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  • But first, it appears video of the opening ceremony has been removed from the official Olympic Games YouTube channel.

  • Now, of course, the opening ceremony caused huge controversy after it was used to mock Christianity, promote gender fluidity, and platform public nudity.

  • And now, while full videos of other opening ceremonies from previous Olympic Games are freely available, well, the Paris ceremony is not.

  • Just 24 hours after appearing on the site, it suddenly vanished.

  • The IOC say there's no big conspiracy.

  • They just don't have the digital rights to display the footage.

  • But that fails to explain why it was uploaded in the first place before being taken down.

  • Caleb and Liz, if you ask me, I would actually prefer that they did remove it because that would at least show some contrition and maybe even some embarrassment.

  • The queer artistic director of the opening ceremony who was responsible for the fiasco, he said, I didn't mean to offend anybody.

  • We were just promoting diversity, that old chestnut, that if you say it was to promote diversity, well, then what you saw was not some pornographic, satanic sort of display of hedonism.

  • It was diversity.

  • And then we're all supposed to say, oh, diversity is our strength.

  • What do you think, Liz?

  • Do you think this is an issue of digital rights?

  • Or do you think the organisers have said, you know what, this has turned really bad, really fast.

  • Let's just quietly hide the evidence.

  • Yeah, well, it went viral for all the wrong reasons.

  • And the backlash has been so profound.

  • That is obviously why they've taken it down.

  • Now, the artistic director that you referred to, his name is Thomas Jolly.

  • He says, quote, our idea was inclusion, end quote.

  • Right, so you thought the best way to go about parading inclusion at an event that the world is watching.

  • And a lot of kids as well, by the way, was to mock the Last Supper, some of Christ's last moments on earth before his death, his ascension.

  • It boggles the mind.

  • We all know that they went out of their way to do this.

  • I mean, there's any number of things that you could have instead done for the opening ceremony.

  • And yet this was frontline and centre.

  • And the sad part of it is, besides what you've just said, this being an outright display of degeneracy, like, let's normalise this.

  • I don't think anyone wants that normalised, is that's all anyone's been talking about.

  • So these athletes who have trained for years, day in, day out, to make it to the most esteemed position in the Olympic world, have now been overshadowed by everyone just talking about how utterly disgusting and disappointing this display of degeneracy was.

  • And it was clearly a dig at Christians.

  • There's 2 billion of us.

  • We're not going anywhere.

  • You can preach DEI to us until you're blue in the face.

  • We are not going to change what we believe.

  • And this just seemed to absolutely, thankfully, tank worldwide.

  • Nobody appreciated this.

  • And you've got companies now pulling their ad sponsorships for the Olympics.

  • And I think that is one of the best, most really practical ways that people can show their disgust.

  • So Mississippi tech-based company, they're called C Spire, has pulled theirs.

  • And I think this may well and truly start an avalanche of other companies doing the same.

  • Mississippi governor, Tate Reeves, came out and commended them for doing so, tweeting, That's a scripture verse.

  • And quote, And so I think that this is wonderful.

  • The backlash that we have seen just goes to show people are not okay with these kind of flagrant displays of what can only be described as utter degeneracy.

But first, it appears video of the opening ceremony has been removed from the official Olympic Games YouTube channel.

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