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  • Fellas, hold it!

  • Hey, Buzz, put me down!

  • Retreat!

  • Quick, get him in!

  • Let's go, get him!

  • They're stealing him!

  • No!

  • Hold it right there!

  • Buzz?

  • You again?

  • Woody, thank goodness you're all right.

  • Buzz, what is going on?

  • Hold on! I am Buzz Lightyear and I'm in charge of this detachment.

  • No, I'm Buzz Lightyear.

  • I am Buzz Lightyear!

  • I'm Buzz Lightyear!

  • So, who's the real Buzz?

  • I am!

  • Don't let this imposter fool you!

  • He's been trained by Zurich himself to mimic my every move.

  • Buzz!

  • I had a feeling it was you, Buzz.

  • My front end just had to catch up with my back end.

  • Will somebody please explain what's going on?

  • It's all right, Space Ranger.

  • It's a code 546.

  • You mean it's a...

  • Yes.

  • And he's a...

  • Oh, yeah.

  • Your Majesty.

  • Woody, you're in danger here.

  • We need to leave now.

  • Al's selling you to a toy museum in Japan!

  • I know!

  • It's okay, Buzz.

  • I actually want to go.

Fellas, hold it!

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