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  • Have you ever been starstruck on the red carpet?

  • Please elaborate.

  • Okay.

  • Hi Vogue, I'm Zendaya.

  • I'm Florence.

  • I'm Timothee Chalamet.

  • And this is Off The Cut.

  • Since when can you not say your last name?

  • I was really confused.

  • Sorry, I was going to let you guys introduce yourselves.

  • I was like, God!

  • My name's Florence.

  • What are you both listening to right now?

  • Flight. A lot of Flight.

  • This morning was Missy Elliott.

  • Because I needed to get the vibes going, you know?

  • I needed to get the energy up.

  • Was it your alarm?

  • It wasn't my alarm.

  • Could you imagine?

  • Work it, you know?

  • Interesting fact you learned recently.

  • An interesting fact?

  • An interesting fact I learned recently.

  • Slept too hard last night.

  • We learned a few facts about each other.

  • Josh Roland was part of the Rodeo Drive Athletics Club.

  • Yes, yes.

  • Okay, Timothee.

  • What's a fun fact about you that I don't know yet?

  • Boy, I should have done a warm-up for this.

  • Fun fact about me is that...

  • I don't have any fun facts.

  • These ones are hard.

  • These are hard.

  • When you're in the hot seat, you can't think of anything.

  • You can't think of anything right now.

  • I don't know any interesting facts.

  • I know a fun fact about me is I like a really nice pair of sheets.

  • There you go.

  • I know what you're getting for Christmas next year.

  • Okay.

  • Some wool sheets.

  • The scratchiest sheets I can find.

  • Florence, can you tell me about the first time that we met?

  • Actually, do you remember this?

  • Well, there's a few times that we met.

  • I remember the first-first.

  • At the awards season?

  • At the dinner.

  • Oh my God, you're going to have to rejog my memory.

  • Anyway.

  • No, go on, tell me.

  • The whole story is not appropriate.

  • But it was just like...

  • I don't know.

  • You were just like, what are you doing?

  • I was?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, because you were not doing that.

  • What happened?

  • No, but it was lovely and friendly.

  • It was really lovely and friendly.

  • Florence had just done Macbeth, and then we were going to do Little Women together.

  • And we were going to see Little Women, yeah.

  • That was the dinner where I got there, and there was like one camera guy in front of the restaurant.

  • And I thought, all right, if I sprint, they're not going to get me.

  • But then they got featured me with the dumbest...

  • Running.

  • Sprint.

  • I got a double chin poking out.

  • Oh my God.

  • I know we got flooded.

  • Anyway.

  • Oh, it's my go.

  • How long did it take you both to finish reading Dune?

  • Oh, good question.

  • The first time it took me a lot longer.

  • I've read it three times.

  • The second time, I audiobooked it.

  • I don't know if that counts.

  • That time, I found it easier to parse through.

  • And the third time, I loved it through and through.

  • The first time, I struggled with it because the structure was just unlike anything I'd read before.

  • It's so big.

  • I mean, not the size, but the world that you're imagining.

  • Yeah.

  • When I met Denise for the first time, I basically read like 70% of the book.

  • And I'd annotated it really intensely.

  • And I made sure to bring it to the meeting.

  • So we saw little post-its jumping out of the book.

  • Trying to sell.

  • Preparation.

  • Yeah.

  • And I'm halfway through Messiah.

  • Like you, I started a little bit before this one.

  • And I felt like I can't get ahead of it yet.

  • It's a lot.

  • Yeah, because the tone's different too.

  • It's diff. Yeah, it's different.

  • Pick one of these two accessories to add as a staple to your everyday wardrobe.

  • The nose plug.

  • Okay.

  • Okay.

  • Or the mask snorkel.

  • I would go with your nose plug.

  • I love those nose plugs.

  • Really?

  • Yeah.

  • As someone who wore them.

  • Not fun.

  • But then this is just going to be the same as the mask.

  • That's why I love it.

  • Acne and stuff.

  • I mean, it's a little plastic.

  • A little plastic.

  • Like I already have a bit of thing in my nose.

  • I don't know.

  • This isn't too far from reality.

  • And I kind of like being able to wear a mask.

  • Because yeah, I can get around and nobody can see you.

  • You go mask.

  • I'm going mask too.

  • Groovy.

  • You go on plugs.

  • I'll go plugs.

  • What are your favorite looks from Dune or Dune Part 2?

  • My favorite look from Dune Part 1 is Lady Jessica's blue dress.

  • Oh yeah.

  • It's my favorite.

  • It's the tumbling in the wind that really does it for me.

  • I would say my favorite.

  • Oh my gosh.

  • The costumes are so good.

  • And I'm jealous of all of them.

  • Because I just wore the stilts suit the whole time.

  • You look great in the stilts suit.

  • Thanks.

  • But you know, when I see you guys with flowy.

  • And you still look fantastic.

  • It's a joke.

  • Thanks.

  • I appreciate that.

  • Okay.

  • I think it's you.

  • Oh, I just asked that.

  • Did I just ask that?

  • No, I did.

  • It's your go.

  • Do you have a favorite on-set moment from working on Dune?

  • On the final week that I was working, we were doing this massive ensemble scene where in between takes,

  • Christopher Walken and I would be talking about which doughnuts we wanted to eat.

  • So now forever when I watch that scene,

  • I'll know that the only thing on mine and his mind is that we're thinking about what doughnut we want to save next time.

  • I was genuinely too nervous to talk to him.

  • I was like,

  • Yeah, I mean, yeah.

  • Hi sir, thank you.

  • How are you?

  • Yeah.

  • You know, I couldn't speak.

  • I was too nervous.

  • Zendaya, what was your last day on set like?

  • I think my last moment on set is my last moments in the movie.

  • Really?

  • That was the last thing that I shot.

  • So, I mean, everybody came because we were obviously in the middle of the desert and it was a beautiful sunset happening and everybody came and everybody was crying and it was emotional and it was bittersweet and all the things that I think your rap date is.

  • Yeah.

  • I'm going to do this one again because I like this.

  • Can either of you tell me what this still is from?

  • Oh God, no.

  • One of my first YouTube videos moving on.

  • All right, fine.

  • Moving on.

  • Very sweet.

  • I can't get into that YouTube.

  • I haven't, you know.

  • Okay.

  • We'll see.

  • Does it still exist?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • If you would ever like to just laugh, go ahead.

  • Find it.

  • Timothy, do you remember what your first day on set was like?

  • My first day on set, they'd already started shooting and I was coming from like Willy Wonka land.

  • So, I remember coming to set,

  • I was visiting and there was like a slow pushing of a Harkonnen and I remember just like walking back to my-

  • Yeah, I walked back to my trailer.

  • I was like, holy shit,

  • I'm really back in Dune universe and just having to recalibrate and not go to the mental hospital because it was just like such a culture shock to go from.

  • A very cheery, colorful, happy, chocolate landscape to like a very intense sci-fi universe.

  • Follow-up question.

  • Who said the line, this is a place for happy smiley faces and lots of love and dancing?

  • See, why are we still bringing these up?

  • Moving on.

  • Moving on.

  • I was thinking it was your go.

  • My go goes.

  • You cheated.

  • Yeah, what about this picture?

  • What is this from?

  • That's from moddedcontroller360,, backslash.

  • Is this you?

  • That's me when I sold controllers.

  • This is custom

  • Red Tiger baby.

  • With nail varnish?

  • No, with spray paint.

  • That's when my parents were like, you're ruining the apartment.

  • Spray paint, chips everywhere, it smells like shit.

  • Okay, when can we expect a new video from moddedcontroller360?

  • Well, jobless for now.

  • You know, acting's going well, but as the story goes south, you'll see me modding controllers once more.

  • Oh, this is a good one.

  • Do you have a terrible audition experience?

  • Absolutely.

  • Yeah.

  • Absolutely.

  • White boy rigged.

  • And that was Team WCW.

  • I know the movie, yeah.

  • I went in there,

  • I was like, this is it.

  • Okay.

  • This is it.

  • Yeah,

  • I'm Dimash, he's the director.

  • And I've run to him enough times, he's like, stop telling that story.

  • He's like, your career is great, you don't need to keep bringing it up.

  • It's okay.

  • But it was brutal.

  • You went into explosions, and then that's it.

  • I feel like I was a beast at that.

  • I was always really bad at that.

  • I would place it in different parts of the room, you know what was going on?

  • Yeah, in my bedroom it would look great, but when I was in front of five people, but someone's texting, they're like, you know, absolutely, or eating a salad, or someone, you know, or getting to go and pick up the phone in the next room.

  • Sorry,

  • I'm just gonna go get that.

  • I'm like, okay.

  • I came up with Skittles once in a casting, you know how Skittles rot your teeth?

  • Oh, great, that's a good one.

  • Have you ever been starstruck on the red carpet?

  • Please elaborate.

  • Starstruck, like not being able to speak?

  • Um, not quite,

  • I don't think so.

  • I think I'm just more excited to meet them, but I really,

  • I've never been like a weirdo in front of someone, and I'm really happy that I've never been a weirdo in front of someone.

  • What about you?

  • I don't know.

  • On a red carpet,

  • I don't think I've ever had that specific experience.

  • I lie.

  • The other night,

  • Oprah.

  • Oh, okay, there you go.

  • Yeah,

  • I was just like, oh my gosh, that's crazy muscle.

  • Okay, these are quick.

  • Coffee or tea?

  • Coffee for sure.

  • Tea.

  • Okay.

  • You know,

  • I've been getting into it.

  • Yes?

  • I've been getting into it.

  • With the milk?

  • Yes, with milk and sugar.

  • Yeah.

  • Because I'm a child.

  • New York or L.A.?

  • New York.

  • I get the best out of both by going to both.

  • Okay.

  • I'll let you have that.

  • L.A. or London?

  • Same, but-

  • It's different.

  • It's different.

  • I get the best out of both.

  • I get a good one.

  • Can you guess where this look is from?

  • I can.

  • That's Zendaya's Met Ball.

  • She had the auburn hair, red shoes.

  • Yes, absolutely.

  • Beautiful.

  • Here we go.

  • Morning or night?

  • Night for sure.

  • Definitely night, yeah.

  • This says, do you have a favorite press look for Dune part one?

  • I liked Zendaya's Paris look, the Alaia.

  • Yeah, you both looked amazing for that press tour.

  • We're excited to have all of you guys join us now.

  • It's going to be dangerous.

  • It's not just us.

  • We have more loads of fabric.

  • It's going to be amazing.

  • It's going to be a lot of fabric.

  • A lot of fabric.

  • A lot of fabric.

  • Looks being served.

  • Thank you so much for hanging out with us and we hope you enjoy Dune just as much as we enjoy making it, right?

  • Oh yeah.

  • Oh yeah.

  • Oh yeah.

  • Very much enjoyed the process.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

Have you ever been starstruck on the red carpet?

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