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  • Oh my god, my train is not delayed. I don't believe it. Hey there fellow travelers, Mark here with Walters World

  • Today we're in Bamberg, Germany getting ready to take the train and yes my trains on time

  • And what I want to give you today are the don'ts of taking the trains in Germany and sadly

  • I think it's important

  • I talk about this don't first and that is

  • Don't be surprised if your train is late when you're here in Germany now

  • Here's the thing the Deutsche Bahn has a history of being probably the best train system in Europe

  • But lately it's had some issues with on timeliness. They're trying to get better

  • I'll give that to them, but I would say is don't be surprised if your train is a little bit

  • Delayed let's say and

  • If you have another thing if you got a close connections, I would say this when you plan your voyages

  • Don't have tight connections

  • You know the ones are like 10 minutes 11 minutes

  • Because one delay because of construction or something can really knock it back just five minutes here five minutes there

  • It adds on and you can miss those connections

  • So if you're gonna be doing a lot of connections to get places that can cause some issues

  • That's why I got to tell you if you can

  • Don't do connections try to get the direct train like here in Bamberg. There's actually a direct train to Munich

  • It doesn't go all the time

  • But there is a direct ICE train that goes so that I can get here without having to switch in Nuremberg

  • Now if I want to go via Nuremberg this trains like every half an hour from Munich to Nuremberg

  • No big deal same thing from Nuremberg to Bamberg. It's pretty close

  • It's no big deal. But if I've got my luggage, do I want to switch it around that that can't be troublesome and speaking of luggage

  • I got to tell you this don't overpack when you're coming on the trains in Germany

  • Not because they don't have good overhead bins

  • They do but the thing is it's just a lack of space at sometimes that happens because I got to tell you this

  • Don't be surprised if there's not a lot of room on the train when you get there

  • Especially if you're using some of those regional trains like the RE's regional Expresses or interregios interregional trains because those are more commuter trains

  • So a lot of people might be there in the morning time or in the afternoon time coming back from work during rush hour

  • So be aware of that

  • Now obvious a big don't I have for you is don't try to take the train without a ticket because no one's gonna check your

  • Ticket before you get on the train

  • But the thing is when you're on the train people do come by and I can't tell you how many tourists just oh

  • Can I just buy the ticket on the train? Well, you're probably gonna get a fine for that

  • Okay, and the fines are not a joke here when you're on the train so don't forget to pick up a ticket before you go and I mean I'll talk about the

  • Online tricketing and the app and all kinds of things like that

  • But honestly, don't forget to get a ticket because it's kind of important

  • Now another don't is when you're getting ready to get to your destination

  • Don't wait until the train stops to get your things down and go to the door

  • Because don't think the Germans will let you off. It is like a bum rush to get on the train as soon as possible

  • So it's like people getting on and off at the same time

  • German line culture is just a very odd thing and when it comes to public transportation and the trains

  • They're coming on if there's nobody at that door

  • So if you're still in the train getting your stuff down, you might not be able to get off

  • Okay, so if you're taking like a regional train like this

  • It's usually not a problem, but those ICEs that only have maybe a two or three minute stop

  • You might get stuck in it up in the next city. So do be aware of that

  • So get your stuff ready cuz they'll announce. Oh and vinegar minute

  • And a few minutes we'll be getting to they'll name your town like ah

  • I know we're supposed to get there get your stuff down start heading towards where the exit is

  • And then when you get there, you can get out

  • Oh, also, don't forget you might need to push a button to get the door to open because I've seen some tourists

  • Just standing there going why isn't it open?

  • Why is everybody else out because there's a little button you should push there to open the door. Okay, so you have that

  • Ah, yes, and there's the toilet situation on the train one thing

  • I gotta tell you don't pass up going to the bathroom before you get on the train. I mean sometimes they're clean

  • It's okay, but sometimes they're not so much but the bathrooms and the stations are clean

  • Okay

  • But I gotta tell you this

  • Don't forget to have some coins because you probably have to pay to use the bathroom in the stations

  • But they are clean. So that's very nice

  • But yeah, cuz you don't really want to have a toilet experience when you're in the train in Germany

  • Another don't I have for you is don't forget to grab some snacks cuz if you're gonna be on the train for a while

  • You're gonna want something to eat and those I see the fancy trains

  • Yes, they do have the restaurant car or the little Imbiss that's on there

  • So you get some snacks, but the regional trains, they usually don't have much on there or anything at all

  • I mean, I've seen a few like little vending machines, but in general you might be out of luck

  • So don't forget to grab some snacks either in the station or there might be vending machines to take coins or card actually on the platform so that could be something there, but please don't bring the stinky snacks because ooh, that's gross and and

  • Don't miss your train because they will not wait for you. Even if you were running down you're saying wait, wait, wait

  • They're gonna leave without you now

  • Another don't I have for you is if you're looking to see when trains are gonna go place or when they arrive at different

  • Destinations don't forget to check the fa plan of the the traveling plan here

  • Now remember if you're looking for Abfahrt, don't forget Abfahrt is departure

  • Okay, so the yellow ones that is departure. The white ones are the arrivals on kunt. Okay

  • Okay, but what's cool is you could look on here and see when all the trains are gonna go

  • So, you know what track it's gonna be on

  • You know where it's gonna stop and so that can be helpful if you're not sure like I want to go to Coburg

  • But which train do I need to take you can look on here and it's gonna be helpful

  • And yes, don't forget to check the the boards to see if the train line change

  • But 90% of the time what says on here is what you're gonna get so you can head over to your track and have everything

  • Married. Oh, yeah, I gotta tell you this on busy weekends. Don't forget to get reservations. So you have a seat

  • Okay, it's very important to have and if you do have any issues, don't forget to talk to the bond people

  • They're very very friendly

  • But I think one thing I need to tell you is about the don'ts for being inside the train

  • So, uh, let's talk about that now. Let's talk about the don'ts you have

  • Inside the train because honestly

  • It would be rude of me to film this inside the train because the biggest don't I have for you when you're in the train

  • In Germany is don't be loud. The Germans like it. Oh, they like it

  • Still they like it calm and quiet on the trains whether they're doing work with their headphones, whatever

  • So loudness not not cool on the German trains

  • Okay

  • And if people are loud don't be surprised if someone goes

  • Hello and gets their attention to get them to quiet down now when you're on the train here in Germany

  • It is a good idea

  • Don't forget to get seat reservations because they don't have a limited number of tickets on the train

  • So literally there's can be more people on the train than there actually are places to sit

  • So it is a good idea to get seat reservations and don't think the seat reservations are expensive

  • It's literally like five euros maybe to get a seat to make your life so much easier

  • Now if you do get your seat reservations

  • I gotta tell you this don't be surprised if you have to ask somebody to move and also don't be surprised if that person asks

  • You to prove well show me on the the Deutsche Bahn, you know app

  • Let me see your seat reservations

  • So I know you have the right thing because Germans can be a little bit sticky when that comes around

  • So do be ready to show it if they don't move don't be afraid to go and talk to the conductor

  • The conductors actually very helpful

  • I find the Deutsche Bahn conductors actually pretty nice and insightful and they'll gladly help you out to help them

  • Move from their seat so they can find something else and you get your seat reservations

  • Now the thing is most people don't get seat reservations and don't worry if you don't have seat reservations

  • They will still let you on the train because they actually sell more, you know, they sell more tickets

  • There actually are seats on the train

  • So don't be surprised like a Friday night or a Sunday night or during the holidays if you're literally either one

  • Sitting in the bar car to have a seat or sitting on the floor between the trains like where the stairs are going down

  • Because yeah

  • That's that that's really a thing here because it does get that packed

  • Now if you want to get tickets and you don't use the kiosk or go online or anything like that

  • You can go to the Rises Centrum

  • Inside the people they'll sell you the tickets your ticket reservations

  • Like if you have your euro pass, so you already have your tickets

  • But you need the reservations you go in there and get them people are very friendly very helpful so they'll be able to hook you up but don't feel you have to go there to buy your tickets because

  • You can use these ticket automats and they're all over German. They're very simple to use they come and look like ten languages

  • So if you don't speak German, it's okay. You can choose your language and I'll help out there

  • They takes lots of takes cash credit cards so you can pay that way

  • Hey, you miss what takes coins so you can get your tickets here

  • And so that could be a little bit easier and faster

  • Especially when there's a long line because the Rises Centrum I got to tell you those lines can take a while

  • Another thing that's cool is if you're the train stays here in Germany

  • Don't forget the shops are open on Sundays in the train station around Germany all the shops close on Sunday

  • Except at the train station. So this can be your little like help

  • I have no food and it's Sunday or I've didn't I gotta buy I gotta get a souvenir or something

  • Train station hook you up now. Also when you're taking the train, I gotta tell you this

  • Don't pack too much now the reason why I say that is because

  • There's usually not a lot of space like on the ground for you to put your luggage

  • You've got to put your luggage up above the seats and those can get very full

  • But I will give Germany this on the ICE the IC trains the nicer ones

  • There's usually plenty of luggage space, but you've got to lift it up and put it up there

  • So don't pack heavy and don't have it loose because things roll around

  • I had a friend of mine. No joke

  • Watermelon rolled off the the overhang thing and hit her in the head. I thought she was gonna die. Okay, so Lily

  • I'm glad you survived. All right, but these are things you got to worry about

  • I mean and honestly, you don't have to worry too much on the train

  • It's a very safe experience when you are on there

  • But I think some other don't you need to know one don't put your bags on the seat next to you

  • You may not want somebody to sit there

  • But they're gonna sit there because they're gonna notice that there's nobody no seat reservation and they'll ask it's dossier fly

  • Is it free here and you got to let them have that?

  • So it's better to have your stuff up and out of the way then have to do it later when there's no space above

  • Oh

  • Also, if you don't have the seat reservation and you get on the train

  • Don't forget to look above the seats and see if there is a reserved spot and you might see a sign that says

  • Oh, this is reserved from Munich to Berlin or maybe it's only from Bomberg to Nuremberg

  • It's reserved so you can kind of plan out which seats are available when so you can do that

  • But realize it does have that reservation up there. Someone probably is gonna come for that seat now

  • I know I keep going into the sea reservations, but I think it's also important to realize some trains don't have sea reservations

  • So if you're like in a regional Express or a regional bond like a regional train those a lot of times don't have any sea

  • Reservations, so there's really nothing you can do about that

  • And if you're gonna be taking a regional train to get to a city

  • Don't expect a lot of luggage space on those regional trains and I guess that leads into there some don't think that every train in

  • Germany is the same train and also don't think every ticket works for every train in Germany

  • Because if you buy a ticket and you look online whether you're on the app or you're looking in the kiosk or wherever and you see

  • Oh, there's a train to Munich for for 50 euros and another one for 150 euros

  • I'll take the 50 euro one

  • You want to make sure you look and see what type of train it is because the one might be the IC that's fast and

  • Gets you there in an hour and a half the other one might be the regional Express

  • It takes four hours to get there

  • So it's really important to kind of think about that because don't just look at the departure time

  • Look at the departure and arrival time because you might see that one train leaves later

  • But actually gets in sooner because of that so just be thinking now

  • Let's talk about some of the don'ts when it comes to tickets and one of the biggest thing is

  • Don't wait to buy your tickets here in Germany because it earlier you buy them the cheaper it can be

  • I mean we're talking significant price differences

  • Like you could take a first-class if you book it way ahead versus booking at the day of so that's one thing

  • But also don't think that all tickets are the same. So in German, there's two kind of tickets

  • You'll see you'll see what I call a spa price ticket and a flex price ticket

  • So the spa price ticket it means a save ticket. So that's your cheapest ticket

  • But the thing is don't forget you could only take the train that that spot

  • Prices for so you have to do that where if you take the flex price ticket that one does cost more

  • But you have more variety so you maybe want to buy the ticket to go from Bomberg to Munich

  • But you don't really know what time you want to leave Bomberg because it's so beautiful

  • So maybe you do the flex price ticket so you can go any time of the day

  • But right now hey we need to get back to Munich because I got a dinner reservation

  • So I want to take the noon train back

  • I can book that with the spa price and save you even more money because I know I'm gonna stay on that one

  • Okay, the thing is, you know a lot of places just buy your one ticket for one trip and that's it

  • But I think another don't I have for you is don't forget about the passes they have here in Germany

  • There's like Landes tickets or like state tickets

  • So you can travel anywhere in a state on those regional trains regional Expresses kind of stuff

  • Interregios on those for one set price and sometimes it's for a group of people and give you very economical

  • Especially if you're doing day trips, we used to get the buy-in ticket all the time

  • I just take you to do all these fantastic day trips from Munich

  • Just taking the regional trees because it wasn't that far away

  • So we could take them and it didn't make a big difference

  • Like if you look at the ICE versus the regional bond and you're going from Berlin to Munich

  • It's gonna be a big time difference, right?

  • But if you're doing those like just within a state those passes are really great

  • And you might have heard of the Deutschland ticket, which is the entire

  • Germany ticket where you can take the regional trains

  • I will say don't think that's meant for tourists because it's a subscription model

  • So you can pay for the whole year up front or they charge you month by month

  • So it might be better just to buy your regional ticket and do that when you have it

  • I mean Germans are really good at giving you good deals

  • That's why sometimes you might want to get the bond card

  • So the bond card gives you 25% discounts or 50% discounts on train tickets

  • Okay, the thing is that's more for people that are gonna be staying here for a while

  • Then it'll pay for itself

  • If you're only here for a week, the bond card probably is not gonna be for you, but it can be good

  • I know I lived here in Germany. I always had the bond card to get those discounts now for my Eurorail pass holders

  • Don't worry the Eurorail pass it does work on the ICE

  • But you do need a reservation if you want to have a seat if you don't want to worry about a seat

  • You just want to sit wherever and you know crush your fingers. You can just get on with your Eurorail pass

  • You'll be okay, but don't forget to have it validated before you begin

  • Oh and a lot of people forget that the S-Bahn the S-Bahn trains around the cities like in Munich and Berlin

  • Don't forget that's actually part of the Deutsche Bahn. That's part of the train system here

  • So if you have a train ticket to a city and it usually says to the city itself

  • Then you could actually take your S-Bahn out to wherever you need to go. Not the U-Bahn. They don't work on the subway

  • They don't work on the the buses and stuff on the S-Bahn

  • It's part of the part of the train system. So that could be a little helpful help helpful tip

  • I know for me when I bought my tickets from the Munich Airport and I was going down to Innsbruck

  • I just bought it from the airport to Innsbruck and it was part of the ticket the S-Bahn S8

  • From the airport to the Munich Central Station and then my train ticket from Munich Central Station down to Innsbruck

  • So that could be very helpful to know and I'll be honest with you

  • If you're looking to book tickets for Germany or actually anywhere in Europe, don't skip out on

  • That is the Deutsche Bahn's website. They probably had the best timetable system any of any train system in Europe

  • I mean, I remember I was in Denmark and they were looking at to tell us the train times in other countries

  • I mean, it's super helpful and you can use that and pick the days and times you're looking to travel like month

  • You know a few months ahead and you can see when are my train options is which is really cool

  • And the thing is you can also buy your tickets in Germany through there as well

  • Which is nice and if you're gonna be traveling within Germany and just Germany

  • You can actually get the the Deutsche Bahn app for your phone

  • Very helpful to have it all right there on your phone. You just show that they check it on the train and you're good to go

  • Hey, also, don't forget not every single city's train station has Hauptbahnhof. This is the main station here in Bamberg

  • Yes, it's the Hamburg Hauptbahnhof. But if you go to Berlin, there's the Hauptbahnhof. There's the Ostbahnhof. There's the S-Bahnhof

  • There's a multiple train stations

  • Okay

  • So you want to make sure you know which train station you need to get in on and when you need to get out of

  • And especially if you're gonna be transferring within a big city

  • You might find that not the main train station

  • But one of the outer train stations might be easier to catch your connection than this main one

  • So don't forget to check which train station you actually need to be at what that name actually is

  • Now when you're looking to leave the train station and go to your hotel or go other places around the city

  • One thing I would say is don't take random rides from people inside

  • You don't have that as often anymore people asking tourists

  • But some of the bigger tourist areas people might come by like, oh you want an uber or a Lyft, you know?

  • Honestly, go get the don't pass up on taking a taxi. The taxis in Germany are pretty honest

  • I gotta admit I haven't had any problems with them over the years

  • They'll be in a Mercedes

  • There'll be a line outside and then at least you know, you'll get your receipt

  • You'll get taken where you need to go without getting taken for a ride. So something to think about

  • Also when you're outside the station

  • Sometimes you will see people like guys will be begging outside or you'll see kind of like

  • Ruffian looking characters with their dogs begging for money or asking for stuff. Don't let those people bother you

  • Don't give them money. The state takes care of people here in Germany, but just make sure you know

  • If you feel uncomfortable, you can walk on the other side

  • Just just walk by and they'll leave you alone

  • But I have had a number of tourists over the years mentioned how those people the they the kind of younger men with the dogs

  • Outside kind of kind of worry them. Don't worry. Just walk past you'll be okay

  • Now these lockers here are a godsend when you're in train stations in Germany

  • So if you want to do a day trip to take some of these regional trains to go some of the beautiful towns that are

  • Around the big cities you go to don't think you have to take your luggage with you the whole time

  • They have these schließwäsche the lockers that you can use and just put your bags away there now

  • They don't always have them but some places they do you can actually check online to see who has them and that can be helpful there to give you that space to use the lockers and get to enjoy some of those great day trips you

  • Have here in Germany because the Deutsche Bahn really does a great job of actually showing you the country

  • I'm like, that's what I gotta say

  • Is it don't take my making fun of the Deutsche Bahn as a bad thing because honestly Deutsche Bahn has helped me see so much

  • Of this country and really enjoy for the big cities like a Munich and Berlin to like a medium-sized cities

  • You know in smaller cities like here in Bomberg or Regensburg or going to the Harz Mountains

  • I mean the Deutsche Bahn goes all over the place then really don't be afraid to use it

  • You don't have to drive around and do the Autobahn. You can take those trains and see the beautiful country. That's here

  • Honestly, don't forget to look out the window when you're on the train because when you're going through and you see those church peoples going

  • By those small villages when you go by you're like my god

  • Germany really is truly beautiful and the Deutsche Bahn shows you that so don't be afraid to take the train to go explore

  • When you're here in Germany, and then I got to tell you this one part

  • Don't expect the trains in Germany to be cheap

  • Even if you can get some of those discounts

  • You'll notice taking the train in Germany is not a super cheap way to go

  • That might be why it's a good idea to maybe look at the flight from you know

  • Hamburg to Munich instead of taking the train because I bet you can get a lot cheaper flight

  • Then you can get a train going that way

  • Especially if you're looking at time factoring in to go along with the money

  • That's something to kind of think about so I do want to keep you late in case your train is actually on time here

  • Germany so what are some of the don'ts thing you have for taking the train in Germany? Honestly, I've loved being here

  • I've loved taking the train for the years

  • I lived here when I've come here year after year after year after year after year after year

  • Literally, it was every year from 96 through 20, you know till today except for 2020

  • I did not make in 2020 obviously

  • But I've taken the Deutsche Bahn has helped me out

  • It's actually one of my five love and hates of coming here is my love and hate relationship with a Deutsche Bahn

  • How it lets me see this beautiful country, but also the frustration of misconnections and late trains sometimes

  • But honestly, I hope this helps you enjoy more of Germany

  • But let's know some of the doubts you have for the Deutsche Bahn down below

  • I wish you all the best and I'll say tschüss from here in Bamberg, Germany. I gotta go catch my train

  • Well, it's time to go

  • I hope you all have a great adventure here in Germany on the trains

  • If you want to learn more check us on our website at and I'll say tschüss from here in the trains in Germany

Oh my god, my train is not delayed. I don't believe it. Hey there fellow travelers, Mark here with Walters World

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