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  • Hi Chris!

  • Hi Claire!

  • How's it going?

  • How are you enjoying college life?

  • Well, it's all so new right now, there's so much to take in.

  • Haha, I remember my first semester.

  • I felt the same.

  • How about your classes?

  • Well, as you can imagine, there's a lot of work already.

  • I bet.

  • So what do you study?

  • My major is English, but I also study American History.

  • That's great!

  • Are you enjoying the classes?

  • Yes, I enjoy most of them.

  • Have you had time to make many friends yet?

  • Yes, a lot actually.

  • That's the best thing.

  • There are so many clubs you can join to meet people.

  • So far, I joined the women's soccer team, the debate team, and the theater club.

  • Wow, that's a lot!

  • Don't get exhausted!

  • I won't.

  • Don't worry about me.

  • Where do you live now that you're in college?

  • I live in the dormitory.

  • It's quite close to the campus.

  • It's about a five-minute walk, so it's very convenient.

  • Do you like living there?

  • Not really, because there are so many of us packed into such a small space that you do not get a sense of privacy at all.

  • I share a room with three other girls, and there is always someone near you.

  • You are never alone.

  • If you grow up with your own room, it's very difficult to move into the dorms and to have to share a small room.

  • It's hard not to have your personal private space anymore.

  • Yeah, I can imagine.

  • Can you ever study?

  • Yes, I actually go to the library study room to read and do my assignments.

  • Do you study a lot?

  • I do, especially before tests.

  • How many hours?

  • It depends on the class.

  • If it's difficult, I study about six hours a day.

  • What about food?

  • What do you eat for food?

  • Do you have a kitchen?

  • Do you cook?

  • Are you kidding?

  • No, we have a cafeteria.

  • The food is pretty good and cheap.

  • How about your laundry?

  • How do you wash your clothes?

  • We have laundry machines every other floor in the dorm building.

  • And what do you do for fun?

  • Sometimes we'll literally relax in someone's room and just talk.

  • Other times we take the subway downtown and visit museums or go to restaurants when we have money.

  • Or we go to the movie theater or to the park.

  • Do you party a lot?

  • No, I'm not a huge fan of parties.

  • I rarely go to parties.

  • For the simple fact that most of the parties I attended,

  • I realized it was better off not going.

  • Hello?

  • Hi, Grace. This is Nora.

  • Have you completed the class project?

  • Yeah, I finished it yesterday.

  • How about you?

  • No, not yet.

  • I'm having a hard time with the conclusion of my report.

  • Do you need any help?

  • Maybe just a little.

  • Do you have time tonight?

  • No, I'm sorry.

  • Tonight we are having guests over for dinner, so it's not possible.

  • Okay, no problem.

  • How about tomorrow night? Is that okay?

  • Yes, sure. It's perfect.

  • Can you come to my place?

  • Or would you rather have me come over to your house?

  • I prefer to come to your house.

  • My brother is expecting company tomorrow, and they'll surely be noisy.

  • Hooray!

  • Oh, man!

  • Okay, then let's meet at my house.

  • Sounds good.

  • What time should I come over?

  • How about 5 p.m.?

  • I can make some delicious pancakes.

  • Sounds great.

  • I love pancakes.

  • I will be there tomorrow at 5 p.m.

  • Wonderful.

  • See you tomorrow night.

  • Hey, Kathy.

  • Why do you look so down?

  • Oh, hi, Laura.

  • I just got my report card.

  • Is it that bad?

  • I was hoping to get a good grade in math class, but I didn't.

  • That's a hard class.

  • I know.

  • I did well in all of my other classes, but that one...

  • You should think about the good grades you received.

  • Don't worry about one class.

  • I know, but I worked very hard, so I had been hoping to get a good grade.

  • This is discouraging to me.

  • I always struggle with math despite putting in tons of effort to understand the concepts and time to practice.

  • You can't excel in all classes.

  • You're extremely talented in something else, like English, biology, drama.

  • Yeah, you make a point.

  • Thanks for your encouragement.

  • Maybe I'll hire a private math tutor to increase my math grades.

  • How did you do?

  • I did well.

  • I was most worried about science.

  • How did you do in your science class?

  • Better than I expected, but not a perfect grade.

  • How about math?

  • I did okay.

  • What does okay mean?

  • I got a B+.

  • I'm happy for you, but I'm sad for myself again.

  • Your essay's good, but I think it would be better if you cut out this paragraph here.

  • Also, it'd be a good idea to add a paragraph summing up your main point at the end.

  • This paragraph here is a bit strong.

  • Why not tone it down a bit?

  • And your point about pollution appears in several places.

  • Why not deal with it in just one paragraph?

  • And you only touch on the issue of climate change.

  • Surely that deserves a bit more space.

  • In fact, I really think you should try to set the whole thing out better.

  • Why don't you just write it then, Dad?

  • Hey, Danielle.

  • How did your American Literature test go yesterday?

  • It was awful.

  • I totally flunked it.

  • The questions about Betty Smith were very difficult.

  • Really? I loved all her books.

  • Did you study for the test?

  • Unfortunately, I didn't have time to study for it.

  • Did you take notes during class?

  • No, I didn't take any notes because the professor talked too fast.

  • I couldn't keep up with him.

  • And you missed a lot of classes, right?

  • That's because the class started too early in the morning and I just couldn't make it.

  • Did you read the books and did you do the assignments?

  • No.

  • No wonder you flunked the test.

  • Oh, stop putting me on the spot.

  • What about you? How did you do on the test?

  • I did pretty well because I studied hard for the test.

  • I went to every class, took notes, did the assignments, and read the books.

  • Well, good for you.

  • You better hit the books if you want to pass this course.

  • I can help you if you want to.

  • Really? That's very nice of you.

  • Have you seen the new student?

  • Yes, he's in my science class.

  • He's really good looking.

  • Oh, then you must be happy to study with him.

  • I envy you.

  • Frankly, I don't want to be his partner for any of the experiments.

  • I didn't know you were so shy.

  • It's not that.

  • People who are good looking usually aren't very smart.

  • And I'm sure that applies to him too.

  • But he has no interest in schoolwork.

  • He seems to be the kind of guy who is obsessed with his looks and takes a lot of selfies.

  • That's ridiculous.

  • How come you can tell about a person just by appearance?

  • Don't you know you should never judge a book by its cover?

  • From my experience, it's mostly true.

  • Well, I heard he was a class president at his last school.

  • What?

  • Hey, Larry.

  • Did you hear what happened in my science class today?

  • No. What happened, Mike?

  • Someone got caught cheating on the test.

  • Let me guess.

  • It was David again?

  • Exactly.

  • He really has the guts.

  • That was already the third time he did it.

  • He really can't learn his lesson, can he?

  • That's right. He is totally irresponsible.

  • How did he cheat this time?

  • He wrote some things on his hand and Mrs. Miller saw it.

  • What did she do when she saw him?

  • She sent him to the principal's office.

  • David's parents were called to school immediately.

  • They were really angry with him.

  • I wouldn't want to be in David's school.

  • I wouldn't want to be in David's shoes right now.

  • He had it coming.

  • Do you think they're going to suspend him from school?

  • They might, since this is the third time he did it.

  • I feel bad for his parents.

  • How nice of you to grace us with your presence.

  • Sorry, Professor. Traffic was bad.

  • Then I suggest you consider leaving home a little earlier in future.

  • My class starts at 10.30.

  • I expect that yours should, too.

  • Sorry. It won't happen again.

  • I should hope not.

  • As I was saying, class, I have graded last week's assignments.

  • Before I hand them out, let me say that some of you have done remarkably well, while others have performed almost unacceptably poorly.

  • I'd like to remind you that these assignments count towards your final grade for the semester.

  • You will do well to keep this in mind before next week's assignment.

  • Here is your assignment, Anthony.

  • Please see me once the class is dismissed.

  • Have a seat.

  • Is everything all right?

  • Yes. Why?

  • You were among the top five students in my class.

  • Since then, your grades have been dropping steadily and you regularly miss my classes.

  • Forgive my intrusion, but I always take a personal interest in very good students that show great promise.

  • What caused this sudden change in performance?

  • Are you going through anything at home, perhaps, that you'd like to speak about?

  • Everything's fine at home, Professor.

  • Are there any reasons at all contributing to the sharp downturn in your grades?

  • Traveling isn't easy.

  • I have to take two buses a day to get to campus and back.

  • It's very tiring.

  • I sympathize with you. I really do.

  • Still, there are other students who come from longer distances and attend all my classes.

  • If they can make this effort,

  • I'm sure you can too.

  • I promise to study harder from now on and attend all your classes.

  • I see a lot of potential in you.

  • I still consider you to be one of my best students.

  • Don't make me regret my opinion.

  • Thank you.

Hi Chris!

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