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Are you ready to be blown away by the beauty of a 91-year-old model?
你準備好被一位 91 歲模特的美貌所震撼了嗎?
Meet Carmen del Orofes, the world's oldest model, who exudes a timeless grace that has captivated the fashion world for over 76 years.
卡門-德爾-奧羅菲斯是世界上最年長的模特,76 年來散發出永恆的優雅,令時尚界為之傾倒。
In this video, she spills the beans on her 5 secrets of her youthfulness, including her skincare routine, diet, morning rituals, and exercise.
在這段視頻中,她透露了自己保持青春的 5 大祕訣,包括日常護膚、飲食、晨起儀式和運動。
Let's not forget, she'll also give you a peek into her love and s-life, what we will call an intimate life.
So, get ready to be inspired and stay tuned until the very end for the juicy details.
Carmen del Orofes is an iconic figure in the fashion industry, recognized for her striking cheekbones, full-bodied white hair, and graceful limbs.
Born in New York City in 1931, Carmen was first discovered at the age of 13 while riding a bus to ballet class. She made history at 15 by becoming the youngest model to grace the cover of Vogue.
卡門於 1931 年出生於紐約市,13 歲時乘坐公共汽車去上芭蕾課時首次被髮掘。15 歲時,她成為登上《Vogue》封面的最年輕模特,創造了歷史。
At 91, she continues to stun the world with her elegance, as she graces the covers of magazines.
91 歲高齡的她依然以其優雅的氣質驚豔世界,成為各大雜誌的封面人物。
In this video, Carmen shares her practical tips on how to stay youthful, reminding us that self-care and self-love are essential ingredients in maintaining beauty.
Her positive outlook and resilience have seen her through many challenges, including three marriages and two complete investment losses that made her lose all her money. Get ready to take notes as Carmen spills the beans on her skincare routine, diet, exercise, and morning rituals. And, don't forget to tune in as she talks about love and intimacy.
她的積極樂觀和堅韌不拔讓她經歷了許多挑戰,包括三次婚姻和兩次徹底的投資失利,使她傾家蕩產。當 Carmen 透露她的護膚程序、飲食、運動和晨間儀式時,請準備好做筆記。此外,別忘了收聽她談論愛情和親密關係。
Let's dive into Carmen's secrets of youth and discover how you can nurture and love yourself to look and feel your best, no matter your age. Skincare Routine
Who says beauty fades with age? Certainly not Carmen del Orofes, the world's oldest supermodel.
At over 90 years old, she still boasts clear and soft skin that women half her age would envy.
90 多歲高齡的她,依然擁有令一半年齡的女性都羨慕不已的白淨柔嫩的肌膚。
While she openly admits to having enhanced her God-given bone structure with regular silicone injections for decades, and undergone a fearsome-sounding medical dermabrasion almost 50 years ago to banish wrinkles and sun damage, Carmen swears by her daily skincare routine to maintain her timeless beauty. Her secret? Moisturize, moisturize, moisturize.
卡門公開承認,幾十年來她通過定期注射硅膠增強了上帝賜予她的骨骼結構,並在近 50 年前接受了聽起來令人生畏的醫學磨皮手術,以消除皺紋和晒傷,但卡門發誓,她每天都堅持護膚,以保持永恆的美麗。她的祕訣是什麼?保溼、保溼、保溼。
According to Carmen, she moisturizes her skin with anything that comes to hand.
But that's not all, Carmen also knows the importance of sunscreen in keeping skin looking youthful. Sunscreen is recommended for skin cancer prevention as well as for warding off the aging effects, according to Harvard Medical School. Another groundbreaking study shows that those who use broad-spectrum sunscreen on a daily basis experience 24% less skin aging than ones who use sunscreen only intermittently. The study, published in the Influential Annals of Internal
但這還不是全部,卡門還知道防晒霜對保持皮膚年輕的重要性。哈佛醫學院建議使用防晒霜來預防皮膚癌和防止皮膚老化。另一項突破性研究表明,每天使用廣譜防晒霜的人比只間歇使用防晒霜的人皮膚老化程度低 24%。這項研究發表在具有影響力的《內科學年鑑》(Annals of Internal
Medicine, followed more than 900 people over a four-year period. It found that even participants who started daily sunscreen applications in their 40s and 50s showed reduced signs of skin aging.
醫學》雜誌對 900 多人進行了為期四年的跟蹤調查。研究發現,即使是在四五十歲時就開始每天塗抹防晒霜的人,皮膚老化的跡象也有所減少。
Carmen also keeps her makeup routine to a minimum, using it only for industry events and photo shoots. According to Dr. Green, makeup itself doesn't age your skin but certain ingredients in makeup have the potential to build up on your skin, which can effectively trap oils and sweat beneath them. This results in skin to appear dull and uneven, making the skin look aged.
For Carmen del Orifice, she avoids makeup altogether when she is not in professional engagements. She wants her skin to breathe and her pores to be free.
卡門-德爾-奧利弗(Carmen del Orifice)在不參加專業活動時完全避免化妝。她希望自己的皮膚能夠呼吸,毛孔能夠暢通。
Diet Routine Carmen del Orifice has always been a vision of beauty, standing tall at 5 feet 11 inches or 180 centimeters, and her slim figure is just as stunning at the age of 91 as it was when she first started modeling. Despite what you may think,
卡門-德爾-奧利弗(Carmen del Orifice)一直是美麗的象徵,她身高 5 英尺 11 英寸(180 釐米),91 歲高齡時的苗條身材與剛開始做模特時一樣令人驚歎。儘管您可能會認為
Carmen doesn't follow a strict diet regime or count calories. Instead, she eats to her appetite and loves both eating and cooking. Her creativity when it comes to food is inspiring. For example, if she doesn't like watery spinach, she braises it herself or eats it raw.
But, for those of you who want to know her secret, she always starts her day by drinking water with lemon juice and eats plenty of probiotic yogurt. Water is the most important intake for Carmen, and she drinks ample amounts of it. She always has water by her side whenever she exercises, which we will be discussing in more detail in this video. And for those who have a sweet tooth, you'll be happy to know that Carmen loves her ice cream too. While she does not binge eat, she always keeps plenty of ice cream in her freezer, just in case. It gives her a feeling of security, and as she puts it, one would think cloves would do it for me, but no, it's ice cream. Stay tuned to learn more about Carmen's exercise routine, which helps her maintain her stunning figure at the age of 91. Exercise Routine Each Morning
不過,對於那些想知道她的祕訣的人來說,她總是以喝加檸檬汁的水和吃大量益生菌酸奶開始一天的生活。對卡門來說,水是最重要的攝入量,她喝大量的水。每次運動時,她身邊都會有水,我們將在本視頻中詳細介紹這一點。喜歡甜食的人一定會很高興知道,卡門也愛吃冰淇淋。雖然她不會大吃特吃,但她總是在冰箱裡放很多冰淇淋,以備不時之需。這給了她一種安全感,正如她所說的那樣,人們會認為丁香會給我帶來安全感,但不是,是冰淇淋。請繼續關注,瞭解卡門的日常鍛鍊方法,這有助於她在 91 歲高齡時保持迷人的身材。每天早晨的鍛鍊計劃
Carmen notes that she metabolizes food well. She sure does have great height, but studies show that from the age of 60s, the metabolism starts to decline, not before.
卡門指出,她對食物的新陳代謝很好。她的身高確實很高,但研究表明,從 60 多歲開始,新陳代謝就開始下降,而不是之前。
So, how does she tackle a potential decreased level of metabolism? Carmen takes gentle care of her body with a regular walking routine that she enjoys with friends. Walking for just 30 minutes every day helps her maintain overall health, increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance.
那麼,她是如何解決新陳代謝水準可能下降的問題的呢?卡門通過定期與朋友一起散步來溫柔地呵護自己的身體。每天只需步行 30 分鐘,就能幫助她保持整體健康,增強心血管功能,強化骨骼,減少體內多餘脂肪,增強肌肉力量和耐力。
No special equipment or training is required for walking, and it's free. Carmen also practices gentle exercises that she loves, stretching and breathing to become more aware of her body's needs. As she stretches, she tunes into her body's needs, even if it's as simple as opening her eyes. She's discovered that opening her eyes can be an exercise in mindfulness, allowing her to listen to her body and avoid injury as she ages. As part of her daily morning stretching routine, she rolls to see how her hips feel. She bends her knees, and does a few leg-ups.
She ensures to take care of every corner of her body by saying hello to the different parts of her body. While doing these stretches, she also always has a bottle of water at the bedside.
After a thorough stretch in her bed, she drinks water because her throat is dry and if her eyes feel dry, she knows she is not drinking enough fluid in general. With the way she approaches things and listens to her body, she doesn't have to go out and buy salves or eye drops.
After that, she shares that she puts the tea kettle on, sets her $19 radio to good jazz, and jumps on the indoor bicycle until the kettle boils. While this morning routine is a fixture, she is flexible about it. Gently stretching her body, she becomes self-aware in what she chooses to do and what she ends up doing. And then she observes what worked and what didn't work, which can change as can every cell in the body. If she is having trouble with any part of her body that needs an on-the-spot decision, then she doesn't stick to the routine because then it becomes counterproductive to what the body needs at that given moment. Carmen's approach to aging is refreshing, reminding us that we can still enjoy life and take care of ourselves as we grow older. By listening to our bodies and being flexible with our routines, we can maintain a healthy lifestyle and age gracefully like Carmen. Breathing Exercise
之後,她會放上茶壺,把 19 美元的收音機調到好聽的爵士樂,然後跳上室內自行車,直到水壺燒開。雖然這套晨練程序是固定的,但她會靈活運用。輕輕地舒展身體,她對自己選擇做什麼和最終做什麼有了自知之明。然後,她會觀察哪些有效,哪些無效,因為身體的每個細胞都會發生變化。如果她身體的任何部位出現問題,需要當場做出決定,那麼她就不會堅持常規的做法,因為這樣會與身體當時的需要背道而馳。卡門對待衰老的態度令人耳目一新,她提醒我們,隨著年齡的增長,我們仍然可以享受生活,照顧好自己。傾聽身體的聲音,靈活地安排生活,我們就能像
While conducting her stretching routine, Carmen incorporates breathing exercises into her daily practice. In today's fast-paced world, it can be challenging to slow down and pay attention.
However, Carmen refuses to succumb to pressure. She values her individuality and cannot deliver her best self if she's following someone else's regime. To ensure she stays relaxed, Carmen has mastered techniques to manage stress. With over 70 years of experience in her career, she understands the importance of a healthy mind and body connection.
然而,卡門拒絕屈服於壓力。她珍視自己的個性,如果按照別人的方式行事,就無法展現出最好的自己。為了確保自己保持放鬆,卡門掌握了管理壓力的技巧。憑藉 70 多年的職業經驗,她深知健康身心的重要性。
Carmen knows that when her body feels better, her brain feels better too.
She has a strong bond with her brain, which helps her override pain and control anxiety.
Instead of panicking, she takes deep breaths, relaxes, and focuses on what she needs to do.
Carmen also believes in preparation and research before diving into unknown environments.
It's no surprise that she remains a highly sought-after model in the fashion industry.
In addition to her stress-reducing techniques, Carmen enjoys hobbies that bring her joy and relaxation. Sewing is a passion of hers, inherited from her accomplished seamstress mother. Together, they made clothes and earned extra money when Carmen was young as they were poor.
She also loves photography, finding inspiration in the beauty of the world around her.
These hobbies help her unwind and provide a sense of fulfillment beyond her professional career.
Good S Life, Love Life.
She openly discussed her views on intimacy. When asked if she still engages in intimacy, she confidently replied in a video, of course, why would I give that up?
To Carmen, intimacy is like maintaining a Rolls Royce. You must occasionally turn on the motor to keep it running smoothly so that when you want to drive the car, it's ready to go. Carmen believes that people often enter intimacy through the wrong doorway, and as a result, they give it up later in life. Society tells us not to engage in it, but Carmen believes that we're just undersatisfied. Intimacy should be as natural as breathing, according to her. Carmen emphasizes the importance of relationships, and intimacy is an essential part of it, as it can add richness and excitement to one's life. It can be like a wonderful wave that starts way out in the ocean and then finally hits on shore and is fabulous, she explains. Carmen has always been one to have crushes and claims to have a love interest to this day. I love my relationships, and I don't have a set idea of what they should be, she says. I live out what is there, the dance of need, daily, weekly, yearly, if it's geographically possible. In regards to love, Carmen has discovered that it's not limited to just romantic love with a partner. She has come to realize that love is not the narrow thing she once thought it was. If you can find it all in one lovely person with marriage and intimacy and lust, that is fabulous, and she says she came pretty close with her last husband. Now she realized that you can find your soulmate in friendship, too.
Throughout this video, we've explored Carmen's five secrets to maintaining her youth, health, and beauty. Her optimistic take on skincare, diet, exercise, and keeping her relationships alive have all contributed to her longevity. When asked about retirement,
Carmen simply responds, no, and explains that she wants to enjoy every day of her life and work as a part of that. If you're interested in adopting her positive attitude towards work and longevity, check out our next video on James Hong, Hollywood's hardest-working actor who is still thriving at the age of 94. Don't forget to subscribe to our channel for more health and beauty tips for a long and fulfilling life, and as always, like this video and hit the notification bell.
卡門只是簡單地回答說 "不",並解釋說她希望享受生命中的每一天,工作也是其中的一部分。如果您有興趣學習她對待工作和長壽的積極態度,請觀看我們下一個關於詹姆斯-洪的視頻,他是好萊塢最勤奮的演員,在 94 歲高齡時仍在茁壯成長。別忘了訂閱我們的頻道,瞭解更多健康和美容小貼士,讓您的生活更加長壽和充實,並一如既往地喜歡這個視頻,點擊通知鈴。