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  • Hi, this video covers how to use vector plots and we're going to start from basics and then show an example courtesy of one of our clients.


  • And the background is we came up with this rather complex challenge and to solve it we started simply with a 2D plate with a hole and then we moved to something axisymmetric and then at the very end we were able to check it against this real model and we knew it could be right because of the background of doing the 2D plate and the 2D axisymmetric.


  • So let me show you where we started from.


  • So this was where the initial challenge was, it's a nonlinear analysis, it's called contact and this is a helicoil and this is a preloaded setup where we're preloading the thread through this section and the stresses and we were a little bit unsure if the stresses were correct and so we wanted to do a vector plot.


  • So we backed up, it's okay, let's do something that we know and this is where it's a standard hole in a plate, 2D, and we know we should have a stress concentration of 3 in the pattern.

    所以我們後退,好吧,讓我們做一些我們知道的事情,這是在板上的一個標準孔,2D,我們知道我們應該在圖案上有一個 3 的應力集中。

  • But to do the vectors, we go in, we'll turn on arrow and we'll go down to contour arrows like that and we're going to do 2D components like that and this is where you set up how you want to see it.


  • We'll do double andered, we'll do it at the center, okay, and arrow will be components and you go to advanced options and this was the key is that the output vectors on arrow one is really going to be two vectors in the y and the x like that and this is the trick.

    我們要做的是雙矢量,我們要在中心做,好的,箭頭將是組件,然後你轉到高級選項,這就是關鍵所在,箭頭一的輸出矢量實際上將是 Y 和 X 方向的兩個矢量,就像這樣,這就是訣竅。

  • So, and by the way, we have to turn on transform because they're plates and otherwise the stresses are going to be an individual plate coordinate system so this is in the y like that.

    所以,順便說一下,我們必須打開轉換,因為它們是板塊,否則應力將是一個單獨的板塊座標系,所以這是在 Y 軸這樣的座標系中。

  • So the transformation is important, you get the transformation right and you pick everything else, you're going to get this and one of the ways we checked it is that we knew this on top had to be 1,000 because that's what we set the stress.

    是以,轉換是很重要的,只要轉換正確,其他一切都會迎刃而解。我們檢查的方法之一是,我們知道上面的數字必須是 1,000,因為這是我們設定的壓力。

  • So this is the utility of doing a problem, you know exactly what the result should be so you can say, okay, I got the vector in the right direction, I got it set to 1,000 and then when you go down here, it all makes sense and I hit control G there to redraw and it's at the centroid and that's why it's not showing 3,000 here but the direction is right and as we'd expect, it's compression up here.

    這就是做題的好處,你知道結果應該是什麼,所以你可以說,好的,我得到了方向正確的矢量,我把它設置為 1,000,然後當你向下移動到這裡時,一切就都說得通了,我點擊控制 G 重繪,它在中心點,這就是為什麼這裡沒有顯示 3,000,但方向是正確的,正如我們所期望的,它在這裡向上壓縮。

  • So we got that figured out.


  • Then, since the problem was actually symmetric, that was a little bit harder because it's more of a 3D and you just can't pick the vector direction, you have to align it to the material coordinate system and that's what we're showing here, this is the material coordinate system set in this thing, in this direction, vertical in the Z and that took a little while to figure out that, you know, 3D, you got to do a, you know, coordinate system.

    然後,由於問題實際上是對稱的,這就有點難了,因為它更像是三維的,你不能選擇矢量方向,你必須將它與材料座標系對齊,這就是我們在這裡展示的,這是材料座標系設置在這個東西上,在這個方向上,垂直於 Z 軸,這花了一點時間來弄清楚,你知道,三維的,你必須做一個,你知道,座標系。

  • Transform is in the material direction and then you go to contour arrows and like that, same setup.


  • We're going to do a vector of the axial and the radial and when that's set up, yes.


  • Now remember, this is actually symmetric so this is a hole, this is a hole in a solid chunk and so the theoretical stress concentration is 2, so 2,000 and but the stresses you see a little bit different angle, I'll hit control G to redraw the arrows and it's just what you'd expect like that and again, compressive and the material direction is shown, I hit F6 to bring up view options and you go down material direction, I can turn that off right there.

    請記住,這實際上是對稱的,所以這是一個孔,這是實體塊上的一個孔,所以理論應力集中度是 2,所以是 2,000,但你看到的應力角度有點不同,我會點擊控制 G 重新繪製箭頭,它就是你所期望的那樣,同樣,壓縮和材料方向都會顯示出來,我點擊 F6 調出視圖選項,然後你再往下看材料方向,我可以在這裡將其關閉。

  • So there, then you just have nicer and these are, by the way, these are resultant arrows which means it takes two vectors and so it's always going to be positive.


  • So even though this is compressive stress here, it's going to show positive, same here and that's because it's resultant.


  • Now the coup de grace, the more complex and I have this set up to only show, you know, and that is via your contour options here, contour group is only active like that and now what we're doing is we want to show the vectorials like that and it's already set up.


  • It's set up the same way as the other one, just like this, 2D components and this is where this is really useful to dig into because on a situation like this, stress flows, it's like fluid, it's like a CFD plot and it has to behave like that and we have contact going on and so even though we don't get the positive, you can see how, isn't this beautiful the way this flows and right here, this is compressive even though and you can see what you would normal to this contact interface and then here you see the flow and the circulation and it's just great, it just makes perfect sense and this is one of the great utilities of doing this vector plot is that it really made sense about how the stresses would work and how it would flow.


  • Well, I'm 30 seconds over, I'm going to stop here and this is how to set up on a contour for doing vectors and also, we want to remind you guys, we have a lot of other tutorials and we have white papers and downloads and videos and all sorts of stuff to help you go through and we're here to support your efforts, so please reach out, call us if you're a client, if you're not a client, we welcome your business.


  • Have a great day.


  • Bye-bye.


Hi, this video covers how to use vector plots and we're going to start from basics and then show an example courtesy of one of our clients.


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