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  • Well, what do you think about the two candidates?

  • I think both candidates are very good and their academic background is excellent.

  • But I was more impressed by Evelyn because she was very confident and talkative.

  • Victoria was too shy, I guess.

  • What do you think?

  • That's right.

  • Victoria is obviously a quieter person.

  • She is quieter, yes, but she's obviously less confident, too.

  • Did you notice her weak handshake?

  • Evelyn's handshake was firm.

  • I don't think that detail is so important.

  • She also had poor eye contact.

  • She was extremely nervous.

  • Well

  • Great CV, great qualifications, but total lack of confidence.

  • And she never smiled.

  • I think she is a person who doesn't work well in stressful situations.

  • Evelyn had an expressive face, was smiling, and had very good eye contact.

  • Maybe she was just a bit intimidated by the whole setup.

  • That doesn't mean she can't handle stressful situations.

  • You want to reject her simply because she was a bit nervous?

  • How do we choose then, given the fact that their qualifications are almost identical?

  • Come to think of it, Victoria is more experienced.

  • By five months, not much of a difference.

  • Well, the quietest people are the smartest people.

  • The ones who talk less have the most brain power.

  • As I said, what else have we got to base our decision on?

  • Let's better go grab lunch and give it some more thought.

  • Okay.

  • Hello, what seems to be the problem with the washer, ma'am?

  • Well, my washer is draining super slowly until it just completely shuts off.

  • And then some kind of error pops out on the display.

  • I see.

  • It's very likely to be a clogged drain pump filter.

  • You can find the filter in the bottom right corner of the washer.

  • There is a little door here, see?

  • You must open it and take out the pump filter.

  • Here it is.

  • Oh, I didn't even know about this filter.

  • You must clean it every couple of months.

  • I see.

  • Okay, I've cleaned it.

  • Let's put it back.

  • Now the washer will start to drain quickly.

  • Let's just do a quick test.

  • I'll fill the washer up with water and then see how fast it drains it.

  • So we got the washer filled up.

  • Let's press start.

  • It's draining really nice and fast now.

  • Great.

  • Thank you so much for your help.

  • I'll make sure to keep the filter clean from now on.

  • Good afternoon, Community Clinic.

  • Sophia speaking.

  • How can I help you?

  • Hello, this is Paul Thomas.

  • I'm calling to make an appointment to see Dr. Martin.

  • It's about a checkup.

  • All right.

  • What day would you like to come in?

  • Thursday or Friday would be okay.

  • And I'd prefer late afternoon if you have an opening.

  • Let me see.

  • Thursday is pretty full.

  • How does 5.30 on Friday suit you?

  • Yes, 5.30 works for me.

  • All right, I'll put you down.

  • And the name was?

  • Paul Thomas.

  • And it was for a checkup, you said?

  • That's right.

  • Okay then, Paul.

  • We'll see you on Friday at 5.30.

  • Thanks a lot.

  • No problem.

  • Is there anything else I can help you with?

  • No thanks.

  • That'll be it.

  • Goodbye now.

  • Goodbye.

  • Hello.

  • I'd like to rent a car for a few days.

  • Hello.

  • Do you have your driver's license with you?

  • Yes, I do.

  • We have all kinds of cars available, from small-sized SUVs.

  • If you want an economy car, we have a nice hybrid.

  • Is it a four-door?

  • Yes, it is.

  • Take a look.

  • Well, it's a little small.

  • Do you have anything bigger and faster?

  • Well, we have a mid-sized car, but the hybrid is more economical.

  • How about a van?

  • I have a large family.

  • Sure, we have a van.

  • It's very roomy.

  • It's the biggest and most expensive of the three.

  • Well, I'll take the van.

  • How much is it?

  • It's $37.25 a day.

  • How long will you be renting the car?

  • Five days.

  • How many people will be driving the car?

  • Just myself.

  • Would you like insurance?

  • How much is it?

  • It is $14.95 a day, and it covers everything, regardless of fault.

  • Yes, of course.

  • Can I have your name?

  • Martha Clark.

  • Can I see your driver's license and a credit card?

  • Here you go.

  • Thank you.

  • Great.

  • That will be $261.

  • Please sign here.

  • Your expected time to return the car is September 15th.

  • When you return the car, bring this invoice with you.

  • Is there anything else I can do for you?

  • That will be all.

  • Thank you.

  • Thank you.

  • Goodbye.

  • What are you doing, Daniel?

  • You don't look very good.

  • Are you sick?

  • I have a nosebleed.

  • I have to wait until the bleeding stops.

  • It's dangerous to tilt your head back if you have a nosebleed, honey.

  • Blood can get into your throat if you sit in that position.

  • You may swallow it, and that can irritate your stomach.

  • But what should I do then, Mom?

  • You should lean your head forward and block your nostrils with your thumb and index finger.

  • How long should I hold it?

  • Keep holding it for about 10 minutes and let it go.

  • I see.

  • I didn't know that.

  • Do you know what caused the nosebleed?

  • I got hit in the nose by a ball just before coming in.

  • It was an accident.

  • Some kids were playing soccer.

  • I think it already stopped.

  • I'm okay now.

  • Good.

  • I'm so relieved.

  • Hello.

  • How can I help you today?

  • I was in a hurry, tripped and fell, and I think I broke my hand.

  • Can you move it?

  • No.

  • It hurts if I try to move it.

  • I see.

  • It's actually swollen.

  • Do you have your insurance card with you?

  • Yes, I do.

  • Here it is.

  • Dr. Miller is on duty in the ER today.

  • He'll have a look at your hand in a moment.

  • I'm Dr. Miller.

  • And your name is?

  • My name is Rob Allen.

  • I hear you have a hurt hand.

  • Let's look at that.

  • It will take some x-rays, but it definitely looks broken.

  • Will I need to have surgery?

  • No, you will need a cast.

  • How long does a cast take to put on?

  • It will take about 30 minutes.

  • Including the x-rays and putting on the cast, we should have you out of here in about 2 hours.

  • Will it be uncomfortable wearing it?

  • Well, it can cause your underlying skin to feel itchy.

  • How long do I need to wear the cast?

  • For about a month.

  • But let's first get you to the x-ray room.

  • Mr. Baker, where were you on August 25th at approximately 9 in the morning?

  • I was in my car at the intersection of Main and Smith.

  • What were you doing at that time?

  • I was driving.

  • Where were you going?

  • I was going to work.

  • What happened next?

  • I was stopped at a red light and struck from behind by another car.

  • How long were you stopped before being struck from behind?

  • A few seconds.

  • What was the impact like?

  • It was pretty severe.

  • What do you mean by that?

  • The crash was loud, my head snapped back, and my neck hurt.

  • I felt really dizzy at the time.

  • Explain what you mean by your neck hurt.

  • I was stiff and I had sharp pains going into my shoulder area.

  • What happened next?

  • Soon an ambulance arrived at the scene.

  • The attendants approached me and asked me some questions.

  • They put me in a neck brace and placed me on a stretcher and then into the ambulance.

  • What happened once you arrived at the emergency room?

  • A nurse came in and cleaned the wound, put the bandages on, and called the doctor.

  • What happened then?

  • The doctor came in and looked at me.

  • He admitted me to the hospital and sent me to x-ray.

  • I found out that the impact caused me to suffer an injury requiring surgery.

Well, what do you think about the two candidates?

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