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  • The Breakfast Quest

  • I'm making a special breakfast today. Granny's famous cinnamon buns.

  • To make the best buns, you need the best ingredients, I tell my sister Sam.

  • So we hop on my bike and ride across town to Farmer Ray's.

  • You've come to the right place, says the farmer, pulling on his bushy beard.

  • My chickens lay wonderful eggs.

  • At the chicken coop, I gather two smooth brown eggs and a nervous chicken.

  • Cinnamon buns, you say? Farmer Ray smiles slyly.

  • If it's butter you're after, you'll need to pack your bags.

  • The best butter I know comes from Denmark.

  • We all hop on his tractor, catch a plane, and watch as we zoom over the Atlantic Ocean.

  • In Denmark, we head to Rolling Green Fields, where we find an enormous sleepy cow.

  • I introduce myself, my sister Sam, Farmer Ray, and the chicken to the cow's owner, explaining that my grandmother's cinnamon buns are not to be missed.

  • Well, you've come to the right place, says Farmer Lena, spilling some milk from a pail.

  • My butter is the creamiest in the world.

  • Cinnamon buns, you say? She pauses.

  • If it's flour you need, the heartiest wheat I know comes from France.

  • We all ride the cow to the train to France, where we find an amber field of warm, dry grain, and meet a French farmer who listens very closely to our plan.

  • Well, you've come to the right place, says Farmer François, twirling his mustache.

  • My wheat makes the very best flour in the entire world.

  • I grab two armfuls.

  • Cinnamon buns, you say? If it's vanilla you need, the finest vanilla in all the world comes from Madagascar.

  • Come with me.

  • We all hop in his hot air balloon and set off over Africa, looking down on a magnificent leopard roaming the plains.

  • In Madagascar, we march through the lush hills.

  • There we meet Sabine, a vanilla grower, and I tell her the plan.

  • Well, if you're making famous cinnamon buns, you've come to the right place, says Farmer Sabine, her eyes sparkling.

  • My vines produce the most fragrant vanilla beans in all the world.

  • I scoop up a handful of the heavy brown vanilla beans.

  • Madagascar grows sugarcane and cinnamon, too, says Farmer Sabine.

  • Let me take you to my friend Patrick's plantation.

  • Patrick listens to the plan.

  • True.

  • I have the sweetest sugarcane and the very best cinnamon in the world, he says.

  • Sugarcane I can give you, but-

  • He looks sad.

  • I'm afraid I can't help you with cinnamon.

  • I'm all out.

  • We harvested it yesterday.

  • No cinnamon for the cinnamon buns, we cry.

  • Now what?

  • Something high atop a tree catches my eye.

  • A small area of bark.

  • I climb the tree and peel some off.

  • This will do, I say, grinning at the relieved crowd.

  • We coax the cow and the chicken onto a steamship and head home before the ingredients spoil, mixing up a batch of Granny's famous cinnamon buns along the way.

  • Well, I ask as everyone chews and smiles.

  • You were right, say the farmers.

  • These are truly the very best cinnamon buns in all the world.

  • Now what should I make for lunch?

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