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  • Ro...

  • Ro...

  • Nice try.

  • Well, everytime you say it, it makes me want to try saying it too, so...

  • But I'm not doing that intentionally, you know?

  • Like...

  • I know, but I wanna try!

  • It's...

  • It's just my art like that!

  • Like, I don't know!

  • Do we have any...

  • Do you have any rope?

  • Ropes?

  • Ropes.

  • R...

  • R...

  • Ropes.

  • Ropes?

  • R...

  • How many do you need?

  • Uh...

  • Seven.

  • Okay.

  • I used it all for the nets.

  • Oh, that's okay.

  • I'll look for more.

  • Ropes.

  • R...

  • Ropes.

  • R...

  • Ropes.

  • R...

  • R...

  • Ropes.

  • Yeah, that.

  • What she said.

  • Can you just do that forever?

  • Like, I don't know.

  • It depends.

  • Because I know how to go...

  • Right?

  • But it's not the same thing.

  • Right?

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • You just need to like...

  • If you can't...

  • Do like the...

  • It's kinda the same actually.

  • Just different techniques.

  • Ropes.

  • I'm trying to translate it into...

  • Into my...

  • Not...

  • Not...

  • Into R instead of B, but it's not working.

  • Nope, it doesn't work.

  • Nope.

  • Nope, nope, doesn't work.

  • I'm jealous.

  • I wanna...

  • I wanna sound like that.

  • Wow.


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