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  • Hi, I'm Ryan Reynolds.

  • Hello, I'm Hugh Jackman.

  • And we're ready to hear your unpopular opinions.

  • Got a nice unpopular opinion there.

  • Going to shove it right in the radio.

  • Send it around.

  • Have a nice little go at you.

  • Eat a bit of dog biscuit, yeah.

  • We're going to do a game called Unpopular Opinion.

  • It has a theme tune.

  • I know you both like singing, you in particular, Hugh.

  • I'm sure you can pick up the lyrics.

  • I'll give it the first blast.

  • Come and give us your unpopular opinions.

  • Something up till now that you've been scared to say.

  • Oh, wow.

  • All right.

  • Wow.

  • We can do that next time.

  • I did write that all by myself.

  • Wow.

  • Let's start with Ellie.

  • Dog treats are actually delicious.

  • Dog treats are actually delicious.

  • Yes.

  • Never had one.

  • But I can imagine, as a student, if I'd known, it would have been a good hack.

  • How long has your back been to the wall?

  • Like, what's happening over there?

  • Are you, I mean, like, you know, something, right?

  • You're, you're something.

  • She's had a hold over me for eight years, this dog.

  • Okay.

  • So it's the dogs holding you hostage here with the treats?

  • Absolutely, yes.

  • Is the dog like, hey, have a biscuit with me?

  • Or is the dog like, hey, Ellie, how do you like it?

  • She literally, she's like, she's a princess.

  • And she has to essentially confirm that you're not trying to poison her every time you give her a treat.

  • So you have to eat whatever she's trying to eat.

  • You're the royal food taster.

  • Wow.

  • Exactly that.

  • That's a good gig.

  • Do you do any other things that a dog would do as well?

  • Or do you behave like a dog in other bits of your life?

  • Or is it just the biscuits?

  • Raw chicken?

  • Just the biscuits.

  • Yeah, I don't do raw chicken.

  • Nope, okay, good.

  • That's just, I don't know about that.

  • And do you go to the toilet inside, or?

  • Okay.

  • Yeah, most of the time.

  • Ellie's got it together, then.

  • So your back isn't against the wall.

  • You're just living your best life.

  • You're eating your dog biscuits.

  • Absolutely, with my dog by my side.

  • Yeah, flipping the bird to the world.

  • Hey, you're like, I got this.

  • You know, we're all going, we're all carrying our own little bag of rocks around here.

  • I'm just gonna eat my dog biscuits, and you can all just back off.

  • I'm gonna try one.

  • I'm gonna try.

  • I would absolutely try.

  • If we had one right here, I'd devour it.

  • I would, too.

  • Ellie, thank you so much.

  • Thank you, Ellie.

  • Thank you, bye.

  • That's one of my favorite things about doing this show, is that you get to hear the real, like the real radio on listeners.

  • She seemed nice.

  • She seems nice, but there's a darkness there.

  • Oh, thank you.

  • She's still there, I'll fade her down.

  • Let's go again, okay.

  • Come and give us your unpopular opinions.

  • Something up till now that you've been scared to say.

  • It's a nice little, I'll open them, yeah.

  • Okay.

  • I like that.

  • Let's go again, and this time it's Chris.

  • Dead Pool of Wolverine should have been a musical.

  • Ooh.

  • How do you know it's not, Chris?

  • Well.

  • How do you know it's not?

  • Yeah.

  • How do you know it's not?

  • And I can't confirm whether it's a musical or not, because it could change from 35, 36 minutes in.

  • True story, I had a draft at one point that had a musical number set to Elton John's,

  • I Guess That's Why They Call It The Blues.

  • Oh, what a great song.

  • Yeah, that's a good one.

  • Didn't you, Ben?

  • I did, I early draft.

  • Yep, there it was.

  • I struggle to hear Wolverine singing.

  • I can hear Dead Pool singing.

  • Yeah, Wolverine, yeah.

  • A little Joe Cocker sort of vibe, maybe?

  • Yeah, a little Joe Cocker vibe, yeah.

  • Less is more kind of thing, maybe.

  • A little bit of Barry White.

  • A little Tom Waits in there.

  • Yeah, Tom Waits.

  • I feel like Wolverine could sing.

  • It's worth a shot.

  • True story, one of the reasons I love this guy so much is I came home one day and I heard The Greatest Showman playing in my living room and my kids squealing, because they love watching The Greatest Showman.

  • They don't watch Daddy's movies, but they love Uncle Hugh's movies.

  • Anyway, they were all singing along and I walked around the corner and guess who's acting out the parts with them?

  • Hugh Jackman right there.

  • And I didn't even have to meet his $112 million quote per film.

  • That was a freebie, how generous of you.

  • That was the fourth time straight that those kids have watched the film.

  • And they will watch it a fifth and a sixth time.

  • And they will, yes, they absolutely will.

  • Also, get out of my house every once in a while.

  • I would if you turned up and parented.

  • Yeah, that's true, that is true.

  • Someone had to step in.

  • But basically what we're saying is, Chris, we're not ruling out that this film, that Deadpool and Wolverine, isn't a musical.

  • Yeah.

  • So every minute that you've seen is just not musical and every other minute is popular?

  • Yeah, there's music.

  • Oh, you were listening, Chris, we'll play it.

  • Yeah, interesting.

  • Chris, are you a cross-examiner for The Crown?

  • That's intense.

  • Go on, you can go ahead.

  • Go on.

  • On those first 35 minutes?

  • There's a bit of some music, yeah.

  • Evidence?

  • Yeah, there's some, yeah.

  • There's some evidence there.

  • There's some musical, yeah, just some dancing.

  • There's also something else that I spotted, which I don't know if, can I say?

  • It's related to Rexxon.

  • Well, no.

  • Maybe we can talk about it after.

  • Yeah.

  • No, no, no, no, I'm okay with that much.

  • Okay.

  • But yeah, there is a little-

  • Talk about Rexxon.

  • How could I not have a Rexxon nod?

  • Right, there's a nod.

  • In fact, I have three very significant Rexxon nods in this one.

  • Okay, right.

  • Yeah.

  • It's exciting.

  • Yeah.

  • Very exciting.

  • Let's have another.

  • Thanks, Chris.

  • Chris, thank you.

  • Thank you, Chris.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Cheers.

  • He's a guy.

  • Thank you very much.

  • Lovely man.

  • Great listeners.

  • Let's go again.

  • Come and give us your unpopular opinions.

  • Something up till now that you've been scared to say.

  • What the listeners won't be seeing, obviously, on this radio, is your hand.

  • Your hand is doing an amazing thing right now.

  • Yeah, I can't control this hand.

  • It just does that whenever.

  • But yeah, no, I have no idea what's happening.

  • Something up till now that you've been scared to say.

  • This hand is panicking, is what's actually happening.

  • So this doesn't.

  • I just get to look at you nice and cool, but this hand is like, oh, stop.

  • That's how you really feel.

  • I don't remember these lines.

  • That's how you're really feeling.

  • Can we do an acapella quickly?

  • Come and give us your unpopular opinions.

  • Something up till now that you've been scared to say.

  • Hi, I'm Barry.

  • Hi, this morning.

  • Let's have another.

  • I like that song.

  • Paul, good morning.

  • Rob Mucklehenny is the best Rexham owner.

  • Oh, I know that voice.

  • Mullen, why aren't you doing calisthenics right now, buddy?

  • Maybe stretch that recently fixed back out a little bit.

  • I don't know, maybe make good on an investment and a promise that we made.

  • Also, damn you, Reynolds.

  • I thought, would we maybe get him in a couple of sentences in?

  • You don't think I can tell?

  • No, that's Mullen.

  • I guarantee you.

  • His voice haunts me.

  • Yeah, it's Rexham superstar, Mullen.

  • This is Hugh, by the way, an actor, and I'm a big fan.

  • I'd love to get your autograph one day.

  • You guys have met.

  • His favorite celebrity, actually, is that it came by, is Will Ferrell.

  • Second only to Ryan Reynolds.

  • So, Paul, welcome to the Radio and Breakfast Show.

  • Congratulations on your amazing success and your unbelievable amount of goals.

  • Can you tell us truthfully what you feel about Ryan and Rob looking after your team?

  • Careful now.

  • Actually, I want you to be honest as well.

  • Do you honestly?

  • Please be honest.

  • Yeah, dead honest.

  • Go ahead, Adam.

  • Do you have a favorite?

  • Nah, I'm only joking.

  • Nah, they're both wonderful as owners, and more than that, just as people.

  • Well played.

  • Get to see them as people more than owners nowadays, and honestly, we couldn't thank them enough for what they've done for us as, obviously, players, but as we've seen in the documentary, what they've done for the community has been phenomenal, and we owe them a lot, even though our success is obviously down to them.

  • Their success with the club is also down to us, which is brilliant and long may it continue.

  • Okay, do you see what I'm talking about?

  • This is like what's happening over there.

  • Everybody's with the best locker room,

  • I think, in the entire world, and led by guys like that.

  • I don't know.

  • I really feel incredibly lucky.

  • This prank has backfired.

  • Yes, it has backfired, and it's turned into pure gripping sentiment, and I'm okay with that, too.

  • I do not look away from it.

  • I love this, man.

  • I'm gonna add to the sentiment, because when I went to a game there, and we were walking down, we went to walk down to that section of the grandstand that you've got for kids who are sensory.

  • Yeah, well, it's basically the quiet section for kids who are, a lot of kids dealing are on the spectrum.

  • A lot of kids have autism.

  • It's a section devoted for them, so they can experience and enjoy the game in the best possible way.

  • As we walked by, there was applause, and I looked up into the grandstand.

  • It was for Ryan as he walked by, and of course, I've been all around the world with this guy, and I know what it's like when you go on a red carpet, and there's applause from fans, but this was applause from people who were just so grateful for what he and Rob and your whole team have done for that community.

  • You, too, Mullen, because you're part of this, dude.

  • I mean-

  • So much of what Paul's done with his son, Albie, and the work he's done with Albie in getting the word out around autism, and it's just really, really incredible.

  • You see, I can live with Ryan being really, really talented, but shallow.

  • This is difficult for me.

  • No, I'm sorry.

  • Yeah, this is where the acting kicks in.

  • Daniel Day-Lewis can suck it.

  • That's a lovely place to end the phone call, I think.

  • Daniel Day-Lewis can suck it.

  • See you, Paul.

  • Have a great season, man.

  • Love you, buddy.

  • Thanks for being on the show.

  • Talk to you soon.

  • Thanks, buddy.

  • All right.

  • Have a great season, as well.

  • We're excited to see what happens next.

  • Come and give me your unpopular opinion ♪ ♪ Something that you've been scared to say

  • Fantastic.

  • I just dropped the key about three times.

  • We're not gonna do another unpopular opinion?

  • Oh.

  • I got to hear some more unpopular opinion.

  • Well, have you got some?

  • I try to, you know, we both grew up in this business which teaches you right off the bat, please the people, do not overturn the apple cart.

  • So it's very, yeah, there's not a lot of that stuff where,

  • I always love it, though, when actors have been in the business for many, many years, decades, and then just one day hit F it, and they come out, and they just start saying cray-cray stuff.

  • That's a great show to watch.

  • When's that gonna happen for both of you?

  • How long we got?

  • About an hour ago, it started.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm about a day away from it.

  • Yeah.

  • There's four things just came to mind, and thankfully, part of my head said do not say that.

  • No, don't say any of that.

  • Hugh, surely you've got a cricketing unpopular opinion.

  • There must be something about that game that winds you up.

  • I'll say something unpopular.

  • Go on.

  • Ozzy, please.

  • I love baseball.

  • Wow.

  • Yep.

  • Do you call it bas-ball in Australia?

  • Everyone calls it, everyone will understand, but it's a very aggressive, positive way of playing the game.

  • So, going for a result, always, no draws.

  • Really?

  • Going for it, yeah.

  • And England have sort of been the ones behind it, and it's been awesome because Australia keeps winning.

  • It's like cricket, but with rabies.

  • Hey, wow, hey.

  • You couldn't resist.

  • I tried.

  • The compliment was coming.

  • There's always a kiss and a diss.

  • The kiss always followed by the diss.

  • No, I'm a fan.

  • I can see for the last hour that you've been trying to wrap this up.

  • No, I haven't.

  • I'd like you to stay the whole show, but I know you've got to go and pedal your wares elsewhere.

  • Oh.

  • Unbelievably.

  • I don't want to pedal.

  • I'm done pedaling.

  • Well, keep pedaling here then.

  • I'm having a nice time.

  • Awesome.

  • How long before you guys are in touch again on social media?

  • Well, I'll tweet you in about five minutes.

  • I'll tweet you in about five minutes.

  • Will you actually?

  • Yeah, actually, I absolutely will.

  • All right.

  • I'll see you on Twitter.

  • Let's take a picture and I'll put it on Twitter.

  • All right.

  • Deal.

  • And you know what?

  • I'm going to retweet it.

  • I'm going to do it with you, all right?

  • And then we'll see, people can see the resemblance between you two.

  • That's so nice.

  • That's it.

  • Yeah, he looks like you if you just had major sleep.

  • Like, just like, oh man.

  • And you just, like, everything, everything lined up just right for a decade.

  • It's true.

  • That's what he looks like.

  • You're doing good.

  • Yeah.

  • All right.

  • Okay, let's stop this.

  • I'm uncomfortable now.

  • The hair is a natural color still, because you're 38.

  • Yeah.

  • You're not washing anything in that.

  • You're wash and go.

  • I think you're a wash and go kind of guy at this point.

  • Correct.

  • It's all changing.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • You're going to literally be leaving the bathroom in about a decade looking like the It clown.

  • Yeah, get ready.

  • Right now though, enjoy every damn second of it.

  • I will.

  • Yeah.

  • God, I feel good after this interview.

  • I'm going to finish it now before it goes south, okay?

  • Ryan Reynolds, Hugh Jackman.

  • It's been an absolute pleasure.

  • Great to see you, man.

  • Really great to see you.

  • Thank you.

  • See you both soon.

  • Thank you so much.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

Hi, I'm Ryan Reynolds.

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