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  • Oh, my goodness.

  • Hi, I'm Yoonjin from Le Seraphim.

  • Welcome to Cultural Threads.

  • Join me as we explore my inspirations and uncover cultural connections with the help of Google Arts and Culture.

  • Let's see what we find. First question, is there an artist you're currently influenced by?

  • I am really into dreamy, pastel, impressionist.

  • So I'm really into, like, Soroya and Monet, of course.

  • Really into colors.

  • I really like, like, tertiary colors and pastel colors.

  • I love water lilies and lotus flowers. If you could travel anywhere in the world right now, where would it be?

  • France.

  • I feel like the more I learned about the culture and learned the language, the more I felt a longing to one day go.

  • Let's go to the Palais Garnier in Paris.

  • Oh, my God.

  • Yes.

  • Let's go.

  • We can start at the top.

  • Oh, my God.

  • And how about we go inside?

  • Oh, my goodness.

  • It's like the opera house in my favorite musical, Phantom of the Opera.

  • Oh, my God.

  • I love the ceiling. Wow, this is, like, really real, though.

  • What are you currently reading?

  • I have so many interests, and I'm discovering new things that I want to read, so I have, like, a TBR list that's, like, miles long.

  • I'm currently reading Just Kids by Patti Smith.

  • I've been, like, really into autobiographical books, so that's definitely on my buck list to one day write a book about my life. What inspires your creativity?

  • Just, like, being in new environments really gets my inspirational juices flowing.

  • I'm always, like, writing something down, or, like, I get, like, ideas in my head that I just need to get down on paper. Let's create a unique artwork based on your inspirations.

  • A painting by Claude Monet that depicts Paris, Patti Smith, and water lilies.

  • Ooh.

  • I like that.

  • I love the brushstrokes, as well.

  • I didn't know they had this.

  • I'm gonna have to try that at home.

  • That was fun. Now, let's see what the cultural thread might be across the inspirations I've shared.

  • From Patti Smith traveling to Paris, Monet going to London and Italy, and you traveling from New York to Seoul, the common thread between you and your inspirations is travel as a creative force in your art.

  • Oh, that is such a big thing to say.

  • I am really blessed and really thankful to have the experiences that I have, and, yeah, hopefully what I learn and feel in Seoul doing the things that I do will help me create and broaden my perspectives, as well.

  • Yeah, that's so nice. Thanks, everyone, for exploring my inspirations and to Google Arts and Culture for connecting those cultural threads.

Oh, my goodness.

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