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  • ?

  • Hello!

  • Hello!

  • Are you Rose Hall by any chance?

  • Yes, that's me.

  • And you must be Thomas from England, right?

  • I guess my accent gave me away.

  • Exactly. Nice to meet you.

  • Welcome on board.

  • I'm so glad you're here.

  • Thanks. I'm very pleased to be here.

  • I'm sure you'll fit in nicely.

  • After all, you come highly recommended.

  • Your articles are really good.

  • Thank you.

  • Oh, here's Ella.

  • Thomas, this is Ella, the editor-in-chief of the magazine.

  • It's good to finally meet you, Thomas.

  • Nice to meet you too.

  • You're from Birmingham, right?

  • Exactly. I'm from Birmingham.

  • Is this your first time in New York?

  • It is my very first time here in New York, so I'm really excited.

  • I got into New York two days ago.

  • What do you think about it so far?

  • It's fantastic. I really like it.

  • I like the vibe here. It's really energetic.

  • I feel really blessed to be here because it's one of the cities I've always wanted to go to.

  • What I really appreciate about New York is that you can discover the city very well by foot.

  • New York seems to be the ideal city for long strolls, which I enjoy very much.

  • The fact that this city never sleeps, this continuous flow of energy is quite thrilling.

  • You need to be very disciplined, as a city like New York offers an infinite number of distractions.

  • You're right.

  • I'll do my best to stay focused on my work and do a good job here.

  • Let me show you to your office.

  • It's located at the end of the hall.

  • What do you think?

  • I didn't know I'd have my own office.

  • We thought you'd need your own private space.

  • I can see you've installed a few appliances here. Brilliant.

  • Ella insisted that we set you up with all this state-of-the-art equipment.

  • From here, you can communicate with any department and get all the information you need.

  • You've put in a sound system, too?

  • Everything looks great. Thank you.

  • How many people did you work with in Birmingham?

  • I had a team of three.

  • Well, here you'll have six people in your team.

  • I'll introduce you to them after lunch.

  • That sounds good.

  • Can you tell me a bit about my schedule?

  • Well, there's a meeting every Monday, as well as a meet-up with various heads of department on Thursday afternoons.

  • Just so we know what we're doing.

  • Other than that, how you organize your time is up to you.

  • That's fine. I'm a good time manager.

  • It's time for lunch now.

  • Let me take you to a nice place.

  • We'll get a chance to get better acquainted with each other.

  • Sounds great.

  • Are you ready to order?

  • Yes, please.

  • Can I get you something to start with?

  • No, thank you.

  • I'd like the tuna with a green salad.

  • And for you, sir?

  • I'll have the steak and chips, please.

  • Chips?

  • You mean fries?

  • Oh, right.

  • I forgot you call them fries here.

  • With fries, of course.

  • How would you like your steak?

  • Rare, medium, or well done?

  • Well done.

  • Okay, and to drink?

  • Water, please.

  • Still or a sparkling?

  • Sparkling.

  • And a glass of apple juice for me, please.

  • Can you tell me where the toilets are?

  • You can say restroom here.

  • Oh, yeah, sorry.

  • Where is the restroom, please?

  • The restroom is at the back of the hallway on the left side.

  • Thank you.

  • The tuna for you, ma'am, and the steak for you, sir.

  • So, tell me, Thomas, what are you going to write about?

  • Well, to start with, my first impressions of New York.

  • You know, the nightlife, the music, things like that.

  • Are you planning to do any interviews?

  • I'd like to.

  • Do you have any suggestions?

  • Well, I know some great musicians.

  • And I also have some contacts in the theatre and dance.

  • That would be great.

  • Maybe we could go to a show.

  • And after that, you could talk to the actors.

  • I really like that idea.

  • That was a good day's work, Thomas.

  • You're doing a great job here.

  • Thanks.

  • I have to get to Manhattan now for an interview I have to take.

  • I need to get to Bloom's Tavern?

  • How do I get to Greenwich Village on the Underground?

  • We call it subway here.

  • Oh, yeah, right.

  • Go to the subway station at 7th Avenue.

  • Take the B train to West 4th Street.

  • How many stops is that?

  • Six or seven.

  • OK. And then?

  • From West 4th Street, take the A train and get off at 14th Street.

  • And do you know where Bloom's Tavern is?

  • Come out of the subway on 8th Avenue.

  • Go straight for about 50 yards.

  • And take the first right.

  • That's Greenwich Avenue.

  • Bloom's Tavern is in the second building on the right and is situated on the first floor.

  • Is there a lift in the building?

  • Oh, you don't need an elevator since it's on the first floor, which is at street level.

  • Oh, in UK, the floor above is called the first floor and the street level floor is called the ground floor.

  • I see. Here, the street level floor is called the first floor.

  • OK, thanks. See you later.

  • And don't get lost!

  • Are you OK? You look out of sorts.

  • I'm a bit tired this morning.

  • You aren't exactly in good shape, are you?

  • I know. I think I'm eating too much.

  • Then eat less.

  • It isn't easy. I eat out all the time.

  • And the portions in American restaurants are enormous.

  • No one cooks meat like Americans.

  • It's very easy to put on weight here.

  • You don't do enough exercise.

  • I walk a lot.

  • Walking isn't enough, Thomas. Do you do anything to keep fit?

  • Not anymore. I used to cycle in Birmingham.

  • So why don't you get a bike here?

  • Bicycling is permitted on all main and local streets throughout the city.

  • Anyway, my flat is near the office. I don't need a bike.

  • We call it apartment here.

  • You can try jogging or running.

  • You know, I go running every morning in Central Park.

  • Really?

  • It's so beautiful early in the morning. Why don't you come with me?

  • OK, that's a great idea. But I don't have any trainers.

  • Trainers? You mean sneakers?

  • You can buy some.

  • Is there a sports shop near here?

  • Sure, there's one across the street. I'll come by your place tomorrow morning.

  • OK, what time?

  • 6.45 6?

  • 45

  • Can we make it a bit later, say 7.45?

  • That's too late, Thomas. Let's make it 7.15.

  • OK, 7.15.

  • Excellent. See you later.

  • Great.

  • Can I help you, sir?

  • Yes. Do you have these in an 8?

  • Just a minute. I'll go and check.

  • Here you are. These are in 8. Do you want to try them on?

  • No, thanks. I'm sure they'll be fine. How much are they?

  • They're $85.25.

  • Oh, it says $73.99.

  • Yes, but they're $75.99.

  • Yes, but there's added sales tax of 15%.

  • Oh, OK. Do you take MasterCard?

  • Sure.

  • Can I help you?

  • Yeah, I bought these about half an hour ago.

  • Yes, I remember. Is there a problem?

  • Yeah, I'm afraid they're too small. I should have tried them on.

  • What size are they?

  • They're an 8, but I take a UK 8.

  • Oh, right. Yeah, so UK 8 is a US 9.

  • Do you have a pair?

  • I'll go and check. Just a minute.

  • I'm sorry. We don't have these in a 9.

  • But we do have these, and they're the same price.

  • Or you can have a refund.

  • No, I don't want a refund. I'll take this pair then, please.

  • No problem. Do you have the receipt?

  • Yeah, here you are.

  • Are you OK?

  • Me? Never better.

  • It's a beautiful fall day, and the perfect weather for running, isn't it?

  • I think this is my favourite place in New York.

  • Yeah, a beautiful autumn day indeed.

  • Yes. So how's it all going? Are you happy you came?

  • The Central Park? At 7.15 in the morning?

  • To New York, Thomas.

  • Yeah, of course I'm happy. It's fantastic.

  • I'm glad, but you need to get in shape, Thomas.

  • I know. I am a bit tired of eating out all the time. It isn't good for my figure.

  • It's the restaurants you go to. Why don't you come over to my place after work?

  • I could make you something a little healthier. I'm a very good cook.

  • I'd really like that, thanks.

  • So how do you feel now? Are you ready to go again?

  • Oh yes, I'm ready.

  • OK, we'll only go around two more times.

  • Are you OK?

  • I might be coming down with the flu or something. Is there a chemist nearby?

  • You mean a pharmacy? Yes, it's a three-minute walk from here, on your right side.

  • Good morning. Can I help you?

  • I'm not feeling very well. I think I have flu.

  • What are your symptoms?

  • I have a headache and a sore throat.

  • Do you have a temperature?

  • No, I don't think so.

  • Are you allergic to any drugs?

  • I'm allergic to penicillin.

  • No problem. This is ibuprofen. It'll make you feel better.

  • How many do I have to take?

  • Two every four hours. If you don't feel better in 48 hours, you should see a doctor.

  • OK, thanks. How much is that?

  • That's $6.99, please.

  • Thank you.

  • You're welcome.

  • What differences have you noticed so far between US and UK, Thomas?

  • Well, I was shocked to see everyone here expects you to pay them by cheque.

  • You hardly see any cheques.

  • Your banking system works extremely slow.

  • Digital transfers from bank to bank are not easy.

  • That's hardly a problem in the UK.

  • I love that you can order your lunch in advance on the website of your favourite lunch place, then pick it up from a shelf inside where it's tagged with your name.

  • This is so convenient.

  • I also noticed that you get ID'd absolutely everywhere, while having brunch, for example, or in bars.

  • When it comes to paying, you're told the item is actually more expensive than it says on the price tag, because a tax needs to be added to the overall price.

  • But I'm really enjoying living in the USA. People are so friendly here.

  • I've been to a lot of places in the UK.

  • I got invited to people's houses.

  • I got invited round to watch football games.

  • I got invited out for beers.

  • The Americans are very nice to be around.

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