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  • 2024 is the year of Overwatch.

  • Knock-offs.

  • George's Hunters, Discord's Concord, and now Marvel Movies has entered the arena.

  • You are suspended for five minutes.

  • What did you do?

  • I made fun of Iron Man 3.

  • With Marvel Snappers, Disneyland started taking the money away from Hearthstone and now they're aiming for Blizzard's true cash cow, Winston Watch.

  • The Winston character in this game is Incredible Hulk, who gets really angry like Winston, who they ripped off of.

  • He's also like D.Va, but so is the new character, Penis Parker, who looks like D.Va and has a robot like D.Va.

  • To maintain a fair gaming environment, they're recording our voice chat right now.

  • I love Iron Man 3, by the way, Marvel.

  • Just like Star Wars heroes, there are more than a dozen Marvel heroes to pick from, like the Punisher.

  • I'm not a hero.

  • I'm the Punisher.

  • Okay, weirdo.

  • Punisher is just Soldier 76.

  • The voice actor talks like Soldier 76, Punisher was a Soldier in the comics, and there are 76 issues.

  • Should I read what my moves do?

  • Nah, you're good.

  • I wanna be Iron Man.

  • I never wanted to be Iron Man.

  • Iron Man is Pharah, Black Panther is Genji, Venom is Hampstead, Magneto is Sigma, Loki is Arendtall.

  • Wait, who the fuck is Namor?

  • That's Aquaman.

  • That's Namor.

  • He was- That's Aquaman!

  • That's just Aquaman!

  • Nah, that's- That's Namor.

  • Read the lore!

  • It's just Aquaman.

  • Where Marvel deviates from Overwatch is the destructible terrain, which they kind of teased for Overwatch 2, but then didn't deliver on because they didn't deliver on anything with that game.

  • Bro, this big piece of cement is fucking glitched.

  • Wait, our car can't go past it.

  • This game is fucking broken.

  • Oh, I like this.

  • It's like- It kind of reminds me of Iron Man 3.

  • In what way?

  • My favorite character to play in this is Spider-Man, who goes so fast across the map that it doesn't even feel like he is supposed to be in this game.

  • I swear, they just ripped his data from like a other Spider-Man game from PS2 and just transplanted it into this.

  • That's what it feels like to play him.

  • It's like the feeling of feeling like Spider-Man is always being felt.

  • Marvel's rival, Concord, made huge waves last week with their own open beta, which saw up to 20 players installing the game.

  • For that game, they had a guy called Star Child, who was not the Star-Lord ripoff.

  • That was Lennox.

  • And the Star-Lord in Marvel Rivals is just Tracer.

  • Oh, great.

  • He solo-ulted the three of us.

  • It's all very original stuff.

  • Battle Pass, push the payload, except I don't know which character to pick because nobody uses voice chat anymore.

  • I kept asking the other team if they were bots and nobody responded.

  • You know, I'm just gonna come out and say it.

  • Iron Man 3, no good.

  • Earband.

  • Spider-Man is the most fun to play, but Groot is the most fun to hear because they did a really good job for his voice lines.

  • I am Groot.

  • Which character is this?

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • Which character is this?

  • Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • I am Groot!

  • Lore.

  • He is Groot!

  • After hearing him say that 300 times in one match, you might think that Groot is Groot.

  • But actually, he is May from Overwatch.

2024 is the year of Overwatch.

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