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  • had the ability to catch up with the Falcons, the Byrds themselves, ahead of their tournament in the ALJ interview.

  • Okay, I'm here with Zero, who is obviously a player for Team Falcons, the Apex Legends roster, which has been newly put together.

  • Now, before you start talking about- This is my first time not being in a LAN, and I'm depressed.

  • I want to talk about you as an individual.

  • I have heard around the traps that people consider you the number one IGL in Apex Legends.

  • What do you think?

  • Yeah, of course.

  • How hard to give it up to me?

  • Because I'm just better, I don't know.

  • Not much from what you can say.

  • Yeah, I actually want to dive into that conversation a little bit more.

  • Like, how did that conversation play out?

  • Was there a conversation, or did you sort of just enforce your will upon the team?

  • I mean, I got Falcons, and then Hal had a lot of viewers, and Falcons had a lot of money, so it was a pretty easy transaction that one.

  • Okay, okay.

  • All right, talk to me about Falcons.

  • I mean, obviously there's a lot of hype around this roster.

  • It's supposed to be like a super team when it comes to Apex Legends.

  • This is your first international event as a roster as well.

  • What are the expectations?

  • What's the pressure like?

  • Definitely massive, especially with Falcons being headquartered here in Riyadh, and so many fans being here for us.

  • Definitely like a first or bust kind of situation, but should be good for the weekend.

  • Yeah, indeed.

  • I mean, obviously looking at the fans and how things are here, have you guys had the chance to kind of explore the Falcons facilities locally at all, and have you had much of a response from the fans yet, or are you expecting that tomorrow?

  • Yeah, yesterday, in fact, it was quite insane.

  • We're at the Tent Falcons HQ here in the boulevard, and we went out on stage with our CEO, MS, and the fans were going crazy.

  • It was like a packed stage.

  • It was quite insane.

  • All right, so now we're catching up with Hal.

  • Obviously, everybody knows who you are at this point, Hal, but talk me through how this whole change-up for you has gone.

  • Obviously, you've gone from TSM, which was such a storied roster, into now a new team.

  • Yeah, I applied to Watch Party.

  • What was the reason behind that decision for you?

  • Like, I think the main thing is that we wanted to win as a team, and...

  • That is not Jedburn.

  • You know, obviously, not going into complete details, but basically, at the end of the day, we wanted to win, and I feel like that was best with playing with Zero and Jen.

  • So, yeah.

  • Okay, I mean, as far as you're concerned, coming into this event, how has the preparation been?

  • Obviously, looking at your split two results and stuff like that, but also, scrims, has it been feeling good, or has it been feeling a bit up and down?

  • More volume?

  • Scrims have been, like, up and down, to be honest.

  • More volume?

  • On what, me?

  • I feel like...

  • Or the broadcast.

  • It's probably the same thing in NA Pro League, or before NA Pro League.

  • That isn't very...

  • We would kind of do mediocre or bad in scrims, and then we would just kind of do really well during the tournament.

  • So, it was kind of been the same thing so far, for even in the EWC.

  • So, you know, it's kind of rocky right now, but I feel like we'll be fine when the tournament actually comes around tomorrow.

  • Okay, when it comes to threats at this event, are there any for the Falcons, or are you guys just on another level?

  • I think, you know, probably the closest threat I'd say is SSG, but at the same time, it's kind of like, you know, just like how NA Pro League went, it was like we were on our own level.

  • So, I don't expect anyone to kind of be even close to us.

  • You know, that's how it should be, and that's like reality, but yeah.

  • So, an acceptable result here basically for you guys is first, and that's it.

  • Oh yeah, for sure.

  • Like, if we don't get first, you know, obviously that's a disappointment, but at the end of the day, it's like, you know, we can only do so much in the BR, considering there's a lot of RNG.

  • No excuses, Hal.

  • First or bust.

  • Okay, and Jen, obviously for you guys, there's a lot of pressure, a lot of expectations.

  • How's that playing with the mental, or is that something that you're used to at this point, being obviously part of that Reignite roster, which unfortunately you didn't get to take part in, but obviously into Dark Zero, and you've had a couple of wins under your belt at this point, so how's that sort of feeling today?

  • Today with the Falcon, I feel like with the Falcon roster, I feel a bit more like, like, kind of nervous, because it's like a whole new roster, and like, we have expectations, like as a super team, to perform well.

  • But apart from that, it's the usual.

  • We're just gonna be farming, you know.

  • Do you think this is the best Apex Legends roster that you've played on?

  • Yes, by far.

  • And what is the reason for that?

  • Because we have Hal and two IGLs.

  • The best IGLs in the world.

  • There you go, two IGLs are better than one, but Jen, thank you very much for your time.

  • We'll chug it back to the studio, appreciate it.

  • GG could tank zones.

  • Wow.

  • Nice, he got it off right before the CRQ.

  • That's so big.

  • Falcons might hit the cacaw.

  • Both squads could tank zones, there's no way.

  • Falcons.

  • Are going to be pushing out.

  • Gaming Gladiators will take the last second.

  • The pop of the medkits.

  • Every inch they can get, but now as they push out, this is a win.

  • No way, right?

  • No way.

  • Get out.

  • The Bengals slowing them down.

  • This is so free for Team Falcons.

  • But Hal, the last of the line, getting clutched.

  • Oh, they lost it.

  • It is killed.

  • The Bengals slowing them down.

  • And GG dead, Falcons.

  • Four Team Falcons.

  • But Hal, the last of the line.

  • Oh my God, get on the Esports.

  • In the last slip of hell, he also preemptively popped the medkit.

  • Team GG were paid actors down there.

  • I swear to God.

  • And that's just caca, baby.

  • Four Team Falcons.

  • But Hal, the last of the line.

  • Wait, he didn't get it?

  • No, it is killed.

  • What?

  • In the last slip of hell.

  • Killed one match?

  • He also, he knew that.

  • Who's still alive?

  • At least one more.

  • At least one more.

  • He gets the fist bump.

  • But of course, the Falcons.

  • As we just say that, they do.

  • Yeah, they make something out of that situation.

  • Anyway.

  • But Falcons just have the pressure, man.

  • I've seen this before here.

  • Team Falcons looking to finally engage.

  • And twisted mind.

  • Nice 2v2.

  • Player K working off of the goal knock.

  • Players doing a great job to stay up here, man.

  • They're ruining things at Overlook at split one playoffs for Falcons.

  • They have a gen and a knock.

  • Can they do it again?

  • Oh, Hal can knuckle.

  • That's really bad though for twisted mind.

  • The swing comes out.

  • Jet burn goes down.

  • How now?

  • 1v1, 1v2.

  • Can he do it?

  • He is one.

  • He gets one knock.

  • Playing off the knockdown.

  • He has to try to get the reset.

  • Oh my God.

  • Look at this.

  • Oh my God.

  • Twisted mind.

  • Let's fucking go.

  • No.

  • The reload.

  • He fails to do it.

  • But even better.

  • Twisted mind winning.

  • For second place team.

  • Oh my God. 1v1.

  • Playing off the knockdown.

  • He has to try to get the reset.

  • Oh my God.

  • Look at this.

  • Oh no.

  • Oh no.

  • The reload.

  • He fails to do it.

  • But even better.

  • Fuck.

  • What up, everybody?

  • I am here with the CEO Imperial Hal.

  • Before we get started.

  • Before we get started, how's the hand?

  • Hand is good.

  • It hurt when I slammed it, but I'm good.

  • I'm good.

  • All right.

  • You guys won three games.

  • Almost five in a row.

  • What happened in those two second place matches?

  • The overlook game, I thought he was going to fence me because I was playing a knockdown, but he just instead fenced his feet.

  • And I also did a reload.

  • So it was, yeah, I just messed up pretty bad there.

  • But, and then the other game, I can't remember, but basically we suck.

  • We should be winning five games in a row.

  • New maps, 10 games, a lot different of Apex than what we're used to.

  • Right?

  • You guys dominated.

  • Was it easier than you expected?

  • I was honestly expecting like, you know, to be pretty easy, even though, you know, last night we were TD diving and we were getting slammed pretty badly.

  • But we know that every time we play a tournament, we're going to show up.

  • So, you know, as usual.

  • My man.

  • Some might say levels, but truly a home crowd for you guys.

  • Right?

  • What do you want to say to the fans here in the STC arena and all the fans back home?

  • Thank you guys.

  • As usual, you know, always, we can hear you guys through the headset.

  • We can hear you guys.

  • Thank you guys.

  • We love the chance.

  • It helps us a lot and just, you know, keep doing it.

  • We appreciate it.

  • Yeah.

  • There would have been some nervy moments for them when they saw crazy raccoons.

  • They pop up as the winners.

  • Number one, though, at the top of the leaderboards is Team Falcons. 140 points from the 10 games.

  • Day one, really going right down to the wire for qualification for elimination.

  • But one team who certainly didn't take it down to the wire today was that team you just saw there.

  • Team Falcons.

  • Jokes were made about talent predictions.

  • I'm coming into this tournament.

  • Don't speak too soon.

  • I'm just saying, after day one, you can see why we went there, right?

  • I mean, when you're asked the question, who do you think will win?

  • If you don't say Team Falcons, you are probably lying with the form they have ever been in.

  • They are the one team that looked like the most likely to win the entire competition.

  • Down to the main stage for an interview.

  • And from the stage, again, with the winners, we had a lot of Falcons, but you can't have enough Falcons in Apex Legends.

  • You guys dominated.

  • We are done with that.

  • We're going to miss you for two days.

  • Any cool plans here in Riyadh that you guys got to be doing in between now and the finals?

  • Definitely just locking in for the next two days.

  • Like, going to be watching the games, especially like the LCQ bracket with the two teams called.

  • It's going to be like very, very exciting watching that.

  • Just focus on finals.

  • Job's not done.

  • Cool.

  • Which of the teams you will be rooting for?

  • Like, basically all the Apex South boys and the Australians.

  • Like, Mizuchi and Bleed in the other group as well.

  • And then hopefully GK call in the LCQ bracket as well.

  • That's really cool.

  • Any of the teams that you don't wish to see in the finals?

  • Not really.

  • I think SSG not calling would be funny, but no, no ill will towards anyone.

  • That's really cool.

  • That's really cool.

  • Thank you very much.

  • You guys have nailed it today.

  • Best of luck in the finals.

  • Thank you.

  • According to Zero, but they certainly are happy about their performance.

  • I love how Kay was trying to see, are you guys going to do some sightseeing, get a hang out in Riyadh?

  • I mean, that's a good idea, man.

  • We all wish we could.

  • They do have some downtime.

  • But I know that these guys are all about getting the win.

  • And look at that.

  • The Falcons.

  • This is the moment where Team Falcons were able to crush Reject Winnity's Key.

  • I haven't gotten to see this yet, actually.

  • None of us have actually seen this.

  • This is the hydraulic press.

  • I know a lot of you in the chat- Okay, little redeems on the tickets?

  • Or whites on Twitch, or maybe on YouTube, wanted to know when was the key getting crushed?

  • Well, you still didn't see it.

  • Wow, we're just saving that.

  • Maybe tomorrow we'll show you the actual press.

  • It might take a while.

  • And you know, we got things to do here, but Jen Burton, fake what's on your shawl is.

  • Zero, I don't believe that.

  • Do you believe?

  • I don't believe it at all.

  • Let's see how smiling per usual.

  • I believe that.

  • Just this.

had the ability to catch up with the Falcons, the Byrds themselves, ahead of their tournament in the ALJ interview.

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