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  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down to the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • It's true.

  • He's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down to the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • It's true.

  • He's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • What can I say?

  • 咱们今天要学的表达是anal, anal.

  • 咱们今天要学的表达是anal, anal.

  • 首先来看一下他的英文定义,extremely or overly neat, careful or precise.

  • 中文意思是吹毛求疵的挑剔肢解的anal.

  • 接下来咱们看两个例句,第一个,he can be pretty anal about keeping his office neat.

  • 他过于注重保持办公室的整洁,他不喜欢被人家 骂,他不喜欢被人家骂,他不喜欢被人家骂,他不喜欢 被人家骂,他不喜欢被人家骂,他不喜欢被人家骂, 他对工作过于吹毛求疵,从不错过任何一个细节。

  • One more time, he is too anal about his work and never misses a single detail.

  • OK,看完了这个表达,咱们来加上中文字幕看一下整句话的意思。

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down at the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • It's true, he's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • 好,下面我们来进行跟读练习。 我们先来听一遍原声,然后我来给大家做个代读示范。

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down at the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • It's true, he's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down at the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • It's true, he's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • 好,咱们来看一下语音部分。 第一句,I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down at the dollar without even looking.

  • 那么第二个单词,can,只做了弱读。 读起来,can,can,一代耳朵就好了。 后面,tell you,正常读。 再往后,right now,right,deal with it,失去爆破。 咱们只做口型和舌尾,但是把声音给吞进去。

  • Right now,right now,I can tell you right now.

  • 后面标黄的单词,exactly,做了重读。 咱们可以相应地放慢语速,提高音量。 并且字母t发的爆破音t出现了失去爆破的现象。 咱们做出口型,留出时间不发声音,读成了exactly,exactly.

  • 后面how much,正常读。 并且much和I连读成了much I,much I。 后面havein连读成了having,having。 其中in是弱读,一代耳朵就好了。 再往后,my wallet,wallet,deal with it,right,deal with it,都出现了失去爆破的现象。 咱们只要把口型和声位放在发t的位置,但是把声音给吞进去,读成了wallet right down,wallet right down。 后面的tothe都是弱读,很先很快一代耳朵。 再往后,dollarwithout都正常读。 we withouteven连读成了without even,without even。 第三行开头looking正常读就好了,所以第一句话串起来就读成了。

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down to the dollar without even looking.

  • 第二句justin's wallet too。 同样wallet,deal with it,失去爆破,justin's wallet too,justin's wallet too

  • It's true,he'sano that way.

  • 第三行最后一个单词ano,它的意思是吹毛求疵的挑剔肢解的,正常读就好。 下一行that做了弱读,并且deal with it,失去爆破,读成了the,the,he'sano that way。 再往后,he doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • 那么doesn't,deal with it,并没爆出来,读成了doesn't,doesn't。 并且doesn't和even连读成了doesn't even,doesn't even

  • He doesn't even like it,likeit连读成了like it,like it

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • when和I连读成了when I,when I。 后面letdifferent,deal with it,都没有爆出来。 咱们只做口弦和舌尾,但是把声音给吞进去,读成了let different,let different

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • 最后一句what can I say,what,deal with it,失爆,读成了what,whatcan同样若读成了can,can,what can I say,what can I say

  • All right,讲完了所有的语音现象,请各位天门元生根据标注自行跟读一遍。

  • I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down to the dollar without even looking.

  • Justine's wallet too.

  • He's true. He's anal that way.

  • He doesn't even like it when I let different denominations touch.

  • What can I say?

  • 那么今天的讲解就到这里。 如果大家想要有效地提升自己的英语听力和口语水平,欢迎关注我的账号。 我们下期再见。

I can tell you right now exactly how much I have in my wallet right down to the dollar without even looking.

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