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  • Ahem. Are you ready?

  • Okay.

  • G'day, mate! Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • I only know Marshall.

  • I'm back!

  • Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • I'm back! Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • Yeah! Yeah! Yeah!

  • Let's go! Let's go before we forget!

  • Before we forget! Okay! Okay!

  • Let's go!

  • G'day, mate! Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • My shout.

  • G'day, mate! Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • What is going on?

  • Macca's run, you know?

  • I'm gonna faint. Oh my God.

  • Miko-santo!

  • 準備いいっすか?

  • Hai! Come on!

  • Oh yeah! Oh no!

  • G'day, mate! G'day, mate!

  • Haven't had breakie yet.

  • I got one!

  • I got one yet!

  • I got one. Yeah!

  • Zudon soon!

  • Zudon soon!

  • And shout.

  • My shout.

  • My shout.

  • My shout.

  • G'day, mate! Haven't had breakie yet, so might go on a Macca's run soon?

  • My shout.

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • I got...

  • I

  • One. Yeah!

  • I got one. Yeah!

  • Make or...

  • Make or...

  • Zudon soon!

  • Zudon soon?

  • Zudon!

  • Zudon!

  • Zudon!

  • Zudon!

  • Eh? Zudon soon?

  • Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • My soul.

  • My soul.

  • My soul.

  • My soul.

  • My soul.

  • I'm gonna lose my soul!

  • Got it!

  • I'm actually gonna pass away.

  • I'm gonna die. This is the best!

  • Nessie! What did you hear?

  • Ok, what I heard is...

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • Yeah! I got one!

  • Yeah!

  • Macca's run through my soul.

  • Ico-senpai, what did you hear?

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice...

  • breakie!

  • Yeah!

  • I got...

  • one!

  • Yeah!

  • Make or...

  • Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • That's not it!

  • Mika-senpai, that's not it!

  • That's it!

  • That's not it!

  • Come on, what did you hear?

  • I hear...

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • Yeah! I got one!

  • Yeah! Make or...

  • Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • Yeah! I got one!

  • Yeah! Macca's Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • Hajime-chan, what did you hear?

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • Yeah! I got one!

  • Macca's Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • I tried my best.

  • Zudon.

  • No, Zudon!

  • Zudon.

  • Zudon soon, my soul.

  • Zudon.

  • It's not Zudon, it's Zudon.

  • Zudon.

  • Zudon?

  • The answer is...

  • G'day, mate! Have a nice breakie!

  • So, Macca's Macca's Zudon soon!

  • My soul.

  • Where's the Zudon? You missed it, bae.

  • There's no Zudon!

  • Zudon.

  • Where's the Zudon?

  • My soul.

  • Yeah!

  • That's not my soul!

  • That's not my soul!

  • This is Australian, Australian accent.

  • It's Australian.

  • Zudon!

  • Zudon!

  • Zudon.

  • Zudon soon!

  • Zudon.

  • Zudon.

Ahem. Are you ready?

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A2 AU mate shout day haven australian bae

JDON MY SOUL!轟語接棒直接整樓坍方?Bae旁邊看戲笑到發瘋…【Hololive中文 | Bae | 櫻巫女 | 轟一 | Kaela | Kobo | Nerissa】

  • 18 0
    勝勝(10820林勝棠) posted on 2024/08/01
Video vocabulary