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  • Load up.

  • To fill a vehicle or container with people, goods, or cargo.

  • We loaded up the car with luggage and hit the road.

  • Pass by.

  • Go past a place without stopping.

  • Let's pass by the museum.

  • We will visit it another time.

  • Double back.

  • Return to a previous place.

  • I doubled back to the hotel to pick up my forgotten luggage.

  • Hit the road.

  • To start a journey by car.

  • We hit the road and drove for hours.

  • Come across.

  • To encounter.

  • We came across a beautiful hidden waterfall on our hike.

  • Bring along.

  • Take something or someone with you.

  • You need to bring along your passport.

  • Stock up.

  • Buy or gather a large quantity of something for future use.

  • We stocked up on snacks and water for the long road trip.

  • Fill up.

  • To fill a vehicle's gas tank.

  • Let's fill up the gas tank before we leave the city.

  • Head out.

  • To leave.

  • Let's head out to the beach.

  • The sun is shining brightly.

  • Break down.

  • Experience a problem or failure.

  • The car broke down on the side of the road and we had to call a tow truck.

  • Ride the wind.

  • To travel quickly and effortlessly.

  • The sailboat rode the wind and glided across the lake.

  • Follow the map.

  • To navigate using a map.

  • We followed the map to find our way through the unfamiliar city.

  • Turn back.

  • To reverse direction and return to a previous place.

  • We turned back home because we forgot our passports.

  • Change over.

  • To exchange one thing for another, like money or currency.

  • I changed over my money to the local currency during traveling.

  • Reach out.

  • To contact someone during travel.

  • We reached out to our travel agent to book our flights.

  • Stop over.

  • Make a brief stop during a journey.

  • We stopped over in Paris on our way to Australia.

  • Move around.

  • To travel from one place to another.

  • We moved around city visiting different landmarks.

  • Take to the skies.

  • To begin a journey by air.

  • The plane took to the skies and soared into the air.

  • Hang around.

  • Wait or loiter.

  • Let's hang around the airport until our next flight is called.

  • Return home.

  • To come back to one starting point.

  • We returned home after our long trip, feeling refreshed and relaxed.

  • Pass by.

  • Go past a place.

  • We passed by the Eiffel Tower on our way to the Louvre.

  • Fall behind.

  • To fail to keep up with the planned timeline.

  • We fell behind schedule due to the delayed flight.

Load up.

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