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  • Uh... wha...

  • wha... what happened?

  • Uh, I pretty much killed you, yo.

  • But don't worry, I replaced all the blood you lost with my own.

  • Your blood?!

  • In us?!

  • Gross!

  • Please remove it!

  • Ah!

  • Oh, come on! I saved your lives!

  • After you almost killed us!

  • Yeah, sorry about that.

  • You just couldn't resist your animal urges, Beast Boy!

  • I am so mad at...

  • at your...

  • Dude!

  • You just transformed into a dog!

  • Beast Boy's blood must have given us the power to turn into animals!

  • I wish to turn into the animal...

  • Oh! I am the adorable...

  • Meow, meow, meow, meow!

  • Meow, meow, meow, meow, meow!

  • I'm thirsty.

  • Refreshing.

  • Brock, this is so cool!

  • Now remember, Titans, we can be animals, we just can't become them.

  • Whatever, I just want to turn into a tiny donkey.

  • Go, tiny donkey!

  • Go, go, go!

  • I like you.

  • Stop!

  • Breakfast's ready!

  • Mm-mm-mm!

  • What smells so good?

  • We are breaking the fast!

  • Not that smell.

  • That smell!

  • Bro, bring that butt on over here so I can get a better sniff.

  • Oh, yeah, yeah.

  • Guys, get in on this!

  • You've got a good bouquet going on there, Si.

  • Motor oil and...

  • Ooh, is that a hint of meatball?

  • It is.

  • Hmm, not bad.

  • Woo, doggy, I could sniff butts all day!

  • Why stop at sniffing butts?

  • Check this out.

  • Woo-hoo!

  • Ha-ha!

  • We got that good air in our face and the sun on our wings!

  • I could already do the flying before.

  • Sure, but could you do this?

  • Nice car, bro!

  • I got you!

  • Yeah!

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • Ha-ha!

  • Ha-ha-ha!

  • Over there!

  • It's the Hive.

  • Let's get them!

  • Hey, hey, hey, hey!

  • Ha-ha!

  • Chomp, chomp, chomp!

  • Chomp, chomp, chomp!

  • Chomp, chomp, chomp!

  • Yep.

  • Nothing like a game of cards after a long day of sniffing butts and pooping on cars.

  • Indeed.

  • It is so wonderful being the animals and...

  • Ah!

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah!

  • Ha-ha-ha!

  • Ha-ha-ha!

  • Ha-ha-ha!

  • Ha-ha-ha-ha!

  • Ha-ha-ha-ha-ha!

  • What was that about, Star?

  • Outside, I saw...

  • The cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Cat, cat, cat, cat!

  • Whoa, what's happening to us?

  • That's your animal urges, y'all.

  • Friends, is it safe for us to continue the animal life?

  • Absolutely.

  • We are people.

  • Suppressing our animal urges is what we do all day, every day.

  • Hey, the moon is out.

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Oh!

  • Is that a shark tank in the living room?

  • Where did you get the sharks from?

  • Is that even safe? What's wrong with you?

  • Yep. Chicks dig a guy who can communicate... with fish.

  • I did not realize you had a fondness for marine life.

  • Oh, yeah. Me and fish, we're like this.

  • It's like I have this connection with them, you know?

  • See? We're having a lovely little chit-chat.

  • I'm fine.

  • Do you think we should help him?

  • Just a little miscommunication.

  • Nah, let him talk his way out of it.

  • I'm okay.

  • Hey, is it just me or have we run out of things to do on this island?

  • Indeed. When it first seemed like the exciting change has become the very tiresome.

  • Yeah, I hate it here.

  • I think we should go back to our normal setting.

  • Have you all lost your minds?

  • This island adventure has been filled with excitement.

  • If this was a TV show, it would be billed as a week-long event.

  • Eh, maybe. But I'm not sure it's lived up to expectations.

  • I believe battling all of the villains in the epic fight to the finish would have been the much more exciting.

  • Wrong. Island adventures are what's exciting. Island adventures.

  • Well, you can keep your island adventures. We're going to bounce.

  • We're going home. Yeah!

  • Woo!

  • Hi!

  • Oh, yeah!

  • Yeah!

  • All right!

  • Tsk, tsk, tsk. Don't you remember? This island is inescapable.

  • We learned that in our first island adventure.

  • Dude, we're sick of island adventures.

  • Yeah, they're really lame.

  • Ha! Lame? Island adventures aren't lame.

  • You guys just need to be reminded of how much fun we've had this week in the form of a catchy song.

  • We found dinosaurs and had a dino fight.

  • Watched a bamboo rocket blow like dynamite.

  • Big coconut pies, you know the kind you like.

  • Hung with a millionaire and his millionaire wife.

  • TV made a coconut. Remo made a coconut.

  • President was a coconut. Island adventure.

  • This is a coconut. That is a coconut.

  • This is not a coconut. Island adventure.

  • There was a magic cat that spit rainbows.

  • And my man Beast Boy had the illest flow.

  • We were hunted by an alien for a skull throw.

  • A pure protein that held a fashion show.

  • Volleyball. With a face on it. Basketball. With a face on it. Football. With a face on it.

  • Island adventure. Hockey stick. With a face on it. Baseball. With a face on it. Pirate's glow.

  • With a face on it. Island adventure.

  • We discovered that the island is actually fake.

  • That tree right there is actually fake.

  • Wait a minute. This island is fake?

  • The song was right. The trees are fake.

  • They all are. How did we not notice that before?

  • Because we never walked behind them, I guess.

  • Only the weirdos would walk behind the trees.

  • Is anything real here?

  • The rocks are foam!

  • The banana has the microphone inside.

  • I think this crab is actually a camera.

  • The freckle on my butt looks like Mickey Mouse.

  • Looks more like a meatball sub, if you ask me.

  • I believe it is the unicorn upon its cloud of dreams.

  • Okay, clearly it's a human skull.

  • Enough about the freckle! It's obviously shaped like two bears high-fiving.

  • They're girl bears.

  • Now, as crazy as it sounds, I think this is a stage and we are being watched.

  • We need to find a way out.

  • How about through there?

  • A hatch! That's it!

  • Something tells me this is the start of another island adventure!

  • Ugh.

  • What?

  • We had a date.

  • I never said yes.

  • Yet here you are.

  • Uh, you're standing right on that turtle's eyeball.

  • He'll be fine. They're very resilient.

  • Seriously, you're always standing on sea creatures.

  • You don't need to be nervous.

  • I'm not nervous. You just don't know what you're getting into with me.

  • I have a dark side.

  • I heard. Can I show you something?

  • Ew. Back it up.

  • Relax.

  • Oh, thanks.

  • So, what did you want to show me?

  • This.

  • So, what? I'm supposed to fall for you because you show me some dancing fish?

  • Oh, look. They're so adorable.

  • It's like a musical is about to break out.

  • It's so romantic. I have to kiss your face.

  • Just wait.

  • Oh.

  • Oh, that was...

  • Intense? Circle of life, baby. I thought you'd like it.

  • I can't believe this.

  • But for the first time, I feel like someone gets me.

  • You should wear your hood down more often.

  • Thanks.

  • Well, I'd better, uh...

  • Yeah.

  • What?

  • My girl is what?

  • Raven wants someone who can match her intensity.

  • I can be intense.

  • Intensity!

  • I need a nap!

  • Well, just lay off my girl, okay?

  • Yes, we'd like another pizza. I know we just had to deliver it.

  • Of course, we can pay for it.

  • But we won't have to because there's no way you're delivering it in under 30 minutes.

  • Okay. All I have to do is turn on the security dome around the house, and the pizza guy can't get anywhere near the tower.

  • Hey, pizza.

  • How is he doing this?

  • This is unnatural.

  • This means war.

  • Pizza war.

  • Boom.

  • Hey, pizza.

  • No!

  • Hey, pizza. Hey, pizza. Hey, pizza. Hey, pizza. Hey, pizza.

  • Hey, pizza.

  • Can I pay with a pony ride?

  • I can't take much more of this cyborg.

  • Where'd Beast Boy go? He just disappeared.

  • There he is.

  • That was weird.

  • Uh-oh, Beast Boy.

  • Your foot is not gone. It's in the bucket.

  • Not that. Look!

  • That big rock is coming to get us.

  • What do we do, Beast Boy?

  • Guess this is the moment I've been waiting for.

  • Okay, Titans. Here's what we know.

  • Uh...

  • Um...

  • Nothing. We know nothing.

  • I can't believe I put us in this situation.

  • I feel so stupid for wanting to be smart.

  • Come on, Beast Boy.

  • Do not give the up.

  • We need you.

  • You're the brains of this obligation.

  • Brains.

  • I just need a little brain food.

  • Let's try this again.

  • Here's what we know.

  • That asteroid is coming at us because of a little thing called gravity, right?

  • Uh-huh.

  • And gravity is controlled by the ocean.

  • Uh-huh.

  • And that means if we can kill the ocean, then the asteroid will go back home.

  • Of course.

  • Why didn't I think of that?

  • Titans, go!

  • Crab punch! Crab punch!

  • Dump and uppercut!

  • It's not working, Beast Boy.

  • That's because we're not punching hard enough.

  • Uh-oh.

  • Boom! Boom!

  • Look, Beastie! The rock went home!

  • You've saved us all, Beast Boy.

  • I guess I did.

  • What is it like being so smart?

  • It's more than I bargained for.

  • Raven, where's your spell book?

  • Uh, B...

  • U...

  • U...

  • Ugh, not how do you spell book.

  • Never mind.

Uh... wha...

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