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  • Let's learn English at the movies!

  • So I've always been a big fan of the X-Men movies, and in particular Wolverine is my favourite character.

  • So when I heard there was a new movie coming out with him in it and some other guy named Deadpool, I thought I should make an English lesson for you.

  • I can't show you the actual movie, but along the way I can help you learn some English words and phrases that you can use as you talk about the movies.

  • So let's talk about the difference between to see a movie and to watch a movie.

  • If I say that I'm going to go see a movie, it means I'm probably going to come to a theatre like this to see that movie.

  • If I say I'm going to watch a movie, it usually means I'm going to stay home and maybe watch the movie on Netflix.

  • So I'm here today to see a movie.

  • I'm at a theatre to see a movie.

  • So there are a few ways to buy a ticket to see a movie.

  • By the way, you do need a ticket.

  • You can use a ticket machine.

  • A ticket machine is a machine that you can use to buy a ticket to see the movie.

  • You put your card in and you choose the movie you want, and then you get a ticket to see that movie.

  • You could also go to the box office.

  • There's a box office right here.

  • Not many people use the box office anymore to buy tickets.

  • I don't even think there's a person there, but that is where you could go to buy a movie ticket from a person.

  • Or you can actually go to the concession stand.

  • I'll talk more about that later.

  • You can also buy a ticket there.

  • But the most popular way to buy a ticket right now is to buy your ticket online.

  • I bought my ticket online.

  • It's on my phone and I will use that ticket.

  • I guess it's an e-ticket to get in to the theatre.

  • So behind me you can see what's called the concession stand.

  • Sometimes we call it a snack bar, but I usually call it a concession stand or just the concessions.

  • It's the place where you can go to buy a snack.

  • Now the most common snack to buy when going to see a movie here in Canada is usually popcorn and maybe some kind of soda or what I call pop.

  • But that's not what I'm going to buy.

  • I actually don't really like popcorn and I really don't drink soda or pop, but this is where you would go to get a snack.

  • I am going to go get one.

  • You'll see what it is in a minute.

  • Hi.

  • Hi.

  • Uh, yeah, just the peanut M&M's and the water.

  • How precious.

  • Anything else I can get for you?

  • Uh, no, that's everything.

  • Are you a Loyalty's member?

  • Pardon?

  • Are you a Loyalty's member?

  • No, I'm not.

  • Uh, just debit please.

  • Okay, here you go.

  • Thank you.

  • Have a great day.

  • This is what I wanted and this is what I got.

  • So there are a few different types of movies and genres.

  • This movie that I'm going to see could be considered an action movie, maybe a little bit of science fiction.

  • An action movie is a movie where there's lots of guns and car chases.

  • A science fiction movie takes place in the future and there will be spaceships and people might visit other planets.

  • There's also fantasy movies where you'll see swords and dragons and things like that.

  • You might watch a horror movie, not my favourite, a movie that is designed to scare you.

  • Or you might see a movie that is a comedy, or if it has romance involved, it might be a romantic comedy.

  • And then lastly, there is a type of movie called a drama, a more serious movie, sometimes based on a historical event.

  • There are many other movie genres, but those are just the main ones that I can think of right now.

  • So I actually printed my ticket today instead of having it on my phone.

  • Like I said, I'm using my phone to record, but as I approach, they'll need my ticket here.

  • So I'll need to show my ticket.

  • I will need to scan my ticket.

  • Hopefully it scans.

  • Screen 6 just down this hall to your right.

  • Which theatre?

  • Yeah, in 6. 6, thank you very much.

  • So I am going to go to screen 6 or theatre 6, so that's where I'm headed right now.

  • My ticket scanned successfully.

  • By the way, a long time ago, you used to actually give them a paper ticket and they would rip your ticket or tear your ticket.

  • I still remember that time long ago, but now everything's digital.

  • It's either a barcode or a QR code.

  • On my ticket there was a QR code, and that's what they scanned in order to allow me into the theatre.

  • So there are a couple of ways that they advertise movies.

  • One is that they create movie posters.

  • A movie poster, oh that looks scary.

  • A movie poster is simply a poster, a big colourful piece of paper that goes on the wall, and that poster advertises upcoming movies.

  • So before a movie starts they'll show what are called previews or trailers.

  • They haven't quite started in this theatre yet, but pretty soon they will show previews or trailers.

  • They're the same thing by the way.

  • This is when they show you little clips of a movie that's coming out in the future in hopes that you will decide to go see it.

  • Right now they're just running some advertisements, but pretty soon they'll start showing the previews and the trailers.

  • So if you're wondering what to call people at a theatre, the people who work there, the person who took my ticket I would call a ticket taker.

  • The people who come in and out of the theatre to make sure everyone's sitting in the right spot I would call those ushers or attendants.

  • So someone who takes your ticket is a ticket taker.

  • Someone who can help you in the theatre find your seat or make sure you're in the right seat is called an attendant or an usher.

  • So I'm walking into theatre 6 or screen 6 and as you can see no one is here.

  • I'm at a morning showing.

  • I chose a showing.

  • A showing by the way is the time the movie is actually playing.

  • It's 1045 in the morning and no one's here.

  • What's nice though is this theatre has reserved seating.

  • That means I actually paid for an actual seat in the back row, seat number 8.

  • That's different than how it used to be.

  • A long time ago if you went to a movie theatre you just tried to get there early to get a good seat.

  • But now you can actually choose the seat that you want.

  • Oh and by the way, here's the screen.

  • And when you look at the seats you might notice that these are recliners.

  • You can actually recline in these seats.

  • You can lean back as you watch the movie.

  • So you can relax, enjoy the show in comfort in a reclining seat.

  • Oh and one more thing.

  • Up there where you see those two windows, that is the projection booth.

  • That's where you would find the projector.

  • The projection booth is the little room where the projectionist, that's the person who runs the projector, will actually sit and that's where they will show the movie from.

  • And the projector is the machine that shows the movie.

  • So up there, the projection booth, let me point to it, and inside will be a projector and a projectionist.

  • So I decided to see the movie in 2D, not in 3D.

  • I'm not actually a big fan of 3D.

  • I don't like wearing 3D glasses.

  • Those are the special glasses you have to wear.

  • By the way, 2D is just kind of a flat image.

  • But 3D is when it looks like things are coming off the screen towards you.

  • Usually I see movies in 2D because when I see movies in 3D they kind of give me a headache.

  • So anyways, I am seeing a movie in 2D.

  • So the place I'm at actually has three different names, in Canadian English at least.

  • We sometimes call it a cinema.

  • In fact, behind me you can see that it says Landmark Cinemas.

  • Or we call it a movie theatre, or we just call it a theatre.

  • I think the most common one would probably be movie theatre.

  • Where did you go last night?

  • Oh, I went to the movie theatre to see a movie.

  • But you can also call it a cinema or just a theatre.

  • So I'm at the cinema, I'm at the movie theatre, I'm at the theatre.

  • So I just finished watching the credits for this movie.

  • Credits are, it's kind of a list of all of the actors that were in the movie.

  • It kind of lists all the people who worked on the movie.

  • And then it even lists the music that was used in the movie.

  • So it was fun to watch the credits.

  • And there was a post-credits scene, or an after-credits scene, or an end-credits scene where they show like a little clip from an upcoming movie, or just a little extra little snippet of the actors doing something just for fun.

  • So that's always cool.

  • Well thank you so much for watching this English lesson at the movies.

  • Hopefully you were able to learn some new English words and phrases that you can use in your next conversation about the movies.

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  • It's either over there or over there.

  • Leave a comment below, give me a thumbs up.

  • And if you have some time, there's always another English lesson to watch.

Let's learn English at the movies!

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