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  • Over 10,000 competitors, over 8 million tickets sold, and about 3 billion people tuning in to watch what most of us consider the pinnacle of sports, the Olympics.

    超過 10,000 名選手,售出超過 800 萬張門票,約有 30 億人觀看了我們大多數人眼中的體育巔峰——奧運。

  • And this time, it's in Paris.


  • But the Olympics is a lot more than just this and this and this.


  • It's an extremely expensive undertaking, in many cases, causing more harm than good to its host city.


  • And I covered it before.


  • Cities are dropping out because they were spending tens of billions of dollars on the hosting process.


  • This chart shows a host city's initial budget versus what they ended up spending.


  • They're quite different, like this or this or this.


  • The London 2012 Olympics ended up being nearly four times more than what they initially set out to spend.

    2012 年倫敦奧運會的花費最終比他們最初設定的花費高出近四倍。

  • That's detrimental to a host's budget, especially problematic for cities and countries with an already weak economy and extreme inequities,


  • like the state of Paris, which was the result of a heavy debt load in 2016, or Greece, whose debt crisis became so catastrophic, it was put on fiscal monitoring by the European Commission just a year after hosting the Games.

    比如巴黎在 2016 年就因沉重的債務負擔而陷入困境,希臘的債務危機也變得非常嚴重,在舉辦奧運僅一年後就被歐盟委員會置於財政監控之下。

  • But Paris is looking to be a bit different.


  • The city budgeted $9.7 billion, spending about half on infrastructure and the other half on operating costs.

    該市的預算為 97 億美元,其中約一半用於基礎設施建設,另一半用於營運成本。

  • And so far, it's looking good.


  • We expect the Paris 2024 Summer Games would be the cheapest of the 21st century because the needs were really limited.

    我們預計 2024 年巴黎夏季運動會將是 21 世紀最便宜的運動會,因為需求確實有限。

  • So overruns were not as high as previous games.


  • So how did France pull it off?


  • And can they become the blueprint for future host cities?


  • This is Thomas Bach, the president of the International Olympic Committee.


  • It's a clip from 2017 when he announced Paris as the host city of the 2024 Summer Games.

    這是 2017 年他宣佈巴黎為 2024 年夏季奧運會主辦城市時的一個片段。

  • We're all therefore delighted to see that your plans include a record number of existing and temporary venues.


  • The key here is the record number of existing and temporary venues.


  • Paris's initial budget was set to $6.97 billion.

    巴黎的初步預算定為 69.7 億美元。

  • When it officially won in 2017, it revised its budget to $8.1 billion.

    2017 年正式獲勝時,它將預算修訂為 81 億美元。

  • The city ended up with $9.7 billion, still well below the past five Olympics.

    該市最終獲得了 97 億美元,仍遠低於過去的五屆奧運會。

  • Olympic budgets are split into two parts.


  • Operating costs and infrastructure costs.


  • Operating costs are typically the more manageable of the two.


  • It's essentially the necessary cost to get the games up and running, like security, transportation, medical services, customs, immigration and more.


  • Paris was already strong in many of those areas.


  • The IOC set an operating budget of $4.8 billion as a result.

    國際奧委會是以制定了 48 億美元的營運預算。

  • Infrastructure costs have always been a bit of a thorn in the side of host cities in the past.


  • Prior cities have overspent by billions of dollars on construction of new venues, Olympic villages and building new or expanding existing public infrastructure for the games.


  • To get all of that construction done before the opening ceremony starts, it becomes an expensive race against time.


  • In Paris's case, construction costs were manageable at $4.9 billion. 95% of the venues were already in place, only 3% were built.

    就巴黎而言,49 億美元的建設成本是可控的。95% 的場館已經建成,只建造了 3%。

  • There is the Olympics village that is the largest project for the game.


  • And you have a new swimming pool in Saint-Denis.


  • I think it's a bit less than $200 million.

    我想應該不到 2 億美元。

  • And then you have a new sport facility within the city limit of Paris.


  • The Olympics village will be turned into housing and student accommodation.


  • They expect to have 2,800 units after the games.

    他們預計比賽結束後將有 2 800 臺設備。

  • So that would be a huge boost for the local areas.


  • You may be wondering who pays for all of this.


  • It's generally split into private and public funding.


  • It's when the weight of public funding becomes too heavy that a host fails, like in Rio and Athens cases.


  • For Paris and France's case, it hasn't been so, at least for now.


  • That's because 96% of the total operating budget is funded by things like ticket sales and TV and marketing deals.

    這是因為總營運預算的 96% 來自門票銷售、電視和營銷交易等方面。

  • Paris won its bid in 2017 amid a time of immense turmoil for the IOC.

    2017 年,巴黎在國際奧委會的巨大動盪中贏得了申辦權。

  • Up until then, every Olympic since the 1960s had run over its budget by an average of 172%.

    在此之前,自 1960 年代以來,每屆奧運的預算平均超支 172%。

  • Rio is perhaps the most eye-popping example, at 352% over budget.

    里約也許是最令人瞠目的例子,超出預算 352%。

  • A problematic subway line that was supposed to connect vans to the Olympic venues cost the city about $3 billion.

    一條連接奧運場館的地鐵線路問題重重,耗資約 30 億美元。

  • It was overbuilt by 25%.

    它的建造量超出了 25%。

  • The renovation project of a neighborhood cost $4.2 billion, and neither were on time.

    一個小區的翻新工程耗資 42 億美元,但都沒有按時完工。

  • Brazil hosted the games as it went into its deepest recession in nearly a century.


  • The same reason why it didn't make sense to build them before the Olympics is the reason why after the Olympics they're underutilized or unused.


  • What are they doing?


  • First of all, they cost hundreds of millions of dollars to build.


  • Secondly, they cost tens of millions of dollars to maintain over time.


  • These so-called white elephants are an ongoing problem for host cities.


  • As we saw earlier, a big part of the Paris bid was its... - record number of existing and temporary venues.


  • While Paris hasn't avoided the usual overspending, it's a fraction of what other cities deviated from their original budget.


  • The message of the government has always been this will be cheap games, the cheapest in recent history, and they will not burden our public deficit or our debt and will benefit everyone.


  • If you compare the size of the budget to French GDP, it's only 0.3 percent.

    如果將預算規模與法國國內生產總值相比,僅為 0.3%。

  • So that's rather limited and it's much lower than, let's say, Athens in 2004 that represented a larger share of Greek GDP.

    這個數字相當有限,而且比 2004 年雅典佔希臘國內生產總值更大份額的數字要低得多。

  • Paris is also uniquely positioned to host a big event, with its 100 million annual visitors accounting for 7 to 8 percent of its GDP.

    巴黎在舉辦大型活動方面也具有得天獨厚的優勢,每年 1 億遊客佔巴黎國內生產總值的 7% 至 8%。

  • Paris has an extensive metro network, but also many train lines.


  • And I think this was a really positive for the games, meaning that most people, tourists, will use the transportation infra to go to the different venues.


  • With mounting criticism, the IOC adjusted its bidding process.


  • In December 2014, the IOC released the Olympic Agenda 2020.

    2014 年 12 月,國際奧委會發布了《2020 年奧林匹克議程》。

  • The goal?


  • To make hosting easier on cities.


  • What Agenda 2020 did at the time was to restate a policy or policies that the IOC started in the 1990s.

    《2020 年議程》當時所做的是重申國際奧委會在 1990 年代開始實施的一項或多項政策。

  • And the intention was to promote financial security for the host city and also to promote sustainability.


  • Promoted a little bit of greater flexibility on the part of the IOC in terms of allowing host cities to use existing venues rather than to build new venues.


  • And that was, at least on the margin, a good thing for the host cities.


  • Under the Olympic Agenda 2020 and its 2016 amendment, the new norm, if a city needs new venues, new construction must have long-term legacy post-Olympics.

    根據《2020 年奧林匹克議程》及其 2016 年修正案,即新的規範,如果一個城市需要新的場館,新的建設必須在奧運會後有長期的遺產。

  • The overall economic and environmental impact was not changed very much.


  • And as a result of that, they continue to have more and more problems and, in fact, worsening problems with getting potential host cities to actually express an interest in hosting.


  • It finally got to the point in 2017 where five cities dropped out of the competition to host the 2024 Games, the ones that are about to happen.

    到 2017 年,終於有五個城市退出了 2024 年奧運會的競爭,也就是即將舉辦的 2024 年奧運會。

  • Only Paris and Los Angeles remained in the competition.


  • In 2017, it was the first time in IOC history that two hosts were chosen for back-to-back Olympics.

    2017 年,這是國際奧委會歷史上首次連續兩屆奧運會選擇兩個東道主。

  • By locking in two cities at once, the IOC wouldn't have to worry about facing another mad dash to land a host after cities dropped their bids.


  • When you have a fully developed city like Paris or Los Angeles hosting the Games, and they already have the vast majority of the venues, this is obviously a smaller problem.


  • And that's good news. That's good news.


  • In 2019, the selection process changed altogether, this time by closing off the bidding process.

    2019 年,遴選程序徹底改變,這一次是關閉招標程序。

  • While Paris is considered to be one of the cheapest modern Olympics, it all hinges on what kind of economic windfall the Games will see.


  • While the IOC estimates that the Games will generate $7.3 to $12.1 billion, other estimates are much more modest.

    雖然國際奧委會估計奧運會將產生 73 億至 121 億美元的收入,但其他方面的估計要小得多。

  • One study estimates GDP growth of 0.5% in the third quarter before falling back to 0.1% for the following three months.

    一項研究估計,第三季度國內生產總值增長 0.5%,隨後三個月回落至 0.1%。

  • S&P Global projects Paris tourism and spending related to Olympic activity will grow tax income by 5%.

    標準普爾全球公司預計,巴黎旅遊業和與奧運活動相關的消費將使稅收收入增長 5%。

  • Paris projects its 2024 revenue to hit over $200 million, about an 85% jump from 2023.

    巴黎預計其 2024 年的收入將超過 2 億美元,比 2023 年猛增約 85%。

  • But being a major tourism hub and holding the world's biggest sporting event may have some adverse side effects,


  • like increased pressure on Paris' already busy metro lines, tourism not being high as expected, or security costs becoming increasingly more expensive as the Games progress.


  • The main pain point would be the transportation network because many people would go at the same place at the same time for the different competitions.


  • And this could add pressure to the network that is already saturated.


  • The transportation authorities said they would add extra capacity on metro lines and train lines.


  • But maybe this won't be sufficient to absorb a higher ridership so we could see network disruption from time to time.


  • I think this is expected.


  • Air France estimates a loss of about $200 million from June to August as traffic to and from Paris lags behind other major European cities due to the Olympics.

    法航估計,由於奧運期間往返巴黎的客流量落後於歐洲其他主要城市,6 月至 8 月將損失約 2 億美元。

  • And some tourists are avoiding the city altogether.


  • But economists like Zimbalist believes the biggest risk to Paris' cheap budget is security.

    但像 Zimbalist 這樣的經濟學家認為,巴黎廉價預算面臨的最大風險是安全問題。

  • They say that the security costs in the budget are approximately $340 million.

    他們說,預算中的安保費用約為 3.4 億美元。

  • I don't think that number is realistic.


  • They have already admitted to having more than 50,000 security personnel who will be working the Games.

    他們已經承認將有 5 萬多名安保人員為奧運會工作。

  • But beyond direct personnel costs, we know that there are a lot of other costs.


  • You're involving and you're engaging heavy military equipment for the Games.


  • You're buying equipment to contest any drones that are being used by terrorists or other people.


  • You're doing all sorts of things that go way beyond the security costs.


  • And previous Olympic Games have been known to spend over a billion, up to $2 billion in security.

    據瞭解,歷屆奧運的安保費用都超過 10 億美元,最高達 20 億美元。

  • So they're giving us a number of $340, $350 million.

    他們給我們的數字是 3.4 億至 3.5 億美元。

  • And it's just not a realistic statement of what the security costs are.


  • The Olympics have their host cities locked up until 2034.

    奧運的主辦城市已鎖定至 2034 年。

  • So far, each city's plan will get an insight into whether or not the new guidelines are sustainable.


  • Paris and L.A. will follow similar blueprints with little to no building needed.


  • Brisbane in 2032 will test how flexible the IOC's new recommendations truly are.

    2032 年的布里斯班將檢驗國際奧委會新建議的真正靈活性。

  • Brisbane will have 11 new venues, with about half being permanent.

    布里斯班將新建 11 個場館,其中約一半為永久性場館。

  • Since the Olympic agenda 2020 and the new norm plans were enacted, the bidding process might be more challenging for potential host cities trying to win the 2036 Games and beyond.

    自《2020 年奧林匹克議程》和新的規範計劃頒佈以來,對於試圖贏得 2036 年及以後奧運會的潛在主辦城市來說,申辦過程可能更具挑戰性。

  • Previous hosts used the Olympics to put their emerging cities on the world stage, showcasing large-scale infrastructure projects in the hopes of attracting tourism and commercial business.


  • With decades of overspending from both emerging and established cities, the IOC may avoid picking a city that may need a lot of new infrastructure to host.


  • And now that the bidding and selection process is done behind closed doors, bidders won't know who they're up against or even if their bids were seriously considered.


  • Zimbalist believes that the solution for hosting the Olympics may not depend solely on whether or not a host city has the existing infrastructure or the capital to spend on large-scale projects.

    Zimbalist 認為,舉辦奧運會的解決方案可能並不完全取決於主辦城市是否擁有現有的基礎設施或用於大型項目的資金。

  • The real solution, he says, is one central location for the Olympics.


  • So I think the logical longer-term solution is to have one permanent host for the Winter Games and the Summer Games.


  • So it doesn't have to, we don't have to rebuild it every time.


  • And the city would have more and more experience to be able to handle all of the very, very complicated operational and security issues that surround the Olympics.


  • Now, that's not an easy thing to do overnight politically, but I think it's important to start discussing that.


  • Maybe initially you have two or three cities that are in a rotation.


  • That's the direction in which I think this whole process should be moving.


Over 10,000 competitors, over 8 million tickets sold, and about 3 billion people tuning in to watch what most of us consider the pinnacle of sports, the Olympics.

超過 10,000 名選手,售出超過 800 萬張門票,約有 30 億人觀看了我們大多數人眼中的體育巔峰——奧運。

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