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  • Jen Aniston said once that she said that when you guys are doing friends that you don't I just occurred to me right now.

  • Lisa doesn't like it when the audience is laughing at something.

  • It's something she's said, like you're you would say something and it would get a big laugh and it would irritate you because they were laughing for too long.

  • It wasn't that funny.

  • That's why it wasn't an honest response.

  • And it irritated me.

  • Yeah. Yeah. Yeah.

  • It's like now you're just ruining the timing of the rest of the show.

  • I mean, there are other lines.

  • I didn't say it.

  • Sometimes I would just look out.

  • They've been laughing too long.

  • And sometimes I would just look out and go, come on.

  • Really angry.

  • I can see that.

  • I can see. But I understand.

  • But no, part of I would happily let those laughs splash along because because a TV show is not for the studio audience.

  • It's made for.

  • The TV viewers at home, so.

  • That's who we're in service to, right?

  • If it were a stage play, yeah, laugh as long as you want.

  • I'll figure out things to keep my character busy, right?

  • Waiting to continue with it.

  • That's fine.

  • You know, but then it's being filmed.

  • And now I'm just sort of like standing there and then you do like things that you hate, you know, just like, no, that's right.

  • I said that, you know.

  • It's terrible.

  • I think they instructed our audience not to do anything like that. Right. Yeah.

  • I like I like a warm up person who tells the crowd, don't laugh.

  • Well, oh, we did so many takes.

  • They did stop laughing. Yeah.

  • Which then made the writers think, all right, it doesn't work.

  • It's like, oh, it worked. It worked the first time.

  • And then, all right, well, let's come and come up with alternates.

  • Right. We took six to eight hours to shoot a half hour.

  • But all I knew was you're going to take the laugh track from the first take anyway and move it to whichever take this is.

  • So what's who who's suffering because they're not laughing?

  • I'm OK if they're not laughing as hard.

  • We can keep going. Right.

  • Yeah, I don't know.

  • But it wasn't up to me. Yeah.

  • Because I was just an actor on a show.

  • When you see a friend's on, does that affect you in any way or is it just.

  • Well, I used to not be able to watch it at all.

  • I mean, I'd see it on and be like mildly interested, and then I'd see me and say, that's enough of that. I can't bear it.

  • And then, well, listen.

  • After Matthew died, I could start watching the show again because it wasn't about me.

  • It had to do with him for some reason.

  • And so I have started watching Friends, not started like season one.

  • And, you know, but there are marathons on.

  • And I have spent at times since he died all day long watching the show.

  • It's interesting.

  • Now you can see and you you can enjoy the show.

  • You can enjoy Matthew.

  • You can enjoy what he's doing.

  • Everyone is phenomenally hilarious to me.

  • You started doing that show and you called me up.

  • You would you would you would.

  • I don't have an eye for what's going to be a hit.

  • Well, I want to say that.

  • No, no, no. That was nothing like that. OK.

  • You called me up and you were raving about Matthew, about Matthew.

  • And you were saying he's so funny.

  • And there was part of me.

  • I like there was part of me that was jealous.

  • Like I was I was OK. Yeah.

  • I make you laugh pretty hard.

  • And you were like, you know, you don't stand.

  • This guy's really.

  • No, I wasn't. No, no, no, no, no.

  • You weren't. But I'm just saying it's it's I think that's human.

  • Is it? But I was just surprised you classified it as part of you was jealous.

  • Yeah. Instead of the entire.

  • What I meant, I was excluding bone.

  • Like bone and sinew.

  • But my entire spirit, I see.

  • No, there was part of me that was just like that.

  • And then I was watching him and going, yeah.

  • Yeah. Well, no, because I mean, you are.

  • I the funniest person I know.

  • No, no, no. That's not what this is about.

  • One of the funniest people I know.

  • Well, now it's hard to hear.

  • Yeah, but it is true. That's just a fact.

  • But I was so he was such a huge.

  • I thought that Chandler character, when I read it and I went, oh, they have a gay character, that's good.

  • I thought that's that's all I heard.

  • That's all I heard, you know.

  • And so at the table read,

  • I just did a double take at him.

  • Oh, my God.

  • That I never even in a million years could have envisioned anyone.

  • Playing the character like that and with his own rhythm and everything, it's his own impeccable timing and impeccable timing, but also just I mean, honest to God, shooting that those titles in the fountain was a nightmare.

  • You know, I don't like discomfort, but at all mild any kind.

  • I don't like it. Right.

  • And that fountain was cold.

  • And it was very late at night.

  • We'd done, I think, 500 takes of dancing.

  • Unmotivated dancing is hard to write.

  • That's just it's hard.

  • When one's in a fountain, one does dance.

  • A bunch of young New Yorkers are in a fountain, they dance, you know, and then the hey, what if you play with that scarf, you know, stuff and you just get like, no, I don't want it's not funny.

  • I don't want you know, I was a real joy, but and it was so cold and we had to keep doing it.

  • And Matthew and they said, we're going to do one more take.

  • And he said, one more.

  • OK, can't remember time I wasn't in a fountain.

  • Seriously, have you can't remember a time I wasn't wet?

  • What are we wet?

  • What are we wet in a fountain?

  • What are we dancing in a fountain?

  • Yeah, I mean, and this is before the show has even come on.

  • Right. So that's also important to know is no one's a star.

  • And it wasn't in they hadn't written him like that yet.

  • Yeah. And I don't know when I've laughed so hard just.

  • And and so I'm not kidding.

  • You see us laughing. Yeah.

  • And it's because he had just said, all right, ready?

  • We're going to go again. What are we going in again?

  • Are we going to do it again?

  • And just laughing, hysterically doubled over.

  • And that's in the titles.

  • He came on our show not long after that and showed up early.

  • And so we got to hang around and talk to him.

  • And he was so.

  • Excited, they had just shot the episode with Jill Goodacre, where he's trapped in a yeah, in a ATM vestibule vestibule with with with Jill Goodacre, and I just wanted to say vestibule.

  • I remember the word. Sorry.

  • Go on. I'm ruining your time. No, but.

  • Oh, let's bring it on.

  • Yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum, yum.

  • Blood pressure, Pauling.

  • Years being added to my life because of unmotivated laughter.

  • So he was on talk about Joe.

  • No, we were. Yeah, this wasn't even on TV.

  • We were just in the outside and 30 in the sixth floor.

  • And he was just so filled with joy and excitement.

  • And he was saying, and I got to shoot the scene with Joe Goodacre.

  • Joe Goodacre, she's beautiful.

  • And I was like, this sounds he was like, it's all going so well.

  • And things as everything plays out, it's terrible, terribly, terribly sad.

  • But I, you know, and I just have this tiny, tiny fraction of moments here and there with him.

  • But I inevitably go back to those moments where, yeah, he was, you know, at the wedding and early on and when I would see him and he was just so happy, so talented.

  • So, I mean, yeah, that's a little bit of a a blessing is when you can go back and see that.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • I mean, and also, look, that was everyone was so excited.

  • And I think for some people.

  • And he was definitely one of them.

  • It's it's oh, my God, this would be really good.

  • Everything will be fixed now.

  • You know, yeah, that's not how it goes.

  • Well, we've seen that a lot, which is if people take and I try to.

  • Well, I think I bring this up a lot, but I think there's

  • I've seen a lot of people become famous or get famous or start in a certain place.

  • And I've had an interesting vantage point on it.

  • And what I've seen time and time and time again, which I wish I could tell people is there's a lot that's kind of nice.

  • That is nice about being successful.

  • And that's nice about having someone be happy to see you.

  • It doesn't fix anything.

  • Something is broken.

  • If something is cracked or something needs mending, it will not fix any of that.

  • In fact, it probably hurts.

  • Yeah. And that is a disappointment and the rage.

  • Wait a minute. I got the thing I wanted.

  • Now I'm famous. I got the house.

  • I got the attention.

  • And yeah, why the fuck?

  • Isn't this fixed?

  • It's like, well, that's a whole that this has this is a clear broth.

  • This isn't going to do anything for that.

  • Yeah. I mean, I do feel that it's like because I remember thinking that before, you know, and I was struggling.

  • Having my ramen noodles every night, you know, everything and thought like someone I know like would become famous or something.

  • And I think, oh, God, see.

  • Yeah. Then if everyone loves you, then, you know, you'll give yourself you'll love you like without even realizing how sick that was.

  • It was like, yeah, that's what that's that's the healing power of fame.

  • And luckily, I had therapy before friends and did understand.

  • But I know it's at the root of all that is like, yeah, because if everything goes well and everybody loves me, then I will submit to loving myself, too.

  • And I think that's.

  • That's the problem.

  • I mean, I think we we think there's something shameful in loving yourself or there, you know, you're going to be an asshole if you do.

  • But that's not that's not what love is.

  • So I've got to go because I think I've just healed all of you.

  • You do blood pressure dropped.

  • You did 20 points just now.

  • You are. And you're welcome.

  • You are. There's all the things that people know about you being incredibly funny and brilliant and having this great just career.

  • I don't know that people understand how wise you are.

  • Of all my friends, which is fortunately for me, I know a lot of people.

  • I think you're one of the wisest people I know.

  • I'm serious. No, in terms of like.

  • In terms of getting in terms of just to just stop lying in terms of people, you've always been.

  • People and what life really is and what's important.

  • I think you're very gifted that way.

  • So I think we're going to end on that.

  • And thank you so much for coming in seriously.

  • And congratulations on the new show, because I love it.

  • And oh, good. Yeah, I.

  • The idea that these very impossibly cool guys called you up and said, we've always wanted to work with you.

  • You, Lise Kudrow, that's just it's so it makes perfect sense to me.

  • And it's very cool.

  • It was thrilling for me.

  • All right. Well, next time, come up with a better, you know, Conan O'Brien blank, you know, I'm perfectly happy.

  • Honored. Grateful, I said again about being Conan O'Brien's friend.

  • There you go. That's it.

  • With anger is the anger.

Jen Aniston said once that she said that when you guys are doing friends that you don't I just occurred to me right now.

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