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  • Kissing a boy on the neck is very different than the way you kiss a boy on the mouth.

  • On the mouth, because you have so many nerve endings, you want to be like softer, a little bit more meater, take your time.

  • On the neck, oh no, no, no, no, no, no.

  • You want to like go a little bit bolder.

  • And I know that I always say that if your tongue is really like pokey and hard when you kiss someone on the mouth, they're going to be disgusted and throw up in their mouth.

  • True story.

  • But when you do it on the neck, it feels good because you have less nerve endings there.

  • So you want to be a little bit more aggressive.

  • So girls, sometimes like if you're making out with a guy and you want to kiss his neck, like he might be all crunched up while you guys are making out.

  • That doesn't mean he doesn't want you to get there, but you just might have to take matters into your own hands just a little bit.

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, he's all crunched up.

  • Don't be afraid to like take him by the jaw and turn his head.

  • And be bold.

  • Make that tongue nice and firm.

  • And do some like figure eights, do some nice hard strokes.

  • If you suck and bite at the same time, you're entering hickey town.

  • You're going to give him hickey.

  • And like hickeys really aren't that big of a deal.

  • You can take care of them with like, if you just kind of comb them out, like literally with a comb or with ice cubes, they'll go away.

  • I'm going to interject.

  • Okay.

  • Hickeys, in my advice, don't do them.

  • That's like 1957 and this is 2012.

  • We've moved past that.

  • We have iPhones.

  • So let's not do hickey.

  • That's my personal thing.

  • If a girl gave me a hickey, I would never talk to them again.

  • So I would go no hickey.

  • That's just my personal.

  • So fine.

  • Hickey deal breaker, Mr. MySpace.

  • That was good.

  • Okay.

  • You shut up.

  • Okay.

  • That'll make me stop.

  • See that's a good move.

  • You go neck to ear.

  • Neck to ear.

  • Seamless transition.

  • It's like a turnpike.

  • One goes seamlessly into the other.

  • You don't even have to pay a toll.

Kissing a boy on the neck is very different than the way you kiss a boy on the mouth.

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