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  • Hi guys, it's Gordon. Honestly, I just want to tell you something very exciting.

  • The votes are in, and that's right, you're going to see it, the uncensored version.

  • So I'd like to take this moment to apologise for absolute fuck-all. Enjoy!

  • Do I need to preface this with, to tell you that I am a fucking idiot.

  • Not just when it comes to cooking, but like painting, general housework, anything really.

  • You see me toss it in the bin, spit it out and show absolutely no respect.

  • But what happens when Deadpool, Wolverine and Tilly join me in this dark random room?

  • Here's what I'm going to do. I'm going to look right here, OK?

  • And you're going to count me in at 60 and we're going to work our way down.

  • When I hit one, I'm going to nail Jimmy fucking Chongas.

  • You heard it here first.

  • Right, Deadpool and Wolverine have, or shall I say, have had some serious beef.

  • You mind putting your mask back on? It's super hard to eat while I'm wearing it.

  • And there's two Ramseys, so it seems only fair that we go head to head in teams.

  • Now, Ryan and Tills, I've left you with some very special cooking equipment.

  • Something I doubt you'll find in the Deadpool's apartment, a fucking air fryer.

  • Tilly, seriously?

  • Dad, these are cool nowadays.

  • You're not actually cooking, you're sticking it in the fryer.

  • Right?

  • Well, you're what?

  • How's that cooking?

  • A microwave.

  • A millennial microwave.

  • With radioactivity.

  • It's Ramsey versus Deadpool in Wolverine battle.

  • Now, who will come out on top?

  • Maybe they'll let one of us into the MCU.

  • Guys, are we ready?

  • Yeah.

  • I feel pretty unsteady, to be honest, but Tills has got it.

  • In fact, shall we?

  • Let's fucking go!

  • Let's fucking go!

  • Let's go!

  • Right, Chummy Changa.

  • All right, what have we got?

  • Will you start with the herbs, please?

  • You're terrifying.

  • I'm going to take a digit off you, right?

  • Let me just show you.

  • So grab a little bunch like this first.

  • Yep.

  • OK.

  • And then just keep your fingers rolled up tightly.

  • And I'll just show you here.

  • Let the knife do the work.

  • They're fucking razor sharp.

  • Quite sweary over there.

  • I know.

  • They're probably not calm like we are.

  • He's manic.

  • Just go nice and slow.

  • We're going to take it nice and easy.

  • I am going to be here sort of speaking in dulcet calm tones while you do almost everything.

  • So do you want to be on frying or chopping?

  • You're going to make me do something.

  • OK.

  • I don't know.

  • I should do something.

  • You're right, Timo.

  • I will take the frying, I think, right?

  • When was the last time you cooked?

  • Yesterday.

  • I cook quite a bit.

  • I love that.

  • I baked blueberry muffins when I was younger.

  • Seriously.

  • Yeah, man.

  • Amazing.

  • Cooked a pork chop.

  • No, I don't put that in there either, right?

  • No, no, no, that one.

  • You can't mean, I put some cheese in.

  • Yes, dad.

  • What are you starting off with?

  • Well, look at him.

  • He wants to know.

  • We're just making our filling.

  • Hey, get out of our heads, all right?

  • It ain't going to work.

  • Can we turn that thing on first, Ryan?

  • There's no gas on there.

  • Absolutely.

  • This is on full blast.

  • It's not.

  • I don't know what I'm talking about.

  • You've got to just be tasting it.

  • OK, yeah.

  • Yeah, yeah, yeah.

  • I'm going to just bring on some of that.

  • Some chorizo in there.

  • Perfect.

  • A touch of oil.

  • Now, more of the chorizo?

  • Maybe, like, that's, I just dump that in, right?

  • I didn't even try to talk to him.

  • I have a question about this.

  • Please.

  • Is this cookware, and I know it's expert stuff, am I OK to put metal on it, like this?

  • The metal utensil's safe, Ryan, my man.

  • We can scratch all we like.

  • It is nonstick.

  • Do you know anyone who might own this cookware line?

  • This one.

  • Is there a specific line that you just developed for?

  • Well spotted.

  • Yes, I don't, listen, I don't shy away from anything.

  • Mate, you are on it.

  • I know.

  • I've got to tell you, this is one thing that my kids now think I'm cool for, cooking with you.

  • But even though we're on the same team, if you could find a nice way in there somewhere just to call me like a fucking idiot, that'd be great.

  • Mate, I'm going to get two little tortillas.

  • Like the worst sous chef ever.

  • What are you?

  • I'm a fucking idiot.

  • Louder!

  • I'm a fucking idiot!

  • Yes, I like how this is going.

  • My brain tastes chocolate.

  • This is good.

  • This extraordinary mashup, where did the conversation take place between the dead pool and wolverine?

  • Conversation, cry for help.

  • Very hard to distinguish.

  • On whose side?

  • Who won?

  • Whose side?

  • Who started it?

  • I put out an open casting call for a wolverine.

  • I wanted a middle-aged one, Australian, and this is what I got.

  • The guy that's done it like 100 times already, and came back better than ever.

  • But actually, it was Ryan I had talked about, but he's been sort of a scene for a long time.

  • And then one day, August 14, 2022, I was like,

  • I want to do it.

  • And I pulled over and I called him.

  • The fact that the majority was shot in the UK, right?

  • Yes.

  • Any British classics that you've become familiar with?

  • Oh, dishes.

  • I mean, I love myself a cottage pie, shepherd's pie.

  • Love that.

  • Love that.

  • Do you know the difference between a cottage and a shepherd's?

  • No, I was going with classic movies, but I guess.

  • I didn't even, it didn't even occur to me that it was something that goes in your mouth.

  • What does a shepherd look after?

  • Pull your heads out of your asses for five seconds.

  • Do I need to put two top tens on your ears?

  • Do it.

  • Let's go.

  • Oh, God.

  • I want it.

  • Oh, I love it.

  • Oh, I never went to college.

  • What are you?

  • Oh, I cheated at Wordle.

  • What is this?

  • What is this witchcraft?

  • Shepherd looks after fucking sheep.

  • Oh, my God.

  • A cottage pie is made with beef.

  • I like the shaving part, but I don't do much else with the sheep.

  • I don't know.

  • Any food in the UK you wouldn't eat?

  • I love all food in the UK, particularly a Gordon Ramsay restaurant.

  • That is where the food has been especially ordered and cooked on Gordon Ramsay's.

  • I actually cooked it from home and sent it to the restaurant to make sure.

  • I'm not so.

  • This is the thing that you and I talked.

  • Why are you acting surprised, Gordon?

  • Come on.

  • Right, we're building.

  • Chills, can we do some work, please?

  • I'm sorry, we're doing it.

  • Jesus.

  • You're always picking on him.

  • Right.

  • But you are, you're sort of like, I need help.

  • Yeah, you're like the brother who doesn't get any love.

  • Why so much bullying on this man?

  • Because I'm vacant on the inside.

  • I can't feel anything unless I'm hurting him.

  • I mean, come on, man, he needs some love.

  • I missed all the hugs as a child.

  • And I'm exacting my revenge on Jacqueline.

  • You know what's funny is that we are outwardly, yes, very,

  • I think I would say that we are argumentative.

  • But actually, in real life, we are like gentle.

  • Yeah, everything is our feelings, talking about stuff.

  • It is.

  • So it's obvious who wins at an arm wrestle.

  • Look at those fucking guns, man.

  • I don't know, check this out.

  • Jesus Christ almighty.

  • Come on.

  • The bicep veins are bigger than my whole gun show here.

  • Look at that.

  • Guess what I do?

  • Leg day.

  • Because I care.

  • Stop it.

  • Seriously?

  • Yeah, I do leg day.

  • You've got legs like quails.

  • Regular facials.

  • You know, I've got 47, right?

  • I'm getting a, yeah.

  • I can't afford a Brazilian butt lift, but I'm getting a Croatian one.

  • And I'm here that they're fabulous.

  • What's the difference between Croatian and Brazilian?

  • Sterile tools, mostly.

  • Wow.

  • OK.

  • The abundance of bacteria.

  • Moving on.

  • Shit, I just want to cover Tilly's ears.

  • You shouldn't be listening to this.

  • No, you shouldn't be listening to this vulgarity.

  • I just start screaming the truth when that happens.

  • Oh my god.

  • Right, can we build?

  • Can we start to build?

  • We've started.

  • You're behind.

  • Is there something that you just won't eat, that even doesn't matter where it comes from, something you just like?

  • Yeah, I was in Hawaii recently, and we were looking at these incredible cattle.

  • And they were castrating these poor little bastards.

  • I'll do the cooking, Gordon.

  • Chat away.

  • And so deep frying these cows' testicles, and then putting these kids, these things, back in the field.

  • That wasn't very nice.

  • So wait, people eat the, they're going to eat the-

  • Literally castrate them.

  • Oh god, yeah.

  • Little light dusting, a little dredge with some smoked paprika.

  • Fry, and then literally putting the cow back in.

  • It's not often you can't decide who it's worse for.

  • And that's on Disney, by the way.

  • Guys, this looks pretty good.

  • Hugh, the more spice for Hugh, the better, by the way.

  • Because it's going in the air fryer, it's going to get so nice and melted.

  • Wait, so this whole sucker goes in the air fryer?

  • Yeah.

  • Wow.

  • So they're going to start pan frying it, which is risky, because it might, might burst.

  • You guys are like a swap team.

  • Way less violent.

  • OK.

  • Tails.

  • Less talking, more cooking.

  • Come on, girl.

  • We're doing both.

  • I have a question, though.

  • How is it working, how is it working with family?

  • Like, I mean, seriously, though, like that's a-

  • She is the most amazing, the most endearing, the most sweetest pain in the ass you've ever worked with.

  • Oh!

  • Hey, I wouldn't say that.

  • I wouldn't say that.

  • Sorry, I'm sorry, I didn't mean that.

  • Expensive pain in the ass.

  • Right.

  • Way to the, way to the gas line.

  • Very pricey.

  • I'm the easiest like that.

  • She's just graduated with her degree from university.

  • Oh, wow.

  • Well done.

  • Now get to work!

  • ROI, ROI.

  • What did you study?

  • I was doing psychology.

  • Which has nothing to do with, wow.

  • Nothing to do with this.

  • Yeah.

  • Are you trying to crack that nut right there?

  • Is that why?

  • He's taking a lot of work.

  • She said that I could do a case study.

  • I said, fuck off, Jules.

  • I can't come into your lecture like that.

  • I would kill to work with my daughters.

  • I mean, it is good fun.

  • He says all that, but he always asks me back.

  • So I'd like to think that I'm not too bad.

  • Ryan, quick question, music-wise.

  • The music is extraordinary.

  • But it's something that has to be done gradually, right?

  • Because you can't compose the music and then shoot.

  • So how do you get that balance so right?

  • That's a good question.

  • You know, music is a weird thing in a movie, because the thing that you're sure is going to work great doesn't.

  • Yeah.

  • No.

  • You know, except maybe one song in a movie that we always knew was going to be great.

  • But there's, yeah, it's an odd thing.

  • So sometimes it happens gradually.

  • But a lot of times it's written in the script.

  • Like, I'll write.

  • I have a playlist called Logan Pool that I've had sort of more of like a vision board for working with this man over here, trying to get him one day to be a Wolverine again.

  • And a lot of the music comes from that, you know?

  • Yeah, it's eclectic, though.

  • Like, you know.

  • In the script, you've written songs there.

  • Like, you know what they are, generally.

  • Yeah, I like to get my Orinoco flow on.

  • Yes.

  • You know?

  • Yeah.

  • That's an Enya reference.

  • I know Gordon is a big Enya fan.

  • Yeah.

  • Do you like to listen?

  • I mean, obviously not on the show, but if you're in the kitchen, do you have music?

  • In prep, we do.

  • In prep.

  • Because it breaks up that level of monotonous.

  • And so it just gets all the kids ready and psyched just like before a game, going live.

  • And so they sort of get used to it in a way that.

  • But when service starts, that curtain comes up.

  • It's pure focus.

  • Absolute focus.

  • A 90-minute to two-hour.

  • Do you still love it?

  • I do love it.

  • That's nice.

  • This year we celebrate 25 years at Wrestling

  • Ramsay in Chelsea.

  • Wow.

  • And our 23rd year is three stars.

  • Whoa.

  • Wow.

  • Next time you guys are in town.

  • 23rd year at a three-star.

  • Three-star, yeah.

  • So how often do they come and test you for the stars?

  • Is it once a year?

  • No, shit, no.

  • Six, seven, eight times.

  • A year?

  • Oh, yeah.

  • And you have no idea when they're coming in?

  • All incognito.

  • All incognito.

  • Oh, come on.

  • Really?

  • Seriously, honestly.

  • Seriously.

  • There's no way to fix the game?

  • No.

  • Shit, no.

  • No, not with Michelin.

  • They're French.

  • They're on it.

  • They're just.

  • Let us work on it.

  • Is it the kind of thing that keeps you up at night?

  • I think it's like anything, really.

  • You've seen the critics over the last couple of weeks.

  • They're a pain in the ass.

  • And being judged by individuals that less about food than you do is just, man.

  • That's just my family.

  • So you've got to bite your tongue.

  • No, I get that.

  • But that must be absolutely stressful as hell, is that when you go to bed at night, you're like, tomorrow they're going to ambush me.

  • You get that feeling sometimes.

  • Oh, that is delicious looking.

  • Yeah, I was just done.

  • The student is the master.

  • I mean, that's, you can't, they can't top this.

  • You can't top this.

  • No.

  • Come on.

  • I mean, let me do something.

  • Tell us, your tortilla is all soft.

  • Brian is soggy.

  • It doesn't look crispy.

  • Yours is soggy.

  • Yours is oily.

  • How's this?

  • Oh.

  • Do you know your issue is yours is wet and oily, whereas ours is dry.

  • That's an artery.

  • Got an artery.

  • OK, look at this.

  • Guys, look at this.

  • Hey, that's pretty average.

  • Make it look pretty.

  • There we go.

  • It's really nice.

  • So, God, I almost took you out.

  • OK.

  • I'm sorry, but I just caught them cheating.

  • What was that spray, your hairspray on there?

  • That is Vidal Sassoon, and that's sort of a root maintenance.

  • Yeah.

  • I need this line.

  • Yes.

  • You are sweating, and it's hot in here.

  • I know, I know.

  • I need to cook this thing.

  • We want to win this.

  • You and I, this is not a fucking rehearsal.

  • This beats sitting in front of the press any day.

  • Come on, just.

  • If you could hit me with that spray one more time,

  • I'm going to play with some fire.

  • I'm going to juggle some stuff, and then we're going to see, we're going to test the medic.

  • I'm so sorry.

  • I know, I just thought, this is, I'm sort of enjoying what's happening to you right now.

  • And I feel guilty as hell about that.

  • The heart attack I've been having there.

  • Come on, here's what I'm going to do.

  • Justin, you're sweating like a monk watching porn.

  • I know.

  • Come on, kid, fuck it up.

  • Shit.

  • It's taste time.

  • Come on.

  • Taste time.

  • Dad, you're the one tasting.

  • So come on, this is good.

  • So you can't see whose is whose?

  • Did you get that from mum's cologne?

  • That's silk, don't worry.

  • That's silk.

  • This is how I met your mother.

  • Oh, boy.

  • Oh, my god.

  • Wow, I love this chapter.

  • So you're not going to know.

  • Handcuffs, too?

  • No, OK, let's go.

  • You're not going to know which one is which.

  • So we might be doing your one first.

  • You might be doing our one first.

  • But yours looked like it was a little bit anemic.

  • OK, well, you'll be able to taste, won't you?

  • I don't think anemic was the word I would use.

  • OK, it's hot.

  • Make sure you blow.

  • Would you like the spoon?

  • Blow on it.

  • Yes, please.

  • There you go.

  • OK.

  • A little pinch here.

  • OK.

  • Wow.

  • OK.

  • It does need a touch of salt.

  • OK.

  • Sorry.

  • Well, you don't know whose it is yet?

  • No.

  • It's actually crispy on the outside.

  • It could be mine.

  • It could be yours.

  • Tills, we may not put so much on the fucking spoon, please.

  • OK.

  • I don't know how you guys live like this.

  • My nervous system right now is freaking out.

  • OK.

  • Also, are these Michelin fuckers going to show up any minute now and try us?

  • OK, Tills, what are you doing?

  • Yeah, next one.

  • OK.

  • Ready?

  • Ah.

  • What do you mean, ah?

  • Open, ah.

  • Open your mouth.

  • OK, what did you say?

  • Open your mouth.

  • Open your mouth.

  • No.

  • No.

  • Yep.

  • Yep.

  • There she blows.

  • Tilly.

  • There she blows.

  • Oh, no.

  • I want you to know that that was your offspring that did that.

  • I had nothing to do with that.

  • Someone is out of the will.

  • What the hell?

  • Someone is out of the will.

  • Which one did you like, first or second?

  • Well, clearly the first one.

  • The second one blew my fucking mouth off.

  • Oh.

  • Oh.

  • We did it.

  • We did it.

  • Fucking hell.

  • The moral of the story is never trust family.

  • Ever.

  • Really?

  • To your dad?

  • Why did you spit that out?

  • Do you have any idea how this palette is insured for?

  • He spat that out.

  • Millions of dollars.

  • Millions of dollars.

  • Can we talk about a loan for Hugh?

  • Seriously.

  • And that was your trust fund.

  • Yeah.

  • You just fucked your trust fund.

  • What a pleasure.

  • Oh, so lovely to meet you.

  • Good luck.

  • Congrats.

  • I'm graduating.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • My wife and I are adoring you.

  • Honestly, my wife.

  • Oh, Jesus.

  • So good.

  • This is, um, good.

  • We did do it right.

  • Ours is crispier than that.

  • Yours isn't wet.

  • It's good, right?

  • Air fryer, I'm telling you.

  • Do I need to get an air fryer?

  • Yes.

  • Yes.

  • It's really, like.

  • 100%.

  • So easy.

  • Hugh, good luck and Godspeed, buddy.

  • I'm going to stay here and learn something.

  • Thank you.

  • It's so hot.

  • It's so good.

  • Oh, you know what?

  • Don't eat the toothpick.

  • Don't eat the toothpick.

  • Right.

  • Ramsay versus Deadpool and Wolverine.

  • What a fucking battle.

  • Now, don't forget to see these two amazing guys in Deadpool and Wolverine in cinemas on

  • July the 25th.

  • How much fucking sauce you put on that spoon?

  • Just a bit.

  • My palette's on fire.

  • Honestly.

  • It tastes like a fucking Gina DeCampo two-for-one lasagna from Asda.

  • Deadpool.

Hi guys, it's Gordon. Honestly, I just want to tell you something very exciting.

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