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  • This morning on the upside we're saying hello to an icon approaching a special anniversary.


  • NBC's Savannah Sellers has a story behind Hello Kitty.

    NBC 的 Savannah Sellers 報道了 Hello Kitty 背後的故事。

  • Hi guys, good morning.


  • Yeah, this was such a fun one.


  • So even though Hello Kitty's official 50th anniversary isn't until November, there have been special events leading up to this commemoration and I had the opportunity to learn more about her including one surprising fact many people don't know.

    是以,儘管 Hello Kitty 正式的 50 週年紀念活動要到 11 月才舉行,但在這次紀念活動之前已經舉辦了一些特別活動,我有機會了解到更多關於她的資訊,包括一個很多人都不知道的令人驚訝的事實。

  • With that instantly Kitty for 50 years now.

    就這樣,Kitty 一干就是 50 年。

  • In that time she has appeared almost everywhere taking flight on planes, trains and automobiles, cheering on professional sports teams and walking the runway.


  • And the girl of the hour, Hello Kitty!

    還有時下最流行的女孩 Hello Kitty!

  • On trend for five decades Hello Kitty hasn't stopped keeping fans coming back for more.

    五十年來,Hello Kitty 始終引領潮流,讓粉絲們流連忘返。

  • From countless products and brand collaborations to most recently a special Nordstrom pop-up celebrating her big milestone.


  • Jill Cook is an executive at Sanrio, the company behind Hello Kitty and knows her better than anyone else.

    吉爾-庫克是 Hello Kitty 背後的三麗鷗公司的高管,她比任何人都更瞭解 Hello Kitty。

  • We are here because it is Hello Kitty's 50th anniversary.

    我們來到這裡,是因為今天是 Hello Kitty 50 週年紀念日。

  • My first question is, is Hello Kitty a cat?

    我的第一個問題是,Hello Kitty 是貓嗎?

  • So Hello Kitty is not a cat.

    所以,Hello Kitty 並不是一隻貓。

  • She's actually a little girl born and raised in the suburbs of London.


  • She has a mom and dad and a twin sister Mimi who's also her best friend.


  • She enjoys baking cookies and making new friends.


  • Cinnamon roll?


  • Your cinnamon roll looks kind of like you.


  • She's kind of a tiny little girl right?


  • Yeah she weighs three apples and she's five apples tall.


  • And her world is large.


  • She has her own pet cat, Charmy Kitty, a boyfriend, Dear Daniel and hundreds of other friends.

    她有自己的寵物貓 "Charmy Kitty"、男朋友 "親愛的丹尼爾 "和成百上千的朋友。

  • Her core message is friendship, kindness and inclusivity and part of what has helped her transcend borders, languages, cultures is that that's understandable to everyone.


  • Hello Kitty's story started in 1974 when she was put on a small coin purse by a Japanese business.

    Hello Kitty 的故事始於 1974 年,當時一家日本企業將她印在一個小零錢包上。

  • She was created for product and the fact that she grew so quickly around the globe was kind of a shock.


  • I think really interesting about Hello Kitty is she was one of the first pop culture brands to introduce Japanese culture to an American audience and really opened up that new design aesthetic.

    我認為,Hello Kitty 真正有趣的地方在於,她是最早將日本文化介紹給美國觀眾的流行文化品牌之一,並真正開啟了新的設計美學。

  • Her prevalence also making her a cultural phenomenon, leading to an SNL sketch.

    她的盛行也使她成為一種文化現象,並是以被製作成 SNL 小品。

  • I love Hello Kitty.

    我喜歡 Hello Kitty。

  • Several years in the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade and a guest gig as a bartender.


  • Watch what happens live with Andy Cohen.


  • She also has her own theme park and cafes, making Hello Kitty a major global business.

    她還擁有自己的主題公園和咖啡館,使 Hello Kitty 成為一項重要的全球業務。

  • We hit annual retail sales of over five billion in 2023, and she is in 130 countries.

    2023 年,我們的年零售額將超過 50 億美元。

  • The success catching the eye of New York Times reporter Ken Belson, who wrote a book on Hello Kitty's reach.

    這一成功吸引了《紐約時報》記者肯-貝爾森(Ken Belson)的注意,他將 Hello Kitty 的影響力寫成了一本書。

  • The company's been very clever over the years at rolling out products, not just for six year olds, but 16 year olds, 26 year olds, 36 year olds and beyond.

    多年來,該公司一直非常聰明地推出各種產品,不僅針對 6 歲兒童,還包括 16 歲、26 歲、36 歲及更高年齡段的兒童。

  • Put their business success in context.


  • Like how well does this do versus anything similar?


  • Kitty's remarkable because it didn't come from anything.

    Kitty 的非凡之處在於它並非來自於任何東西。

  • It just appeared and was plastered on product after product after product.


  • Most characters, both in America and elsewhere, come out of movies.


  • They come out of animated videos.


  • Kitty has had none of that.


  • That's unique, and it's hard to replicate that.


  • I got to say hello to Hello Kitty herself when she surprised me.

    Hello Kitty 給了我一個驚喜,我還和她打了招呼。

  • Hello Kitty isn't saying goodbye anytime soon.

    Hello Kitty 不會馬上說再見。

  • She's been around for 50 years.

    她已經有 50 年的歷史了。

  • She'll be around for 50 more.

    她還能再活 50 年。

  • She's timeless.


  • She's relatable to people of all ages.


  • I think what has been part of her success is that she adapts and evolves while her core message stays the same.


  • She's so cute and Al, not a cat.


  • The Hello Kitty pop up at Nordstrom is happening through the summer in select stores and online.

    諾德斯特龍(Nordstrom)的 Hello Kitty 流行活動將持續到整個夏季,在部分門店和網上均有銷售。

  • We talked about just how big Sanrio is.


  • Just look at some of the products that we have here.


  • You can.


  • I mean, just she's on everything.


This morning on the upside we're saying hello to an icon approaching a special anniversary.


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