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  • But I had to make up the fact that I yelled at Frankie.

  • I go, Frankie, whatever you want to do, let's do it.

  • Okay, well, can we go to an arcade?

  • Arcade?

  • Dude, you have a Nintendo Wii at your house.

  • And then I had a flashback to 20 years ago.

  • I'm like, oh my God, I'm turning into my mom.

  • Come on, dude, let's go.

  • I take him to this big old freaking arcade, right?

  • And I felt so out of it because I didn't know you couldn't put money in the machines anymore.

  • Man, I remember quarters.

  • I'm thinking, here, five bucks.

  • And he's like looking at me like, what?

  • Go play.

  • And he's like, he came right back.

  • All done.

  • I'm like, dude, I didn't know this.

  • You have to go to another machine, put in money, and then it gives you a card.

  • And then you swipe that card to play video games.

  • And the game he wants to play doesn't cost a quarter.

  • It costs $3 a game.

  • Big old machine called Dance Dance Revolution.

  • Some of you know this game?

  • Maybe sort of.

  • For those of you that don't know the game, it's pretty simple.

  • It's a dancing game.

  • And there's a big screen.

  • And then arrows come out to music.

  • And whatever arrow comes out, that's the arrow you have to step on when it comes out.

  • Kind of cool, but all the music is techno.

  • And it's loud.

  • I know I'm getting older because I'm like, they got to turn that down.

  • Dance Dance Revolution.

  • Revolution.

  • Get ready.

  • And the kids are like, I'm ready.

  • Select music.

  • And that's what they dance to.

  • Ready?

  • Go.

  • Perfect.

  • And the kid's like, woo!

  • And I'm like.

  • I love this game, but they need to have something that's more fluffy friendly.

  • So the fluffy people and parents can hang and enjoy.

  • We're watching this game for over an hour.

  • I told Frankie, let's go play another game.

  • And then we'll come back where the line goes down.

  • The line never goes down.

  • Great.

  • So I'm watching kid after kid after kid.

  • Serious?

  • How much is it?

  • It's $3 a dance. $3 a dance?

  • And then I thought about it.

  • Well, I paid $20 two nights ago.

  • So I guess $3 isn't that bad.

  • Now that I think about it.

  • Some of you are clapping.

  • Some are like, I don't get it.

  • Yeah, whatever.

  • Anyway.

  • So kid after kid, then I found something out.

  • You can always spot that one kid who you just know is going to grow up to be a little bit more creative than others by the way he plays the game.

  • And all the other little kids, they know something's up.

  • They're like, you got to watch.

  • When Benji plays, you got to watch.

  • Sure enough, here comes Benji, right?

  • Dance, dance, revolution.

  • Get ready.

  • I'm so ready.

  • Oh, it's on.

  • Select music.

  • Ready?

  • Go.

  • This dude took off.

  • I know.

  • Frankie's like, I'm next.

  • You can't follow that.

  • You better come over here and play some Street Fighter, man.

  • Let me show you how to throw a fireball.

  • And it's funny because, you know, for me to relate to my son, it's a little challenging, you guys.

  • And it's not that I can't relate to a teenager because I can.

  • I can relate to almost any age.

  • You know, I got people that brought kids here tonight.

  • The problem is, is that my son doesn't see me as an entertainer.

  • He sees me as the guy that tells him to take a shower, put on deodorant, you know, stop picking your nose.

  • That's me.

  • His friends, on the other hand, I'm like a god to his friends.

  • Every time I drop off Frankie at school now, I pull up.

  • The kids see my car.

  • They freak out, and they run over to it, and they put their hands on it like it's a shrine.

  • They touch the car like freaking...

  • Some of you got that.

  • Gracias.

  • Anyway, then the kids start shaking my car side to side, chanting, Fluffy, Fluffy, Fluffy.

  • And Frankie's in the front seat, pissed.

  • He's pissed.

  • He's like, this is bullshit.

  • I'm like, hey, dude, don't get mad at me because I'm more popular than you at your school.

  • Little hater.

  • He gets out of the car, old man.

  • They're still chanting, Fluffy, Fluffy.

  • The thing is, is that our worlds are very different.

  • His world revolves around Grand Theft Auto, the video game, YouTube, and girls.

  • He's really good at two of those.

  • The other one, not so much.

  • And it's not that I'm trying to be a hater about it.

  • It's just that I tell Frankie, listen, you need to start having more conversations.

  • You need to become more talkative and interact like this.

  • See, he'd rather text than talk.

  • That's his whole thing.

  • I'm like, dude, you got to start to talk to me.

  • I wish you would talk to me more.

  • You could learn a lot about talking by talking to me.

  • I'm just saying, I only do it professionally.

  • But no, he'd rather text.

  • It's at the point now where if I'm in the house and I yell, Frankie, did you take out the trash?

  • Nothing.

  • All of a sudden, cling, I take out my phone.

  • No.

  • But if I say, I got money for you, freaking Houdini, right?

  • Oh, hello.

  • Because you can't text cash.

  • That's my big thing right now.

  • I just want him to take out the trash.

  • He's 16 years old now.

  • He should have been doing this since he was 10.

  • But you know, better late than never.

  • And what he does is he'll sit in the living room and he tunes out the rest of the house.

  • He sits there and he'll put on these headphones that I got him for Christmas a couple of years ago.

  • These beats with the freaking studio button.

  • And it cuts out all of the sound.

  • They are so strong that when he starts watching his YouTube videos, he can't hear himself laugh.

  • And for me, that is the funniest thing in the world.

  • I'm in the other room and I can hear him.

  • This is what I hear.

  • Ah, I'm in the other room like, who brought the Germans?

  • And so I walk out into the living room and I see Frankie and he's laughing at his phone and I got to flag him down.

  • And he'll take them off.

  • What?

  • What's up, dad?

  • I go, Frankie, can you do me a favor?

  • Can you please take out the trash?

  • Okay.

  • And then he puts them back on.

  • What?

  • Now?

  • I go, yes, now.

  • When you ask me for a ride, it's because you need a ride when you ask for a ride, not later.

  • Then he says, where are we going?

  • Just take out the trash.

  • And then he does it.

  • He takes out the trash, but he acts like he's doing me the biggest favor in the world.

  • And he stares me down and he doesn't break eye contact.

  • He's like.

  • And then I'll hold the bag over the can and he makes a sound.

  • I'm like, dude, so much drama.

  • It's crazy.

  • I'd like to have normal conversations with him, but usually I got to take it that far for us to interact.

  • You know, I look forward to conversations, even if it's something small and minute.

  • At least it gives me a chance to trigger another conversation with him.

  • I look forward to a few things.

  • I look forward to December because in December, Frankie becomes very chatty.

  • Otherwise he's one word kid.

  • Parents, you know what I'm talking about?

  • Kids, one word kid.

  • And you try to talk to them.

  • Hey, how's your day?

  • Good.

  • You have any homework?

  • Yeah.

  • You're going to do it?

  • Maybe.

  • You hungry?

  • What do you want?

  • Food.

  • Usually that's what I get.

  • But December rolls around and guess what December is?

  • December is when he becomes very chatty because he has an agenda.

  • All of a sudden he goes from one word kid to very like, hey, how's your week, dad?

  • You doing good?

  • Yeah.

  • How are the shows going?

  • You doing all right?

  • Do you need anything?

  • You need anything?

  • I'm like, I needed this in July.

  • Just saying.

  • And I know it's fake, but at least once again, it allows me to put my real conversation on top of his fake one.

  • And if that's what it takes, then that's what it takes.

  • I stopped going to Disneyland a long time ago because you know what?

  • Those roller coasters are not fluffy friendly.

  • Disney cares.

  • That's why there's safety there.

  • They have all those different harnesses.

  • And if you're over 300 pounds, just stay in the parking lot because they got the whole, you know, you're fluffy.

  • Forget it.

  • That's why I love a ghetto ass carnival.

  • You know, those ones they build in like six hours.

  • I can still ride those roller coasters.

  • It's only one bar, three clicks.

  • That's it.

  • If it locks, good.

  • If it doesn't, hold on.

  • Plus, fluffy people never fall.

  • We never fall.

  • You know who falls?

  • The skinny guy that got stuck next to us.

  • That's who.

  • More room.

  • But me and Disney, no, no mas.

  • But I had to because I messed up.

  • I fell asleep on the couch and I woke up all, you know, and Frankie was watching TV.

  • He goes, look here, bro.

  • Look, Disneyland.

  • And I was like, dude, what's the big deal?

  • Okay.

  • It's Disneyland.

  • What?

  • You never gone?

  • My dad never took me.

  • Oh, mother.

  • Next morning.

  • Welcome to the magical world of Disney.

  • We walk in the park.

  • He's all happy.

  • Yeah, we get into the middle of the park.

  • And he's so funny.

  • He starts getting winded.

  • I thought it was hysterical because up until then, I only saw myself get like that, you know?

  • So to see a little 10 year old version of hysterical.

  • I go, Frankie, you want to take a break?

  • Gabriel, this park is big.

  • Like, see, it's not a small world after all.

  • Whatever, dude, sit down.

  • So we're sitting down waiting.

  • All of a sudden, I start getting recognized at Disneyland.

  • And that for me was cool.

  • You know, people are walking by.

  • Fluffy.

  • Can we take a picture?

  • Sure.

  • More people.

  • It's him.

  • It's that guy.

  • Pikachu.

  • Now I have like 10 people around me.

  • Like I'm a new character at the park.

  • Best part is Frankie starts getting annoyed.

  • He's like, we'll have to leave you alone.

  • Frankie, these are the people that come to the shows.

  • They're the reason why you have a PlayStation.

  • Thank you.

  • I'm here and I start taking the pictures.

  • So I told Frankie, Frankie, what ride are you going to get on?

  • Ride?

  • Yeah.

  • What ride do you want to get on?

  • I don't want to get on a ride.

  • What the hell are we doing at Disneyland?

  • The commercial said that Disneyland is the happiest place on earth.

  • Oh my God.

  • That's IHOP.

  • The hell are we doing here?

But I had to make up the fact that I yelled at Frankie.

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