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  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, I want A+, E, let's have so much fun in this education for you and everyone, so come along.

  • Learn some grammar, learn a phrase, learn something new every day, learn the A+, the way.

  • Hey, it's time to start the show.

  • Are you ready? Good plus, here we go.

  • A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I want A+, E, let's...

  • Hi everyone, welcome to the show. I'm Tiffany.

  • I'm Jicqueline.

  • And we are talking about the Olympics.

  • I'm so excited. I love watching the Olympics. What about you?

  • I only watch it when I'm with my dad.

  • I think it's more interesting because you have someone to discuss with.

  • Yeah, like family members.

  • So yeah, this leads me to, I have a warm-up question for you.

  • What do you know about the Olympic Games?

  • So I think this is a really big sports event that maybe happens once every two years?

  • I think it's four years.

  • It seems like it's two years because we have the summer and winter.

  • Okay, so it's once every four years.

  • Yeah, so like the summer games is once every four years.

  • Winter games is once every four years.

  • But, you know, they kind of like, it seems like it's two years.

  • Yes, but super cool.

  • I know that it originated in Greece.

  • Oh yeah, in Greece.

  • Yeah, the early Olympics happened in Greece.

  • But yeah, this year we're going to be looking at the new Olympics, which is happening in Paris.

  • Let's take a look at the article to learn a bit more about it.

  • A guide to the 2024 Paris Olympics.

  • Warm-up question.

  • What do you know about the Olympic Games?

  • This year, the 33rd Summer Olympic Games will take place in Paris, France.

  • It will last from July 26th to August 11th.

  • The mascots for the Games are the Friges.

  • They look like red caps and stand for freedom.

  • To make these Olympics eco-friendly, the host will only build a few new buildings.

  • They'll make use of some sites around the city to hold the Games.

  • Two of them are the Eiffel Tower and the Grand Palais.

  • All right, let's learn a bit about our Summer Olympic Games.

  • It's the 33rd Summer Olympic Games.

  • The article says this year, the 33rd Summer Olympic Games will take place in Paris, France.

  • Okay, we talked about this.

  • We quite like watching the Olympics.

  • And especially with friends and family, it's a lot more fun.

  • What are some of your favorite sports to watch?

  • Swimming.

  • Swimming.

  • Running.

  • Swimming is always quite exciting.

  • Soccer, maybe.

  • I like to watch soccer with my dad.

  • Because of guys?

  • Because my dad is a...

  • I didn't actually think about it.

  • But my dad would comment on the way they do it.

  • It's so fun.

  • Maybe your dad has funny commentary.

  • We need to have him do a live.

  • Maybe we should.

  • Yeah.

  • I like watching gymnastics, too.

  • That's really fun.

  • Maybe some of the judo.

  • That's pretty cool, too.

  • There's a lot of really cool sports to watch during the Olympics.

  • I love watching them.

  • Next, the article says,

  • It will last from July 26th to August 11th.

  • The mascots for the games are the friges, okay?

  • I'm trying my best to do my French reading.

  • So this word should be pronounced frige.

  • Here, we see the word mascot.

  • And basically, a mascot is an animal, human, or even object that brings good luck.

  • Or to represent a school, country, or company.

  • 譬如說,米奇貓是迪士尼的貓貓。 有時候在運動遊戲中,你會看到 像NBA的隊伍會有自己的貓貓。 像猴子會有猴子的貓貓。 所以,對,那就是一個貓貓。

  • So, this game will last from July 26th to August 11th.

  • The mascots for the games are the friges, 不過我們可以直接叫它自由之貓。

  • That's easier.

  • Yeah, 真的是easier.

  • Okay, so what are they?

  • The article says,

  • They look like red caps and stand for freedom.

  • Okay, yes.

  • A little bit of history about these caps.

  • The French wore this cap during the French Revolution.

  • So, yeah, I think it is actually a really great and important symbol for them.

  • 對,所以你們知道他們的這個吉祥物 看起來像什麼呢?

  • 看起來就像紅色的帽子。 就是象徵著自由的意思。

  • I think it's quite different than the barrette, like the French barrette.

  • So, it looks kind of different than that.

  • Here, the article says,

  • To make these Olympics eco-friendly, the host will only build a few new buildings.

  • Okay, when you're trying to be eco-friendly, it just means to be environmentally friendly, and we try not to waste things or create too much garbage.

  • And yeah, I mean, I guess like a city like Paris, they already have so many beautiful buildings, and I'm sure they have enough facilities already.

  • So, I wonder where they're going to host these events.

  • Yeah, didn't I?

  • Do you think it's important for the Olympic Games to be eco-friendly?

  • Especially now in this day and age, right?

  • Yeah, I think it's definitely very important.

  • And you know, because it's a really important game.

  • So, it's like it's setting a good example for people around the world.

  • We know that it's important to take care of the planet and our environment.

  • Yeah, because I know like sometimes like some countries when they host the events, like they might build new buildings, and like maybe that's a lot of materials.

  • That costs a lot of money too.

  • Yeah, money being spent, maybe a lot of materials that might be,

  • I don't want to use the word wasted, but then like kind of like wasting it.

  • So, yeah, maybe it's a good way for Paris to show that, hey, we can also do things in a very eco-friendly way.

  • All right, so let's continue reading.

  • They'll make use of some sites around the city to hold the games.

  • Yeah, so I think that'd be really cool.

  • Like, can you imagine like people, or can you imagine the gymnastics, the sports being like, you know, competing in front of like, gymnastics being in front of the Louvre or something?

  • That'd be really, really cool.

  • Yeah, so I think, you know, besides the Olympics or World Cup, what are some other ways for these big events to be more eco-friendly?

  • What else do you think they can do besides using buildings they already have?

  • Maybe they can like put recycling bins as much as they can like on the venue.

  • Or maybe they can like let people recycle things on the spot and contribute it to something.

  • I don't know if that would be possible, but I think that'd be kind of cool.

  • All right, so where are these games being held?

  • The article says two of them are the Eiffel Tower, of course, and the Grand Palais.

  • Basically, Palais should mean like palace, I think, in French.

  • Yeah, so the Grand Palais is a very famous museum and exhibition hall that's completely made out of glass, and it's really, really beautiful.

  • So if you're in Paris, you can definitely visit this site.

  • I think that would be such a cool place to play, I don't know, taekwondo.

  • Yeah, right?

  • What other landmarks do you think we will see in France?

  • What about a sporting event at the Palace of Versailles?

  • I don't know. I feel like for me, like every building in Paris looks so...

  • It's so beautiful, right?

  • Yeah, it could be a very good option.

  • I don't know, like I think it'd be kind of fun to go visit then and to see these.

  • I don't know, or maybe it's better to see it on TV. You don't have to squeeze with everyone, right?

  • That's true, that's true. It'd be really cool to be watching everything in person, though.

  • Yeah.

  • 很刺激啦。

  • I don't know.

  • For the first time, men and women will have the same number of players.

  • Taiwanese players will join different kinds of games, such as taekwondo, swimming, and more.

  • Let's cheer for them.

  • Alright, let's continue reading our article.

  • For the first time, men and women will have the same number of players.

  • Okay, so now it's more like gender equality, huh?

  • 很棒,这个我很喜欢。因为我很在意。我是很在意女权的人。

  • Yeah, actually I never knew that this was a problem before.

  • I think I've heard of it. I was kind of mad about it.

  • Oh, really? Okay.

  • Because I've always thought it was like, oh, you know, the best players or the best athletes compete, right?

  • And I just, yeah, I didn't know that it was a big issue or, you know, a really huge issue now.

  • But it's good. More females represent, please.

  • 很棒,很棒。

  • Next, the article says Taiwanese players will join different kinds of games, such as taekwondo, swimming, and more.

  • Yes, Taiwan represents.

  • 好棒哦,所以其实我还蛮喜欢这个。 你知道,你说今天哦,这次啦,是这次的Olympic Games, 他们是第一次男生跟女生我们会有同等的那个players,就是玩家, 代表,我觉得这代表一种fairness.

  • Yeah, that means everyone is equal.

  • And then we get to show off like what we have.

  • Yeah, I think I feel also would be kind of interesting because that means that in that particular sport, you need to find the best qualified, you know, men or women, or maybe they have to set their numbers even lower or higher.

  • I don't know.

  • So I think definitely for this year's Olympics, it will be super interesting to watch.

  • Can't wait to watch.

  • Yeah. Lastly, the article says let's cheer for them.

  • For sure.

  • I'm definitely team Taiwan.

  • Me too, yay!

  • 台湾加油!

  • 台湾万岁!

  • OK,我们今天看一下所有的单字哦。 我们今天第一个片语是take place,它就是发声举行的意思。 take的动词三态呢,是take, took, taken。 所以举行一个活动呢,什么东西举行了,我们直接take place, 这个字不需要去被动语态哦。

  • The concert will take place in the park tomorrow evening.

  • 那么过去式呢,就是took place。 譬如说the meeting took place as scheduled.

  • 所以我们再看另外一个句子。

  • Jenny's birthday party will take place next Saturday.

  • Jenny的生日派对在下周六会举办。 那么我们刚刚提到这个自由之貌,freedom, 这个就是自由的意思。 它是来自于形容词free这一个字。 那我们常常会说feel free to do something, 就是代表说你就自由的干什么, 不用去想太多,就是想干嘛就干嘛的感觉。 所以譬如说feel free to ask questions if you don't understand.

  • 那我们口语也会有,有时候会说free and easy, 就是有轻松自在的感觉哦。 譬如说the teacher was free and easy with his students, 代表说他对这个学生并没有很严格的要求。 我们再看一个句子哦,这边是freedom名词。

  • In Taiwan, people have the freedom to express their opinions.

  • 在台湾人们有表达意见的自由。 那么host它就是主办方,东道主的意思。 譬如说你举办了一个派对, 那你就是the host of the party.

  • 譬如说the host of the party welcomed all the guests warmly.

  • 那么host这样动词也可以, to host an event,我们常常讲, 譬如说the school will host a talent show next week.

  • 那我们再看另外一个句子。

  • The host nations for the 2026 FIFA World Cup are Canada, the US, and Mexico.

  • 2026年世界杯足球赛的主办国 是加拿大、美国以及墨西哥。 我们最后是不是说let's cheer for them, 这个cheer就是欢呼、喝彩的意思。 譬如说the crowd cheered loudly when the team scored a goal.

  • 那么cheer是动词嘛,我们常名词cheerleader, 我们就拿来讲啦啦队员的意思。 譬如说the cheerleader smiled and clapped to support her team.

  • 那我们再看另外一个句子。

  • Everyone cheered when the famous actor got out of his car and waved.

  • 这个很有名的演员下车挥手之意, 大家就欢呼了起来。 所以这是今天所有的单字, 大家不要忘记复习哦。

  • But right now before we wrap up, and before we end today's article, we will take a look at our review time activity.

  • All right, it is our review time.

  • I guess today we can do a bit of like, you know, fill in the blanks.

  • I can give you guys a sentence, and you can try to think which word fits in the sentence best.

  • We can quickly go over the words again.

  • I hope you guys paid attention.

  • We have the words take place, or this phrase take place.

  • We have freedom, we have host, and we have cheer.

  • Okay, so hopefully you paid attention to what

  • Chickalyn said, teacher Chickalyn said, because now it's time for us to fill in the blanks.

  • Let's try to do it together.

  • Chickalyn will help you out.

  • All right, you guys ready for the first one?

  • A country takes turn every four years to be the blank of the Olympics.

  • What word do you think goes in here?

  • I think we should put a noun in here.

  • Yeah.

  • But we only have, okay, for nouns, we have freedom and host.

  • But if we put in freedom, it's not going to make any sense.

  • So it should be to be the host of the Olympics.

  • 主办方

  • That's right.

  • Next, a long time ago, people in America wanted blank from free, kind of gave you a clue, wanted blank from Britain.

  • They didn't want England to rule them any longer.

  • This one is complicated, but you gave me a hint.

  • I give up.

  • I gave you a little...

  • Oops.

  • Okay, it's freedom.

  • That's right.

  • They wanted to be away from Britain.

  • They didn't want them to rule them anymore.

  • Yeah.

  • Okay, next.

  • The party will blank on Friday at 7 p.m.

  • I know this one.

  • Music plays.

  • That's right.

  • Did you guys get it correct?

  • And lastly, all of us went to blank Josh on at his basketball game.

  • Go Josh, go.

  • To support him.

  • Go Josh, go.

  • What's that called?

  • All of us went to cheer Josh.

  • Yes, that's right.

  • To cheer Josh on at his basketball game.

  • Yes.

  • So did you guys get all of them correct?

  • Hopefully you did.

  • I gave you one question away.

  • I gave one question away.

  • But yes, the Olympics is coming up, and it's going to be super exciting.

  • Hopefully you guys get the chance to watch.

  • It's really a once-in-a-lifetime event, and it's happening in Paris.

  • It must be so romantic and beautiful.

  • Yes, I'm excited.

  • Alright, well that's the end of our article, and the end of our review time.

  • We hope you guys enjoyed the article, and we'll see you guys very soon.

  • That's right.

  • That's all for today.

  • If you want to see more exciting content, don't forget to search for

  • A Plus English on YouTube.

  • Don't forget to like, subscribe, and turn on notifications.

  • We'll see you next time.

  • Bye-bye.

  • 今天我們就要一起來看看 未來式怎麼說啦 除了搭配未來時間 例如明天、下禮拜、明年等等 動詞也要有相對應的變化囉 對於未來式 我們有兩種動詞的變法 第一種就是搭配助動詞 will 例如 I will be back later 我晚點就會回來了 或者是 She will visit her grandmother next week 她下週將要拜訪她的阿嬤 注意到不管什麼人稱 我們都是搭配助動詞 will 而助動詞後的動詞 一定都是圓形動詞喔 那我們的第二種用法呢 就是要用去哪裡的 be going to 其實就是中文說的 要去做什麼事情的意思啦 很直覺吧 跟 will 的用法一樣 後面我們要加上圓形動詞 表示你要去將要去做的事情 我的同事在任務後要稍作休息 或者是聽說這個任務非常的艱難 我的同學們就說什麼啦 我的老師將會來救我們 沒錯沒錯 但在去之前呢 我們還是要看看這個 folding 跟問句的用法囉 首先呢 folding 我們就加上 not 就可以啦 像是 he won't join us he will not join us 他不會加入我們 或者是 they are not going to surrender 他們不會投降喔 那麼問句該怎麼造呢 yes no 的是非題喔 我們就直接導裝囉 你會去嗎 will you be there 或者是 are you going to be there ok 意思是一樣的喔 那問答題的話要怎麼造呢 我們就要搭配疑問詞囉 像是這個 when what 等等 when will you arrive 你什麼時候會到 或者是 what are you going to do 你要做什麼 怎麼樣夠簡單吧 不聊了馬上要來救我的學生啦

A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, I want A+, E, let's have so much fun in this education for you and everyone, so come along.

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