It's the Super Team Warriors featuring Kevin Durant and Steph Curry, which automatically makes the Celtics massive underdogs, which even then may have been generous, as this one's eventually ending off at a sweep.

  • Luka and Kyrie had an all-time run just to get here, but right now they're falling short.

  • And to make it even worse, they've played their final game together, as Kyrie will be leaving the Celtics entering next year, and because it's 2020, it's about to be the weirdest one yet.

  • As it all starts off with Tatum getting some help with the debut of Chris Stapps Porzingis, as well as the development of Jalen Brunson, while he himself would improve all the way up to 28 points and just under 8 rebounds per game.

  • On the other hand though, Luka, who's now without Kyrie, would take on even more of the scoring load, up to a whopping 33 points, along with 10 boards and 8 assists per night.

  • Now setting us up for the postseason, where the Mavs would be the 3-seed, and the Celtics would be the 1st in the East.

  • But here's where it's about to get tricky.

  • As both teams would be chasing the NBA Championship in the bubble in front of no fans.

  • And on top of that, both Luka and Tatum would be going up against two powerhouses in the playoffs.

  • As in the second round, Tatum would find himself staring down the real-life champion Lakers, led by LeBron.

  • Who would go back and forth with the Mavs and JT, to the point where the series would be tied up 3-3.

  • We have the first game 7 of Tatum's career, obviously there's a ton on the line playing LA.

  • If he can take down LeBron and potentially have a finals run, that will be wild.

  • While Luka on the other hand, would be up against the Brooklyn Nets in the conference finals, featuring Kevin Durant and his former teammate Kyrie.

  • Where the Celtics would run out of gas and be sent home in 6th.

  • So with Luka's run now officially over, we have to focus back on Tatum exclusively for his game 7 against LeBron.

  • Where both stars would take care of business as they usually do, and with the help of their sidekicks, it's only right that this one would be extremely close.

  • As the Mavs would enter the final stretch of the game, only up by 2 with just 90 seconds to play.

  • Now giving Tatum the chance to take over in the clutch, and send a message to the rest of the league by taking down one of the greatest players ever.

  • We have a 2 point game, Tatum with the ball, 90 seconds left.

  • Tatum with the crossover, the spin, another spin, half spin, fade away, huge shot in the lane.

  • Tatum and the Mavs, if they can hold on to this 4 point lead for just a while longer, they're making the Western Conference Finals.

  • A step back by LeBron at the elbow, it's good, it's not over yet.

  • Don't count them out, they were the champions in real life.

  • Tatum with the ball, crossover on LeBron, has the step, drives on AD and draws the foul.

  • Tatum made the first free throw, second free throw is good.

  • It's now a 4 point game, 1.10 left in game 7.

  • LeBron with the crossover, isolated on Tatum.

  • Good defense by him, but he gets all the way into the paint.

  • The pivot, the layup, it's good.

  • Here we go, Tatum, does he have a response?

  • Number 77, looks really weird.

  • Driving to the basket, I thought that was a floater, but apparently it was the worst, most poorly timed lob in the history of basketball.

  • And LA gets a lob on the other end.

  • Horrible turnover from Tatum.

  • LA calls timeout, 40 seconds left.

  • I don't know what that was.

  • Luka might have been able to make that pass, I'm not gonna lie.

  • I thought that was a floater, I don't know.

  • Tim Hardaway Jr. with the shot of his life.

  • I wasn't even ready for that, nobody was.

  • Very strange sequence of events.

  • They're about to throw it in.

  • They throw it into Rondo.

  • LeBron is on fire.

  • KCP launches one.

  • Offensive rebound by LeBron, and he draws the foul.

  • Now, if we're being honest, LeBron might miss one.

  • He makes the first.

  • LeBron's floated around 74, 75%, probably, off the top of my head.

  • It's good, he makes both.

  • Here we go, 30 seconds left in game 7.

  • This is what we play for.

  • The crossover by Tatum.

  • Snatch back, another crossover.

  • He's just kind of pulling a Julian Newman right now.

  • Brunson with the pull-up, it's good.

  • Tatum right now, setting up his teammates.

  • Back-to-back buckets from Hardaway and Brunson, two-point lead.

  • So just like that, the Mavs would be up by two, with 20 seconds left to play.

  • Now one stop away from a trip to the Western Conference Finals.

  • But at the same time, the job's not finished.

  • And if that's going to happen, they'll have to get one more stop.

  • LeBron with the ball.

  • LeBron, 20 seconds left.

  • Being guarded by Tatum, he gets all the way to the basket and draws a foul.

  • LBJ at the line, two huge free throws on the way.

  • First one is off.

  • LeBron misses the first free throw.

  • LeBron, second free throw, trying to cut it down to one.

  • Missed the first free throw.

  • The 75% I threw out earlier, it actually came true.

  • Here we go, Dallas has to foul, or Dallas will be fouled.

  • The pass over to Brunson.

  • What is LA doing, wasting time?

  • Brunson made the first free throw.

  • He makes the second.

  • I'm not going to lie, Tatum's been a little bit fortunate.

  • That his teammates have been playing really well.

  • I'm not saying that as a slight on him, but right now he's going to be tested.

  • They pass it over to LeBron.

  • Deep three over Tatum.

  • It's good.

  • What a shot from LeBron.

  • He's being mobbed by the bench.

  • So just like that, we have a tie game with five seconds left.

  • And I'll spare you the suspense.

  • The play is being called for Tatum here with a chance to send LeBron home with a bang.

  • Probably should have fouled off by three.

  • Tatum with the ball from half court.

  • What is he doing?

  • Drive, do something.

  • Deep three for the win.

  • It's off.

  • What just happened?

  • We're going to overtime.

  • Dallas fumbled so hard.

  • And with that missed shot, we'd have a few more minutes of Tatum and LeBron's back and forth.

  • Leading until the final minute and a half of OT.

  • With the Mavs now down by three.

  • And again, a trip to the conference finals on the line.

  • Can they pass it down to Tatum today?

  • What are they doing?

  • Tatum's coming up off the screen wide open.

  • The best look he's gotten all night, probably.

  • LeBron with the ball.

  • A stop will go a long way.

  • LeBron with the spin.

  • LeBron driving.

  • Great defense by Tatum.

  • Tatum with the defense.

  • He gets the stop and the rebound.

  • There we go.

  • The redemption arc.

  • He has AD on him.

  • He's driving on AD, being aggressive.

  • And he gets blocked.

  • Okay, calm down.

  • 35 seconds left.

  • That could have been a momentum killer.

  • KCP with the ball.

  • Rebound by, I thought Anthony Davis had that.

  • Tim Hardaway Jr. with the most important rebound he's ever grabbed in his entire basketball life.

  • Here we go.

  • A trip to the conference finals on the line.

  • Tatum with a chance to take the lead.

  • He pulls up.

  • He misses it.

  • He smokes it.

  • Rebound by Rondo.

  • LA's not calling a timeout.

  • LeBron's wide open.

  • He doesn't take the three.

  • He turns it over.

  • The defense by Porzingis.

  • Seven seconds left.

  • Vinny Smith with the ball.

  • Driving on Kuzma.

  • And he's fouled.

  • What just happened?

  • LeBron with the turnover in the clutch.

  • He had a wide open three.

  • He pulled to Ben Simmons.

  • He passed it up after he hit the contestant one earlier.

  • First free throw's good.

  • Dorian Vinny Smith at the line with a chance for a two-point lead.

  • It's good.

  • LA calls a timeout.

  • And it just so happens to be their final timeout of the game, which means that with one more stop,

  • Tatum's advancing to the next round.

  • Does LA have another miracle shot in them?

  • Here we go.

  • KCP was wide open.

  • Somebody's got to get it in.

  • Here we go.

  • KCP.

  • It looks like he's going to launch it from downtown.

  • It's good.

  • There's no way.

  • Dallas is going home.

  • What just happened?

  • I actually can't believe it.

  • So with that heartbreaking loss, Tatum's heading home despite having the chance to close it out multiple times.

  • And with Luka being eliminated as well, it seems like for both of our stars, the NBA bubble was just another roadblock in their way of a championship.

  • But it's because of those failures that the 2021 season would be our most important one yet.

  • As with each comfortably sitting over 30 points per game, we'd see the both of them in their respective conference finals, with the Mavs up against the Pelicans and Boston heading all the way down to Philly.

  • So for the very first time, both Luka and Tatum have made it to the conference finals.

  • If they can both handle business, then they'll be playing each other for the trophy.

  • Obviously, that's what we're trying to see.

  • And let's keep it short.

  • They both take care of business as Tatum would defeat the Pals in six, and Luka would very easily fly past Philly with a sweep, which means that the 2021 NBA Finals would be a matchup between two of the most promising stars of the modern game.

  • One of the two is walking away with their first title.

  • And this one definitely has a little more meaning to it when you consider the aging stars of the past whose careers are on the back end.

  • So whoever wins the title here will definitely have a good case for future face of the league.

  • And it's only right that because of that, we would see an all time back and forth.

  • Tatum's Mavs would take Game 1, followed by Luka in Game 2.

  • Another win for JT in Game 3.

  • And in Game 4, you guessed it, Luka would bounce back to tie up the series 2 to 2.

  • And the rest of the series would never be the same.

  • As in Game 5, we'd see the back and forth come to a halt, as Luka would be the first to win consecutive games, going all the way in Game 5 to go up 3 to 2, while also making major history in the process.

  • Luka had 52, 13, and 13.

  • However, that's not to say that it's over.

  • Because as you would expect, Tatum and the Mavs would bounce back, as they'd head right back home and take care of business to keep their season alive.

  • And now Dallas is going to win on their home court.

  • We're going to Game 7.

  • It's only fitting the way this series is gone.

  • So this is it, the final game of the 2021 season, where one of two young stars will be walking away as a first time champion.

  • Tatum's trying to pull off the upset against his team from another universe, while obviously for Luka there's a ton of history and a winning culture by his side.

  • So with all that being said, Game 7 would tip off, and none of that would matter.

  • As this one wouldn't be close, Tatum would be the one in control in TD Garden, and when you combine it with the help of his teammates, this one got out of hand pretty quickly.

  • With there being no amount of greatness from Luka, that would be enough to make a comeback.

  • As the Mavs would eventually hold on to a massive lead, entering the final moments of the fourth quarter.

  • And that's going to do it. Tatum's going to dribble out the clock.

  • He's winning his first championship. He was able to pull off the upset.

  • He bounced back from last year.

  • Just a crazy turn of events for the Mavs, but shout out to Tatum.

  • He's done it.

  • And with this title, you have to remember that Tatum's the first young star out of the new era to win a chip, and his odds to be the next face of the league are as good as ever.

  • But the competition's not over just yet for Luka, as there's still plenty of time until the end of 2024 to make the comeback.

  • And now entering 2022, it looks like he has a great shot to do so, as he would bounce back by making the jump to the MVP with averages of 32, 9 and 8, now primed for another finals run.

  • And when you look towards Dallas, they would be getting rid of Kristaps Porzingis to the Wizards, which in this universe would completely backfire.

  • As while this trade made the Mavs better in real life, they'd be falling short to the Pelicans in the second round.

  • So thanks to them, the Celtics would be playing a brand new opponent by the time they made it back to the finals.

  • Maybe it's better to say someone familiar, as we'd see a repeat of the real life 2022 finals with a showdown between the Warriors and the Celtics, with Steph Curry eyeing yet another title to add to his trophy case, while Luka's still looking for his first.

  • And you have to assume that he's going to be the underdog.

  • But before we see the results of these finals, there's still a couple more things that have to be covered first, and it's going to require us to do some time traveling into the future.

  • As we're skipping all the way to 2024, which is the last season that we'll be covering, where both Luka and Tatum would have underwhelming seasons for their standards, with both teams being eliminated in the early rounds.

  • So now that we know that 2024 is a wash, let's go backwards to 2023, which would be a little more promising.

  • Because first off, Luka would be winning his second MVP and leading the Celtics to the one seat in the East.

  • While on the other hand, Tatum would be starting his duo with Kyrie Irving to finish second in the West.

  • And I'm sure you can guess where it goes from here, as both teams would again meet in the NBA finals with a chance for each star to make history by taking the other down.

  • Luka and Jalen Brown up against Kyrie and Jason Tatum.

  • Once again, we should be in for a really good series.

  • But in the end, this one would only be good if you're rooting for the team in green.

  • As the series would start off with Luka and Jalen Brown taking a 3-1 lead in relatively easy fashion.

  • Right now, it's really not looking good for Tatum.

  • And it wouldn't stop there in Game 5 at home, as they would complete their revenge tour.

  • They're taking down Tatum and the Mavs, leading to a blowout in the series closeout game.

  • As entering the fourth quarter, this one wouldn't be close.

  • Dallas completely forgot about playing defense because Boston has 158 points.

  • So in the end, we can add a title to Luka's total, now tying up the competition with Tatum 1-1.

  • But we also have to remember that we still have to revisit the season prior to this one and cover what actually happened during his first finals appearance against the Warriors.

  • Was the title we just saw actually his second, which would give him the win?

  • Or are we going to have to head back into the future for a tiebreaker between both he and Tatum to see who comes out on top?

  • Those questions are about to be answered shortly, depending on the results of these finals.

  • And to kick it off, it would start with Steph Curry launching a flurry of threes on his way to a 2-0 lead.

  • But if you thought this was ending that easily,

  • I don't know what you're thinking, as the series would shift back to Boston, where not only Luka, but also Jalen Brown, would take over not just in three, but also in four to tie the series up 2-2.

  • But not only would they be walking away with the win, but they'd also be walking away with the confidence needed to go out and play their toughest game of the year.

  • Because usually game five is a good indicator of who's going to win the series in the end, and the Celtics would have to play it out in front of a rowdy Golden State crowd.

  • So no question this one will not only be theirs, but also Steph and the Warriors' most important one yet, with each team throwing their best punch over the course of the game, leading us into the final two minutes where the Celtics would hold on to a three-point lead, which obviously isn't much, but is obviously better than being downed.

  • But on the other end, if you're the Golden State Warriors, you have to feel good about your chances, considering who's on your side.

  • Here we go, we have a three-point game, two minutes left.

  • 2K decides that it's a good idea for Steph to be on Luka, but he gets the steal.

  • What a play by Steph, and he draws the foul.

  • Steph really surprised me.

  • I can't believe he got the steal, but credit to him.

  • Big-time players make big-time plays.

  • Shout out to Stacey King.

  • Here we go, one-point game.

  • Luka with the ball.

  • Will he get ripped by Steph two times in a row?

  • If that actually happens, give Steph the championship and the finals MVP, and put him in the Hall of Fame before he retires.

  • Luka bounces back.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • Whoever wins this game potentially might go all the way and win the series, obviously.

  • Game five is huge.

  • We all know this as basketball fans.

  • Here we go.

  • Klay's about to come off a screen.

  • They pass it over to Klay.

  • Klay's just itching to take the shot.

  • Steph pulls it, though, and it's good.

  • Here we go.

  • 126-126, 129 remaining.

  • Luka with the ball, being guarded by Steph.

  • Luka's going to get into the post.

  • Out to Jalen Brown.

  • He's fouled by Klay.

  • Klay Thompson, get ready to learn Chinese.

  • What an absolutely, potentially all-time blunder from Klay.

  • Steph's doing all he can.

  • You have to give him credit.

  • Here we go.

  • The screen by Looney.

  • Driving to the paint, the dime.

  • Looney smokes the layup.

  • Steph gets the steal.

  • Oh my god, he's driving to the basket.

  • The kick out.

  • The pass back to Steph.

  • Steph with the step back.

  • Contested.

  • It's good.

  • He's putting the team on his back.

  • Steph Curry, despite the shacking of full plays from Looney and especially Klay Thompson, he is putting the team on his back.

  • Here we go.

  • Luka to the basket.

  • Too big, too strong.

  • I can't believe it.

  • Steph is carrying this team as far as he can.

  • Driving.

  • The deep three.

  • It's off.

  • It's still not over yet.

  • Somebody should have probably helped him out though.

  • Here we go.

  • Sam Hauser with the ball.

  • Sam Hauser who passed it over to Luka in the corner.

  • Luka's gonna drive to the basket.

  • Luka, I thought he got blocked to be honest with you.

  • That was a tough shot that he took.

  • So with that being said, the Warriors would call their last time out.

  • And it's pretty obvious where the ball is going next.

  • The Celtics need to stop here desperately.

  • But with number 30 on the other side, this one won't be easy by any means.

  • Here we go.

  • Boston has all the momentum.

  • Luka, he still has to win one more, but he's in good shape.

  • Steph kind of had some space, but it was only a two.

  • The kick out to Klay.

  • Klay over to Steph with some space.

  • It's good.

  • It's not over yet.

  • Steph's having an all-time game.

  • Here we go.

  • The pass over to Luka with the free throws.

  • Okay, here we go.

  • He's not the greatest at the line.

  • He's probably sitting at around 75%.

  • And we saw what happened to LeBron earlier.

  • Although it did work out for LeBron earlier.

  • Here we go.

  • He misses the free throw.

  • That's 75%.

  • Draymond with the ball.

  • Six seconds left.

  • The kick out to...

  • No, stop.

  • Looney for three.

  • What just happened?

  • Why would he take that?

  • So in the end, despite an absolutely heroic effort by Steph Curry, this one is ending with a win for Luka and the Celtics.

  • Now being up 3-2 in the series and one win away from the title.

  • And this one would be especially huge for them, considering the history made on the other end.

  • Steph Curry with 50 points.

  • Kevon Looney, not too sure what that was all about.

  • And in the end, that wasted performance would be costly.

  • The Celtics would close out the finals at home in game six.

  • Luka was not only able to do what Tatum couldn't in real life by taking down Steph Curry, but he's also walking away with two championships and two finals MVPs to win their competition.

  • So in the end, when the older stars of yesterday say goodbye to the game, it'll be Luka Doncic leading the charge for the new era as the undisputed best player in the world.

  • But what if we took two NBA legends and also swap their careers just as we did for Luka and Tatum?

  • With those two stars being none other than LeBron James and Steph Curry.

  • If the two swap places, who would go down as the greater all-time player?

  • To find out the answer to that question, click the video on the screen.

  • And don't forget to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this one.

  • We'll see you next time.

Today we're taking Luka Doncic and Jason Tatum and swapping their NBA careers, which means that Luka will be taking his talents to Boston to play for the Celtics, while Tatum's heading out West to play for the Dallas Mavericks, which will now give us the chance to replay their NBA careers to this point to see who's truly the better player and who's going to be the next face of the league.

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