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  • Page 18.

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  • Traveling together around the Sun.

  • The Sun is a star and it is very important for our planet Earth.

  • It gives us light and heat, however Earth is not alone.

  • It shares the Sun with seven other planets.

  • Together these planets revolve around the Sun in a solar system.

  • Other bodies travel in this solar system such as moons, asteroids and comets.

  • They all move around the Sun because the Sun's gravity is very strong.

  • Each planet's path around the Sun is called an orbit.

  • The planets that are closer to the Sun have smaller orbits, so they take less time to go around it.

  • Mercury takes 88 days to complete one orbit.

  • Earth completes one orbit in 365 days or one year.

  • Neptune's orbit takes 60,200 days or almost 165 years.

  • Each planet in our solar system is unique.

  • For example, Mercury is the smallest planet.

  • It has lots of craters just like our Moon.

  • Jupiter is the biggest planet.

  • Its diameter is 11 times bigger than Earth's.

  • Saturn has giant rings of matter around it.

  • Neptune is farthest planet from the Sun.

  • Mars is a neighbouring planet and scientists are learning a lot about it.

  • They send many space probes to Mars.

  • A space probe called Curiosity landed on Mars on August 6, 2012.

  • Curiosity is as big as a car and it moves over the surface of Mars.

  • It recently found rocks that had strange shapes.

  • Running water made these shapes.

  • This is an important discovery.

  • Space probes like Curiosity continue to explore the planets, moons and other bodies in our solar system.

  • If technology continues to grow, we will travel to these places ourselves.

  • Iron and rock make up most of the four smaller inner planets of our solar system.

  • Gas and water make up most of the four larger outer planets.

  • This means that you can stand on the surface of Earth, but you can't stand on Saturn.

  • In fact, if you tried to stand on Saturn, you would sink down to the core of the planet.

  • Drawings of our solar system show the planets close to the Sun.

  • However, the distance between the planets and the Sun is very far.

  • For example, it would take 176 years to drive a car from Earth to the Sun.

  • It would take 5,300 years to drive from Neptune to the Sun.

  • Astronomers think that there are many solar systems in our Milky Way galaxy.

  • However, our solar system is special to us.

  • It is our home.

  • The asteroid belt.

  • An asteroid belt runs between the inner and outer planets.

  • Scientists have discovered over 7,000 asteroids there, and there may be millions more.

  • Asteroids travel around the Sun, just like planets.

  • The sister planets.

  • Did you know that Earth and Venus are called sister planets?

  • This is because they are almost the same size, and Venus is the closest planet to Earth.

  • However, Venus is much hotter than Earth, and it is always covered in thick clouds.

Page 18.

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