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  • She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong in our relationship.

  • I mean, she goes on for five pages about how I was unfaithful to her.

  • We were on a break!

  • Oh my God, if you say that one more time, I'm going to break up with you.

  • Fine, fine, but this breakup was not all my fault.

  • And she says here, if you accept full responsibility, full responsibility, I can begin to trust you again.

  • Does that seem like something you can do?

  • Does it?

  • No.

  • There was a Geller Cup.

  • Yes, it was the trophy you got if you won the game.

  • But our dad said nobody won that game, and he was sick of our fighting, so he took the trophy... ...threw it in a lake.

  • And was the curse lifted?

  • Anyway, that's when Mom said we were not allowed to play football again.

  • You know what?

  • I think we should play a game.

  • I mean, come on.

  • It's been 12 years.

  • Can I see you for a second?

  • Yes!

  • All right, we're going to play.

  • But wait a minute, though.

  • How are we going to get there?

  • Because my mom won't let me cross the street.

  • The lightning round!

  • 30 seconds, all the questions you can answer.

  • You guys are dead!

  • I am so good at lightning rounds!

  • I majored in lightning rounds, all right?

  • We're going to destroy you.

  • Want to bet?

  • I'm so confused as to what we've been doing so far.

  • How about we play for more money?

  • Say $150? $150.

  • Say $200? $200!

  • You're doing it again.

  • Excuse me.

  • Monica, I don't want to lose $200.

  • We won't!

  • Okay. $300?

  • Monica!

  • I'm just trying to spice it up.

  • Okay, so then play for some pepper.

  • Stop spending my money.

  • I got it.

  • How about if we win, they have to get rid of the rooster?

  • Ooh, that's interesting.

  • Hey, no way.

  • That rooster's family.

  • Throw in the duck, too.

  • What do you have against the duck?

  • The duck doesn't make any noise.

  • Well, he gets the other one all riled up.

  • Look, we are not...

  • All right, hold on!

  • If you win, we give up the bird.

  • Gah!

  • But if we win, we get your apartment.

  • Ooh!

  • Deal!

  • Phoebe, your note?

  • Amazing.

  • Not only did no one touch my sandwich, but people at work are actually afraid of me.

  • Yeah, a guy called me Mental.

  • Mental Geller.

  • Yeah.

  • I've always wanted a cool nickname like that.

  • Yeah, the best you got in high school was, uh, Wet Pants Geller.

  • It was the water fountain, okay?

  • Anyway...

  • People are writing reports for me, pushing back deadlines to fit my schedule.

  • I'm telling you, you get tough with people, and you can get anything you want.

  • Hey, Tribbiani, give me that coffee, now!

  • I'm the Holiday Armadillo!

  • I'm a friend of Santa's, and he sent me here to wish you a merry Christmas!

  • What happened to Santa, Holiday Armadillo?

  • Santa was unavailable so close to Christmas.

  • Oh, come in, have a seat.

  • You must be exhausted coming all the way from...

  • Texas.

  • Look, I studied karate for a long time.

  • And there's a concept you should really be familiar with.

  • It's what the Japanese call...

  • Unagi.

  • Isn't that a kind of sushi?

  • No, it's a concept.

  • Yeah, it is, it is.

  • It's freshwater eel.

  • All right, maybe it means that, too.

  • Oh, I would kill for a salmon skin roll right now.

  • You know what, fine, get attacked.

  • I don't even care.

  • Come on, Ross, we're sorry.

  • Please tell us what it is.

  • Unagi is a state of total awareness.

  • Okay?

  • Only by achieving true unagi can you be prepared for any danger that may befall you.

  • Whoa!

  • Okay, Ross, I realize that you didn't expect to walk in and see that, but, uh, let me explain.

  • We weren't doing anything!

  • Rach, he just saw us.

  • But what you saw, that is the unagi.

  • That is the extent of it, okay?

  • One kiss.

  • No, come on, that is a lie!

  • We also kissed in Barbados.

  • Dude, chill!

  • Okay, we also kissed in Barbados, but we didn't plan it, okay?

  • And the only reason that that happened was because I saw you kissing Charlie.

  • Yeah, you started it!

  • I've got to chill!

  • Look, we probably should have talked to you about this before it ever happened, but...

  • Oh, we feel so terrible about this, Ross.

  • Yeah, but it did happen.

  • So...

  • Ross?

  • Ross?

  • Oh, look, there's Monica and Chandler!

  • Hey!

  • Hey, you guys!

  • Hey!

  • Chandler and Monica!

  • Chandler and Monica!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Chandler and Monica!

  • Oh, my God!

  • Oh, my eyes!

  • My eyes!

  • Phoebe!

  • Phoebe!

  • It's okay!

  • It's okay!

  • No!

  • They're doing it!

  • I know!

  • I know!

  • You know!

  • Yes, I know, and Joey knows, but Ross doesn't know, so you have to stop screaming!

  • Ooh, Phoebe, you look great.

  • I'm proud already.

  • Ooh, are you gonna do magic?

  • That's funny.

  • Change.

  • Hang on a second.

  • I just got in.

  • Look, I don't care.

  • It starts at 8.

  • We can't be late.

  • And he could not, would not want to wait.

  • Look, our table is down in front, okay?

  • And my boss is gonna be there.

  • Everyone will see if we arrive after it starts.

  • Has somebody been drinking my fat?

  • You guys, does this look like something the girlfriend of a paleontologist would wear?

  • I don't know.

  • You might be the first one.

  • Rach, did you check the machine?

  • Uh, no.

  • Wait, you know what?

  • This is the outfit that makes my calves look fat.

  • Never mind.

  • Well, Joey, I wrote a little song today.

  • It's called Get Up.

  • All right.

  • You can have the chair.

  • Really?

  • Oh, my.

  • Would you look at that?

  • I'm with somebody else.

  • I'm happy.

  • This ship has sailed.

  • Okay, so what are you saying?

  • You're just sort of put away feelings or whatever the hell it was that you felt for me?

  • Hey, I've been doing it since the ninth grade.

  • I've gotten pretty damn good at it.

  • All right, fine.

  • You go ahead and you do that, all right, Ross?

  • All right.

  • I don't need your stupid ship.

  • Good.

  • Good.

  • And you know what?

  • Now I got closure.

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Ah!

  • Oh!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Ah!

  • Try the bottom one.

She wants me to take responsibility for everything that went wrong in our relationship.

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