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  • God, sign language too?

  • Who's, who's, who's, uh...

  • Oh, oh, a whole section? Hi!

  • Woo!

  • Def Ro.

  • Wow.

  • Green Mile right here, dude.

  • What's that?

  • She's saying that's not fair.

  • Who said that's not fair?

  • It's Justine.

  • Justine over there?

  • What are you doing over there? Get over here!

  • Did they...

  • Justine is her name?

  • Hi, Justine!

  • What was she saying is not fair?

  • Also, I love how they have you under a heat lamp like you French fries.

  • That's very funny to me.

  • What's she saying?

  • Forget it.

  • Forget it?

  • No, I'm only mad it took that long to say two words.

  • Say it again.

  • She said say it again?

  • No, what was the question?

  • What was the question?

  • Yeah, do you remember?

  • I don't remember.

  • I didn't hear her.

  • She, she said that's not fair and then I asked...

  • Typical gaslighting, by the way.

  • To ask a question and be like, you asked me.

  • No, that's not how it works.

  • Are you sparking up a joint right now?

  • My man!

  • What's your name, bro?

  • Aaron.

  • Aaron?

  • Pleasure to meet you, Aaron.

  • Who you here with?

  • I'm here with my brother and nephew.

  • Your brother and your nephew?

  • Is your brother right next to you?

  • What's up, man?

  • Aaron and...

  • Emmanuel.

  • Emmanuel?

  • Emmanuel?

  • Do you have no legs and no arms?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Oh, that's dope, dude!

  • Wow.

  • And your boy is iced out over here with a joint and everything.

  • You got so many chains on you, dude.

  • You know he's not gonna steal them.

  • How old are you, brother?

  • In the front right here.

  • Fifty-five.

  • You want oxygen already?

  • Oh, man, you've been through some shit.

  • Is the oxygen just because of the elevation?

  • No, it's because I can't breathe.

  • It's because you can't breathe?

  • Well, no shit.

  • Lung problems?

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • I had a fungal infection from Arizona.

  • A fungal infection from Arizona?

  • That's probably the best disease you could have left there with,

  • I'll be honest.

  • And who are you here with tonight?

  • Your husband?

  • Yes!

  • He's so cute.

  • Does he keep it in?

  • Battle boy.

  • And does he keep it in?

  • Fifty-five and...

  • and fifty-seven.

  • Yeah, you guys aren't even retired yet.

  • What do you guys do?

  • House husband?

  • Women, they're taking your jobs!

  • And they already got the inside scoop on fellatio.

  • You about to lose everything.

  • You better stop with this feminism shit right now, okay?

  • Homemaker, I love that.

  • Damn near a pacemaker, but...

  • What was, like, your dream job?

  • If you could have done any occupation in the world, what would you have liked to have done?

  • Flight attendant.

  • Flight attendant?

  • Yeah, you've been gay your whole life.

  • Okay, that's fine.

  • Well...

  • We know who doesn't have a nut allergy.

  • Oh, well, hello.

  • Elderly madam in the corner.

  • How old are you, love?

  • Almost 84?

  • Shut up.

  • 84. What is your name?

  • Ann?

  • Yeah.

  • What is that?

  • What is this?

  • What is this?

  • Are these good in plenties?

  • Shut up.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Yes!

  • You are so sweet!

  • Pleasure to meet you, Ann.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I fucking love good in plenties, dude.

  • If you're wondering what an 84-year-old woman's pussy tastes like...

  • It's black licorice.

  • That's so sweet. Thank you for this.

  • Ann, you're retired now.

  • Yes, I am.

  • What did you used to do?

  • I was an accounting supervisor for Village Inn Pancake House.

  • That was way too many words. What?

  • An accounting supervisor?

  • Yeah, restaurant accounting supervisor.

  • What was like your dream job growing up?

  • In the Prohibition?

  • I just like to deal with people, anything to deal with.

  • You just what?

  • I just like people.

  • I'm not old and deaf, okay?

  • You don't gotta raise your fucking voice like that.

  • Jesus Christ.

  • Ann...

  • She got in my face.

  • It was like, I just wanted to be around people.

  • Alright, fucking chill out.

  • Before I turn you off.

  • You just wanted to be around people.

  • And accounting for a restaurant was around people?

  • Well, I dealt with the managers and they liked me.

  • You dealt with the managers and they liked you.

  • It's because you're fine as fuck.

  • Got your ankles out and shit, you slut.

  • She caught it in her pussy and she was like...

  • I'm gonna flatline that ass.

  • You got a boyfriend?

  • No.

  • No?

  • I'd like one.

  • You'd like one?

  • Let me borrow that oxygen for a minute.

  • You are so fucking sweet.

  • I might be 84, but I'm not dead.

  • She said, I'm not...

  • She said, I might be 84, but I'm not dead.

  • Not yet.

  • Who are you here with, Ann?

  • My granddaughter.

  • That's your granddaughter?

  • She brought me here.

  • She brought you here?

  • Yeah.

  • Thank you for bringing her here.

  • Yeah.

  • Did you drive her here?

  • Can you drop her off later?

  • And I'll know when you're there too, when I hear...

  • I love you.

  • I'll build a boyfriend for you.

  • Ready?

  • I'm gonna ask you two things.

  • Give me three physical traits you like in a guy.

  • And give me three personality traits you like in a guy.

  • Well, I like him cute like you.

  • You like him cute like me?

  • Better watch your mouth before I take those teeth out.

  • I'm telling you.

  • You like him cute?

  • Okay.

  • I like him tall.

  • 6'2".

  • You like him tall?

  • 6'2"?

  • Bet.

  • 6'1"?

  • You mind settling?

  • I like him buff.

  • You like him buff?

  • Alright, we're back, Ann.

  • Now give me personality traits.

  • Three personality traits you would really look for in another partner.

  • Alive.

  • Give me three, bud.

  • Kind.

  • Kind.

  • They have to be funny.

  • They have to be funny?

  • That's crazy.

  • I like to play games.

  • You like to play games?

  • Okay.

  • Like bedroom games or bingo?

  • Do you mean like actual games?

  • Actual games?

  • That's so fucking cute.

  • When I come inside you, I'm going to yell Yahtzee.

  • That condom is going to be a fossil.

  • Oh my goodness.

  • Ann, give me one more hug.

  • Come here.

  • Give me one more.

  • Pleasure to meet you, sweetheart.

  • You are so beautiful.

  • Thank you.

  • You're so sweet.

  • You're so sweet.

  • It's a pleasure to meet you.

  • Go sit down before you get hurt.

  • Oh man.

  • Well,

  • I don't know why y'all still here.

  • You about to watch something unethical.

God, sign language too?

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