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  • Happy birthday!

  • He's the only one that remembered, which is great, because none of us did.

  • I can't believe that you guys didn't remember your own birthday.

  • I forgot.

  • No, you didn't.

  • No, the reason why I remember is that I tagged this one on Instagram.

  • Aww.

  • Cheers, brodies.

  • Yeah!

  • Morning!

  • Oh, Ken!

  • Is it really that funny?

  • Yeah!

  • Yeah, it's funny, man.

  • Pretty funny, man.

  • This is like the fifth, sixth, seventh something day of Vlogmas.

  • Thank you for coming back to our channel.

  • Myself and Michael are heading out nice and early this morning to go and...

  • Well, I need a haircut, because my hair's looking pretty mop-like.

  • And, uh...

  • You look like a little beetle.

  • Thanks, man. I'm a little beetle.

  • Yeah.

  • You're so annoying.

  • If I wasn't naked, I'd chase you around the house now.

  • Get off.

  • What would mum say?

  • Anyway, today, we're building Santa's grotto.

  • Yeah!

  • No way.

  • Santa's grotto.

  • Oh, my God!

  • Right, that's enough of him.

  • Yeah.

  • Let's come out of there.

  • Let's find Michael.

  • Where's your shirt?

  • Here it is. I'm trying a new design today.

  • I'm thinking I'll go proper JLS.

  • Everybody in love.

  • That'd be brilliant.

  • I got my cup of coffee up here.

  • Yay!

  • Michael, your shirt!

  • You just lit in the fire.

  • That would've been bad, wouldn't it?

  • It's not on fire, baby!

  • You should set it on fire anyway.

  • What?

  • No, I can't do that.

  • It's my favourite shirt.

  • I don't want to burn it.

  • Okay.

  • Well, enjoy your cocoa, then.

  • Are you going to be in cute?

  • Yes, sir.

  • Are you coming?

  • I'm not going to come.

  • Better things to do.

  • Better people to be with.

  • Hello, Michael!

  • Yo, you're not dying, are you?

  • I don't want you to die.

  • I like you quite a lot.

  • We've known each other for years.

  • We're in a band together.

  • We've got so many histories and memories.

  • If you die, I won't even come to your funeral because I'm mad that you died.

  • I am dead.

  • I'm dead excited!

  • To fill that area!

  • Let's fill the area!

  • And make Santa's grotto!

  • Yeah!

  • 50 mini moulds.

  • Shut up!

  • This area here, we've already cleared.

  • As you can see, Mr. Elf has been on it.

  • And we're going to turn it into Santa's grotto.

  • Watch the absolute gorgeousness unfold.

  • I'm so excited.

  • I'll see you later.

  • I'll see you tomorrow.

  • And now we leave.

  • We build Santa's grotto.

  • And we buy a sleigh.

  • Today, we have a very special thing.

  • We're going to buy stuff and make things.

  • Come with us, come with us.

  • Let's go.

  • We are outside a very special little place.

  • We should head back to the neighbourhood.

  • That's why we filmed this town.

  • This town.

  • Waking up to kiss you.

  • Nobody's hearing.

  • Come home, Niall.

  • We used to come here anyway when we wanted to escape the flat and the stresses of living with a load of people.

  • Yeah, we used to get the salads.

  • We used to get the salads because you'd get free pasta.

  • It was so good.

  • Harvester!

  • Welcome onto the salar.

  • And pasta.

  • At some point, those babies are going to have pasta in their stomach.

  • That's what babies are.

  • Carb monsters.

  • Yeah.

  • Were you hiding?

  • I was hiding.

  • Mental.

  • So stupid of me.

  • Brilliant.

  • Nah, you're not in it, bro.

  • You're good.

  • No worries.

  • He's in it.

  • He's in the whole thing.

  • What a legend.

  • Today's been fun.

  • We've just been reminiscing of old memories.

  • Drink up.

  • Yeah, lots of memories.

  • Lots of memories.

  • Bit of this and that, really.

  • Isn't it?

  • It's mad.

  • Honestly, it's so great to be where we're at.

  • It's mad, isn't it?

  • It is mental.

  • These kind of places, they almost hold your memories.

  • They're like a Horcrux if you've watched Harry Potter.

  • Like a Horcrux to your soul and your memories.

  • You've not seen Harry Potter, have you?

  • Coming back to the Harvesters or the local hairdressers or whatever, they all hold memories and time for us.

  • It's quite cool.

  • It's like going back to a part of your childhood.

  • It is.

  • Weird.

  • Yeah, we are going to leave now and go buy a lot of Santa stuff to build Santa's grove.

  • I know him.

  • Edit.

  • Nice.

  • How does the home bit go?

  • We're going to leave now.

  • I'm about to get run over by a car, so I'll see you in a bit.

  • Oh, wait.

  • Transition to the sky, guys.

  • Still here.

  • Hello.

  • We're back.

  • So we pretty much live here now.

  • The last couple of weeks.

  • Almost every day.

  • Just realised we might get in trouble if we film here, so I'm going to have to make it really subtle.

  • Do you know what we need, Dave?

  • I think one of those in our house.

  • That's the mission today.

  • Get one of these in our house.

  • Well, we got half of it.

  • Leave fake snow.

  • Fake snow.

  • How do we even know where to start looking?

  • I don't know either.

  • There it is.

  • I've been spotted.

  • Christmas, but not really.

  • It's Christmas.

  • Christmas.

  • Christmas.

  • Extra, extra.

  • And we have concluded our time shopping in B&Q.

  • There we go.

  • A full trolley of knickknack.

  • We now need some wood, actually, because guess what?

  • We're going to do some more building.

  • Yeah.

  • Mental.

  • And then we're going to go to another shop to find the fake snow, because lo and behold, B&Q don't have any fake snow.

  • They do everything from, like, screws, temporary wives, but no snowflakes.

  • We just decided to get wood in the end.

  • Are we putting this on YouTube?

  • You absolutely hooned yourself.

  • Absolutely fine.

  • Are we putting this on YouTube?

  • Is she all right?

  • Are you okay?

  • You good?

  • Yeah, that's Christmas.

  • We're building Santa's grotto.

  • Yeah, yeah.

  • It's going to take us ages.

  • Yeah, we're putting it on YouTube.

  • Yeah, a bit nervous, really.

  • Right.

  • Sorry.

  • Come on, let's go.

  • I'm just putting all this stuff in the car.

  • Sorry.

  • Right.

  • Yes.

  • Cocoa shampoo.

  • Be careful.

  • Did he put it in my mouth?

  • Nearly.

  • You nearly put it in your mouth.

  • I put it in my mouth.

  • I found a snowflake.

  • You found a snowflake.

  • We're going to need every single one, but I still don't think that's enough, Mike.

  • I agree.

  • We found cotton balls and tampons.

  • They're white, at least 50% of the time.

  • For eye shampoo.

  • Oh, that was nearly brilliant.

  • Do you want a hand?

  • Yeah.

  • Lovely.

  • Thank you, my friend.

  • Put it on there.

  • Go on, on it goes.

  • You want one?

  • Very fresh smell.

  • Would you want the pads or do you want the sticky ones?

  • Oi, Ryan, what you got?

  • Oh, sorry.

  • Oh, there they are.

  • Right, so I don't know if you saw that, because out of shock, I quickly went to leg it, as you threw it up, I went, Ryan chucked loads of these up.

  • Mate, they were heading for a woman, weren't they?

  • They hit a woman, but she didn't know.

  • I said, sorry.

  • Let's buy this stuff and leave.

  • Michael, take us away.

  • Come with her, come with her.

  • Welcome to ice freezing in here.

  • Give yourself a treat.

  • Go on, treat yourself, be naughty.

  • Oi, you haven't bought that.

  • Can you hold that one for me, that one for me?

  • Could you just hold one of those for me?

  • I just need two more.

  • That's one more, just one more yogurt.

  • Why did you drop it?

  • We've got everything.

  • We've got all this stuff and we've got some talcum powder as well to add to our snowy collection.

  • Talcum powder.

  • Uno, dos, tres.

  • Lots of freak yogurt.

  • Lovely job.

  • Lovely jubbly.

  • Scale of one to ten, how excited are you for this?

  • Very excited for Christmas, don't want to lie.

  • Been a long time coming.

  • Almost a year.

  • What do you wish for Christmas?

  • What's the one thing that you could have anything with?

  • Uh, that I get to see my family.

  • Oh, we're in the snow, man.

  • Hello.

  • How are you?

  • I'm good.

  • Can we have two, no, maybe just one big bag.

  • Oh, on it.

  • Weird's on it.

  • I'll get it.

  • How are you?

  • You all right?

  • I'm a bit shaky.

  • It's all right.

  • Do you want to be in the vlog?

  • No.

  • Okay, right, right.

  • She doesn't want to be in the vlog.

  • Hello.

  • We won't do that to you.

  • Yo guys, so it turns out, I'm gonna get killed.

  • It turns out that our lovely assistant in Iceland, Chloe, was a fan of the band.

  • I love Chloe.

  • Yeah, thank you, Chloe.

  • She was very cool, very nice.

  • It was everything for free.

  • We're gonna head home now and build our tampon snow pit piece.

  • And there we go.

  • Starting to, uh, starting to come together this little corner.

  • We've got paint absolutely everywhere.

  • Isn't ideal.

  • Mikey Caban, don't leave him alone with a paintbrush.

  • This is gonna look rather dashing once the snow's in.

  • Got some makeshift snow poles.

  • I don't know if you've seen them yet.

  • Is it bad?

  • Well, it's snow and other things white that we could find in Iceland.

  • In Iceland?

  • Yeah.

  • Oh, here we go.

  • It's gonna be like custard, isn't it?

  • Something rank.

  • I have no idea.

  • No idea.

  • Look at that.

  • That looks marvellous.

  • Christmas!

  • It's just, it brings that Christmas spirit to a whole new level.

  • Highway road trip, we're having laps.

  • Hope you enjoy this time lapse.

  • Guys, snow is incoming.

  • We've got snow.

  • We've got tissues because we ran out of snow.

  • Cotton wool balls because we still ran out of tissues.

  • Towel comparator in case we run out of cotton wool balls.

  • And tampons as all else fails.

  • You guys have made this look really nice.

  • Shut up, Fenton.


  • Get out of shot.

  • And it gives it like that snowy mist.

  • Really does add to it.

  • Actually, it looks quite...

  • I mean, I've got it on Santa's hat.

  • I'm just gonna smash that up.

  • Mikey, get out of the pit.

  • Scrunt.

  • Oh no.

  • I think the three of us, we've got a nice creative eye.

  • We should go into the entertainment industry.

  • Boy band, bro.

  • YouTube channel.

  • Should make two.

  • Guys, you're coming a bit closer.

  • Let's go.

  • Come on in.

  • Welcome to the house.

  • Let's get a cheeky closer look.

  • Get a JCB in.

  • My name drives a JCB.

  • Yes, so we put a load of tissue down and lined the whole thing in tissue, which has worked out quite a dream actually.

  • And now we're going to put in a load of cotton wool balls.

  • The tampons are already lined, which is great.

  • And then we've got talcum powder all over the walls, as you can see.

  • So it looks almost like snow.

  • This has really worked out quite well, if I'm honest.

  • We've got our little, what do you call it?

  • Mistletoe up there.

  • And then, yeah, now we just need to make that look really snowy.

  • And then we'll stick some more little decorations in there.

  • We've got some pine cones that will flip around.

  • It's going to look proper cool, actually.

  • Three, two, one.

  • Here's it finished.

  • The last bag of snow.

  • It looks really damn cool, if you ask me.

  • Take your pinch and put it on.

  • Don't throw it at me.

  • This is done now, guys.

  • We've got our, well, it's not quite finished.

  • We've got a little bit more to do.

  • Do you know what?

  • Transition to when it's actually finished.

  • Let's go.

  • And it's done.

  • Kevin Bacon would be proud.

  • Come in.

  • Raheem Albus Bacon.

  • That one.

  • It's finished.

  • Actually, it's well sick, considering it's a botched job from Iceland.

  • The markets are amazing.

  • Another country.

  • Other countries.

  • We went to Iceland to get this done.

  • It's been a really, really long day.

  • I can tell.

  • Can I just suggest one final touch?

  • Pit of the snow and put it along there, because it's really quite nice there.

  • So if you just grab a bit and then just...

  • Yeah, you do that.

  • Yeah, we're gentle.

  • We went to Iceland and back.

  • What's the time difference in Iceland, though?

  • Four, five days.

  • Day?

  • Wow.

  • It's in time.

  • It's just, they're five days behind.

  • Not Ireland, though.

  • They're six years behind.

  • Hey!

  • It looks lush, doesn't it?

  • I genuinely couldn't envision it this morning.

  • Are you angels?

  • I couldn't envision it this morning, either.

  • Do you get mad if I do angels?

  • Yeah, pretty mad.

  • It's kind of unfixable.

  • Shall I do an angel beside it?

  • Yeah, man.

  • Yeah, come on, come on.

  • Wet paint, wet paint.

  • It's a snow angel on wet paint.

  • Oh!

  • He's got paint!

  • It's not paint, it's just talcum powder.

  • It's all over my back.

  • Is it?

  • Oh, it's mostly talcum powder.

  • No, it is talcum powder.

  • Oh, it's talcum powder.

  • Should we get a thumbnail?

  • Are you going to get in?

  • Yeah, let's do it.

  • Get in.

  • We can stand in slightly.

  • I'm really...

  • You have to be very gentle.

  • Ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho, ho.

  • Guys, thank you for watching.

  • Turn on your bell notifications for more videos like this.

  • Also, like and subscribe.

  • Be in comments down below.

  • We'll be replying to you guys.

  • Thank you for watching.

  • We've been Road Trip.

  • We love you.

  • Happy Christmas!

  • Hey, troopers.

  • It's like the Three Musketeers.

  • They're going off to do a great deed for the band.

  • They're going to find a camera in the middle of London.

  • It's like an Easter egg hunt, isn't it?

  • Yeah, we're going to nick it.

  • How do you feel about this?

  • I'm happy with it, yeah.

  • Speaking of happy, we're filming Happier tomorrow.

  • Then we'll film some other covers.

  • Then we might even start on Bohemian Rhapsody.

  • We've managed to find this guy who's like, yeah, you can come get it now if you want.

  • So they're going to drive into London, go get the camera, and then hopefully make it home.

  • And they're going to edit whilst Robbie drives.

  • Good luck, guys.

  • Peace out.

  • Heroes.

  • Absolute heroes.

  • Yeah, we need those.

  • Yeah.

  • We've got the wrong door.

  • He's been here two minutes and it's broken.

  • I've done it on two.

  • Open the other door.

  • Bring the table.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • I was like, your nose.

  • Your nose.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • Because we look so similar.

  • I thought it was my nose.

  • Sorry, go on, leave.

  • How are you, good boy?

  • Don't patronise me.

  • Get out.

  • Get out.

  • See you in a bit, guys.

  • I'll have that back, actually, yeah.

  • And this.

  • Yeah, and that.

  • And the salt.

  • Yeah, the salt.

  • Yeah, the salt.

  • Yeah, that'd be good.

  • Cheers, man.

  • All right, see you later.

  • Weirdos.

Happy birthday!

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