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  • Regardless of what you do in life and where you go, respect is going to be given when it's earned and you have to go out and earn it every single day.

  • Get your ass kicked, get back up, and put the gloves back on and swing away.

  • That whatever it is that you want to do, you've got to get after it.

  • You've got to get after it.

  • There's no such thing as hard work.

  • Hard work always pays.

  • Wake up!

  • Wake your asses up!

  • And not only wake up, but wake up with the mindset of being better than you were last week.

  • If you wake up this week and you're not trying to be better than you were last week, then go back to fucking bed.

  • There's a payoff for bad eventually.

  • There's a payoff.

  • It can't be bad but for so long.

  • If you've got the strength and the understanding to realize that, shit will change.

  • It will change.

  • I still see every opportunity that I have as like a little crack in the wall, a little scratch.

  • It's almost as if like every opportunity represents, the scratch represents every opportunity.

  • Therefore, the success on the other side of the scratch is the light.

  • Scratching hard, clawing, digging, it's that mentality to really take advantage of every opportunity.

  • The gym for me and this physical activity is my anchor and I always, you know, I would recommend that for all of you guys in the room is for us to find that anchor whether it's hiking or biking or yoga or meditation or whatever it is.

  • Because for me the gym, just some sort of physical activity, it anchors my day and then it allows me to go on and work for the rest of the day.

  • So it is a spiritual practice for you?

  • It's way more than just physicality.

  • Yes.

  • It's way more than just picking up a weight.

  • It's just, it is my balance, it's my anchor, it's my spiritual anchor.

  • And we all need this because this treadmill of life, there's no stop button, so it's so crazy.

  • It just allows me to block out the noise and clear my head, think about what I need to do or accomplish or think about the things I need to accomplish without the influx of information and people trying to tug at me and pull me.

  • Absolutely.

  • I don't think people understand how valuable they can be if they use their time.

  • Hold on to that fundamental quality of faith, that faith.

  • And on the other side of your pain is something good.

  • Absolutely.

Regardless of what you do in life and where you go, respect is going to be given when it's earned and you have to go out and earn it every single day.

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