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  • Ooh!

  • Ooh!

  • I'm proud of James Guy.

  • Congratulations.

  • If the autocue was working, I could now read you something.

  • But as it isn't, I can't.

  • Cabinet ministers have gone into number ten.

  • The latest on the Labour MP thrown out of Parliament after filling her erection expenses.

  • LAUGHTER Did I say erection?

  • I didn't!

  • I'm back with a look at the weather, with the headlines, after a look at the weather with Rob McElwell.

  • Just prepared for Thor and his lightning bolts.

  • This is BBC World News.

  • I'm Jonathan Charles.

  • Kept hidden for almost two decades and forced to bear children.

  • Three times the size of these ostriches.

  • No, when they'll...

  • LAUGHTER Look!

  • Look, she's gone!

  • We've got to cook, we're down!

  • I would be surprised if they do.

  • He had a 12,000 majority here. 12,000!

  • It's now down to 5,000. 5,000!

  • Some people think it won't happen again.

  • It won't happen again!

  • Guy Cuny is the editor of the technology website.

  • I don't know what has been said to me.

  • I'll be back with more for you in half an hour, Hugh.

  • Not just one Helen, but two Helens.

  • Plans for privately run drunk tanks to tackle alcohol fuel disorder have been backed by police chiefs.

  • We're going to be joined by Scottish First Minister Nicola Sturgeon.

  • I'm sorry, we've very clearly run the wrong pictures.

  • I'm going to admit to you that I've just had a little bit of croissant.

  • So, and I'm just finishing it, and I'm ashamed to say that, but there you go.

  • Oh, dear.

  • Oh, no!

  • Pretend that you haven't noticed.


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