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  • What's all this noise?

  • Whoa!

  • Help!

  • Ow!

  • What on earth is going on?

  • What a lot of noise!

  • And look at all this mess on the floor.

  • Someone could trip over and hurt themselves.

  • Someone did trip over and hurt themselves.

  • Oh, dear.

  • Poor Daddy Pig.

  • Come on, children.

  • Let's do a bit of tidying up.

  • But, Mummy, we're playing dollies and dinosaurs.

  • You can play again when you've tidied up.

  • But it's all George's mess.

  • Is it really?

  • So this must be one of George's lovely dresses.

  • No.

  • Or maybe some of the mess is mine.

  • Right.

  • I'll help George tidy and Mummy Pig can help Peppa.

  • We can have a race.

  • Girls against boys.

  • Good idea.

  • Let's see who can tidy up first.

  • Ready, steady, go!

  • Ha-ha-ha!

  • We're winning.

  • No, you're not.

  • There.

  • Oh, what's this?

  • Teddy.

  • I've been looking for you.

  • Quick, Peppa.

  • Put Teddy in your toy basket.

  • There.

  • Now these books.

  • Lovely.

  • What do we have here?

  • Dinosaur.

  • That's right.

  • It's a dinosaur book.

  • It's George's pop-up dinosaur book.

  • This is a Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  • Tyrannosaurus Rex.

  • Ha-ha-ha.

  • That's right.

  • Oh, this is a Brontosaurus.

  • Brontosaurus.

  • Ha-ha-ha.

  • Yes.

  • Daddy, can we help put up the picture?

  • You can watch and then you'll learn how to do it properly.

  • First, I need a tape measure and a pencil.

  • That is where I'm going to put the nail.

  • Don't break the wall, Daddy.

  • Ho-ho-ho.

  • Now I need a hammer and a nail.

  • Stand back, children, and watch a craftsman at work.

  • Daddy Pig is going to knock the nail into the wall.

  • Don't break the wall, Daddy.

  • Ho-ho-ho.

  • Don't be silly, Peppa.

  • Easiest pie.

  • Oh, it's not meant to do that.

  • Daddy Pig has made a big crack in the wall.

  • Oh, Daddy, you've broken the wall.

  • It's just a tiny crack.

  • The picture will hide it.

  • There.

  • I can still see the crack, Daddy.

  • Yes.

  • I'll just take the nail out and fill in the crack.

  • Don't make a mess, Daddy.

  • Ho-ho.

  • Don't be silly, Peppa.

  • Oh, it's coming out.

  • Whoa!

  • Oh, Daddy.

  • Now you really have broken the wall.

  • Hmm.

  • Do you think Mummy will notice?

  • Yes, I think she might.

  • Quick, George.

  • What are they doing?

  • Daddy, we can see you.

  • Hmm.

  • Daddy Pig has to mend the wall before Mummy Pig comes home.

  • Brick, please.

  • First, Daddy Pig fills the hole with bricks.

  • There.

  • George is putting the spider to bed.

  • Night-night.

  • George, what are you doing?

  • I'm making a spider's nest.

  • Oh, you're making a spider's nest.

  • Yes, I am.

  • I'm making a spider's nest.

  • George, what are you doing?

  • You have to help me with the tea party.

  • Ah! Ah!

  • Help! Help!

  • Daddy, there's a spider in my bedroom.

  • Oh-ho. Don't worry, Peppa.

  • Please, Daddy, take it away.

  • Ho-ho-ho. No need to panic.

  • Hello, George. Have you seen the spider?

  • It's too scary.

  • Take it away.

  • There's no need to be afraid, Peppa.

  • Spiders are very, very small and they can't hurt you.

  • But don't worry, Daddy will take it out of the bedroom.

  • Whoa! He's quite big, isn't he?

  • Um, I'll just fetch Mummy Pig.

  • Mummy Pig!

  • Hello, Mr Skinny Legs.

  • Peppa feels a little bit braver.

  • He likes being in my doll's house.

  • Hello, children. I hear you've found a little spider.

  • I'll take him out of the bedroom so you two can play.

  • Mummy, his name is Mr Skinny Legs.

  • Ah! Mr Skinny Legs is big, isn't he?

  • Peppa and George like the spider.

  • Night-night.

  • George is putting the spider to bed.

  • No, George! He wants some tea.

  • He doesn't want to be in bed.

  • Are you hungry, Mr Skinny Legs?

  • Would you like some cake?

  • Peppa isn't afraid of the spider anymore.

  • Mummy, Daddy, sit down.

  • We are all going to have tea with Mr Skinny Legs.

  • Who wants tea?

  • Me, please!

  • Me, please!

  • Delicious!

  • No peeking, Daddy Pig!

  • We all have to do something.

  • George, do you want to go first?

  • Are you ready? Can I come in and see the movie?

  • Finished! You can come in now.

  • George has made a movie and so has Peppa.

  • Let's see George's movie first.

  • Dinosaur!

  • George is pretending to be a dinosaur.

  • That's a very scary dinosaur.

  • Oh dear, George is frightened.

  • Don't be frightened, George.

  • That's not a real dinosaur on TV.

  • It's you.

  • Dinosaur!

  • Dinosaur!

  • Now, let's see Peppa's movie.

  • Who is that meant to be?

  • I am Daddy Pig.

  • I see.

  • My tummy is very big because I eat a lot of cookies.

  • My tummy is not big.

  • But it is true that I like cookies.

  • And the more you eat, the bigger your tummy gets.

  • Okay, what's next?

  • This is my sweet little brother, George.

  • This is Mommy Pig.

  • This is me.

  • And this is the real Daddy Pig.

  • And this is the real Daddy Pig.

  • And now our play begins.

  • Grandma is at home.

  • But who is this visitor?

  • I'm the big bad wolf.

  • Well done, Danny!

  • Oh dear, Danny has forgotten what he says next.

  • Grandma, you must go in the cupboard.

  • Go in the cupboard.

  • The big bad wolf is pretending to be Grandma.

  • I am Little Red Riding Hood.

  • I'm going to visit my Grandma.

  • Bravo, Peppa!

  • Daddy, you must not take photos.

  • Oops, sorry, Peppa. Carry on.

  • I'm going to visit my Grandma.

  • Oh, you don't look like my Grandma.

  • What big eyes you have.

  • What big teeth you have.

  • You are not Grandma.

  • You are the big bad wolf.

  • Help! Oh, help!

  • But look who is here.

  • Just in time. Pedro the Hunter.

  • Help! Oh, help!

  • Just in time. Pedro the Hunter.

  • Pedro is a bit shy.

  • Pedro, would you like me to come on with you?

  • Yes, please.

  • You are a very naughty wolf.

  • I saved you, Grandma.

  • Hurray!

  • Thank you.

  • Bravo! Bravo!

  • Pedro, you were very good.

  • You were almost as good as me.

  • Before bedtime, Peppa and George have their bath.

  • Peppa likes splashing.

  • George likes splashing.

  • Peppa and George both like splashing.

  • That's enough splashing.

  • Let's get you dry and into your pyjamas.

  • Oh, can't we just stay in the bath a little bit longer?

  • Bath time is over.

  • Now it's time to clean your teeth.

  • Before going to bed, Peppa and George brush their teeth.

  • OK, that's enough brushing.

  • Into your beds.

  • Oh, I think our teeth need a bit more cleaning.

  • When you're in bed, Daddy Pig will read you a story.

  • Hurray!

  • Peppa and George like stories.

  • When Peppa goes to bed, she always has her teddy tucked up with her.

  • When George goes to bed, he always has Mr Dinosaur tucked up with him.

  • Are you feeling sleepy now?

  • No, Daddy. We need lots and lots of stories.

  • Daddy Pig will read you one story.

  • Now, which book do you want?

  • Um... The Red Monkey Book.

  • OK, I'll read you The Red Monkey Book.

  • Peppa and George like The Red Monkey Book.

  • Once upon a time...

  • Oh, sorry, Daddy Pig.

  • Once upon a time, there was a red monkey.

  • And this red monkey had a bath.

  • And cleaned his teeth.

  • He got into his bed.

  • And soon he fell fast asleep.

  • Good night, red monkey.

  • Peppa and George are asleep.

  • Good night, Peppa and George. Sleep well.

  • George does not want to wear his rain hat.

  • Peppa! George!

  • Come inside. The rain's too heavy to play in the house.

  • Oh, George. Where's your hat?

  • Achoo!

  • George has caught a cold.

  • Achoo!

  • Oh, poor George.

  • Don't worry. I'll ring Dr. Brown Bear.

  • Dr. Brown Bear speaking.

  • I see. Put George to bed and I'll be straight round.

  • Thank you, Dr. Brown Bear. Goodbye.

  • Will George be taken to hospital and given medicine?

  • No, he won't.

  • He'll have to stay in the hospital for a while.

  • Will George be taken to hospital and given medicine?

  • No, George just has to go to bed.

  • Oh, so George is not really properly ill.

  • Achoo!

  • That's disgusting!

  • Poor George. Let's get you straight to bed.

  • George, you have to stay in bed for a bit.

  • No.

  • George does not want to stay in bed.

  • Achoo!

  • George, you have to stay in bed until you are better.

  • Why?

  • Because you have to keep warm.

  • Why?

  • Er, because Dr. Brown Bear says so.

  • Hello! Where's my patient?

  • Open wide and say, aww.

  • George is a little bit worried.

  • Hmm, Peppa, you're big and brave.

  • Can you show George how to say, aww?

  • Of course.

  • Hmm, George has caught a cold.

  • Does George need medicine?

  • No, but he can have some nice warm milk at bedtime to help him sleep.

  • What's a canvas?

  • It's a bit like paper for very special paintings.

  • Is that toothpaste?

  • Oh, no, Peppa.

  • These are special paints for grown-up artists.

  • There.

  • What colour shall we begin with?

  • Red, please.

  • Why red, Peppa?

  • Red is my favourite colour.

  • Red is my favourite colour.

  • But first we need to paint the sky.

  • Look, what colour is it?

  • Blue, of course.

  • Very good. Let's start with blue.

  • Now for the cherry tree. We need green for the leaves.

  • But there isn't any green.

  • Never mind. If we mix blue paint with yellow paint, we can make green.

  • Mixing blue and yellow makes green.

  • Ooh!

  • What lovely green leaves.

  • And here's some grass.

  • What about the branches?

  • We haven't got brown paint.

  • We can make brown.

  • We'll mix the green and the red.

  • Mixing green and red makes brown.

  • Ooh!

  • Daddy Pig paints the tree trunk and the branches.

  • Wow!

  • Daddy, can I paint the cherries?

  • Yes, Peppa.

  • Put your finger in the paint and dab it onto the tree.

  • One, two, three.

  • Well done. Now it's George's turn.

  • What a great painter you are, George.

  • There. The painting is finished.

  • Hooray!

  • Oh, it's the ducks.

  • Hello, Mrs Duck. We're painting a picture.

  • The ducks are running through Daddy's paint.

  • Shoo! Shoo! Naughty ducks!

  • Shoo, ducks! Shoo! Stay away from our painting!

  • Rebecca!

  • Do you want to play in my bedroom?

  • Your bedroom? But where is your house?

  • Peppa cannot see Rebecca's house anywhere.

  • This hill is our house. It's called a burrow.

  • Ooh!

  • I'll show you.

  • See you later.

  • See you later.

  • Come in.

  • We don't have stairs. We have tunnels.

  • Wow!

  • Rebecca's house is a bit different to Peppa's.

  • This is our bedroom.

  • Wow!

  • You have a bed and a window and a toy box just like us.

  • Of course.

  • I like your house.

  • I wish I was a rabbit.

  • I know.

  • Shall I teach you both how to be rabbits?

  • Yes, please.

  • First, you have to twitch your nose and squeak like this.

  • Squeak! Squeak!

  • Squeak! Squeak!

  • Very good, Peppa Rabbit and George Rabbit.

  • Peppa likes being a rabbit.

  • George likes being a rabbit.

  • Rabbits like carrots.

  • Delicious!

  • Nom, nom, nom, nom! Delicious!

  • Yuck!

  • George does not like carrots.

  • He won't even try them.

  • Oh well, more for us then.

  • Rebecca, what else do rabbits like?

  • Rabbits like hopping.

  • Come outside. I'll show you.

  • Let's hop.

  • Squeak!

  • Rabbits like hopping.

  • You're very good, rabbits.

  • Lunchtime, children!

  • What's that noise?

  • It's the vacuum cleaner.

  • Um, why are you vacuuming at night?

  • We're not disturbing you, are we?

  • What? Oh no!

  • We found noise is the best way to get baby Alexander back to sleep.

  • He likes noise.

  • We're a noisy family!

  • Everyone is back in their beds asleep.

  • Baby Alexander is awake.

  • Why is Auntie Pig playing a trumpet?

  • To get Alexander to sleep.

  • The more noise, the better.

  • Is there another way that doesn't use noise?

  • We do find noise is the best way.

  • When George was a baby, we used to put him in his pram and wheel him around the house.

  • And that always sent him to sleep.

  • How strange.

  • No loud noises.

  • That's right.

  • How many times round the house was it, Mummy Pig?

  • Three times?

  • Fifty times.

  • Daddy Pig is pushing baby Alexander around the house.

  • Fifty times.

  • Good.

  • Baby Alexander is asleep.

  • Can you let me back in?

  • I'll just switch the alarm off.

  • Switch the alarm back on.

  • Watch this.

  • I will put the duck here now.

  • You tell me where it is.

  • There.

  • Exactly.

  • It's too easy, Daddy.

  • It won't always be so easy, Peppa.

  • Who wants to go first?

  • Because it's an easy game, George can go first.

  • OK, you all wait here.

  • Daddy Pig is putting the rubber duck somewhere for George to find.

  • The duck is somewhere in your bedroom.

  • George is looking for the rubber duck.

  • But it is quite difficult to find.

  • Oh.

  • George, you can see it.

  • Just look with your eyes.

  • George is using his eyes to look for the rubber duck.

  • You're getting warmer, colder, warm again.

  • George has found the rubber duck.

  • Hooray!

  • I saw it straight away.

  • This game is too easy.

  • OK, Peppa's turn.

  • I will do the hiding this time.

  • Mummy Pig is going to put the rubber duck somewhere for Peppa to find.

  • I will see it straight away.

  • Ready?

  • The rubber duck is somewhere in the kitchen.

  • I've come to find you, rubber ducky.

  • I know where you are.

  • You're in the sink.

  • Oh.

  • The rubber duck is not in the sink.

  • I know you're hiding under the table.

  • The rubber duck is not under the table.

  • Give me a clue, please.

  • It's sitting with something else that's yellow.

  • Something yellow that lives in the kitchen.

  • Bananas! There you are.

  • Peppa has found the rubber duck.

  • It was in the fruit bowl.

  • I've got tales to tell, if you'd like to hear.

  • No, thanks. Yes, please.

  • Well, there's the sea and the sky and...

  • I'm learning the banjo. Would you like to hear a song?

  • No, thanks. Yes, please.

  • I got up this morning

  • The sea was still there

  • So was the sky

  • The sea, the sky, the sea, the sky

  • Here's your cheese.

  • I've missed cheese.

  • And a new book.

  • How to Run a Lighthouse.

  • That'll come in handy.

  • Why is your house called a lighthouse?

  • I'll show you, Peppa.

  • The staircase goes round and round to the very top of the lighthouse.

  • Round and round and round.

  • It's called a lighthouse because it has this big light at the top.

  • Wow!

  • It shines through the dark helping sailors to find their way.

  • And when it's foggy, I use this foghorn.

  • Fog!

  • That's loud.

  • No fog today, just sea and sky.

  • The stories I could tell...

  • No, thank you. We've got to go.

  • We're sailing to Pirate Island.

  • Goodbye, Grumpy Rabbit.

  • Enjoy the sea and the sky.

  • Granddad Dog's boat has arrived at Pirate Island.

  • Look, our sandcastle is still here.

  • Let's play hide-and-seek.

  • Okay. One, two...

  • There are not many places to hide on Pirate Island.

  • Ready or not, here I come!

  • Found you!

  • Now, where's George?

  • Granddad Dog cannot find George

  • Granddad Dog cannot find George anywhere.

  • I give up! Where is he?

  • George was hiding behind Granddad Dog.

  • Clever George!

  • Electricity is what makes everything in our house work.

  • Will the electricity come back again?

  • Yes, but in the meantime, we need to find a torch.

  • I think there's a torch in the cellar.

  • Okay, I'll go and get it.

  • Will you be okay, Daddy?

  • I'll be fine. I can see very well in the dark.

  • Who put that there?

  • Daddy, are you okay?

  • Yes, it's just a bit dark down here.

  • Oh, I just remembered. I think the torch is in the kitchen.

  • Ah-ha!

  • Mummy Pig has found the torch.

  • Can I hold the torch, Mummy?

  • Okay.

  • George, look at me.

  • Peppa is making a funny face.

  • Don't worry, George. It's only Peppa.

  • Oh, we'd better tell Daddy we found the torch.

  • Daddy is still in the cellar, looking for the torch.

  • I'm sure it's here somewhere.

  • Daddy, we found the torch!

  • Luckily, it was in the kitchen all the time.

  • What a stroke of luck!

  • Now we just have to wait until the electricity comes back.

  • How long will that be exactly?

  • I would say exactly a long time.

  • Oh, but George and I want to do some dancing.

  • How will all our toys fit inside?

  • It is a little small.

  • Oh, George has found another bit.

  • Maybe that's a spare shelf.

  • And there's all of these bits too.

  • Oh, dear. The cupboard is tiny because Mummy Pig has not used all the pieces.

  • We'll just have to take it apart and start again.

  • Oh, no.

  • If only we had the instructions.

  • Who can that be?

  • Hello. I've just found this in my van.

  • It's the missing instructions.

  • That will make things a lot easier.

  • Hooray!

  • The instructions look very complicated.

  • It's no good. It's nonsense.

  • Leave it to me, Daddy Pig.

  • I quite enjoy putting these things together.

  • Really? Can we help in any way?

  • You can put the kettle on.

  • I'll have a nice cup of tea.

  • With six sugars, please.

  • Everyone is preparing tea and biscuits for Mr Zebra.

  • Tea time, Mr Zebra.

  • Wow!

  • Mr Zebra has built the toy cupboard.

  • My goodness, that was quick.

  • Yes, and I've put all your toys in there too.

  • Ooh!

  • Thank you, Mr Zebra.

  • But there's no room for these last two.

  • Oh, poor Teddy and Mr Dinosaur.

  • Where are they going to live?

  • Why not simply order another easy-to-make cupboard?

  • No!

  • I've got a better idea.

  • Teddy and Mr Dinosaur can live on your beds.

  • But, Mummy, that's where they lived before.

  • Yes, I know. That's why it's such a good idea.

  • I was a little piggy.

  • What is it?

  • It's called Birdy Birdy Woof Woof.

  • Not Birdy Birdy Woof Woof.

  • You were always playing that.

  • I thought we'd thrown that out ages ago.

  • The birds go woof and the dogs go tweet.

  • Woof, tweet, woof, tweet, woof, woof, woof.

  • The heep go moo and the cows go baa.

  • Moo, baa, woof, tweet, woof, baa, moo, tweet, woof, woof, woof.

  • Again, again.

  • The birds go woof and the dogs go tweet.

  • Woof, tweet, woof, tweet, woof, woof, woof.

  • The sheep go moo and the cows go baa.

  • Moo, baa, woof, tweet, woof, baa, moo, tweet, woof, woof, woof.

  • That was fun.

  • But we were supposed to be finding some things to throw out.

  • Peppa, what should we throw out and what should we keep?

  • Hmm. I think you should keep everything.

  • Oh!

What's all this noise?

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