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Hi friends, welcome back to my channel. If you don't already know, my name is Christy and this channel aims to help people who are walking away or deconstructing from their Christian ideologies.
Now most of my content revolves around the evangelical, conservative, or fundamentalist bubble, which is where I came from. I grew up Southern Baptist.
We are taught in Christian churches that God is the ultimate source of light, of goodness, of righteousness, and of love. And if that is the case, then we can read through the Bible.
We can examine God's behaviors, his words, how he treats humanity, and we can clearly see that he is the source of light and goodness and love. My deconstruction was prompted by this critical and in-depth examination of this God character that I claimed to love and have a relationship with. And I realized that I had been taught about this God in church and in Sunday school and by my parents, but there was a great disconnect between what I was being taught about God and what I was reading about him in the Bible.
And so I wanted to dive into the Bible.
I wanted to learn more about this God so that I could really know who he was, what he wanted, and how I could best serve him as a Christian. And this critical examination led me to a lot more questions than answers. And over time,
I naturally lost my belief in this God. And throughout my time here on YouTube,
我自然而然地失去了對上帝的信仰。在 YouTube 上的這段時間裡
I've spent a lot of time examining Bible passages that have caused me to lose my faith, Bible passages that I might disagree with or
I find to be evil, according to the definition of evil in Christianity and in the Bible.
根據基督教和《聖經》對 "邪惡 "的定義,我認為它是邪惡的。
But I've never really compiled a full list.
And so what I want to do today is I want to walk through 25 Bible passages that I find incredibly disturbing and that show me that this God of the Bible, this Christian God, is not a God of love and kindness and mercy and light and goodness and righteousness. That over and over and over again, he contradicts himself and he doesn't hold himself to the the moral standard that he holds human beings to. And so this is specifically for people who are questioning, who are deconstructing, and who are looking for a resource of a compilation of all of these times that God was not really abiding by his own moral standard and was acting in ways that I would consider evil if I believed in evil. I don't necessarily believe in evil because evil I think requires a supernatural aspect and I'm not so sure that I believe in that.
But if we're going to go with that word evil as Christians like to use it when they talk about people doing terrible things, then I think that we can take that word, we can put it up next to God, and he should be able to surpass all accusations that he is this evil that he warns Christians to fight against or to avoid. I'm going to try to quickly run through these verses so that this is not a long drawn-out video.
但是,如果我們要使用 "邪惡 "這個詞,就像基督徒在談論人們做可怕的事情時喜歡使用的那樣,那麼我認為我們可以使用這個詞,我們可以把它放在上帝旁邊,他應該能夠超越所有的指控,即他就是他警告基督徒要對抗或避免的邪惡。我將試著快速瀏覽這些經文,這樣就不會是一個冗長的視頻了。
I might offer my own commentary or ask a lot of questions and encourage you to examine these biblical passages, encourage you to really think on them, chew on them, and see where you come at the end of this. And at the end of this video, I'm going to address what I anticipate to be some common objections to these verses.
So let's go ahead, jump right in, open up our Bibles, and let's see if we can justify calling this biblical God a good, loving, righteous God when paired with these behaviors and actions that he exhibits throughout the text. Starting in Isaiah 45.7, it says, I form the light and create darkness. I bring prosperity and create disaster.
所以,讓我們繼續,直接跳進去,打開聖經,看看當我們把聖經中的這位上帝與他在整個文本中表現出的這些行為和行動結合起來時,我們是否有理由稱他是一位善良、慈愛、公義的上帝。以賽亞書》45.7 節中寫道:"我創造光明,也創造黑暗。我帶來繁榮,也製造災難。
I, the Lord, do all these things.
Some translations actually read disaster as calamity.
有些譯本實際上將 disaster 讀作災難。
Some of these translations read disaster as evil.
It really depends on which one you're reading, but regardless of whether it is a disaster, evil, or calamity, it is very clear that God is claiming that he does all things.
He makes the light and the dark, the good and the bad. If God creates all things and all things come from God and everything that exists has a starting point of this God, and evil does in fact exist, then the only logical conclusion we can come to is that God created evil.
Hosea 13.16, people of Samaria must bear their guilt because they have rebelled against their God.
They will fall by the sword. Their little ones will be dashed to the ground. Their pregnant women ripped open.
I think this verse speaks for itself.
It's very clearly stating that because there are people who have done terrible things in the eyes of God, that he will curse them by making sure that their children are murdered and that pregnant bellies are ripped open. I don't know how I could justify a good, loving God with a God who almost takes pride in the murder of children because of the sins of their parents.
First Peter 5.8, be sober-minded, be watchful. Your adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion seeking someone to devour. My question is who created Satan?
Who created this evil entity that prowls around like a lion?
Who banished him to earth and gives him free reign over
God's creation and over the people God created. If God is love and God created humans that he could show them love and he could be in this this warm loving relationship with humanity, why then did he create this this evil entity and then put him on earth so that he can prowl around and snatch up God's people? I think that anybody who intentionally puts someone in harm's way is probably not a very loving, good, righteous being.
Romans 5.12.
羅馬書 5.12
Therefore just as sin came into the world through one man and death through sin and so death spread to all men because all sinned. This is a type of kin punishment, which I don't think is very loving, kind, or righteous that God would punish all people for what one person did.
Revelation 2015. And if anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.
啟示錄 2015》。如果有人的名字沒有寫在生命冊上,他就會被扔進火湖。
God threatens to burn you forever if your name is not in this book. Now, how do you get your name in the book?
There are lots of different ideas about how you get your name in this book. If you walk into the
Baptist Church on a Sunday, they're just gonna tell you to come down to the altar, say your ABCs, accept that Jesus is your Savior, believe in Jesus, then confess your sins, and voila, you're saved.
在星期天的浸信會教堂,他們只會告訴你走到祭壇前,說你的 ABC,接受耶穌是你的救主,相信耶穌,然後懺悔你的罪過,瞧,你就得救了。
Your name is written in the book, and it can't be removed.
They're also the ones that say if you walk away, you were never saved in the first place, even if you did say that prayer. So there's a lot of confusion there.
But regardless, if you don't do as God says, if you don't follow His way, if you aren't righteous, if you don't obey, you are going to be burned forever. You're gonna be thrown in a lake of fire.
It doesn't seem as though God wants you to enter into this relationship with Him because you love Him, respect Him, admire Him.
He has to instead threaten you to throw you in a lake of fire if you don't obey and do everything He says.
Because, yeah, we can claim all day that it's about righteousness, but I don't think that you can get your name put into that book if you don't actually worship and serve God as He commands throughout the entire book.
So I think it is a combination of being righteous or being saved and also loving and worshiping and serving this God, even if you think that He's not a very good God.
You still have to do it. Otherwise, you're threatened with the lake of fire.
Leviticus 20 27, a man or woman who is a medium or spiritist among you must be put to death.
利未記 20 27,在你們中間作靈媒或通靈者的男女必須處死。
You were to stone them. Their blood will be on their own heads.
I'm just gonna let y'all work that one out for yourself.
I don't really think that needs a lot of commentary. If you're a medium, if you're a psychic, if you happen to tell the future, you were to be stoned to death.
Exodus 22 20, whoever sacrifices to any God other than the Lord must be destroyed.
出埃及記》22 20,凡向耶和華以外的任何神獻祭的,必須毀滅。
Kill those who don't worship the same God as you.
These are not passages that I would encourage people to follow and obey and I'm glad that modern
Christianity does not follow and obey this.
Deuteronomy 22 20 through 21, if however the charge is true and no proof of the young woman's virginity can be found, she shall be brought to the door of her father's house and there are men of her town that shall stone her to death.
申命記》第 22 條第 20 至 21 款規定,如果指控屬實,但又找不到年輕女子貞潔的證據,則應將她帶到她父親家門口,讓本鎮的人將她用石頭打死。
She has done an outrageous thing in Israel by being promiscuous while still in her father's house.
You must purge the evil from among you. Now, this is a continuation of earlier text. I'm trying to be kind of quick in this.
I encourage you to read the entire passage.
But let's see what this is saying here, that if you can't prove that a woman was a virgin, then she shall be stoned by the men in the town. Again, this is another verse
I'm glad people don't live out today, but it was still put in there and it was commanded by God that if you're not a virgin when you get married, you deserve to die.
Deuteronomy 22 28 through 29, if a man happens to meet a virgin who is not pledged to be married and rapes her and they are discovered, he shall pay her father 50 shekels of silver.
申命記》第 22 條第 28 款至第 29 款規定,如果一個男人碰巧遇到一個沒有結婚誓言的處女,並強姦了她而被發現,他要付給她父親 50 舍客勒銀子。
He must marry the young woman for he has violated her. He can never divorce her as long as he lives.
I have heard many many rebuttals to this, many apologetics that defend this, but in any world where a woman is violated by a man in such a terrible way and then is sold to him by her father and forced to remain in a marriage with him, does not feel like a world full of love.
It does not feel like something that is in the best interest of the women.
Christians have told me that oh, this is a punishment for the man because 50 shekels was a lot of money or this was a punishment for the man because he had to take care of her. He had to care for her because, you know, she would be shamed by her community. And my next question is how come God didn't instruct the community members to come to this woman to protect her and to keep her safe and secure within their community?
基督徒告訴我,哦,這是對男人的懲罰,因為 50 謝克爾是一大筆錢,或者這是對男人的懲罰,因為他必須照顧她。他必須照顧她,因為你知道,她會被她的社區所羞辱。我的下一個問題是,上帝為什麼沒有訓示社區成員來保護這個女人,讓她在社區裡安全無虞?
Why is it that she must enter into a marriage with a man that raped her who has no, none of her best interests at heart and is sold off to this man by her father who allows her to marry her rapist and this all is commanded by God?
They say oh, well the cultural norms at the time, she would have been shamed.
No, no man would have wanted her. This helps her.
I would say maybe God should have commanded the community to rally around her and support her and lift her up and to take care of her as a woman who would have been so shamed by this.
But instead God's solution is to make sure that she has to spend every single day for the rest of her life with her rapist.
2nd Kings 2 23 through 24. While he was on his way some boys came out of the city and jeered at him. Go up bald head.
列王記下》第 2 章 23 至 24 節。當他在路上時,一些男孩從城裡出來嘲笑他。上去光頭。
They shouted go up bald head.
The Prophet turned and saw them and he cursed them in the name of the Lord.
Then two she bears came out of the woods and tore 42 of the children to pieces.
然後,兩隻母熊從樹林裡衝出來,把 42 個孩子撕成了碎片。
So this was a prophet of the Lord. He was made fun of by some children.
He turns around and he curses the children and they are mauled by bears.
And this is supposedly all done in the name of God.
Since when is cursing children to be mauled violently by bears a loving thing? I would think that that would be a pretty evil thing to do to children who were just being children and making fun of someone. I don't think that making fun of someone deserves a violent death.
Especially not for a child. 1st Samuel 15 3. Now go attack the Amalekites and totally destroy all that belongs to them. Do not spare them. Put to death men and women, children and infants, cattle and sheep, camels and donkeys.
尤其是對一個孩子來說。撒母耳記上 15 3. 現在去攻擊亞瑪力人,徹底摧毀屬於他們的一切。不要放過他們。男女老幼、牛羊駱駝、驢子,都要處死。
This is a direct command from God.
I don't think much more needs to be said. It's pretty straightforward. Go kill children.
It's not very pro-life of God, is it?
Exodus 12 29. At midnight the Lord struck down all of the firstborn in Egypt from the firstborn of Pharaoh who sat on the throne to the firstborn of the prisoner who was in the dungeon and the firstborn of all the livestock as well.
出埃及記 12:29午夜時分,耶和華擊殺了埃及所有頭生的,從坐在寶座上的法老的頭生,到地牢裡囚犯的頭生,以及所有牲畜的頭生。
This story is often propped up as a story of redemption, of salvation. God comes in and he rescues his people from enslavement, but in order to do so he has to murder all of the firstborn of the Egyptians, including prisoners, including slaves.
I consider that very evil. Just because you're saving people from enslavement doesn't automatically make how you do it or how you go about it the right way.
And there was absolutely no reason to kill the firstborn.
There was no reason to inflict the people with all of these plagues and diseases and boils and locusts.
All of these things that would cause a lot of distress to those people, including all of the children.
But it seemed like God didn't really care about the Egyptian children. He didn't care about the Egyptian people at all, even though supposedly he is their creator.
Yet he happily, gladly killed the firstborn, including children of all of the Egyptians, just so that he could free his slaves.
Could God find no other way to do that?
Jeremiah 11 22.
耶利米書 11 22.
Therefore, this is what the Lord Almighty says,
I will punish them. Their young men will die by the sword, their sons and daughters by famine.
People like to argue that I talk about, you know, prescription versus description. That sometimes it's just describing something that happened, not something that prescribed. But right here it says the Lord Almighty says I will punish them. Their young men will die by sword, their sons and daughters by famine.
人們喜歡爭辯說,我說的是 "處方 "與 "描述"。有時,它只是在描述發生的事情,而不是規定的事情。但在這裡,萬能的主說,我要懲罰他們。他們的年輕人將死於刀劍,他們的兒女將死於饑荒。
He says I will kill your children.
Exodus 21 20 through 21.
出埃及記》21 20 至 21。
Anyone who beats their male or female slave with a rod must be punished if the slave dies as a direct result.
But they are not to be punished if the slave recovers after a day or two since the slave is their property.
So not only is God allowing people to be owned as property, stripping them of their humanity and giving them up to be owned, but he's providing a loophole for allowing you to beat them as long as you just don't beat them too hard, as long as they don't die.
You can beat them. You can hit them. You can hurt them. But if they recover, then everything's fine. You won't be punished.
你可以打敗他們。你可以打他們。你可以傷害他們但如果他們康復了 就沒事了你不會受到懲罰
Why isn't God telling them don't beat them? Don't hurt them. He's not.
He's saying go ahead and hurt them. Just make sure they don't die. 1st Timothy 6 1 through 2.
他的意思是繼續傷害他們只要確保他們不會死就行了。提摩太前書第 6 章第 1 至 2 節。
Christians who are slaves should give their masters full respect so that the name of God and his teaching will not be shamed. If your master is a Christian, there's no excuse for you being disrespectful.
You should work all the harder because you are helping another believer by your efforts.
Jesus doesn't say, hey, don't own people as property. Or this biblical author doesn't say, hey, don't own people as property.
He says, no, no, you guys can have slaves and slaves.
Make sure you obey your masters and do whatever they say. Be a good example.
I would have loved for biblical authors to condemn slavery, but it almost seems like they want to encourage it.
And they think that by encouraging slaves to obey their masters, that somehow helps the Word of God.
Deuteronomy 20 10 through 15.
申命記 20 10 至 15
I've talked about this one a lot.
When you march up to attack a city, make its people an offer of peace. If they accept and open their gates, all of the people in it shall be subject to forced labor and shall work for you. If they refuse to make peace and they engage you in battle, lay siege to the city.
When the Lord your God delivers it in your hand, put sword to all the men in it. As for the women, children, livestock, and everything else in the city, you may take these as plunder for yourselves.
You may use the plunder the Lord gives you from your enemies.
This is how you were to treat all cities that are at a distance from you and do not belong to the nations nearby.
This couldn't be more clear.
God says, hey, make sure you go up to all of the surrounding cities.
March up to attack them.
Make them an offer of peace.
And if they decide to be peaceful with you, then enslave everyone and take all of the women and children as plunder. Now, you can work out for yourselves what you think women and children as plunder means, but I'm willing to bet it's not very good.
I'm willing to bet it's not to protect them because that's not what plunder is.
It's something that you can utilize, that you can use. And then it goes on to say, make sure you do this to everyone nearby.
Go and enslave everyone that you can. If you can't enslave them, just kill them all.
Leviticus 25, 44 through 46, your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you. From them, you may buy slaves.
利未記》第 25 章第 44 至 46 節規定,你的男女奴隸應來自你周圍的民族。你可以從他們那裡購買奴隸。
You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clan born into your country and they will become your property. You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life.
But you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly. This passage was used by Christian slave owners in the United States to defend their right to own slaves and to pass them on to their children.
And it specifically says they will become your property.
Again, I don't know how you could call God good, loving, and righteous when he creates people and then tells you to make those people your property. To strip them of their humanity and to own them as property. And then to give them to your children as an inheritance.
Zechariah 14, 1 through 2, a day of the Lord is coming, Jerusalem, when your possessions will be plundered and divided up within your very walls. I will gather all nations to Jerusalem to fight against it. The city will be captured, the houses ransacked, and the women raped. The city will go into exile, but the rest of the people will not be taken from the city.
撒迦利亞書》第 14 章第 1 至 2 節:耶路撒冷,耶和華的日子即將來臨,你的財產將在你的城牆內被掠奪和瓜分。我將召集萬國來耶路撒冷爭戰。耶路撒冷將被攻陷,房屋被洗劫,婦女被強姦。這座城市將被流放,但其餘的人不會被從城中帶走。
Again, this day of the Lord includes women being raped and God is perfectly fine with that happening. And it seems that he celebrates this happening when he feels it is justified.
Job, the whole story of Job is pretty wacky, but let's just kind of condense it down to this one bit.
In Job 1, 8 through 12, it says, then the Lord said to Satan, have you considered my servant Job?
約伯記》第 1 章第 8 至 12 節寫道:"耶和華對撒旦說,你眷顧我的僕人約伯了嗎?
There is no one on earth like him. He is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil.
Does Job fear God for nothing? Satan replied. Have you not put a hedge of protection around him and his household and everything he has?
You've blessed the work of his hands, but now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has and he will surely curse you to your face.
And the Lord said to Satan, very well, then.
Everything he has is in your power, but on the man himself do not lay a finger.
So Satan went out from the presence of the Lord. And then if you read the rest of the story, you'll find out that Satan went and pretty much killed everyone. His family, his wife, his kids. He put Job through an immense amount of suffering physically and mentally and this is a very long story with a lot to it, but the bottom line is that God created Job, saw that he was a good man, a righteous man, and he had to give Satan permission to do all of these terrible things to Job when God could have easily stopped him.
於是,撒旦從主的面前走了出去。如果你讀了故事的後半部分 你會發現撒旦殺了所有人他的家人,他的妻子,他的孩子。這是個很長的故事,有很多內容,但最重要的是,上帝創造了約伯,看到他是個好人、義人,卻不得不允許撒旦對約伯做這些可怕的事情,而上帝本可以輕易地阻止他。
And why did he give Satan permission?
Because Satan was challenging him and God doesn't like being challenged and God wanted to basically be like, bet.
You know, bet that he'll do that.
And so really God allowed Job's entire life to be ruined and destroyed on a bet, you know, because he didn't like being challenged by Satan. That his ego was so fragile that he needed to prove to Satan that Job would still worship him even if he lost it all.
And so he gave Satan the permission, the allowance to do these terrible things to Job. If God really loved Job and
Job really was a righteous man who deserved good things. Why would Job, why would God put him through such terrible things intentionally just to prove a point? According to Revelation, is God not going to have the last word anyway?
What was the point of putting Job through all of that? Now Christians often tell me, well, he gave him, you know, a family again.
He gave him many sons and daughters and he gave him a wife and you know, everything was fine in the end.
But does that make taking everything he once had okay? Does it make it righteous and good? Because to me, if you intentionally put someone you love in a situation where everything can be taken away from them and they can suffer immense physical and emotional and mental pain, I don't think that you're very good. I think that you are evil.
According to the biblical definition of evil. Genesis 6-7.
根據《聖經》對邪惡的定義。創世紀》第 6-7 章。
So the Lord said, I will wipe from the face of the earth the human race
I have created and with them the animals, the birds, the creatures that move along the ground, for I regret that I have made them.
And this is during the flood, you know, the famous flood of Noah.
And I think it's so interesting that God in his infinite wisdom, this God who knows everything that's going to happen, creates the world, creates humanity, knows that this will happen and he will have to wipe them out one day because he regrets making them.
And then still continues on with the plan.
He continues to make humans knowing that in the future he will drown them all. And I would imagine at that time there were children, there were people who were disabled, there were vulnerable populations and God did not care because he needed to wipe every living thing from the earth. This God who supposedly has infinite wisdom and can see the future had regrets about what he had done.
If you are God and you create the entire world, it is your responsibility.
And if it doesn't turn out like you wanted it to, then nobody is to blame but you.
You are the programmer. If I get a brand new computer and it doesn't start up and it doesn't function properly,
I don't blame the computer. I blame the person who created the computer in the first place. I blame the manufacturer.
But for some reason God seems to want to remove himself from all of the blame and responsibility, even though he is fully responsible for his creation in the first place.
Deuteronomy 28, 27 through 29.
申命記》第 28 章第 27 至 29 節。
The Lord will afflict you with the boils of Egypt and with tumors, festering sores, and itch from which you cannot be cured.
The Lord will afflict you with madness, blindness, and confusion of mind. At midday you will grope about like a blind person. In the dark you will be unsuccessful in everything you do. Day after day you will be oppressed and robbed with no one to rescue you.
This is just a snippet and I've actually made an entire video on Deuteronomy 28, the entire blessings and curses that God dishes out to those who obey him and those who disobey him.
這只是其中的一個片段,實際上我已經制作了一整段關於申命記 28 的視頻,講述了上帝對順從他和悖逆他的人的祝福和詛咒。
But this is just a small snippet of all of the terrible things that God is going to do to you if you don't obey him. These are not just natural consequences. These are specifically blessings and curses.
And if you are cursing someone to be afflicted with boils, to be afflicted with sores and itch that you cannot you know get rid of, I think that that's pretty evil.
I think that's a pretty awful thing to do to curse someone with such violence, with so many afflictions. And this is again just a small snippet.
He goes on and on to say that he will do terrible things to women and to children and to men and people will starve and he will do everything imaginable to make these people suffer if they do not obey him.
1 Kings 22 21 through 23
列王紀上 22 章 21 至 23 節
Finally a spirit came forward stood before the Lord and said I will entice him by what means the Lord asks
I will go out and be a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all his prophets
He said you will succeed in enticing him said the Lord go and do it
So now the Lord has put a deceiving spirit in the mouths of all the prophets of yours
The Lord has decreed disaster for you. So this is a very obvious example of God lying of God sending a deceiving spirit creating disaster and confusion
Which is very strange for a God who also claims he is not the author of confusion
So it seems like not only is this God a liar, but he intentionally creates confusion and deception in order to destroy people
Isaiah 14 21 let the offspring of the wicked never be mentioned again
以賽亞書 14 21 讓惡人的後裔永不再被提及
Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors
They are not to rise to inherit the land and cover the earth with their cities
Prepare a place to slaughter his children for the sins of their ancestors again more kin punishment
Which is really all this entire system is about that you have been punished
For something that two people did at the very beginning of time by eating some fruit on a tree
I find that to be very unfair and again pretty evil
Exodus 34 7 maintaining love to thousands and forgiving wickedness rebellion and sin yet
出埃及記》34 7 保持對成千上萬人的愛,寬恕邪惡、叛逆和罪過,但
He does not leave the guilty unpunished
He punishes the children and their children for the sins of the parents to the third and fourth generation
Another point driving home that God loves kin punishment. He's not going to just punish you for the things you do
He's also going to punish your children and your children's children and the children after that that
For some reason these children deserve to be punished for what their parents did and i'm not sure how that could even be considered fair
And definitely not loving good or righteous second thessalonians 2 9 through 12
絕對不愛善良或正義的人 《帖撒羅尼迦後書》第 2 章第 9 至 12 節
The coming of the lawless will be in accordance with how satan works
He will use all sort of displays of power through signs and wonders that serve the lie
And all the ways that wickedness deceives those who are perishing they perish because they refuse to love truth and so be saved
For this reason god sends them a powerful delusion
So they will believe the lie and so that all will be condemned who have not believed the truth but have delighted in the wickedness again
God is lying
God sends them a powerful delusion so they will believe the lie
Why is god interfering in their free will in this way? Why is god causing them to believe this lie?
Why does he need to step in and send a delusion?
It really feels as though god is just kind of playing with an ant farm and doing whatever he wants rather than actually doing
What's best for humans? He wants them to believe a lie
He wants them to be delusioned so that he can say see I get to punish you for being deceived
I want to kind of present some questions that you might be able to just sit on chew on and ask yourself
So that you can determine what you believe about this god and how you feel about him
Can you justify worshiping a god who creates a system that he knows?
Will not go the way he wants it to go and then creates a punishment for
Things not going the way he wants it to go and how does that?
Convey justice, how does that convey righteousness?
Does goodness and righteousness and love lose all meaning if you have to special plead to make?
God kind of an exception to the rule
How can you say god is love?
Love does not harm but god harms people another question I would ask is if
Jesus commands you to
Love other people as jesus loves the church as god loves humanity. Why are we creating?
and accepting a disconnect in how
We define love
And how god treats people how god loves humanity does god have?
上帝如何對待人類 上帝如何愛人類?
The power or the ability to create a world where evil does not exist
A lot of christians might say oh, well, that's illogical, you know, you need the balance you have to have the balance but
That's within the system that we're in right?
Did god not create the system?
Did not god not create the rules of logic and how things should or should not be?
Could god have created it any other way and if so?
Why would he choose to create it in a way that would cause so much harm and suffering to the humans that he claims to love?
Why would he create humans in the first place if he knows that all he's going to do is throw them in a lake of
Fire and condemn them. Do you think that humans can have this intrinsic value purpose and meaning?
If they were only created to be destroyed does god have the ability to protect people from evil?
And if so, why does he not use that ability?
Why does god put humans in a in a position to be affected by evil?
And then when they are to punish them for having been affected by evil
Does god have the ability to soften hearts as much as he claims to harden them?
and if so
Why does god not soften the hearts of all people?
Does god know how to reform human beings?
Does he know how to put them in a situation where they receive love and kindness and compassion?
So that they will want to be better and if he's able to do that
Why does he not do that so that all people can be reformed? Does god have to abide by cultural norms?
Does he have to abide by whatever the culture says is okay at the time because a lot of christians will say that
These verses that i've read they were just
Abiding by the cultural norms. That's just how things were at that time yet
God gave them all sorts of rules and regulations for how to separate themselves from the cultural norm
So why is it that god?
Separates them in some ways, but not in others. Why does god have to conform to the cultural norm in some ways, but not others?
Why does god take pride in exceptionally harsh punishments? Why does god punish people?
For finite crimes in an infinite way does the punishment fit the crime?
Do you think that it hurts god to harm people?
Do you think that god feels pain when he is commanding the slaughtering of infants or the
Ripping of pregnant wombs or throwing people into an eternal lake of fire?
Does god understand that most people who do really bad things to other people are doing so because they themselves
Have had bad things done to them that it is a generational cycle that perpetuates harm
And if so, why can't he be more understanding that hurt people hurt people?
Can he truly be called good if he is taking pleasure in causing harm?
So these are all questions that I had to ask myself
That I had to really sit down and chew on and examine in order to see how I felt about god at the end of it
It's not my fault that I can't justify making excuses for god's bad behavior
And I got to a point where I no longer could justify making excuses for god's behavior. I couldn't special plead. I couldn't just
Assign it to god just being god and he gets to do whatever he wants. Um, because that interrupts my uh understanding of love goodness righteousness justice and in order to
把它歸咎於上帝,因為上帝就是上帝,他可以為所欲為。嗯,因為這打斷了我對 "愛"、"善良"、"正義 "和 "公正 "的理解。
Justify it. I really just kind of have to special plead and make excuses for god
And I as a human should not be put in that position. I should not have to just accept that
God just doesn't abide by his own rules that he tells you not to cause harm
But then he causes harm over and over and over again, even to the innocent as outlined in these passages
We're not just talking about punishing the wicked or punishing sinners. We're talking about innocent children women
We're talking about vulnerable populations. We're talking about violent gruesome deaths at the hands of god and god's people
Common injections that i'm going to see that I kind of went over a little bit before were you know
That was the old testament
Okay. Well, it's the same god and god is the same today
Tomorrow and forever according to the bible
So if god never changes then how god sees people and wants them treated shouldn't change either
But yet somehow christians want me to ignore the old testament and only focus on jesus
While also claiming that jesus is the son of god and even is god himself
If jesus is associated with this god in any way
And if jesus wants you to love and worship this this god of the old testament
Then it shouldn't be discarded and we should be reading it to see what god's character is like
People might say well god can do whatever he wants. He created the world. He created the rules
He says how things go and you just you just have to deal with it and my response to that would be
If god didn't want me to critically examine my surroundings
If he didn't want me to come to rational conclusions about who he is just by reading the bible
Then he shouldn't have given me the brain with the ability to do so. He should not have instilled within me intuition compassion
Empathy a desire for truth a desire for reason rationality critical thought he shouldn't have given me these tools
對真理的渴望 對理性的渴望 理性批判性思維 他不該給我這些工具
If he didn't expect me to utilize them
And I should be able to read the bible at face value without any
Extra education or biblical scholarship. I should be able to sit down read god's word and know exactly what is what he is trying to convey to me
But what I read is not aligning with how christians tend to describe this god and that is where the disconnect comes from
And so I would encourage you if you are questioning if you're just kind of trying to figure out what you think what you believe
Read the bible
I mean, I am not ever going to discourage anyone from reading the bible. I think it might be the most important key to your deconstruction
And it's funny because a lot of christians don't like me reading the bible here
They don't like me presenting it, but they will tell you the same thing
If you are questioning dig into god's word look to jesus read the bible. He'll show you the way
I followed that advice and it led me to a very different conclusion
I could no longer just sit in my cognitive dissonance
I could no longer justify god being loving with god being violent and angry and vengeful
And and just all around terrible to human beings for the very problems that he himself
Created and put into motion. I could not make excuses or justifications or special plead for this god anymore
Because of what i'm reading because of what he has given me
In the bible if he exists, I think a lot of people believe in this god based on what people tell them about him
What their pastor says what their sunday school teacher says what their parents say
他們的牧師怎麼說 他們的主日學校老師怎麼說 他們的父母怎麼說
But don't actually sit down to learn about this god from the bible themselves
And then when they see things that are kind of like weird, um, or seem violent or seemed contradictory to what they know about god
Well, then they go to their pastor and the pastor gives them some kind of pre-packaged apologetic answer that just uh makes them comfortable in the belief rather than actually giving a good justification for how
This god could be love goodness light righteousness justice
這個神可能是愛 善 光明 正義
While also causing an immense amount of harm while claiming that he creates evil
While claiming he creates all things including satan and then puts satan
On the earth to roam around with human beings and then punishes those human beings for being deceived when god is the one
That makes them deceived the bottom line I think is that
God is they claim that god is omniscient. He knows all he sees all he knows the future
He has a plan. He puts all of this into motion
He creates the system and then punishes people for just living according to that system that he created in the first place and so in order for me to
Believe in this god. I need good evidence
I need someone to really give me a good reason outside of the bible because that's just not good enough for me
There are tons of holy texts that make all kinds of claims about who god is that don't align with what the bible says
And so i'm not going to just kind of pick and choose a holy text that sounds the best or that people can you know?
Want me to believe is the most reliable I just need evidence and that's just in order for me to believe that this god exists
Maybe this god does exist and he's just evil according to how I feel about him uh, but
In order for me to love and worship him and find him to be good
That's a whole different thing. I could believe in him believe that he exists and still find him to be reprehensible
Still find him to be evil and mean and cruel and violent and self-serving
A god who creates human beings just so he can be worshiped by them
And expects them to worship him even when he's threatening to throw them in a lake of fire even when he's
Joyful over the slaughtering of infants even when he's killing the firstborn of of
Those in egypt because the parents didn't put some blood on the door
Even when I see that he does really terrible things
I have to still get on my knees and serve and worship him and lick his boots into eternity
Even if I believe that he existed I
Cannot find a justification for calling him good or justification for getting on my knees and worshiping him as good the only reason I think a lot of christians have to worship this god is because he threatens them with an eternal lake of fire if they do not
And that to me is the definition of evil
That you threaten people with immense amount of harm
If they don't want to serve you and obey you and worship you no matter how you treat them no matter how you act and behave
You can do whatever you want because you're a god
But i'm supposed to call you love i'm supposed to respect you and worship you
And that goes against all of my sensibilities it goes against
Everything I know about what love is and how it behaves and
I encourage you to read the bible to learn about this god to
Face the things in the bible that don't sound nice
You can focus on the words of jesus all day long. You can focus on loving your neighbor on
Treating others how you want to be treated. That's all great
But if you are a christian and if you defend the bible as good and you defend god as good per the bible
Then you have to accept everything that comes with it and you have to be able to justify the terrible things in it as well
As the good stuff, so I hope that this helps. I hope that this gives you a resource
For digging further into the bible and reading more don't just watch this video and walk away
Go into the bible read these passages read the entire chapters find the context
Look at apologetic arguments and reason within yourself
What you think makes the most amount of sense?
Listen to your intuition
Acknowledge how you feel about it
Acknowledge your logic and reason and rationality let all of these things come together
To help you decide what you believe rather than letting me
Or your pastor or your parents or your society or anyone else tell you what to believe and what to think
I don't want you to just take my opinion and run with it
I don't want you to take your pastor's opinion and run with it
I want you to decide for yourself what you believe and I think that if everyone did that we'd be a lot better off
I think that's all I have to say
I thank you so much for watching if you want to support this channel, you can
Like this video you can leave a comment you can subscribe to my channel
Those things help me out a lot because my entire goal here is to reach as many people as possible and encourage critical thinking
Encourage careful analysis of these beliefs to not just believe what you believe because you were told to do so
But to actually decide for yourself what you believe and how you want to live your life so that you can live your most authentic life, thank you so much for watching and
I'll see you next time