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  • Hello, I'd like to speak to the sales manager of this company.

  • Yes, sure, I can get her for you.

  • Please wait here a minute.

  • Hello, my name is Alice White.

  • I'm the sales manager.

  • How can I help you?

  • Hello, I'm Pamela Young and I want to make a complaint about one of your products which I bought yesterday.

  • Which product are you referring to?

  • I used this moisturizer which proved harmful to me.

  • In what way it proved harmful?

  • Right after using it, I got a skin rash.

  • You can clearly see it.

  • This has never happened to me before.

  • Well, you can't be sure it was caused by our product.

  • The skin allergy may be caused by something else, like some food for example.

  • Our products are made according to the highest industry standards.

  • I know for a fact that it was caused by your product.

  • I don't have any food allergies.

  • The quality of your product is not good.

  • Believe me, the quality of our product is very good.

  • We have our own laboratory where we do various tests to ensure the best quality of our products and services.

  • Your company is cheating its customers.

  • We are not cheating our customers.

  • Our products are not harmful in any sense.

  • Very well then, I'll take this case to the Consumer Protection and prove that you are scammers that cheat people out of money.

  • There's no need to go that far.

  • We're sorry for the inconvenience and we'll give you a refund right away.

  • We'll also pay for a consultation with the dermatologist.

  • Is that okay with you?

  • Now you're talking.

  • Rob, I have a terrific business idea.

  • Oh really?

  • I'm all ears.

  • We can open a juice bar.

  • Come again?

  • A juice bar?

  • What exactly is that?

  • It's a small shop or stand that sells fruit and vegetable juices that are freshly squeezed.

  • It can be a kiosk, a juice cart, or a juice truck.

  • Fresh healthy juices are very popular.

  • It is a business with a low startup cost.

  • Does this idea appeal to you?

  • Well, sort of.

  • But who is going to buy juice from a stand on the street?

  • People who are concerned with their health and who want to increase their energy levels.

  • We're going to make so much money.

  • I'm sure it will be a successful business.

  • Calm down.

  • Don't get carried away.

  • How are people going to know about our juice bar?

  • You're going to have your cousin make a website for us.

  • He works in IT.

  • You can also print posters and flyers and put them everywhere.

  • Okay, what else?

  • You're going to buy a juice machine, a blender, an ice machine, cups, bowls, and straws.

  • All these things must be very expensive.

  • Yeah, but just think of all the profit a juice bar can make.

  • But first you'll have to apply for a permit at City Hall.

  • And then rent a space that includes a sink for washing and preparing the fruits and vegetables.

  • Wow, I'm sure I'm going to do a lot for this juice bar.

  • Are you going to do anything?

  • Yes, I'm going to make the design of the bar.

  • Its name is going to be Paul's Juice Bar.

  • Haha, that's a good one.

  • Hi, what can I get for you today?

  • Hey there, I'd like a whole wheat loaf and a sourdough loaf, please.

  • Sure thing.

  • You want them sliced?

  • Yeah, sure.

  • Okay, anything else?

  • I'd also like dessert, but I'm not sure what to get.

  • Everything in the case looks delicious.

  • As you can see, we have a lot of different types of donuts, cookies, cupcakes, and cakes over here.

  • Oh, that cake over there looks wonderful.

  • This one?

  • It's a berry cake with vanilla buttercream and juicy fresh berries.

  • It's very sweet and refreshing.

  • I got all the berries at my local farm.

  • If you like chocolate, you may like this one over here with the frosting and sprinkles.

  • Oh, that looks good, too.

  • Hmm, it's so hard to decide.

  • I think I'll take the berry cake.

  • And those cookies look delicious.

  • What kind are they?

  • Double chocolate.

  • They're a fresh batch, too.

  • I just popped them out of the oven a few minutes ago.

  • In that case, I'm going to have to grab some.

  • I'll take a dozen, please.

  • Sounds good.

  • Can I get you anything else?

  • Yes, I'd also like three donuts of each type and two chocolate croissants.

  • Sure, no problem.

  • Would you like the cookies, donuts, and croissants in the same box as the cake?

  • No, please put them in separate boxes if you don't mind.

  • Not at all.

  • Here you go.

  • Thanks.

  • How much do I owe you?

  • Hey, Leah.

  • That's a pretty big parcel you have.

  • Can I give you a hand?

  • Where are you going?

  • Thanks, Alan.

  • Actually, it's not that heavy.

  • Just a little bulky.

  • I'm sending some clothes home to my sister, so I'm headed to the post office.

  • I thought it was on this block.

  • Can you tell me where it is?

  • Oh, it's not far.

  • It's right around the block.

  • Go to that corner and make a right.

  • When you get to the crosswalk, cross the street.

  • You'll see the post office right there in front of you.

  • You can't miss it.

  • Great.

  • Thanks.

  • Hello.

  • What can I do for you today?

  • Hello.

  • I need to mail this package to Mexico, please.

  • What is in the package?

  • Some clothes.

  • Are there any breakables?

  • Is it fragile?

  • No.

  • Okay.

  • Let's see how much it weighs.

  • It's about seven pounds.

  • What is the address?

  • I have it here.

  • Please fill out this customs declaration form.

  • Okay.

  • When will my package arrive?

  • It depends on your shipping choice.

  • If you send it express, it will get there in 5 to 10 business days.

  • Or you can send it priority, and it will get there in 8 to 15 business days.

  • I would like to send it express.

  • Okay.

  • How much will that be? $65.82.

  • Oh.

  • I'm afraid that's a bit expensive.

  • Then you can choose the priority, which is $43.17.

  • There is also first class, which is the cheapest way to mail the package.

  • It costs only $13.19, but it will get there in 2 to 8 weeks.

  • And it doesn't have a tracking number or insurance.

  • Priority is the most convenient, I guess, so I'll go for that.

  • Okay.

  • Do you need anything else?

  • I also need a book of stamps.

  • Okay.

  • Your total comes to $50.35.

  • How would you like to pay?

  • With my credit card.

  • Is there anything else I can help you with today?

  • No.

  • That's it.

  • Thank you.

  • Here's your receipt.

  • Your tracking number is on the receipt.

  • Have a nice day.

  • You too.

  • Do you know where I can buy a cheap dishwasher?

  • I think the home improvement store is having a big sale this weekend.

  • Is your dishwasher broken?

  • Yeah.

  • I need to replace it.

  • It's not the end of the world, but it's still frustrating.

  • After having been spoiled by having a dishwasher for the past 7 years, washing dishes by hand is not easy.

  • Now I have to sacrifice some of my downtime to do this chore.

  • Have you tried to repair it?

  • Yeah.

  • We called the repairman yesterday.

  • When he came to have a look at it, he told me that he would have to order a new one as the dishwasher is so old that you can't get parts for it anymore.

  • Oh.

  • That's too bad.

  • We really can't afford to buy a new one right now, but I really need one.

  • Why don't you buy a used one?

  • It's much cheaper this way.

  • Where can I get a used one that's in good condition?

  • I actually have a friend who is selling hers.

  • It's in perfect condition.

  • There's nothing wrong with it.

  • And I think she bought it a year ago, so it's not that old.

  • She just wants a different brand.

  • Really?

  • You're a lifesaver.

  • I just want one that works well.

  • Do you know how much it is?

  • I don't know.

  • Let me call her right away.

  • Thanks.

  • I really appreciate it.

  • Thanks so much for coming.

  • I had been calling repair places all morning, but no one had time.

  • So, what's wrong with the TV?

  • Well, I was enjoying my popcorn while I was watching my favorite TV show.

  • And just in the interesting part, the TV suddenly stopped working.

  • Was it making any strange noises?

  • Yes, there were also some strange noises, and it was showing funny colors for a few minutes.

  • Then it just turned off.

  • I planned a little party this evening to watch the soccer game with my friends.

  • Really?

  • Are you a big soccer fan?

  • Yes, I'm the biggest fan of the logo team.

  • I'm a fan too.

  • It means you'll be watching them tonight too.

  • Of course.

  • I can't wait, actually.

  • So, are you seeing anything terribly wrong with the TV?

  • No, it's nothing serious.

  • I can fix it very easily, but I need to go first to the hardware store to buy some replacement parts.

  • Will it be very expensive?

  • No, I don't think so.

  • Everything is pretty cheap at this store.

  • Will you finish it today?

  • Yes, of course.

  • You'll definitely be able to watch the big game tonight with your friends.

  • Oh, that's great news.

  • I was afraid I would have to cancel my party.

  • Hello, Chris.

  • You're looking a bit tired.

  • What have you been up to?

  • Well, I am tired, actually.

  • I've started going to evening classes three times a week, and...

  • Evening classes?

  • But Chris, how can you manage?

  • You already have to put in a lot of overtime at work as it is, without taking up a hobby as well.

  • Well, it's not exactly a hobby.

  • I'm doing my higher accounting diploma.

  • And it's quite a lot of extra work, but, well, you know I don't like my job.

  • And I've been looking for another one, but everyone wants the higher diploma.

  • So I decided that, if I was ever going to get anywhere, I'd better get on and pass a few exams.

  • Well, good for you.

  • I don't think I'd have the courage to take on any more work at this stage in my life.

  • I have to.

  • If I don't, I'll be stuck in the same dead-end job for the rest of my life.

  • And actually, I quite enjoy these classes.

  • The other people doing the course are really friendly and nice.

  • And the teachers are excellent.

  • No comparison with school.

  • I really feel I'm benefiting.

  • I thought I might do a foreign language when I finish this, and then I'll be really well qualified.

  • Thanks for watching, and be sure to subscribe to our YouTube channel for more videos like this.

Hello, I'd like to speak to the sales manager of this company.

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