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  • Paul Rudd has a lot of rizz.

  • Maybe the Rizz King, and I always call him the Rizz King, is Ryan Gosling.

  • Sometimes I just call him Rizz Gosling.

  • A lot of the things I'm gonna say today make no sense.

  • We're gonna mother this up.

  • Slay. I ate it up and left nothing for the dog.

  • How dare you criticize my interpretation of that word?

  • Basically, I'll read out a list of Gen Z words.

  • Okay.

  • You just have to guess what they mean.

  • You can ask for me to use them in a sentence for you to help you out, and yeah, that's it.

  • I'm going to be really good at this.

  • I'm telling you, I'm gonna nail it.

  • Starting off with, what does slay mean?

  • Slay?

  • Well, slay means to succeed at a very high level.

  • I know that one.

  • Yeah, that is, yeah, that's exactly right.

  • A word to describe someone who has done something very well.

  • And in terms of how you say it, like my daughter would say, like if I, say I came downstairs dressed for an event or something,

  • and she thought I looked good, she'd say, "Slay."

  • Nice.

  • That's kind of like the ultimate compliment.

  • Yeah. If dad slays, I don't slay too often, but sometimes I slay.

  • And I'm very happy that I slayed.

  • Can we stop now?

  • One and done.

  • Okay.

  • What does mother mean?

  • Mother?

  • And how, the smell, the smell... the spelling of that?

  • M-O-T-H-E-R.

  • Oh, mother, okay.

  • Mother, on its surface, you would think that it means the, you know, the mother of a child.

  • But for Gen Z, mother means, mother is a kind of topping you put on a hamburger.

  • And you can use it in different ways.

  • We're going to mother this up.

  • It's a special kind of sauce.

  • It's, I think it's ketchup, mayonnaise, and a little hot sauce.

  • Let's light this mother up.

  • Extra mother.

  • Extra.

  • Could I have some, I'd like cheese and extra mother.

  • But you can also pronounce it mather, like with an A.

  • Mother it up.

  • Is that right?

  • That's not what I've got.

  • So it basically means, it means an iconic female figure.

  • So they are the ultimate mother.

  • Kristen Wiig. Oh, she's so mother.

  • She's so mother.

  • I think that's, I mean, that's on its surface, yes.

  • It means, as I said, to begin with, it's like the female, parental, you know, traditional.

  • Well, maybe that's Gen P.

  • Gen P refers to it as a hamburger topping.

  • What does rizz mean?

  • Riz?

  • R-I-Z?

  • R-I-Z-Z.

  • R-I-Z-Z?

  • Oh, because I, the riz that I know is R-I-Z, which is the sound that rollerblades make when you stop.

  • And not a lot of, not a lot of Gen Z use rollerblades.

  • But this is riz with one Z.

  • Like when you stop and you make that zzzz, and people call that rizz.

  • Like, man, that was a good rizz.

  • Yeah, I really like it.

  • It's not quite what it says here.

  • It's short for charisma and charm.

  • Kariz.

  • Well, that's the two z.

  • You hadn't let me, you hadn't let me explain what two z meant.

  • So I knew that.

  • So you circumvented my answer.

  • R-I-Z-Z means charisma and charm.

  • That guy has a lot of rizz.

  • Exactly, yeah.

  • Who would you say from all of your co-stars has the most amount of rizz?

  • Paul Rudd has a lot of rizz, I think.

  • Will Ferrell has a lot of rizz.

  • Maybe the rizz king, and I always call him the rizz king, is Ryan Gosling.

  • Sometimes I just call him Riz Gosling.

  • He is the epitome of rizz.

  • What does ate mean?

  • How do you spell it?

  • A-T-E.

  • A-T-E, oh, ate.

  • Not the, because the number eight would come after seven.

  • Yes.

  • And I think that applies even to Gen Z.

  • I don't think the number system has changed if I'm correct, right?

  • So it's still one through 10.

  • That still applies for Gen Z.

  • That's good to know.

  • Okay, let me try, I don't know this one, but let me try to decipher it.

  • He ate it, meaning like he accomplished it with great success.

  • Like if someone won a tennis tournament and beat the best tennis player, like beat Roger Federer, oh man, he ate that game.

  • He ate Roger Federer.

  • Yeah, but yeah.

  • So my example is a bit more Gen Z.

  • Did you see Taylor's outfits at the Eras tour?

  • She ate it up, bestie, and left no crumbs.

  • Ate it up and left no crumbs?

  • Well, I like the addendum of left no crumbs.

  • That's something.

  • So if I use the example of, you know, the boomer version of Roger Federer, I beat Roger Federer.

  • I ate that game up and didn't leave a morsel for any other tennis player to have anything else to eat.

  • Perfect.

  • So instead of the crumbs, I just said morsel, so I changed it a little bit.

  • I ate it up and left nothing for the dog.

  • How about that?

  • That is absolutely perfect.

  • Yeah? Okay. - Yeah.

  • I don't think you can top it, really.

  • What does tea or spill the tea mean?

  • Tea?

  • T-E-A?

  • Actually, I think I might know this.

  • Is that sort of the lowdown on somebody?

  • Like, it's sort of like, sort of the gossip about somebody, the information on somebody.

  • Give me the tea.

  • Is that right?

  • Absolutely correct.

  • Okay.

  • And I believe when you gossip, when you sit down for a cup of tea.

  • So that's when you gossip.

  • So the tea, the tea's being spilled.

  • Again, I'm not Gen Z, but I think that's right.

  • I think that is right.

  • It's also the sound that, like, when you're stopping on roller skates, is that's your T.

  • Because you have to, like, roller skates, you have to put your feet in the shape of a T in order to stop.

  • And like, hey man, you didn't T.

  • And I'm like, I couldn't, I couldn't slow down because I didn't T.

  • Very true, very true.

  • A lot of these are roller skates related.

  • A lot of them are interchangeable.

  • A lot of them, a lot of them, a lot of the things I'm going to say today make no sense.

  • What does simp mean?

  • Simp?

  • I think it's not a derivation of simple.

  • Like that is, like simp is like super basic, simple, basic, simp.

  • Yeah, I can see why you think that, but that's not actually right.

  • So- How dare you criticize my interpretation of that word?

  • That person is such a simp, meaning that, you know, that's the most basic version of thought.

  • Yeah, yeah, it does work.

  • So basically it's slang for someone, usually a guy who is overly submissive to someone who isn't reciprocating the same feelings.

  • Yeah, that's exactly what I just said.

  • That's what I mean.

  • It's really, it's simple.

  • And he is usually a guy you say?

  • Yes.

  • Who is sort of like a B personality as opposed to an A type, a little more submissive and- - Yeah, good at roller skating.

  • Always bring it back to that.

  • What does flex mean?

  • Flex?

  • A flex is like showing your ability or strength in something.

  • Like that's a real flex.

  • Like, wow.

  • That was a big undertaking for them.

  • That was a big flex.

  • And literally it's, you know, it's derived from, I know everyone's excited to see that.

  • You know, these guns.

  • You have absolutely smashed that and I'm not going to lie, I'm quite surprised that you did such a great job.

  • Thanks.

  • I, I'm sorry I look like an idiot to you.

  • Thank you so much, Dean.

  • That was so fun.

  • Thank you.

  • Here you go, Brittany.

  • I can't say my name is Brittany.

  • That would be a lie.

  • Why can't you be more like your sister, Edith?

  • She lies all the time.

  • No, I don't.

  • See?

  • Hey, what's going on?

  • I'm Kevin Hart.

  • Hi, my name's Eric Snowstreet.

  • Hi, I'm Margot.

  • I'm Jurnee.

  • I'm James McAvoy.

  • I'm Daniel Radcliffe.

  • I'm Rebel Wilson.

  • I'm Jeremy Clarkson.

  • I'm going to be translating some Scottish tweets for It's Gone Viral.

  • On It's Gone Viral.

  • Ooh.

  • On It's Gone Viral.

Paul Rudd has a lot of rizz.

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