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  • Hurricane Alert!

  • Hurricane Alert!

  • The National Weather Service has announced a hurricane!

  • Hey kids, if you heard this emergency report on TV or the radio, would you be concerned?

  • Would you be alarmed?

  • What would you do?

  • Would you know what to do?

  • Today we're talking about the severe weather phenomenon.

  • You know, a giant swirling storm accompanied by severe thunderstorms with sustained winds of at least 74 miles per hour.

  • The event we call a hurricane.

  • This kind of storm is known as a typhoon in the Northwest Pacific and called a cyclone in the South Pacific and Indian Oceans.

  • These severe storms go by different names around the world.

  • Each one gets its own name.

  • Have you ever been in a hurricane?

  • Have you ever experienced being in a heavy rainstorm with thunder and lightning?

  • Were you scared?

  • It's okay to be scared in a storm.

  • Severe weather scares us all because it's so unpredictable.

  • Let's learn about how hurricanes are formed.

  • A hurricane in the Northern Hemisphere generally boils up between the months of June and November.

  • As tropical seawater is heated by the sun, this warming air rises into the atmosphere forming rain clouds.

  • While down below the warm air is replaced with cooler air which is warmed and rises.

  • It's like a cycle and the cycle repeats over again as long as there is a supply of warm seawater.

  • As the clouds cool, rains fall and winds develop.

  • The earth as it rotates causes the storm to spin and if the resulting circulating winds reach 39 miles per hour, the storm becomes a tropical depression and the storm gets a name.

  • Tropical storms are tracked very closely by radar until they peter out and die.

  • But if they gain more energy from warm waters, they grow and grow and if the sustained wind speed reaches 74 miles per hour, BAM!

  • A hurricane is born.

  • These massive storms can reach 50,000 feet high and spread out 125 miles in diameter.

  • A hurricane with a name may wander aimlessly out at sea.

  • In the Northern Hemisphere, they rotate counterclockwise.

  • In the Southern Hemisphere, they rotate clockwise.

  • Look at the center of the hurricane in this satellite imagery.

  • Can you see the eye of the hurricane?

  • The eye of the hurricane is calm and peaceful and the skies are clear.

  • In the eye, you might think the storm is over.

  • Oh, but it's not over.

  • It's about to get worse.

  • The eye wall is where the winds are the fastest and the strongest.

  • We may know a lot about hurricanes, but we still don't know enough.

  • It takes the courageous men and women of NOAA, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration to help us learn more.

  • Flying aboard the two powerful Lockheed P-3 Orion airplanes, also known as Kermit and Miss Piggy, these brave scientists called hurricane hunters fly into the hurricane.

  • Yep, they fly in and out of the storm and even through the eye.

  • With special instruments, they collect data to help us learn more about hurricanes.

  • Wow, that's incredible.

  • Thanks, NOAA.

  • Hopefully, a hurricane dies at sea, but it may wander toward land.

  • Watches and warnings go out to entire regions and states, asking the people to prepare for the coming storm.

  • They may have to leave their homes.

  • A list of names has been established, and they are used on a six-year rotation.

  • It's important to name these violent storms to avoid confusion.

  • That way, they can be followed.

  • Boys' names and girls' names are used alternately in alphabetical order.

  • And if a hurricane has been especially destructive and loss of force, Hurricane Warning is used to grade the intensity of a hurricane.

  • Let's look at the categories.

  • Category 1.

  • Winds are clocked between 74 and 95 mph and may result in some damage.

  • A Category 2 storm has winds at 96 to 110 mph, and the damage can be expected to be extensive.

  • Category 3 hurricanes are extremely dangerous, and with winds measured from 111 to 129 mph, the damage will be devastating.

  • You can expect extreme damage from a Category 4 hurricane, with winds reaching 156 mph.

  • And with a Category 5 hurricane, the damage is catastrophic, with winds exceeding 157 mph.

  • On September 20, 2017, a Category 5 hurricane struck the island of Puerto Rico.

  • The damage and loss of life has been devastating.

  • All 3.4 million residents were plunged into a deep crisis.

  • This hurricane was named Maria, and it affected many of the islands of the Caribbean.

  • It will take years for them to recover.

  • Destruction is not only caused from high winds of a hurricane, but also from the tremendous amount of water that comes with it, bringing massive and widespread flooding.

  • The most important thing to do when a hurricane is approaching is to evacuate.

  • Often, local governments have emergency areas to evacuate to and provide shelter until the storm passes.

  • In the year 1900, the unnamed hurricane that struck Galveston, Texas was the deadliest natural disaster in U.S. history, killing between 6,000 and 12,000 people.

  • Other hurricanes of recent years, which have also left a path of widespread destruction, are Andrew of 1992, which pummeled South Florida and Louisiana.

  • In 2005, Hurricanes Wilma, Rita, and Katrina bowled through the Atlantic Basin, and with a 1-2-3 punch, showed little mercy.

  • And in October of 2018, Hurricane Michael, the first Category 5 hurricane since it hit the island of Andrew, smashed into the Florida Panhandle.

  • This storm also affected Central America, parts of Mexico and Cuba, and there were billions and billions of dollars in losses to homes and businesses and to roads and bridges.

  • Hurricane Michael was devastating.

  • Although a hurricane begins to lose energy as it makes landfall, the size and strength of even a weakening storm is still enough to cause a lot of grief.

  • Severe tornadoes are also a by-product of weakening hurricanes.

  • What would you do if you heard the hurricane warning go out?

  • Would you be prepared?

  • And would you be willing to help the countless people and their pets harshly affected by these unforgiving spectacles of nature?

  • If you should ever be in the path of a hurricane, don't panic.

  • Follow the instructions of your local emergency response team and be safe.

  • Be prepared.

  • Thanks for following Clarendon Learning.

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Hurricane Alert!

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