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  • Hey, it has definitely been a hot minute since we have caught up.

  • I have tried to film this video for months, but I just like wasn't in the right emotional state to share anything about my life because there's been a lot of change.

  • I think the big and obvious one is that Ben and I broke up.

  • It feels really weird to say that out loud.

  • After being online for, I don't even know how many years, like 13 years, I have some pretty bright lines of what I like to share about my life and what I don't, and usually my rule of thumb is I don't talk about anything online unless I have 100% have healed from it.

  • But this situation is different because I am like still like actively going through it and I feel like I will for some time.

  • I gotta say I'm in like a much better place now.

  • But it's still like, it still makes me really emotional talking about it.

  • The decision to break up was a loving one.

  • Like I was with Ben for, it would have been 10 years, this year.

  • And there's like still so much love for him.

  • There always will be.

  • He's like, he's family.

  • He's the father of our son.

  • We've shared like so many pivotal life moments together, you know?

  • And I think instead of just like wallowing in the fact that it's over, I'm choosing to like celebrate that we got to experience it.

  • This break up is unlike any other one I've ever been through because even though we are separated, I still see him every day because we show up for our son.

  • And we're on the same team and we're always gonna have each other's backs.

  • Like there's no sides to choose because we're one unified force together.

  • I'm really proud of us because we have established a really good rhythm with co-parenting.

  • We have a schedule.

  • But honestly, in the end, our relationship will always be the chunk of our family.

  • And our priority will always be our son.

  • And so maintaining a level of love and mutual respect is just like it will always be up there.

  • This chapter in my life has been disorienting.

  • I feel like that's like the best word to describe it.

  • I have like two dominant moods.

  • When I'm feeling good, I literally feel like I'm floating.

  • Floating to new territories, new waters.

  • It's exhilarating because everything feels so novel.

  • But then on the flip side, when I'm feeling down, it feels like I am just free falling out of a plane with no parachute on my back.

  • And I think the thing that really anchors me is my son.

  • Like he really grounds me.

  • One of my favorite things that we do together is blowing bubbles after dinner time.

  • We have made it a daily ritual.

  • This is an activity that I know that we can just get lost in.

  • Blowing bubbles is actually quite meditative.

  • Like when I am blowing the bubbles, I am there.

  • I am in the flow with him.

  • And I feel like the bubbles are symbolic with the emotions that I'm feeling, even my thoughts.

  • Because I never know what thoughts will bubble and float into my mind.

  • Each one is always a different shape, a different mood.

  • And no matter how large or small or intricate the bubble, in the end, they always pop.

  • They disappear.

  • So Lennon is almost three years old.

  • And when I look at him, I feel so much.

  • Like so much emotions.

  • Like I sob a lot.

  • And they're happy tears.

  • They're sad tears.

  • And I think, you know, to any average person, he might just look like a curious, lively toddler.

  • But when I see him, he encapsulates all these different time frames.

  • I can't change anything that happened in the past.

  • And I'm kind of helpless with what's going to happen in the future or what's not going to happen.

  • But like what I can do in that present moment is give him my full undivided attention and just relish in it.

  • I am still trying to find a good balance of sharing that I'm a mom, but also protecting my son's privacy.

  • It's like a thin line, you know?

  • Like he is a central part of my life.

  • But I don't feel comfortable sharing too much of his stuff.

  • Like I'm trying to like reduce his digital footprint.

  • Then I just end up not sharing him at all for a period of time.

  • And then I start getting these like comments that I am a bad mother or like, where's your kid?

  • Jen hates being a mom, which could not be further from the truth.

  • It's like kind of crazy that I actually even have to address this.

  • Anyone in my life knows how much I participate and show up in my son's life.

  • And oh my gosh, like I actually feel myself getting a little defensive.

  • What the heck, Jen?

  • No, I honestly think it's because, you know, being online for so long, you're used to getting a barrage of like negative comments.

  • But like once you get a negative comment enough, you just become numb to it.

  • But this like being under fire for being a bad parent is just new for me.

  • So I think I'm just getting used to it.

  • But yeah, I just wanted to make it clear that I love being his mom.

  • I love being a mom.

  • It's an extremely important role and job.

  • Like it is my number one job.

  • Like I want to make sure that I'm trying my best and that's all I can do.

  • Like if anything, I'm just trying to navigate what I choose to share about my son's life and like what to keep private.

  • When I was in my 20s, I had no issue with recording all parts of my life.

  • Anything was fair game.

  • But I'm realizing maybe it was because life was a lot more simpler back then.

  • I was just hanging out, getting dolled up to go to an event or whatever.

  • But you know, as you get older, life becomes a little bit more complex and layered.

  • And some things are just impossible to package in a simple, cheery, positive way.

  • And sometimes it's just best to keep things offline, even the euphoric moments.

  • That way you can just like actually really, really enjoy it.

  • I am single now, which is kind of crazy.

  • I think the simplest way to put it is I am adjusting to this.

  • Because when you're in a long-term relationship, it's so easy to slip into the grooves of monogamy.

  • Like a lot of your choice is dependent on, you know, your partner.

  • Not because it's like a control issue, but it's just, you know, you're just like, you like automatically know who your plus one, like who you're taking to the party, what your weekend plans are.

  • Because if you have a kid, those weekends are definitely, you gotta like pack in some date night because you just need some time as a couple.

  • It just feels like weird and empty at times.

  • But I'm like trying to like romanticize it.

  • I'm in this fresh territory where the decisions that I make are ones that only require my own input.

  • And now when I have my alone time, I'm really alone.

  • Like alone, bolded.

  • I am just searching for a new version of me.

  • And I'm like slowly discovering this on my healing journey.

  • I am hanging out so much with my family and my friends.

  • I'm just like leaning the out of my support system.

  • In April, I went to Korea with my mom.

  • We did like our annual trip.

  • This time was a little bit different because I went to Seoul on my own for a couple of days.

  • And I just met up with friends to connect and decompress.

  • I stayed with Joan for a few days, which was so fun.

  • It was like fun playing roommates.

  • And then afterwards, I stayed at a hotel for a few days with my friend Christina.

  • Then afterwards, I went to the countryside to meet up with my mom and my aunt and my uncles.

  • And it was just so incredibly healing to be on my uncle's farm.

  • Like that is heaven to me.

  • It's just like you have like shitty Wi-Fi, but you're just surrounded in nature.

  • And just like I just love the simplicity of the Korean countryside.

  • Every time I'm there, I feel like a kid.

  • I feel like especially when you have your own kid, you're always like used to making like executive choices and like doing stuff for the family.

  • But when I was in Korea, I could just be the baby girl again.

  • Every day, I didn't know what the plan was.

  • I just looked to my emo being like, what are we eating?

  • What are we doing?

  • Just tell me the plan and I'm just gonna slip into the itinerary.

  • It felt really nice to just feel cared for.

  • And it was just like my time there is always invaluable.

  • I'm also in the process of redecorating my house.

  • This is like a project that I have been delaying for a long time.

  • I'm setting up Lennon's new room.

  • This time, I'm like going balls to the wall with my decor.

  • I'm like treating my house as if I'm on Animal Crossing.

  • Like I'm like yes to the wallpaper.

  • Yes to the paint.

  • Yes to the limewash.

  • Yes to the interesting furnishings.

  • Like I find that part pretty empowering.

  • This year, I feel like there's like a part of me that has been awakened.

  • That sounds like so like mystical.

  • It's been awakened.

  • No, but it's just it's scary.

  • But it's also really electrifying to feel alive, if that makes sense.

  • I feel like I'm meeting so many new people and reconnecting with my old friends and leaning on them.

  • And at first, I was kind of like skeptical.

  • Like why are people here for me?

  • But that, you know, I think I was bumping into my own like self-loathing side of me.

  • And I'm like really starting to understand the concept of to not question the good in your life.

  • Never ever question the good in your life.

  • Just accept it and be goddamn grateful.

  • Despite all the change going on, I still love life.

  • It's not polished.

  • There's no manicured conclusion.

  • It's always TBD and that's completely okay.

  • I hope that watching this made you feel a little less alone or I don't know, a little more at ease in case you were in that odd headspace thinking that everyone has it figured out.

  • No, that is a bold-faced lie.

  • No one knows what the f*** is happening.

  • No one knows what they're doing.

  • We're all equally clueless.

  • We don't know what's gonna happen tomorrow, you know?

  • Is it even guaranteed?

  • I don't know.

  • So if anything, you just gotta live your life to the fullest as if it's the last freaking day.

  • And if this is my last day, then I am really happy that I was able to finally dump this out and share and hopefully connect.

  • You guys have definitely been a big anchor in my life too.

  • This is like the longest relationship.

  • If I think about it, this relationship with you guys is my longest relationship I've had.

  • And I am so incredibly grateful for each and every one of you, whether you have been supporting me since 2010 or if you just clicked on this video being like, what the f*** is going on, you know?

  • I really am.

  • And yeah, honestly, it feels really good to be back.

  • And I will see you guys in the next video.

  • Bye.

Hey, it has definitely been a hot minute since we have caught up.

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