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  • It's good to be here. I'm going to bring it down a little bit because America, guns, it's an issue.

  • So I started to Google this. 30,000 people die each year from guns. And is that a lot? Definitely.

  • One life is too many. But also, is 30,000 people a lot? I don't know.

  • See, some of you thought about it for a second, too. Because this is why. You could Google it after.

  • 40,000 people die each year from tripping and falling. Those are the numbers, right, Sai?

  • Do with what you want to. 30,000, bang, ugh, which is definitely terrible.

  • But remember, 40,000, are you fucking kidding me?

  • Those are the numbers. Do with what you want to.

  • So my point is that the chances of somebody shooting you and killing you is a little lower than somebody shooting you, missing, and you going, oh my God, she missed. Are you serious, though?

  • I just want you to remember that. And since we're on a little dark note, I'm going to make it just a little bit lighter.

  • These are also the statistics. 30,000 people get shot and die, but more than half of them shot themselves.

  • How beautiful is that? Only in America we get to see Jesus when we want to.

  • Some of you are like, oh yeah, where I come from. Dude, if you want to see Jesus, you got to wait in line, buddy.

  • Or you got to jump off a building. Are you serious? How scary is it to jump off a building?

  • Oh, because first of all, I'm scared of heights. That's a real thing. And second of all, I'm super indecisive.

  • Which floor do you go? 50? Too high. That's way too long to regret it.

  • Oh, wait. Too late, Jason. You fucked up. Chose the wrong floor.

  • Oh yeah, but then go lower. Seven. Seven? Are you serious?

  • What am I going to mess around and survive on accident? I'm trying to commit.

  • Oh, my legs. I was sad on the inside. Now I'm hurting on the outside too.

  • And I understand. Some of you like, you know, this is a dark subject.

  • And I know. And sometimes I get sad too. And that's why I want to make light of it and have a goofy good time.

  • And that's why you guys laughed at that. Because you guys could relate.

  • Everybody thought about doing it one time, you know.

  • And if you haven't thought about it one time, you're a potato of a person.

  • And you should definitely kill yourself.

  • And some of you are like, oh, Jason, you shouldn't say that. Like, you know, that's so messed up that you said that.

  • Like, if you're going to take advice from a comedian, kill yourself again.

  • Like, kill yourself one time. And if you don't, one more time.

  • Because we are a comedian. These are, you know, goofy good times here.

  • Yeah, but I don't know. I don't really have strong opinions, though. I don't have strong opinions.

  • I'm sorry. I know it seems like it. But I'm swayed easily.

  • Sometimes a lot of people have strong opinions. And sometimes I get jealous of that.

  • Because if you have strong opinions, it shows confidence. And people appreciate confidence, you know.

  • But sometimes I think, like, with new information, your perspective changes.

  • Like, the only thing I'm confident about is that I don't have strong opinions.

  • For example, when I was a kid, I never understood how there's so many homeless people.

  • I never understood that. My dad's always like, oh, because they're lazy. They didn't work hard.

  • And I just believed that. But then as you grow, you start to pay bills every month.

  • Not one month off. Everybody just doing this every single month.

  • And then your perspective changed.

  • Now, I'm like, how is there not more homeless people?

  • Like, how are most of us not homeless?

  • Because I Googled this, too.

  • 70% of Americans, probably not in Manhattan Beach, but 73% of Americans have under $1,000 in their savings account.

  • I was like, I did not know there's that many people have that much money.

  • See, I told you, with the laughter, not in Manhattan.

  • Yeah, you guys look like you own boats. Look at this guy's shirt. For sure he owns two boats.

  • Well, my point is that your perspective changed.

  • Like, when I was a kid, my dad's always like, man, if you want to be successful, all you got to do is you got to work hard.

  • And that's not true.

  • Because we all need a little bit of luck.

  • Everybody needs a little bit of luck to dodge these surprises that life gives all of us.

  • Oh, you're on your way, and life is sneaky.

  • Oh, you're on your way to work, and you're tired, Pop?

  • Life's like, boo, surprise.

  • You're also tired.

  • Life is sneaky.

  • Oh, you like to be successful and doing stand-up comedy?

  • Life's like, boo, surprise, pandemic.

  • And you're also fired.

  • Perspective changed. Never understood how there's so many homeless people.

  • My dad's like, oh, because they're lazy, and I believe that.

  • Now I'm like, dude, homeless people are just us regular people that got too many surprises at once.

  • Homeless people just hit the jackpot of surprises.

  • They're like, oh my gosh, all for me?

  • What is this box of?

  • A box of mental illness. How fancy.

  • I wonder who's it from.

  • Jesus Christ himself.

  • I guess I can't return it.

  • My thing is just we should just give each other the benefit of the doubt, you know?

  • Hey, benefit of the doubt is a long word, huh?

  • Like, you ever say it halfway and just give up and use tongue?

  • It's a benefit of the doubt.

  • I think they got it. They got it.

  • Yeah, because people always shame, you know?

  • Like, I don't think people should shame because, yeah, you know, it's all perspective.

  • Like, I have a friend who's always on social media.

  • It makes me feel really guilty.

  • She's always like, don't eat the cows.

  • They're literally slaughtering them.

  • You're a monster if you eat them.

  • And it's like, I don't want the cows to die either.

  • But I don't know how else to eat the steak.

  • If there are other solutions, I would like to explore that with you.

  • But so far, the moo-moo's got to go in my tum-tum.

  • Don't shame is a thing. It doesn't feel good.

  • Like, this is another thing.

  • I have a dog, and it's my first dog, and I love my dog.

  • Yeah, but this lady, when I went to the park, she shamed me.

  • Especially in LA.

  • I got it from a breeder, and I didn't know this was a problem.

  • She looked at my dog, looked at my face, and went like this.

  • Oh.

  • I'm like, what do you mean, oh?

  • She's like, well, mine's a rescue.

  • Do you see Todd and its only leg?

  • I'm like, yeah, it looks like a kebab.

  • She's like, yeah, but I rescue that.

  • Before I continue, I just want to say this.

  • Of course, there's loving people who loves animals even more than humans sometimes.

  • I could respect and admire that, but I hate when people virtuous and go, I'm a good, but I rescue.

  • It's like, yeah, obviously.

  • No animals come out this way.

  • It looks like a wet lollipop that caught hair on it.

  • I rescue.

  • But I still felt really guilty because I'm a human being, and then I started to do research.

  • And I found that 2 million pets each year, they'll go from the breeder where I got it from straight, right?

  • 2 million.

  • They'll go to a bad home, get abused, beaten, and abandoned.

  • And some people, not all, they'll go to the shelter.

  • They go, oh, look who needs my help.

  • Don't worry.

  • I am now here in Jesus's image to rescue you.

  • The word rescue in the English language, as I've learned, means save from danger.

  • Why did you wait for it to get beaten first?

  • Yeah, I didn't wait.

  • I went straight to the source.

  • I rescued it.

  • I rescued it with money.

  • You are just a cheap bastard is what you are.

  • You just didn't want to pay for extra legs.

  • Yeah, because legs cost money.

  • How about you love your dog, I love my dog, and we both go home?

  • How about we just give each other the benefit of the doubt?

  • Thank you guys so much.

  • Y'all been great.

  • Thank you.

It's good to be here. I'm going to bring it down a little bit because America, guns, it's an issue.

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