Youweren't. But I'm justsayingit's it's I thinkthat's human.
Isit? But I wasjustsurprisedyouclassifieditaspartofyouwasjealous.
Yeah. Insteadoftheentire.
What I meant, I wasexcludingbone.
Butmyentirespirit, I see.
No, therewaspartofmethatwasjustlikethat.
Andthen I waswatchinghimandgoing, yeah.
Yeah. Well, no, because I mean, youare.
I thefunniestperson I know.
No, no, no. That's notwhatthisisabout.
Oneofthefunniestpeople I know.
Well, nowit's hardtohear.
Yeah, butitistrue. That's just a fact.
But I wassohewassuch a huge.
I thoughtthatChandlercharacter, when I readitand I went, oh, theyhave a gaycharacter, that's good.
I thoughtthat's that's all I heard.
That's all I heard, youknow.
I justdid a doubletakeathim.
Oh, myGod.
That I neverevenin a millionyearscouldhaveenvisionedanyone.
Playingthecharacterlikethatandwithhisownrhythmandeverything, it's hisownimpeccabletimingandimpeccabletiming, butalsojust I mean, honesttoGod, shootingthatthosetitlesinthefountainwas a nightmare.
Youknow, I don't likediscomfort, butatallmildanykind.
I don't likeit. Right.
We'd done, I think, 500 takesofdancing.
That's justit's hard.
Whenone's in a fountain, onedoesdance.
A bunchofyoungNewYorkersarein a fountain, theydance, youknow, andthenthehey, whatifyouplaywiththatscarf, youknow, stuffandyoujustgetlike, no, I don't wantit's notfunny.
I don't wantyouknow, I was a realjoy, butanditwassocoldandwehadtokeepdoingit.
AndMatthewandtheysaid, we'regoingtodoonemoretake.
Andhesaid, onemore.
OK, can't remembertime I wasn't in a fountain.
Seriously, haveyoucan't remember a time I wasn't wet?
Whatarewewetin a fountain?
Whatarewedancingin a fountain?
Yeah, I mean, andthisisbeforetheshowhasevencomeon.
Right. Sothat's alsoimportanttoknowisnoone's a star.
Anditwasn't intheyhadn't writtenhimlikethatyet.
Yeah. And I don't knowwhen I'velaughedsohardjust.
Andandso I'm notkidding.
Youseeuslaughing. Yeah.
Andit's becausehehadjustsaid, allright, ready?
We'regoingtogoagain. Whatarewegoinginagain?
Andjustlaughing, hystericallydoubledover.
Andthat's inthetitles.
Excited, theyhadjustshottheepisodewithJillGoodacre, wherehe's trappedin a yeah, in a ATMvestibulevestibulewithwithwithJillGoodacre, and I justwantedtosayvestibule.