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  • I swear to God, Lester, you are living proof that cousins shouldn't fight.

  • What I was trying to say, there's this color boy who wants to play football for Bear Bryant over at Alabama.

  • So Bear says, I'm going to give you a try.

  • Calls up the newspaper.

  • What's it going to run with, a watermelon?

  • It's going to keep on running, too.

  • He says, okay, boy, you get down there on one goal line.

  • He puts a whole other team on the other goal line, a whole other team.

  • He throws the ball.

  • He says.

  • Are you open?

  • You've got to be a member to drink here.

  • Member?

  • A member of what?

  • A member of the social club.

  • I thought you'd just buy me a beer.

  • Give him a beer, Frank.

  • Nice to be back in the dry county again.

  • When I was sheriff, about half of my take-home pay was from collecting taxes on illegal jukes like this.

  • Probably works the same here.

  • You know, I would think you'd haul in a tidy penny here, winking at the bootleggers.

  • I don't know nothing about that.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah, a tidy penny.

  • You got anything stronger than this, deputy?

  • No.

  • No, we ain't.

  • Oh.

  • You know, in Thornton, Mississippi, there's a joy juice still in every yard.

  • Yeah, well, all you need is just some corn, sugar, and a pot to boil it in.

  • I tried to take the fingerprints of this old boy one time, and he'd had his hand in a mash barrel all his life.

  • You know, there's no skin at all on there.

  • There's no prints.

  • We ain't too interested in your good old Mississippi boy stories, Anderson.

  • You ain't from here no more.

  • Why'd you leave anyway?

  • Well, I just wanted to change the scenery, you know.

  • The grits started leaving a bad taste in my mouth.

  • Well, if that's how you feel about it, Mr. FBI man, why don't you drink up that beer and get the hell on out of here and back to your commie nigger-loving bosses up north?

  • You must not know my boss, Mr. Hoover.

  • He's not too fond of commies.

  • He'd be on your side there.

  • I don't give two shits whose side you're Mr. Hoover's on, boy.

  • All I know is we got 5,000 niggers in this county who ain't registered to vote yet.

  • And as far as I'm concerned, they never will.

  • So you can tell your stiff suits up there in Washington, D.C., that they ain't going to change us one bit, unless it's over my dead body or a lot of dead niggers.

  • You'd kill Frank?

  • Is that what you're saying?

  • I wouldn't give it no more thought than wringing a cat's neck.

  • And there ain't a court in Mississippi that'd convict me for it.

  • How about you, deputy?

  • How you with wringing necks, son?

  • Just keep pushing me, Hoover boy.

  • You get this straight, you corny old fucker.

  • You tell your queer-ass nigger bosses up north they ain't never gonna find them civil rightsers down here.

  • So you might as well back up your bags and head your ass home, back up north where you belong.

  • Wake up!

  • Ow!

  • Ow!

  • You get this straight, shit-kicker.

  • Don't you go mistaking me for some whole other body.

  • You got your brains in your dick if you think we're just gonna fade away.

  • We're gonna be here till this thing is finished.

  • How about you, deputy?

  • Is that gun just for show, or do you get to shoot people once in a while?

  • Thanks for the beer.

I swear to God, Lester, you are living proof that cousins shouldn't fight.

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