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  • Hey guys! I'm back with another speak English with me video. Let's go over how it works real quick for the new people here. So you will essentially speak

  • English with me. We will have a dialogue where one line will be mine and the next one will be yours. I'm gonna say my line and then you will read your line from the screen out loud as if you were answering me and then we switch. So find a comfortable and quiet place and get ready to repeat after me, respond to questions and even pause the video to practice your lines. And let's get started. So first we will listen to the full dialogue and then proceed to the practicing part.

  • Fiji! Wow! That sounds like a dream. Tell me about it. It truly was a dream. The beaches were pristine, the water was crystal clear, I snorkeled with some exotic fish and even went diving with sharks. And the people there were so friendly and welcoming. That sounds like once-in-a-lifetime experience. I'm so jealous. It was pretty spectacular. So what's new with you? I heard you're heading to Hawaii soon. Yep, I'm actually leaving next week. I can't wait. It's been on my bucket list for ages. Hawaii is amazing. What island are you visiting? I'll be spending most of my time on Oahu but I hope to hop over to

  • Maui for a few days too. Oh, Oahu is fantastic. You have to check out Waikiki

  • Beach and if you have time, do the Diamond Head hike. And Maui, well that's a whole other level of beauty. Road to Hana is a must. Thanks for the tips, Alex.

  • I'll definitely add those to my list. Any other recommendations? Don't miss the traditional luau and make sure to try some local Hawaiian cuisine like poke and shave ice. And the sunsets in Hawaii are breathtaking, so catch as many as you can. Thank you so much. I'll make sure to do all of that. Have an amazing time in

  • Hawaii. It's paradise on earth, so enjoy every moment. All right, let's practice.

  • I'll go first. Hey Sarah, long time no see. How you been?

  • Not much. Just got back from an amazing vacation in Fiji. It was incredible.

  • It truly was a dream. The beaches were pristine, the water was crystal clear, I snorkeled with some exotic fish and even went diving with sharks. And the people there were so friendly and welcoming.

  • It was pretty spectacular. So what's new with you? I heard you're heading to

  • Hawaii soon.

  • Hawaii is amazing. What island are you visiting?

  • Oh, Oahu is fantastic. You have to check out Waikiki Beach and if you have time, do the Diamond Head Hike. And Maui, well that's a whole other level of beauty.

  • Road to Hana is a must.

  • Don't miss the traditional luau and to make sure to try some local Hawaiian cuisine like poke and shave ice. And the sunsets in Hawaii are breathtaking, so catch as many as you can.

  • Have an amazing time in Hawaii. It's paradise on earth, so enjoy every moment.

  • Awesome. Great job. Now let's switch. Now you go first.

  • Hey Alex, I've been good, thanks. What's new with you?

  • Fiji. Wow, that sounds like a dream. Tell me about it.

  • I'm actually leaving next week. I can't wait. It's been on my bucket list for ages.

  • I'll be spending most of my time on Oahu, but I hope to hop over to Maui for a few days, too.

  • I'll be spending most of my time on Oahu, but I hope to hop over to Maui for a few days, too.

  • Thanks for the tips, Alex. I'll definitely add those to my list. Any other recommendations?

  • Thank you so much. I'll make sure to do all of that.

  • Hey there, it's been a while. How have you been?

  • Hey, I know, it feels like forever. I've been good, but there's some big news.

  • I actually quit my job a couple of weeks ago.

  • Whoa, really? That's a big step. What happened? Are you okay?

  • Yeah, I'm good. It was just time for a change. I wasn't really happy in that job anymore, and I needed something new.

  • So I'm on the hunt for a new job now.

  • I get it. Sometimes you just need a fresh start. Do you have any leads or a plan for what you want to do next?

  • I've been actively searching and applying for jobs in my field. I've got a few interviews lined up, and I'm also considering a couple of other options.

  • It's both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, to be honest.

  • That's great to hear that you're being proactive about it. I'm sure you'll find something amazing soon.

  • Anything I can do to help?

  • Thanks, that means a lot.

  • Well, if you come across any job openings that you think might be a good fit, please let me know.

  • Also, just having someone to talk to about it is a huge help.

  • Absolutely, I'll keep an eye out, and I'm here whenever you need to chat about it.

  • In the meantime, let's make plans to catch up more often. We shouldn't let weeks go by without seeing each other.

  • Agreed, let's not be strangers. And thanks for being such a supportive friend.

  • Alright, let's practice. I'll go first.

  • Hey there, it's been a while. How have you been?

  • Whoa, really? That's a big step. What happened? Are you okay?

  • I get it, sometimes you just need a fresh start. Do you have any leads or a plan for what you want to do next?

  • That's great to hear that you're being proactive.

  • I'm sure you'll find something amazing soon. Anything I can do to help?

  • Absolutely, I'll keep an eye out, and I'm here whenever you need to chat about it.

  • In the meantime, let's make plans to catch up more often. We shouldn't let weeks go by without seeing each other.

  • Great job. Now let's switch. Now you start.

  • Hey, I know, it feels like forever. I've been good, but there's some big news. I actually quit my job a couple of weeks ago.

  • Yeah, I'm good. It was just time for a change. I wasn't really happy in that job anymore, and I needed something new. So I'm on the hunt for a new job now.

  • I've been actively searching and applying for jobs in my field. I've got a few interviews lined up, and I'm also considering a couple of other options. It's both exciting and a bit nerve-wracking, to be honest.

  • Thanks, that means a lot. Well, if you come across any job openings that you think might be a good fit, please let me know. Also, just having someone to talk to about it is a huge help.

  • Agreed. Let's not be strangers. And thanks for being such a supportive friend.

  • Hey, what's good here?

  • Evening. Our signature cocktail, the Sunset Margarita, is a hit. Or if you prefer beer, our local craft selections are excellent.

  • I'll try the Sunset Margarita. Sounds interesting.

  • Coming right up. You here for any special occasion?

  • Just unwinding after a long week.

  • I hear you. This should do the trick then. Here you go. Enjoy.

  • Thanks, this looks great. How long have you been working here?

  • About five years now. Seen all sorts, but it's always about making sure folks have a good time.

  • Seems like you enjoy it.

  • Absolutely. It's all about the people. Let me know if you need another one or want to try something else.

  • Will do. Cheers.

  • Alright, let's get into the practice. I'll lead.

  • Hey, what's good here?

  • I'll try the Sunset Margarita. Sounds interesting.

  • Just unwinding after a long week.

  • Thanks, this looks great. How long have you been working here?

  • Seems like you enjoy it.

  • Will do. Cheers.

  • Great job there. Now let's switch it up. You start.

  • Evening. Our signature cocktail, the Sunset Margarita, is a hit.

  • Or, if you prefer beer, our local craft selections are excellent.

  • Coming right up. You here for any special occasion?

  • Coming right up. You here for any special occasion?

  • I hear you. This should do the trick then. Here you go. Enjoy.

  • About five years now. Seen all sorts. But it's always about making sure folks have a good time.

  • Absolutely. It's all about the people. Let me know if you need another one or want to try something else.

  • Okay guys, that'll be it for this video. Great job!

  • I hope you enjoyed practicing your speaking skills with me.

  • Don't forget to hit that like button and I'll see you in the next one. Bye!

Hey guys! I'm back with another speak English with me video. Let's go over how it works real quick for the new people here. So you will essentially speak

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