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  • So that air conditioner no longer works, so I'm going to bring it to the dump, and I have a few other things that I need to bring to the dump as well.

  • So I thought, let's learn English at the dump.

  • So I just need to back up to the house to get a few more things, but as I do that I just want to explain that the dump is more than just a big hole in the ground.

  • The reason I think it would be cool to do an English lesson at the dump is because the And there's even a little surprise right by the front gate of the dump.

  • I think you'll like it.

  • So I also have a couple of bags of old clothes that I'm not going to bring to the dump, but I'm going to bring them to the thrift store.

  • A thrift store is a store that sells used items, including used clothing.

  • So instead of putting these in the dump, someone else will get a bit more use out of them.

  • Well I think I'm ready to go.

  • Are you ready to go?

  • Let's go!

  • So I've used the word dump, but technically this is a waste management site, or sometimes we would call it a waste management facility, or maybe a landfill.

  • A dump is more than just a big hole in the ground, like I said.

  • It's a place where they sort things, and we try to recycle as much as possible.

  • Some things do just go into the landfill.

  • They do just go into a big hole in the ground, but many things will actually be recycled.

  • So I call it the dump because that's what I called it as a kid, but it's really a waste management site.

  • So I think this is a great idea.

  • At the entrance to the dump, there is a donor welcome center where you can donate things that are still good, and they'll later be sold in a thrift store.

  • So I'm quite happy that this is here because things that might normally go in the landfill can now get used again.

  • Okay, so the next thing we need to do is we need to get weighed.

  • Not me, the van and everything that's in it needs to get weighed.

  • So we'll be pulling up onto the scale.

  • Uh, Smithville?

  • What do you have today?

  • I have an air conditioner and some electronics.

  • So for the air conditioner, hun, there is a $22 to recharge.

  • Okay.

  • There's just no weight associated, so it's just that $22 point, okay?

  • Okay.

  • Okay, thank you.

  • That always scares me.

  • There's a loud bang when you pull off the scale.

  • So the first part of the dump I'm going to show you is the electronics recycling area.

  • This is a place where you can bring any kind of electronics, old computers, old radios, all of that kind of stuff.

  • I'll show you a close-up of the image there.

  • And there are two bins here that say electronics bin.

  • So one section of the dump, the electronics recycling area.

  • So refrigerators, freezers, and air conditioners have CFCs in them.

  • I'm not quite sure what those are, but I'll put it, I'll put the word up here and I'll give you a definition.

  • They need to be put here so that that can be drained from them before they're properly recycled.

  • So this is where I'm going to put my air conditioner.

  • Whew!

  • It's a little bit heavy.

  • So the next part of the dump we're going to go to is the toxic waste drop-off area.

  • So some things obviously can't go in a landfill because they are full of chemicals.

  • I have like one old paint can and a few other small things.

  • Not a lot, but I'm going to go to this section here and we'll drop off those items.

  • Yeah, also called hazardous waste.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • I got some propane cans and a paint can.

  • You're in the right spot.

  • Okay, let me pull forward.

  • Thank you.

  • No problem.

  • Okay, we have one last area of the dump to go to and that is the main area of the dump where most household waste would go.

  • You might be wondering though, why am I at the dump?

  • Doesn't my garbage or trash get picked up every week at the end of our driveway?

  • And it does actually, but this is more of a place where you can bring lots of stuff.

  • You know, when you clean out your house or you clean out a shed, sometimes it's nice just to load up a van or trailer and bring it somewhere.

  • So that's why I'm at the dump today.

  • But normally we would just put it in bags and put out, I think one bag a week right now, we're allowed to do.

  • I just have one aquarium now.

  • Garbage.

  • Okay, thank you.

  • Where is that?

  • Go to the fourth one.

  • Okay, thank you.

  • You're welcome.

  • And here we have a section for household garbage, no paint, oil or other hazardous materials.

  • In this section, you will find anything that can't be recycled.

  • So even though we do try to recycle everything that we can, there are sometimes things that can't be recycled and this is the bin where they would go.

  • Okay, so this part of the dump is for wood only, no metal garbage or flooring.

  • You can see in this bin here, in this dumpster, there's just a lot of wood.

  • You can bring wood from your house if maybe you're doing a renovation.

  • You can bring branches or sticks.

  • But this is where you would bring wood.

  • Unfortunately, tires don't last forever.

  • I wish they did because the last set of tires I bought were quite expensive.

  • But this is the area where you would bring your old tires.

  • I'm not sure exactly what they do with old tires, but I'm sure they take them somewhere and probably chop them up and make something new out of them.

  • But if you have old tires, you bring them here and I think you have to pay to drop your tires off.

  • So in this area, you can recycle styrofoam and then you can also recycle any other containers.

  • So this is more like a traditional recycling area.

  • Anything that we would put into a blue box, that's the color of the box that we use for our recycling, can go into this container.

  • So, if you have stuff that can be recycled, this is where you can bring it.

  • And here is where you can put your cardboard.

  • Must be flattened.

  • I actually think this might be a spelling mistake, but I'm not 100% sure.

  • So if you have any cardboard, maybe you've bought a lot of things from Amazon and you don't know what to do with all of the cardboard boxes, you can bring them here and they can go in this bin.

  • And these, again, will be recycled.

  • All cardboard in Canada is recycled, as far as I know.

  • So if you have lots of it, this is where you would bring it.

  • And then, of course, you might have metal.

  • This is where you would bring scrap metal.

  • Scrap simply means the metal is not usable anymore.

  • No wood or plastic.

  • In this bin, they simply want scrap metal.

  • So if you have anything that's made out of metal, this is where you would bring it.

  • So if you have bottles or cans, you can bring them here.

  • Bottles and cans can be recycled.

  • It actually looks like here you can return them for charity.

  • That means somehow they get some money for all of these bottles and cans.

  • And a charity is an organization that does good things for other people.

  • So they get the money from all of the bottles and cans that people have brought here.

  • So if you have lots of bottles and cans, you can bring them right here.

  • So I'm not allowed back there, but way in the distance you can see large piles of what is actually compost.

  • In my part of Ontario, Canada, you can put compost at the road and it will get picked up.

  • And it comes here to the waste management site.

  • So basically what they do is they take kitchen scraps, leaves, grass clippings, all of those kinds of things get mixed and turned a whole bunch of time.

  • And eventually it turns into really, really good compost.

  • So I just have to weigh out and they'll tell me how much I owe.

  • Many things are free to drop off at the dump, but you do have to pay for some things.

  • I think I have to pay for the air conditioner.

  • There's a disposal fee.

  • And then you pay sometimes by weight.

  • So we'll see. 22 pence, sir.

  • That's for the air conditioner?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah, we'll do debit.

  • Yeah, we didn't charge you weight, just the price of that.

  • And could I get a receipt?

  • Absolutely.

  • Well, thank you for watching this English lesson at the dump.

  • I hope you were able to learn a few new English words and phrases that you can use in your next conversation about garbage and trash.

  • Anyways, thanks for watching.

  • If you're new here, don't forget to click that red subscribe button.

  • Give me a thumbs up.

  • Leave a comment.

  • And if you have some time and you want to learn a bit more English, there's always more lessons to watch.

  • Bye.

So that air conditioner no longer works, so I'm going to bring it to the dump, and I have a few other things that I need to bring to the dump as well.

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