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  • Hi there CBR, today's clip is from TV Superior, okay let's see.

  • Okay it did damage but it didn't show.

  • Okay I guess that was a big nade.

  • Nice.

  • Yo Superior, why don't you have the damage enabled?

  • But yeah anyways, this was Superior, if you want to follow this guy or submit your own clip, the link will be in the description, and now let's start the video, see you.

  • Now do you think that rumor is real or no?

  • Do you think they're actually gonna nerf aim assist next season or no?

  • 0% chance.

  • I didn't think they would ever do that, like that just doesn't seem like something that...

  • But also, like it wouldn't surprise me because controller is literally just better.

  • I mean I don't know, like controller's been taking over comp.

  • If you look at their ranked leaderboard, they're like 90% controller.

  • Their internal data, I'm pretty sure they've talked about.

  • I mean me personally, I don't really care that much, I've kind of just accepted that, like I don't really complain about aim assist or controller, I don't really care.

  • But I do, I mean it is better.

  • Better in my opinion and it's better on paper, so I wouldn't be surprised, but like I don't think it's a...

  • Okay I am surprised.

  • I am surprised, I just think like I just didn't expect it, or like it's not that I didn't think it was necessary, I just am surprised that it's even a possibility.

  • Yeah, oh yeah, the R5 stats.

  • Yeah, out of the top 1000 players on R5, like three of them were M and K, it was something crazy like that.

  • I'm just of the opinion that, okay, aim assist is the game aiming for you, right?

  • That shouldn't be a thing in a competitive game, like it shouldn't be doing, because that's like the biggest skill gap is aiming, or like the most noticeable like fun to watch skill gap is the aiming skill gap.

  • It doesn't allow it for you.

  • I think they should just, like I've always thought they should just reduce aim assist a little bit, but then give controller all of the things that make M and K fun.

  • Like moving while looting in death boxes, like the increased aerial mobility, like add some sort of way to like make tap strafing more accessible.

  • Just make them more similar.

  • Why do they have to be so different?

  • Because like, when I try playing on controller, I just don't have fun.

  • Because what's fun about this game is the movement, and I'm not even like a air quotes movement player, and the movement and how smooth this game feels is what makes it fun.

  • And on controller, it feels like you're like an 18 wheeler.

  • Like it doesn't feel like the reason I like the game doesn't use on controller, and it sucks. It's because I actually prefer playing on controller.

  • This game is just not as fun on controller.

  • I play controller on literally every other game I play except for Overwatch, but I only play Overwatch as like an aim trainer.

  • This game is literally just better on it.

  • It's just a more fun game to play on M and K.

  • And like, I don't I don't know.

  • I don't really have any like data for this or know like a whole lot about it.

  • But I've heard a lot of people tell me that like they only watch people that play on M and K because it's more fun to watch them.

  • And I agree.

  • I would much prefer to watch M and K players.

  • So for like the competitive side of it, when everybody just turns into like a 4-3 linear, like, you know, semi truck, it makes it not as fun to watch.

  • Because some of like the most like hype plays you can make can only be done on M and K, and you can't even do them on controller.

  • You can't even like tap strafe and a lot of other stuff like you lose some area mobility.

  • That's like fun to watch.

  • From like a pro player, like a competitive watcher, watching 60 M and K players would be so much more fun than 60 controller players.

  • Yeah, like people like Ucaf.

  • People love Ucaf.

  • He's so he is so fun to watch.

  • How does he not die?

  • Oh, s**t.

  • Now you got two weapons

  • I'm a go lighter if you play a support in video games brother. Jesus fucking Christ, dude

  • You were a Gibby player, dude. Okay

  • Let's guide me

  • I

  • Killed the ballistic. Nice. That's a good piece. Oh, it's good. They're rezzing in the smoke

  • Oh

  • Still so you can go

  • He's one get the trick shot on him. Oh wait, there's another one. Oh

  • Trick shot that guy

  • Come on

  • I

  • Hope dude, I hope people that play lifeline every single day dude, I hope

  • They have fucking the most amazing birthday and Christmas with their family. I hope the opposite kill that team

  • Look at that

  • What do you say what do you say what do you say? Yeah

  • Where they don't have people like me there Oh big Nate's big Nate's

  • That's just me

  • Millions of the models that's crazy. Oh my god. That's why that's why I'm the best basketball player world

  • I

  • Miss

  • Oh 132 here. Oh, there's two again. Oh 200

  • Fuck dude, I'll drop your med kit. I'll just drop your med kit and then I'll go back to driving

  • Get on the

  • Hold up. Yeah get in the car and pop it there

  • Let me drive drivers this motherfucker get in now pop make it

  • It's okay we got distance we got this I can't wait for chat to see this shit

  • I

  • Am gay, I am gay. I'm gay. I'm a homo

  • I'm protecting you

  • Me spin is such a good

  • Rick

Hi there CBR, today's clip is from TV Superior, okay let's see.

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