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  • I mean, they love you!

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Hugh Jackman!

  • Thank you.

  • We love that.

  • Let's just finish it there.

  • Let's finish it there.

  • Let's just finish it there and go to commercial, right?

  • Yeah, absolutely.

  • Let's get that on a loop and on my alarm clock in the morning.

  • How great does that feel?

  • To be so long since I've been here with you, man.

  • I love you so much.

  • I really miss you.

  • We've done a lot of things together.

  • And the last time I think you were here, we did an April Fool's prank, and Jimmy Kimmel was hosting the show, and I was in L.A. hosting his show.

  • So the last time you were actually here was with a different Jimmy.

  • That's true.

  • I look like I'm enjoying it.

  • I didn't enjoy any of it.

  • Thank you.

  • Yeah, you were phoning in.

  • Yeah, I know.

  • You're a great actor.

  • I know.

  • I could tell by that.

  • I could smell you, and it was all wrong.

  • You were missing, yeah.

  • Before that, I think it was COVID times, and you did us a solid by doing a Zoom.

  • We both made bread together.

  • Yeah, we did.

  • Yeah, we did.

  • I don't have bread together.

  • I have kitchens.

  • But I miss you.

  • I didn't get Wolverine claws.

  • You got the three claws.

  • Nice.

  • Not only are you here, but your back is Wolverine.

  • Come on, bud.

  • That's okay.

  • I mean, yeah.

  • Oh, come on.

  • It's been...

  • And I had more fun playing him this time than ever before.

  • I had a blast.

  • But this is almost a decade since.

  • And you did Logan, which was fantastic.

  • And then you said, that's it.

  • We've done all.

  • Yep.

  • And that was it.

  • What?

  • Yeah, I meant it.

  • I really meant it.

  • You did.

  • I really did.

  • Yeah.

  • I believe my lie.

  • I really did.

  • Yeah, no.

  • Yeah, you did.

  • It's kind of like someone going, I am never drinking again.

  • No, I just...

  • I honestly, I just thought we'd done everything.

  • And I swear to God, we hadn't done Logan yet.

  • But I'd announced, I said, Logan's going to be my last.

  • I knew what the script.

  • I was excited about it.

  • I thought, this is going to be perfect.

  • And three days after that announcement, I saw Deadpool 1.

  • And I remember watching and going, oops.

  • I could see it.

  • I could see the two characters.

  • Fans have loved it and wanted it for years.

  • But I could see Midnight Run, 48 Hours, Odd Couple.

  • Planes, Trains, just those two characters like mismatched.

  • I could see it.

  • So it took me a little while to get over myself.

  • But it was, I remember the day.

  • It was August 14th, 2022, driving down the LIA in New York.

  • And I went, whoa, yeah.

  • That's a first.

  • That's it.

  • Really?

  • Love me some Friday afternoon traffic on the LIA.

  • Oh, it can be the LIA.

  • So I'm driving down there and I was like, oh, what do you want to do?

  • It was in my head.

  • Kids had their headphones.

  • And I was like, what do you want to do, in love?

  • What do you want to do?

  • I went, I want to do Deadpool Wolverine.

  • Sorry, it was Wolverine Deadpool when I was thinking about it.

  • But I just thought I really want to do it.

  • And I pulled over and I rang Ryan.

  • And I said, dude, I don't know where you're at.

  • I know you're shooting.

  • I think you're getting ready to shoot, but please tell me we can do this movie.

  • And he said, are you okay?

  • You're ringing me?

  • No one rings on the phone anymore.

  • They text, what's up?

  • Everyone texts.

  • No one calls each other.

  • And thankfully, Feige and everyone at Marvel and Disney said yes to it.

  • And you weren't in that first script of the Deadpool that they were working on?

  • No, no, they had all these other things.

  • I don't even want to think about it.

  • Yeah.

  • They had all these other things.

  • Not only it's you as Wolverine, but it's you in the yellow suit.

  • I mean, come on.

  • I mean, this is what the fans want.

  • Let's go.

  • This is it.

  • There's no one else.

  • There's no one else that could do this.

  • I gotta tell you.

  • That's fun, right?

  • That's a good crouch I got going there.

  • It is a good crouch, yeah.

  • I gotta tell you, for 24 years, people have been talking about it.

  • It's one of the first things Ryan said to me.

  • I said, I want to do it.

  • And he goes, we're going to do the yellow and blue.

  • And I was like, all right, I'm in.

  • In my head, I was like, I don't know if it's going to work.

  • I just don't know.

  • And as soon as I put it on, he had his Deadpool suit on.

  • I had mine.

  • We walked onto set. 100 crew members have done 100 movies, seen everything.

  • You could hear a pin drop.

  • It was just a hush.

  • And it was one guy there, Billy Lawless, who's Ryan's dresser.

  • He started to cry.

  • His kid's name is Logan, just so you know.

  • And he goes, this is the best day of my life.

  • But it's, yeah.

  • That's the love.

  • That's the love you need in this business.

  • It's the best.

  • It looks so good.

  • It feels so good, except when you're urinating.

  • It does not feel good.

  • It must be hard to get out of that.

  • It's like a labyrinth getting there.

  • It sits down.

  • Yeah, it's very hard.

  • Yeah.

  • But also, when you've been on the show, we've talked about your training.

  • I remember one time you came on was your, remember it was your break?

  • It was the first time you were out.

  • I tried.

  • We did a lot of spaghetti.

  • We did pasta.

  • The big thing is spaghetti, yeah.

  • Because you eat like steamed rocks or something.

  • What do you have?

  • Yeah.

  • Yeah.

  • Sometimes I fry the rocks.

  • Fry rocks, yeah.

  • Whatever.

  • But you eat like steamed veggies and steamed.

  • You eat a lot.

  • It's 6,000 calories.

  • And it's not the calories you necessarily want.

  • No, it's not pizza and pasta.

  • You can get 6,000 calories.

  • Like half a pizza's 6,000 calories.

  • But no, this is chicken and it's tilapia and beans.

  • Tilapia and beans.

  • I don't know why tilapia.

  • It must be some fish that is lean and green beans.

  • Yeah.

  • And that's what you did.

  • And you did it for a long time.

  • It's worth it.

  • Worth it.

  • Yes, it's worth it.

  • Well, I haven't told anyone this, but we had the strike in the middle of it.

  • And at the beginning of shooting, there's one particular, I don't want to give away, but there's one particular scene where I really wanted to focus on how I looked.

  • And Sean said, where do you want to do that scene?

  • And I said, let's just put it to the end.

  • Let's put it to the end.

  • And then the strike came and I was like, oh, why did I say that?

  • Now I have to keep this diet.

  • Tilapia and beans.

  • Yeah.

  • Tilapia and beans for another couple of months until we figured that out.

  • Yeah.

  • Cause I mean, you're just jacked.

  • I mean, it's, it's, it's, it's.

  • Yeah.

  • And it's.

  • Yeah.

  • Don't, don't talk to me like you don't do the whole 6,000 calories, the whole, come on.

  • I did the opposite.

  • Yeah.

  • I just eat pizza all day.

  • Yeah.

  • But I, I, I.

  • I went to the premiere the other night.

  • You were great.

  • You were great.

  • Thanks, man.

  • There's talk of possible cameos in the Deadpool Wolverine.

  • I don't, I'm not going to ask you who's in the movie.

  • But can you tell us someone who's not in the movie?

  • Maybe that, maybe that's some news here.

  • That's pretty good.

  • Maybe that might be some news.

  • A lot of people here not admit it.

  • Jimmy, you're not in the movie.

  • I'm not in it.

  • I know you shot, but you got cut out.

  • I'm sorry.

  • All right.

  • That's all right.

  • I don't care.

  • They'll make more people go see it.

  • There was a genuine rumor that was going around for a long time and I can guarantee he is not in the movie.

  • That is King Charles.

  • No, he's not.

  • Yes.

  • I did hear that.

  • I heard that like, but I heard he really kind of sort of thought it would be good to be in it.

  • No!

  • I don't know.

  • It's so funny.

  • What do I know?

  • I just said I wasn't doing Wolverine again.

  • He can't believe a word I say, so yeah.

  • You crushed it again, bud.

  • And I miss you.

  • And please come back sooner than later.

  • You're one of my all-time favorites.

  • I love you, Jimmy.

  • I love you guys.

  • Thank you.

  • I want to show a clip.

  • Here's Hugh Jackman and Ryan Reynolds in Deadpool and Wolverine, take a look at this.

  • So what made you finally wear an honest to God costume?

  • Mine's red so they can't see me bleed.

  • But I could see how yellow would be useful too.

  • Have you been checked for ADHD?

  • Mm-mm.

  • But I've had several STDs, which were probably caused by ADHD.

  • Oh, jeez.

  • What are you looking for?

  • Oh, man.

  • No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • That's rubbing alcohol.

  • You don't want to drink.

  • Oh, yep.

  • There you go.

  • Get that liver.

  • Good.

  • Okay.

  • What the?

  • Oh, back in civilian life, I wear a toupee, but nobody knows.

  • Everybody knows.

  • That's right.

  • Hugh Jackman, everybody.

  • Deadpool and Wolverine hits theaters and IMAX this Friday.

  • Hugh and I are doing something fun after the break.

  • Stick around, everybody.

I mean, they love you!

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