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  • The bullet journal.

  • We've all seen it.

  • We've all seen the pictures, the beautiful setups, the perfect spreads, a productivity powerhouse will solve all of your problems, cure your anxiety, make you laser focused and will give you the spider sense.

  • Is that right?

  • It seems a little too good to be true, mate.

  • Spoiler alert.

  • It is.

  • In this video, I'm going to point out the biggest of keeping my own journal.

  • But first, let's rewind a little.

  • It's 2018. 15-year-old Bartek is scrolling on Instagram when suddenly he sees a picture that would change his life forever.

  • It wasn't long till I fell deep into the rabbit hole of BuJo research.

  • My feed was soon flooded with weekly spreads, habit trackers, budget planners and coffee type spreads.

  • I learned everything there was about bullet journaling.

  • And when the time was right, I ordered my own notebook.

  • And that's when the frustration came in, because I expected to be able to replicate these beautiful setups right from the very start.

  • Newsflash, I wasn't.

  • Not at first, at least.

  • And to butcher a very pretty spread.

  • Yeah, that pissed me off.

  • But I am not one to give up too easily.

  • So after a few blunders, I finally came up with a setup that I thought would be perfect for me.

  • And guess what?

  • It worked.

  • I got more done.

  • I was way more organized.

  • I gained some clarity.

  • And the best benefit of them all, I think, is that my time actually slowed down to exactly the right pace.

  • It felt not too slow, not too fast, but right where it should be.

  • Plus, I got a shit ton of compliments for the Bujo itself.

  • But this is exactly where people make the biggest Bujo mistake.

  • And trust me, it took me four years, four years to figure this out.

  • Let me use a metaphor to exemplify this.

  • You've probably heard of van life, right?

  • But did you know that it actually started as a super cheap and easy gateway to adventure and travel?

  • You pop a mattress in your trunk and boom, you're ready to explore the world.

  • But with time, it actually became a competition of who can fit the most luxurious villa into a Mercedes-Benz Sprinter.

  • And that is exactly what happened with Bujos.

  • The original concept was supposed to turn any notebook that you had lying around into a productivity tool that would truly help you organize your life.

  • A tool that is custom-made for you, easy to maintain, and most importantly, simple.

  • But there is nothing simple or low making it pretty.

  • Now, I'll get happily eaten in the comments for this, but I actually think that keeping a pretty Bujo and doing these beautiful spreads is counterproductive.

  • It is distracting you from getting things done rather than helping you get things done.

  • Before, I used to spend hours every month in order to create the perfect spreads.

  • The main focus was not to organize my life, but to look good doing it.

  • So naturally, there were months where I didn't exactly feel like setting up my spreads and that led to gaps in my journaling journey.

  • Now, I literally just use a highlighter to mark the day and get straight to the point.

  • I do still keep some pretty spreads just because I just like when things look good.

  • But first of all, they take me minutes to create, and second of all, I never sacrifice function for form.

  • Never.

  • And I used to do that all the time.

  • You need to journal more than usual on a day and need more space?

  • No problem, just stretch the day out.

  • You want to keep meeting notes in one place?

  • Go ahead, don't worry about keeping a beautiful spread.

  • Going on a trip where the Bujo might get wet?

  • Yeah, no, that's too far even for me.

  • But that still is the beauty and main point of Bujoing.

  • Flexibility.

  • You do not need to stick to the form that was given to you.

  • And these prom queen beautiful Bujo spreads, they just they just don't allow for that.

  • So my first tip, if you'd like to start a Bujo, is to keep it simple.

  • Do not stick to the form.

  • If something works for you, great, keep doing it.

  • But if something doesn't, just switch it up.

  • Don't worry about making it pretty.

  • The next crazy thing is bullet journal people very often actually forget to journal.

  • Bujos are not just for organization, they are for clarity.

  • They're called bullet journals for a reason.

  • And there is no better way to get clarity than writing your thoughts out.

  • And that's something I cannot recommend enough.

  • My routine is to journal each evening.

  • I write about whatever I feel like.

  • It doesn't have to anything fancy or complicated.

  • In fact, this is what most of my journal entries look like.

  • I went to school today.

  • Nothing interesting happened.

  • I'm wondering if I should drop out.

  • Anyway, I worked a little after that, went to the gym too, I think.

  • Then I spent some time with my friends.

  • Yeah, that's pretty much it.

  • Good night.

  • You see, nothing fancy at all.

  • After that, I grab prepare for what's coming the next day and I write down the tasks that I want to accomplish.

  • This helps massively with waking up and not knowing what to do every single day.

  • But do not skip the journaling part.

  • This is where most of the benefits actually come from.

  • You will understand better how you spend your time.

  • You will get to look back at what your younger self was thinking.

  • And that itself is invaluable.

  • One other thing I do in the evenings, and I think this is the most important part of all, is gratitude journaling.

  • Now, before this gets too cheesy, let me tell you, this is one of the most ROI habits that you can pick up.

  • Writing down what you're grateful for every single day is such a great step you can make towards lasting happiness for life.

  • Now, this simple exercise, it won't bring any benefits immediately.

  • But in the long term, it will truly, truly, truly have an impact on your fulfillment, happiness, and being able to appreciate the small things, even during bad days.

  • Before I leave you with all these already great tips, there is one more thing that I think way too many people overlook.

  • And that is the review.

  • And it doesn't matter whether monthly, weekly, or whatever.

  • What matters is that you do it regularly.

  • There is not much sense in having all these thoughts and insights written down if you don't actually look back at them and implement them in your own life.

  • And that is the review comes in.

  • I do it once every month and I ask myself four questions.

  • What worked?

  • What didn't?

  • What lessons did I learn?

  • And how did my habits go?

  • I sometimes switch up the last one for where did my time go?

  • And whenever I'm time tracking, I will just write down exactly what I did during the month.

  • I read through the journal entries of the month and I realize how little I managed to accomplish.

  • And then I promise to myself that I'm going to do better next month.

  • Do I actually?

  • Let me not comment on that.

  • As usual, a YouTube video can't ever cover any given topic completely.

  • So these are just some of the most important thoughts that I had over the past five years of journaling.

  • Don't make it pretty.

  • Write down your thoughts.

  • Be grateful and review.

  • If you'd like to see how I keep my iPhone set up minimalistic, click the video over here.

The bullet journal.

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